I have one NUMBER field with size 15. I have set format mask 999,999,999,999,999 on this field. This is formatting the data I am entering in that field. But the problem is if I enter a value in that field and moves to another field. And if I want to edit the previous field again I have to keep the cursor at the left end of the value.
For example I enter 3,000 in the field. If I want to edit the field again, I have to edit it from left like 1,233,000. I cannot edit it at the end(like 3,000,123).
Even I can click anywhere in that field where I have the format mask. check the screen shot in the attachment. In the red square, you can find a value with space in between.
In 10G forms the date format mask in all the items in forms are removed.
As the nls_date_format in database is (dd-mon-rr) the same is expected to come in Oracle 10G forms. Now it is coming as (DD-MON-YYYY) in 10G forms. I tried looking into the nls_session_date format in runtime in forms it is showing as (dd-mon-rr) but in item it displays as(DD-MON-YYYY). How will i display the date format set in the DB or were is the setting done in Oracle 10G forms.
select to_char(exp_Date,'Mon-YYYY') dt, count(*) from exp_main where exp_type like 'Income%Photo%' group by to_char(exp_Date,'Mon-YYYY') order by exp_date
When I run this I get :not a GROUP BY expression
If I remove the order by, it works fine.
Is there a way to order by since the output of the query is character-sorted.
I did search online most have suggested to use order by column_name. But does not work for me.
Is there no format mask for Percent sign. My customer is creating a Computed field and wants to have the percent sign added to the result. (like a dollar sign). I saw some posts about adding jQuery..??? Is this going to be added to the APEX code some day?
Just like the Money format, FML999G999G999G999G990D00, where did FML come from? it translates to a dollar sign. Isn't there something that could translate to a percent sign
I have a ssn field where the user enter value to search for the ssn. I want to format the field so the user can enter in the xxx-xx-xxxx format only. If the user enters a wrong format and tries to search i should prompt a message saying wrong format. How can i achieve this.
I want to get the last month of my table “a” (Which is in number format) and after that I want to change it to a date format and insert into my table “b”.
I have already done the max month query:
SELECT DISTINCT MONTH_ID ---This data is the one that I would like to change format "mon-yyyy" FROM Table_a WHERE MONTH_ID = (SELECT MAX(MONTH_ID) FROM Table_a);
I am getting trouble with the to_char function, I have been reviewing how it works and how to handle it.
I want to find the hours and minutes between two char field data type.Example I have two char columns one is "start_time" and another one is "end_time".The start time and end time is the machine reading of CNC MACHINE in manufacturing.I want to develope the package to capture the actual machine running time.But I have the start and end time reading in character field.The machine reading format is hour:minutes:seconds only.It will looks like 1234:45:23(the machine ran 1234 hours and 45 minutes and 23 seconds).See the below table to understand my requirements.
start_time end_time result in hours & minutes ---------- -------- ------------------------- 345 347 2 hrs 347 350 3 hrs 350 357.20 7 hrs and 20 minutes
If I subtract end_time - start_time I will get the result in char type only not in hours and minutes format.Another example
start_time end_time result in hours & minutes ---------- -------- ------------------------- 357.21 360.40 3.19(If subtract end_time - start_time)
A field named xxx_date is a text item which we have to enter manually so as to update a record in that particular date. This is a mandatory field without which we cannot continue the data entry..
I am getting this error while trying to update the record
FRM-40509 :Oracle error :unable to update record
I have kept the enabled = yes required=no data type=Date.. in the property pallet
I want to pass english character as a parameter and search a string that having swedish character, this needs to be done for all the swedish characters.
test _t table having the below 3 values
päiväp metervara flerfärgad
1. If user searches based on english char like below then they should get all the 3 values bcz fist & last have swedish ä and second one having english a.
Query : select name from test_t where name like '%a%'
Regsult: päiväp metervara fräg
2. If user searches based on swedish char like below then they should get only 2 values bcz fist & last have swedish ä and second one having english a.
select name from test_t where name like '%ä%'
päiväp fräg
Is any in-built function available, for Text alternative string search. If not how to search the string based on the query.
T3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-MAR-11 24-MAR-11
system@id.world> select t4 from t;
T4 --------- 24-MAR-11 24-MAR-11
system@id.world> select * from nls_instance_parameters;
PARAMETER VALUE ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- NLS_LANGUAGE AMERICAN NLS_TERRITORY AMERICA NLS_SORT NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE
system@id.world> select * from nls_database_parameters;
PARAMETER VALUE ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- NLS_LANGUAGE AMERICAN NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET AL16UTF16 NLS_TERRITORY AMERICA NLS_CURRENCY $
20 rows selected.
system@id.world> show parameter nls_timestamp_fo
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ nls_timestamp_format string system@id.world> create table newt(t1 timestamp);
system@id.world> insert into newt values('12-jan-2010 11:00:00:068801'); insert into newt values('12-jan-2010 11:00:00:068801') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
system@id.world> insert into newt values('12-jan-2010');
1 row created.
system@id.world> insert into newt values('12-jan-2010');
1) what is significance of '.' here? insert into t values(timestamp'2011-03-24 11:03:00.05','12-mar-2011',systimestamp,localtimestamp);
2) while inserting using "values(timestamp'2011-03-24 11:03:00.05'" where this yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.FF format comes from?
3)what is role of nls_timestamp_format of nls_database_parameters in this? how it allowed me to insert value "'12-mar-2011'" which has hh24 format?
4) Does the format of localtimestamp is decided by nls_database_parameters?
Note : I have not set nls_date_format in my session
I tried to read the link below but could not understand above
I am using forms 6i and oracle 10g. i want to display a char from database. that means a database string 'Bangladesh' is display from by one char to one char.
and display view right to left first display "B" then "BA" then 'BAN' etc.
declare a clob; b varchar2; c clob; begin c:=a||b; end;
When execute above code in form runtime, I get error ora-32767.
"ORA-29287: invalid maximum line size Cause: An invalid maximum line size value was specified. Action: Correct the maximum line size to be in the range [1, 32767]."
I have a table where i need to update one field values based on another field of the same table , simply as it is.I have done this using one select all check box , on clicking that all check boxes of item_trans table will get selected , then i will un select some of check box and then using one button, i will update the value of the fields which are checked only.
I have put the sample code but when i am updating its taking long time and hanging.I am also attaching the form based on the test case provided.
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE1',40,NULL); insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE2',20,NULL); insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE3',20,NULL);
--i want to set the value of trans_Act_qty as trans_qty
--i create one dummy or test block to keep the select all check box. for that table test script is
insert into test (C,B,A) values ('A',1,1);
--code written in select all check box which is created on test.block.
BEGIN GO_BLOCK('item_trans'); FIRST_RECORD; LOOP :M_END_YN := :M_END_ALL; [code].......
--code written in M_END_YN ( actual check boxes where i will uncheck).
--code written on button to update those values which are checked.
BEGIN GO_BLOCK('item_trans'); FIRST_RECORD; LOOP IF :M_END_YN = 'Y' THEN [code]......
How we can mask a column value present in the production which is very sesitive like bank a/c no,Credit card nos etc while replicating to the test/development envirnoments in PL/SQL.Things that need to be considered is referential integrity,data types,length of the column and performace while execuing the code.
i never try masking of oracle columns before, and i will want to try masking some columns in oracle database. Just to check if the columns are masked and user using sqlplus or sql developer will not be able to access the columns.
However my application is require to get the values in the back end. Is it possible for my web application to unmask the column values? does my web application requires to call any procedure(create by oracle) in order to unmask the values? I have google and found that oracle can use VPD to mask the columns.Just to check if VPD is a inbuilt procedure by oracle to perform masking? can VPD perform unmasking of values? can it be call by web application?
qry:= 'to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mon-yy')< sysdate'; or qry:= 'debtodt < to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yyyy'); or qry:= 'to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mon-yy')< to_date(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yy')'
all these are showing error in oracle form.
in database debtodt is in char format , calculating from-- TO_CHAR(add_months(b.FRMDT,b.period)-1,'dd-mm-yyyy')
and also in oracle form it is char,thats why i am changing it either debtodt into date format or sysdate into char format. but it is showing error as: encountered the symbol "DD" when expecting one of these.................
the same query
select * from debar_reg_vu where to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mm-yyyy')<sysdate;
i have to enter pan_no through my form into database, and pan_no format is like BWHPK2334M as first 5 is alphabets then 4 letters and last one is alphabet, how to validate it in my form. can i do this by set fomat mask in property palette and if yes then how, oterwise the 2nd option may be is trigger when validate item, but with which format i should match the entered data.
I have written the following assignment statement. :dshift_hdr.startdate := to_date(sysdate,'DD-MM-RR HH12:MI:SS');
the startdate is a display item. Its data type property has been set to datetime and the formatmask is DD-MM-RRRR HH12:MI:SS but the result of above assignment statement is 31-03-2011 12:00:00 i.e. it does not take the actual current time.
i have promised to install the application to the client tommorrow.