Import Data From Excel To Oracle Table Using Toad

Dec 26, 2012

how to import data from Excel sheet (inside server) to oracle DB.

Explanation : I need to automate this work, whenever i get an excel sheets with table values, i need to import the table values in to oracle DB automatically.I need an immediate solution for this.

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Client Tools :: Import Excel File To Database Table Using TOAD?

Jan 16, 2011

want to load data from an excel file to a database table in Oracle. I am using Oracle 11 and the excel file has 3 columns as compared to 5 columns in the destination table. I want to generate sequential nos also for the table.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Excel Data Import Into Oracle?

Jun 25, 2012

how excel data import into oracle

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Forms :: Import Data From Excel To Oracle?

Jun 21, 2013

I have designed a form to import data from an excel worksheet into an Oracle Form and It works pretty fine.

I use either Ole2.get_char_property or Ole2.get_num_property depending to the property of the column to read data but there are some columns used by both property which means that database is designed as VARCHAR2. The user can maintain either a numeric or characteristic data there. So I am looking for a solution to be able to make the program more flexible that he can read the property of the cell in excel file and decide what to use between Ole2.get_char_property and Ole2.get_num_property to read from excel file properly.

solve the problem regarding reading from Varchar2 columns.

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Client Tools :: Import Of Data From Excel File Into Table?

May 28, 2012

We have a table partymast. we want to import the data into this table using excel file having extension .csv. I am explaining all the things below:

select *from partymast

partyid partyname accountname aacname
aa aa 10014000023367 Ashish

select * from master

masterid mname
10014000023367 Ashish

aacname column in partymast table is fetching from master table mname column.

We have third table name IMPEXP

Iename iedesc ietype iedef
import party master import party master imp {ImportStart}

Sir, I am enclosing the Excel file. what will be the next step that we should filllow.

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Server Utilities :: Import Millions Of Data From Excel To Oracle 11g?

Mar 6, 2013

how to import millions of data from excel to oracle?

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Server Utilities :: Import Data Type Date From Excel To Oracle

Feb 20, 2013

I have imported data from excel to oracle 11g. But i found an error like

"Ensure format is entered for datatypes 'Date' and 'TIMESTAMP' on data type pane".

after that i try to modify type date in oracle become 'dd-mmm-yyyy'

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Client Tools :: TOAD Data Extract Excel 2007

Nov 4, 2010

I have a question regarding data extraction to Excel.Is there any patch or update that makes it possible to extract to Excel 2007 and not only 2003?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Load Oracle Table Data Into EXCEL Sheet

Jan 3, 2011

how to load oracle table data into EXCEL Sheet .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Import Excel File To Table

Jan 10, 2013

I have two columns in excel which i need to import in oracle table , but the problem is one column is of type date , i want the same date format to be maintained in table too.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Load Data In Oracle Table Into Excel File

Dec 29, 2010

send me the procedure for loading the data in an oracle table into an excel file.

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Import Excel To Database Table By Column Mapping

May 24, 2013

Using oracle forms 6i i want to carray out following task.

suppose i've table with following fields namely

loc_id, del_date, del_time, del_id

and i've excel sheet with following details

20-03-13 loc120:30:45RDT-01
25-03-13 loc215:25:30RTD-02
26-03-13 loc310:15:20RTD-03

want to import this excel data to my oracle table but l_id in my table is in first place but in excel sheet it is in second place, del_date in my table is in second place but in excel sheet it is in first place.

next time i may get excel sheet which will be like this

did lid date dtime
DEL-01loc1 20-03-1320:30:45
DEL-03loc2 25-03-1315:25:30

This excel sheet also have different oreder than my database table and i want to import it to my database table using forms 6i. yes, i suppose to use ole2 package but my problem is how to map the columns.

I've already design a form i required i can attach it or provide screen shot of the same.

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Forms :: How To Import Excel Sheet To Oracle

Sep 18, 2004

How To import data through forms from excel.I have an excel sheet and i have to import these sheet to oracle.but through forms how should i do.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import Table Without Messing Up Existing Data In Table

Sep 6, 2012

table already exist & its little data too, may have to imp rest of lost data, is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y CONSTRAINTS=n

scenerio2 (if have to drop & recreate the entire table) is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y

just for single table imp

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Creation - Import Data In Oracle?

Sep 20, 2012

i have 1 xcel sheet in formatted data i want to import data in oracle table .. how do i do dat??

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Forms :: Import Excel By Column Mapping Using Oracle 6i

May 25, 2013

I want to imopert excel data by coloumn mapping to oracle table using forms 6i". for this I've created a form which is having following details.

1. path, file name text field and button called browse. when the form load. click on browse botton, and user will be asked to go to specific drive and select the excel file. The file path is stored in path text field and file name is displayed on file name text field.

2. After doing this I've porvide a button called column. after selecting the file click on column button. Once the button is pressed all column heading of the selected excel file get displayed on the text fields which i've provide on the form.

3. In frot of each column headig field I've provide list box which contains database table column heading. Now user have to select table column according to his excel column. (i.e I am asking user to map his excel column with oracle table column.)

4. Once the maping from user is done, I've provide button called process. once the button is pressed all the data from excel is to get insert in to database colmum.

what i've achive -
- User is able to select file path and file name get displayed.
- Columns heding of excel get displayed on the form.
problem area
-In the process button code column heading get change dynamically but records i.e actual data does not.
-I am able to insert records into table, but only when excel column heading sequence is same as database table column.

excel column = table column
route = route
date = del_date
time = del_time
id = tran_id

In above situation record get insert into table. But when only excel column sequence change that time data is not inserted into table. If required i can upload my form and sample excel sheet also provide table script.

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Client Tools :: Toad / Export And Import - Value Difference For Big Numbers?

Oct 13, 2010

I wanted to load some data(selected rows) from one system to other.

from source(production) system Toad: selected * from employee table where registration date is not today.

from data grid I exported the rows using save as (in insert statement format) to employee.sql.

the sql file(employee.sql) has the below values for emaplyee 2,60716197237375E17 in the source(production) system this value is 260716197237375278, Later I loaded the sql file to dev system at linux prompt with sql file


I retrieved the data after loading using to_char

select toc_char(emp_code) from employee_t;

the value I got is :260716197237375000

where as my expectation is : 260716197237375000

Is there any configuration required on linux system to convert the data correctly while loading to database using @employee.sql?

To conclude:

Exported value : 260716197237375278 (but exported as 2,60716197237375E17)

After import the value is : 260716197237375000 instead 260716197237375000

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Getting Error While Importing DMP File Through Toad

Oct 25, 2012

Im trying to import DMP file through Toad but below error while importing. My DMP file from 11G and importing into 10g server.

ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-39143: dump file "D:oracleproduct10.2.0adminorcl1dpdumpdumpfile1.dmp" may be an original export dump file

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export And Import Of Data Not Table And Data?

Sep 11, 2012

Export and import of data in oracle forms...i have created 02 boutons one for export his trigger like this:

alrt number;
v_directory varchar2(200) := 'c:ackup'; --- that if the C Drive not the Drive that the windows had installed in it.
path varchar2(100):='back_up'
v_exp varchar2(200) := 'exp hamada/hamada2013@orcl file = '

this code is correct he expot not only the data but also the creation of the table ....for exemple i do export and everything is good until now and i find the .dmp in the folder backup .. but when i deleted all data from my app and try to import this .dmp iit show me error it tell me thet the table phone is already created...just export the data of phone not the creation of table and data ???? or how can i import just the data from this .dmp ??

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Spooling Into Excel - Retrieves Data From Different Table

Dec 25, 2010

i have a requirement..i have a script which retrieves data from different table and my requirement is using spool, i need the data from each table to be spooled into different sheets in the same excel sheet.

CODEspool d:\spool\spool1.xls
select * from tab1;
select * from tab2;
select * from tab3;
spool off

in the above code, data from tab1 should be spooled into sheet1 and data from should be spooled into sheet2 and so on.. in the same excel.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Export Of Table Data To Excel Through Code?

Jan 20, 2012

code for:

Export table data to excel file in Oracle PL/SQL.

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Client Tools :: Export Toad Saved Username Password And Import On Sqldevloper?

Jul 1, 2013

I want to use the saved Toad username password into SqlDeveloper. is there any way to use the same username password without recreating new connection to users.

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Forms :: Reading Excel Data And Inserting Into Table Using 6i?

Feb 16, 2004

how to read the excel data and insert into tables without using SQL loader. i tried using OLE2 package,but i am getting an non-oracle exception. even i tried using CSV format. but i couldn't make it.

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PL/SQL :: How To Do A Loop On Table And Export Data In Excel Format

Dec 13, 2012

i need to do a loop on a table and export the data in Excel format (so i need a procedure to do it).

write a java class that build this Excel.. oracle procedure loop around the data and every step my Java class write on Excel file.

So, for this i should initialize my java class for example

public class ExcelExporter{
private String fileName;
public ExcelExporter(String fileName){
this.fileName = fileName;

So, for this issuse i should call the ExcelExporter costructor from my PL/SQL so i can create an object of it and next i use this to populate my Excel.

How its possible to create Java object from PLSQL ? I've seen on the net all procedure call only Java static methods...

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Load Excel Data To Oracle?

Jul 3, 2008

How can i convert my ms excel record into oracle records??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loading Data From Oracle Into Excel

Jul 18, 2012

We have requirement such that whenever stored procedure is executed, their resultant records has to be stored in excel file ( Just like an reports ).No third party tool or reporting tools are used.

is there any option in oracle (Stored procedure or built in packages ) which can create excel file with the resultant records.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Load Excel Data Into Oracle

Dec 28, 2010

how to load a XL sheet data into oracleDB.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inserting Excel Data Into Oracle?

Sep 24, 2011

I want to insert excel data into Oracle.

Excel File Name : Product 01
Excel columns
File Send on 13/02/2011

Arrival Date Product Code Gate Pass Quantity Inpection
01/02/2011 00002 Y 2 Y
03/02/2011 00001 Y 10 Y
04/02/2011 00005 Y 14 Y 03/02/2011 00006 Y 74 Y

File Send on 14/02/2011

Arrival Date Product Code Gate Pass Quantity Inpection
01/02/2011 00002 Y 2 Y
03/02/2011 00001 Y 10 Y
04/02/2011 00005 Y 14 Y 03/02/2011 00006 Y 74 Y
---New Updated Data
05/02/2011 00002 Y 2 Y
06/02/2011 00001 Y 10 Y
05/02/2011 00005 Y 14 Y 05/02/2011 00006 Y 74 Y

I just want to insert data according to my structure But if again the same file send with updated data it will only update the new data because previous data is imported.

Oracle Structure
Arrival Date Date,
Product Code char(5),
Quantity Number

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Reg Data Exporting To Excel From Oracle?

Dec 8, 2010

Now we are having 100+ sql queries and we making all those queries as procedures.after that we want to schedule those procedures and get data to export into excel file.

so we are planning to use utl_file to get data export excel. we may have rows of 30000 it utl_file will be able upload all these rows into excel.any performance issue will come.

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