SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Mask Data In Oracle Table

Aug 4, 2011

In my project I am getting production dump for performance testing and I need to mask few columns with sensitive information.

How can I mask the data in Oracle?

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Security :: How To Mask Data In Oracle 11g Database Release 1

Oct 16, 2012

how to mask data in oracle 11g database release 1

my environment is
Database: 11g release 1
os: AIX 6 (64 bit)
GC:10g release 1

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Date Mask For Data?

Jan 8, 2011

I am trying to load my data from a CSV file to an oracle table using SQL LOADER. What should be the syntax of DATE MASK for the below kind of data.


I am using the following control file



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Any Inbuilt Procedure To Mask Table Columns

Aug 11, 2012

i never try masking of oracle columns before, and i will want to try masking some columns in oracle database. Just to check if the columns are masked and user using sqlplus or sql developer will not be able to access the columns.

However my application is require to get the values in the back end. Is it possible for my web application to unmask the column values? does my web application requires to call any procedure(create by oracle) in order to unmask the values? I have google and found that oracle can use VPD to mask the columns.Just to check if VPD is a inbuilt procedure by oracle to perform masking? can VPD perform unmasking of values? can it be call by web application?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Add A Mask To Field

Jun 23, 2010

need to add a mask to my field. I'm trying this:TO_CHAR (IMPORTADOR.RUC, .000.000./0000-00 '00 ') IMP_RUC,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Mask A Column Value Present In Production

Nov 27, 2012

How we can mask a column value present in the production which is very sesitive like bank a/c no,Credit card nos etc while replicating to the test/development envirnoments in PL/SQL.Things that need to be considered is referential integrity,data types,length of the column and performace while execuing the code.

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Forms :: Date Format Mask

May 12, 2011

In 10G forms the date format mask in all the items in forms are removed.

As the nls_date_format in database is (dd-mon-rr) the same is expected to come in Oracle 10G forms. Now it is coming as (DD-MON-YYYY) in 10G forms. I tried looking into the nls_session_date format in runtime in forms it is showing as (dd-mon-rr) but in item it displays as(DD-MON-YYYY). How will i display the date format set in the DB or were is the setting done in Oracle 10G forms.

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Forms :: Format Mask To Char Field

Jun 16, 2010

I want to add format mask on my field...

my field datatype is char in forms and in database VARCHAR2(30) and I want to add format mask as follows


in format mask of this field property I give it to format mast like as


when I run the form and when I write and exit from this field then it returns the error.

FRM-40209: Field must be of form FMAAAAA"-"AAAAAAA"-"A

EDIT by VK: Seems your CAPS lock is on or the Shift is stuck.

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Forms :: Format Mask Allows To Click Anywhere On The Field

Oct 8, 2012

I have one NUMBER field with size 15. I have set format mask 999,999,999,999,999 on this field. This is formatting the data I am entering in that field. But the problem is if I enter a value in that field and moves to another field. And if I want to edit the previous field again I have to keep the cursor at the left end of the value.

For example I enter 3,000 in the field. If I want to edit the field again, I have to edit it from left like 1,233,000. I cannot edit it at the end(like 3,000,123).

Even I can click anywhere in that field where I have the format mask. check the screen shot in the attachment. In the red square, you can find a value with space in between.

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PL/SQL :: Order By Date Column With A Format Mask

May 16, 2013

10g- 10.2.0

This is my query

select to_char(exp_Date,'Mon-YYYY') dt, count(*) from exp_main
where exp_type like 'Income%Photo%'
group by to_char(exp_Date,'Mon-YYYY')
order by exp_date

When I run this I get :not a GROUP BY expression

If I remove the order by, it works fine.

Is there a way to order by since the output of the query is character-sorted.

I did search online most have suggested to use order by column_name. But does not work for me.

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Forms :: How To Change Format Mask Date In Ontime Where

Feb 11, 2010

how to change Format mask date in Ontime Where



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Application Express :: Format Mask For Percent Sign

May 16, 2013

Is there no format mask for Percent sign. My customer is creating a Computed field and wants to have the percent sign added to the result. (like a dollar sign). I saw some posts about adding jQuery..??? Is this going to be added to the APEX code some day?

Just like the Money format, FML999G999G999G999G990D00, where did FML come from? it translates to a dollar sign. Isn't there something that could translate to a percent sign

990D000PCT     75.328%

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Security :: Masking Options / Techniques To Mask Few Columns

Nov 26, 2012

I am looking for Masking options/techniques to mask few columns. I am aware of the option Oracle Data Masking Pack. But its costly.

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Application Express :: Number Mask Format With Tabular Form (Text Field)

Aug 24, 2012

By default number that "starts" with a leading zero with decimals - zero is removed. 0.49 => .49

I'm adding for e.g. the mask "FM990D0999". 0.49 => 0.49

Ok this is fixed.But if I have an integer without decimal. 1 => 1.0

If I change the mask to FM990D9999 1=> 1.

I would like to have a zero leading when it's 0.49 but also no decimal when it's an integer => 1

APEX 4.0 with 11g

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SQL & PL/SQL :: XML Data Stored In Oracle Table

Nov 8, 2010

I have a XML data that needs to be stored in oracle table and it is read from a java application. what datatype will suit for XML storage varchar2 or CLOB. The length of XML will be less than 4000.

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PL/SQL :: Table Data Size In Oracle 11g?

Jul 12, 2013

how to find the data size in particular Table?Ex:I need find out the sh.sales table how much data size is loaded

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Oracle 9i - Delete Data One By One From Particular Table

Oct 28, 2008

I need to create a stored procedure in Oracle 9i which will automatically delete data one by one from a particular table and then by means of same procedure insert record one by one in same table.

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Oracle Triggers - Copy Data From One Table To Other

Jul 9, 2008

Triggers for oracle database. What I am trying to do is copy original data from one table to another table prior to an update, insert, or delete occurring. Basically we are trying to keep a transactional history, with out having to restore the data. Here is what I have created to date, however it is not executing consistently.


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Oracle Inventory / Sql Table Not Pulling Any Data

Aug 14, 2013

There are two oracle inventory tables, I found that used to pull up data before but not anymore . It is



I need to use all the columns/data that are in these two tables. I am not finding any equivalent table. where can I retrieve these information from?

Select * from MTL_BIS_INV_BY_PERIOD;

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Forms :: Update Table Data Via Oracle 10g

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to develop a form consisting of a key block and a single data block. The problem is that the driving table is not the table that needs to be updated.

user wants the following layout:student Advisor
ID# name degree major Concentration ID# name
The driving table (TABLE A) will supply the first 5 fields. The advisor ID comes from (TABLE B).

The user needs to update the adviser ID# field associated with the student ID# field. The form is to be tabular listing all students. I've seen some info on using procedures to insert, delete, update, query and lock tables, but i'm just not sure if that's what is needed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loading Data Through Oracle External Table?

Sep 14, 2011

I am loading data using Oracle External Table.

I am faced with certain errors which I am unable to proceed with.

Forwarding the source code snippet of the script of the oracle procedure.

The Source Code

drop table nar_temp_xtern;
create table nar_temp_xtern
cost_centre varchar2(06),
description varchar2(80),
field3 varchar2(80),


Errors received :

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout
ORA-29400: data cartridge error
KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters
KUP-01005: syntax error: found "badfile": expecting one of: "column, enclosed,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Creation - Import Data In Oracle?

Sep 20, 2012

i have 1 xcel sheet in formatted data i want to import data in oracle table .. how do i do dat??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Load Oracle Table Data Into EXCEL Sheet

Jan 3, 2011

how to load oracle table data into EXCEL Sheet .

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Convert Data From 6i To Oracle Table

Jul 10, 2011

How To Convert Data from Reports 6i to oracle Tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Logic To Find Table Names And Data In Oracle?

Feb 1, 2013

I have a schema DEF and I have a column_name CREATE_DATE.

I wanted to write a procedure which will give me list of tables whose CREATE_DATE data is prior to year 2009.

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Import Data From Excel To Oracle Table Using Toad

Dec 26, 2012

how to import data from Excel sheet (inside server) to oracle DB.

Explanation : I need to automate this work, whenever i get an excel sheets with table values, i need to import the table values in to oracle DB automatically.I need an immediate solution for this.

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PL/SQL :: How To Read CSV File And Insert Data Into Oracle Table

Feb 6, 2013

I have a Clob file as a in parameter in my PROC. . File is comma separated.need procedure that would parse this CLOB variable and populate in oracle table .

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Join Two Oracle Tables For Fast Fetch Of Data From Table?

Jul 2, 2012

join two oracle tables for fast fetch of data from table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Append Data To Existing CLOB Field In Oracle Table

Sep 13, 2010

code to append data of 32k to exisitng CLOB field in an oracle table..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Load Data In Oracle Table Into Excel File

Dec 29, 2010

send me the procedure for loading the data in an oracle table into an excel file.

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