Spooling Into Excel - Retrieves Data From Different Table

Dec 25, 2010

i have a requirement..i have a script which retrieves data from different table and my requirement is using spool, i need the data from each table to be spooled into different sheets in the same excel sheet.

CODEspool d:\spool\spool1.xls
select * from tab1;
select * from tab2;
select * from tab3;
spool off

in the above code, data from tab1 should be spooled into sheet1 and data from should be spooled into sheet2 and so on.. in the same excel.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Spooling Every 25 Rows In Excel?

Oct 11, 2012

I need to create a program wherein it will create an excel files through spool command for every 25 records only. So if my select statement will return 100 records, it will create 4 excel files, 25 records for each excel file. i have these sample codes,it should be the logic, but then i'm having syntax error.

set serveroutput on size 1000000


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Spooling Data In Pipe Delimited File

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to Spool the data in pipe delimitted csv file but some of the records going on another line from the same records. Currently some of the data going to next line as below oulined in the 2nd and 3rd line (in bold - |Home & Family) . I have following sql setting in my spool file:

set linesize 4000 pagesize 0 trimspool on feedback off verify off echo off
set define off
spool Stk_hold_Sec_Tsk.csv

I tried increase linesize to 5000 but its not working.

PSS:Production Manager|ZS:PsS:PP:PROD_TCODES|P2S: PP - Production Transactions|House & street
PSS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_MGR|BW PsS Reports Manager
[b]|House & street[/b]

PsS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_USER|BW PsS Reports User
[b]|House & street[/b]

PsS:Master Data (PDMs)|ZS:GEN:GENERAL_USER|GEN: General User|House & street

Data should be like into the file:

PSS:Production Manager|ZS:PsS:PP:PROD_TCODES|P2S: PP - Production Transactions|House & street
PSS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_MGR|BW PsS Reports Manager|House & street
PsS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_USER|BW PsS Reports User|House & street
PsS:Master Data (PDMs)|ZS:GEN:GENERAL_USER|GEN: General User|House & street

I think it should be something with linesize or pagesize but not sure

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PL/SQL :: Spooling Data From Remote Server To Local Machine

Feb 6, 2013

I need to spool data from a remote server using putty(sqlplus) to a local machine. There are credentials i need to give before accessing the remote databases and i am able to do it..i tired with the below query but the spool file(csv or txt) is not able to create on local machine.

set colsep ,
set pagesize 120
set trimspool on
set headsep off
set linesize 1000
set numw

spool D: estmyfile.csv
select table_name, tablespace_name from all_tables;
spool off

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Export Of Table Data To Excel Through Code?

Jan 20, 2012

code for:

Export table data to excel file in Oracle PL/SQL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Load Oracle Table Data Into EXCEL Sheet

Jan 3, 2011

how to load oracle table data into EXCEL Sheet .

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Forms :: Reading Excel Data And Inserting Into Table Using 6i?

Feb 16, 2004

how to read the excel data and insert into tables without using SQL loader. i tried using OLE2 package,but i am getting an non-oracle exception. even i tried using CSV format. but i couldn't make it.

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Import Data From Excel To Oracle Table Using Toad

Dec 26, 2012

how to import data from Excel sheet (inside server) to oracle DB.

Explanation : I need to automate this work, whenever i get an excel sheets with table values, i need to import the table values in to oracle DB automatically.I need an immediate solution for this.

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PL/SQL :: How To Do A Loop On Table And Export Data In Excel Format

Dec 13, 2012

i need to do a loop on a table and export the data in Excel format (so i need a procedure to do it).

write a java class that build this Excel.. oracle procedure loop around the data and every step my Java class write on Excel file.

So, for this i should initialize my java class for example

public class ExcelExporter{
private String fileName;
public ExcelExporter(String fileName){
this.fileName = fileName;

So, for this issuse i should call the ExcelExporter costructor from my PL/SQL so i can create an object of it and next i use this to populate my Excel.

How its possible to create Java object from PLSQL ? I've seen on the net all procedure call only Java static methods...

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Client Tools :: Import Of Data From Excel File Into Table?

May 28, 2012

We have a table partymast. we want to import the data into this table using excel file having extension .csv. I am explaining all the things below:

select *from partymast

partyid partyname accountname aacname
aa aa 10014000023367 Ashish

select * from master

masterid mname
10014000023367 Ashish

aacname column in partymast table is fetching from master table mname column.

We have third table name IMPEXP

Iename iedesc ietype iedef
import party master import party master imp {ImportStart}

Sir, I am enclosing the Excel file. what will be the next step that we should filllow.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Load Data In Oracle Table Into Excel File

Dec 29, 2010

send me the procedure for loading the data in an oracle table into an excel file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Single Excel File For Emp Table Department Wise In Different Sheets Of Excel

Mar 30, 2012

I need to generate a single excel file which each department details in seperate sheets of the excel file, each sheet should ne named with department no (ex :Dept_10, Dept_20,Dept_30) and the main excel should be named as Emp_details.

Header row and total row should be in bold.I have created 3 individual excels thru toad and moved them to single excel and renamed the sheets.

Can we programatically do this thru SQL or PL/SQL, does Oracle provide any build packages for excel.As excel files cannot be uploaded,I am unable to upload the excel file I generated manually.

select to_char(empno) empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
nvl(sal,0) sal,nvl(comm,0) comm,nvl(sal,0) + nvl(comm,0) "Total Income" ,deptno
from emp
where deptno = 10
union all
select 'Total',null,null,null,null,sum(nvl(sal,0)),sum(nvl(comm,0)),sum(nvl(sal,0))+sum(nvl(comm,0)),null
from emp
where deptno = 10;

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Server Utilities :: Export Excel Sheet Data In Database Table?

Jul 17, 2012

i want to export excel sheet in database table, so i have converted excel file in .csv file(comma delimated)and made control file, then i started sqlldr by double clicking on it. path is-D:oracleproduct10.2.0client_1BIN

i run this command from cmd-

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:UsersNeetesh>sqlldr scott/tiger@localdb control=c:/users/neetesh/scott_data.
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Jul 17 17:20:33 2012


and i attached the .ctl file. and .csv file is stored on same directory as .ctl file, why oracle couldn't find the .ctl file.

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Forms :: Export Table Data Into Excel Sheet On Local Machine Or Server Itself?

Oct 9, 2013

i am accessing a form from server through URL using oracle application server FORMS & REPORT services. and i am trying to export table data into excel sheet on my local machine or the server itself.

i am using the following code on WHEN BUTTON PRESSED

RCount Number := 0;


this does not give any error and any result as well. the above code very much fine while i run it on my local laptop.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Spooling From XML

Mar 29, 2010

I am using Oracle 10g and I have XML stored in column XMLTYPE of my table. I want the XML in a flat file and process it to C exe.
My XML Structure is like this


When I try to spool the XML i get the o/p without new line format as


I want the o/p with new line after every tag and replace character like & to & . i can use utl_file too but spool is easy

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Spooling Xml Column Into One Single Row?

Jun 17, 2013

I have been trying to spool a table into a .lst. The table is spooled correctly, but there is a column which has xmlType data into. The problem is it does not write the xml into a single row. Every time it find a xml node, the spooling gets indented.

My code is as follows:

-- Establece opciones de formato.
set echo off;
set feedback off;
set heading off;
set recsep off;
set verify off;
set embedded off;
set long 1000000;
set pagesize 0;
SET LINESIZE unlimited;
set trimout off;
set trimspool on;
set serveroutput on size unlimited;
set term on;

-- Definicion de variables del script
prompt Introducir Creador de la tabla
prompt Creador de la tabla: &&1
prompt Introducir Nombre de la tabla
prompt Nombre de la tabla: &&2
prompt Introducir Directorio del fichero
prompt Directorio del fichero: &&3
prompt Introducir Nombre del fichero
prompt Nombre del fichero: &&4
prompt Introducir Caracter separador de campos
prompt Caracter separador de campos: &&5
prompt Campo fecha: &&6

-- Redirige la salida al fichero

spool /&&3/&&4
SELECT H5279_CD_EMP || '&&5' ||
H5279_LOCAL_ID || '&&5' ||
H5279_LOG_TYPE || '&&5' ||
H5279_GLOBL_ID || '&&5' ||
TO_CHAR(H5279_CREATED, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') || '&&5' ||

[Code] .......

where the field LOGDATA contains the xml. And the output im getting is as follows(I have attached the file)

0049|16052B0E44E3A30037E3CB59|4|16052B0E44E3BF0037D9CB4E|2013-06-12 11:51:16.387|16052B0E44E3A90037E2CB58|n31001||trxOpService|BDPESP_CIC_SAN_ENS_V1|||INTERNET|ALN_BDPGPO_Localizperscomun|| OI_LocalizarPersPorDocumentoComun|||ISWSBKSD149|frNixc6Vlic01jhixt5TkfT|16052A9553AE930037FAC740| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


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Spooling Column Headers Correctly

Sep 13, 2012

Im trying spooling a file in DB with below mentioned details.

set heading on

file .sql has 20 odd columns.

When file is spooled, it shows no columns headers at the top, why is it happening, I don't want to spool column headers separately.

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Client Tools :: Spooling Output In Windows

May 12, 2010

I am an IT auditor who has been using Oracle 10g Express to test some audit scripts we have created. I write the output of each query in the script to a separate file because it makes it easier for us to go through. However, I cannot get SQLPlus to spool the output files at all. I do not get any errors from running the script, and I can see the results in the SQLPlus window, but I cannot find where the files are actually spooling to, if they are spooling at all.

I didn't specify a network path for any of the spool files because the scripts need to be as generic as possible so they can run on any Windows or UNIX box. An example of my code is below:

spool Audit_Ver


spool off

But if I search my harddrive for "Audit_Ver" no such file can be found anywhere.

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Client Tools :: How To Remove Dotted Line While Spooling

Jan 27, 2010

i have a issue that when i spool the sql command i get a doted lines below the heading. how to eliminate the doted line but need the heading.

-------------------- -----------------------------------

Needed :


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JVM :: Java Print API Shows Different Job Name On Printer Than In Spooling Queue

Sep 20, 2013

I am using Java print API (javax.print package) to send a bunch of documents for printing. Below is the code section that I am using to print documents through java program. When the document is sent for printing, I see the Job name is created properly in the print spooling queue on windows machine. But, when i go to the actual printer, the job name is different on the printer than what i saw in spooling. Since I am printing 100s of documents in batch, it gets very difficult to identify which document did not print, in case of issues.  I also used the java.awt.print package . The java.awt. print. PrinterJob has a method setJobName(String). When i used this package, I got the name appear properly in both places. But I wish to use javax.print with the document name appear on printer queue.    

public void printDocument(File pDoc, PrintService pService, DocFlavor pFlavor)   
throws Exception  {    logMessage(true, "Printing Doc::" + pDoc.getAbsolutePath());   
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(pDoc);    
// Create the print job    DocPrintJob job = pService.createPrintJob();    
//Set print request attributes with file name as job  

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Client Tools :: Ignore Sql Prompt And Command Entered While Spooling?

Oct 24, 2011

Is it possible to ignore the sql command prompt and the command entered while spooling. I tried the to set echo off,term off and some more options but it did not work.


SQL> spool c: est.log
SQL> Prompt "This is a test"
"This is a test"
SQL> spool off;

The spool file has the following

SQL> Prompt "This is a test"
"This is a test"
SQL> spool off;

Is it possible to set some options so that the spool file only contains output.

"This is a test"

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How To Automate A Data Into Excel

Dec 1, 2011

how to automate a data from oracle into excel...i have a table "emp" in oracle database now i need colums of emp ex:firstname ,last name, id from that table into excel.

so i need a script which when you schedule it it should create a excel file in particular postion,i was told we have to crete a directory from sql and using utl_file then we have to write a script and then schedule that.out look in excel should be

firstname lastname id
sam douglas 1
john - 2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Data Into Excel

Mar 21, 2012

Data that enter by user in database having " in the sentences

"My Smurf Village



My select statement is

Select column1,column2,column3 from table. Output in toad perfect but When I export into excel using pipe | as a separator, the output become

column1 in excel
My Smurf Village|Farmvile

column2 in excel

How I can code my program so that when extract to excel " is recognized as sentences. output are correct as in database?

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Data To Be Provided Into Excel

Aug 16, 2012


My client has asked me to provide production data from a xyz table into excel.The constrain for the same is that he needs the data for a particular month within a specific range of dates.

Is this possible using oracle utilities like SQL developer, plsqldeveloper or toad or any other. If yes i want to know if this is possible without using the same?

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Load Excel Data To Oracle?

Jul 3, 2008

How can i convert my ms excel record into oracle records??

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Forms :: Export Data From SQL Plus To MS Excel?

Nov 11, 2010

i have problem with export data from SQL to excel format my question do i can export directly data from sql to excel or i have to write sql statement in form report and from form i can export it to excel

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Forms :: To Excel Data Transfer

Apr 8, 2010

I found another way to transfer the data from forms to excel apart from doing it through ole2 or client. So thought of sharing it with all...

Here it goes:-

ifile client_text_io.file_type;
temp varchar2(1000);
Cursor c1 is select ename, job from emp;


Attach webutil to form and just paste the code on a button and log on to scott. The excel file will be created in c: drive with name test.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loading Data From Oracle Into Excel

Jul 18, 2012

We have requirement such that whenever stored procedure is executed, their resultant records has to be stored in excel file ( Just like an reports ).No third party tool or reporting tools are used.

is there any option in oracle (Stored procedure or built in packages ) which can create excel file with the resultant records.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Excel Data Import Into Oracle?

Jun 25, 2012

how excel data import into oracle

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