I have 15 million of records as csv, want to load through sqlloader Is sqlloader is the right option to load high volume of data? I have loaded with 2.5 lac records which has taken 4 mins to load.
I want to load a delimited file that contains many records which contained within the table where I'm going to load a date type field and I need to do this by concatenating three fields
field1 = 1 - this is the day field2 = 11 - this corresponds to the month field3 = 5 - this corresponds to the year
I need is in the field Save as type date 01/11/2005 i don´t know how to do it but I tried as follows but I get error loading.
I have another interesting SQL Loader issue. I have created 2 prior topics RE: "Trapping SQL Loader summary counts" and "Using Sql Loader issue". This new issue is along the same lines, but unfortunately the same input csv file has a date field that is has a different input format..
The 10G Oracle Table looks like... --------------------------- CREATE TABLE PTLIVE.MODULE_CSV_LOADS ( MODULE_ID NUMBER (20), MODULE_TAGNUMBER VARCHAR2(100), MODULE_SERIAL_NUMBER NUMBER (20,0),
My initial control file looks like... ----------------- OPTIONS (SKIP=1) load data infile 'J:GrowerRound_ModulesCrop2011ProcessedBatch_2011Jul12_081326_746563.csv' BADFILE 'J:GrowerRound_ModulesCrop2011LogsBatch_2011Jul12_081326_746563.bad'
The input csv data file (for this example) contains 3 records. The first is a heading record that is skipped. The 2nd record is correct and the field entitled "GMT Date" contains a value of "16/05/2011". The 3rd record, however, has a date of "2011/5/18", which get rejected by the above control file, as the output SQL Loader log indicates...
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table PTLIVE.MODULE_CSV_LOADS, column DATEPICKED. ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
Now we will be receiving literally hundreds of these csv files and in testing I have found that when I open the csv file (the default is Excel), and Excel must alter its display, as all date appear 100% okay. However, upon opening the csv file with Wordpad, I discovered the dates in the same file had these 2 different formats. So the control file was attempting to concat the input csv file "GMT Date" in one format with the input "GMT_TIME" to load the output value into the Oracle table column "DATEPICKED" ... but different date formats cause some records to be rejected.
It would be super if SQl Loader could use a IF clause or an OR clause to execute loading the date in one or more input formats. We only expect the 2 foramts DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD....however, there could be 6 different combinations in theory.
I thought about writing a Function or Procedure to analyst the input date and output a standard one to load into the Oracle column
the control file code in this path (c:externalctrl.ctl)
load data infile 'C:externalmy_data.txt' into table emp2 fields terminated by ',' (empno, ename, hiredate, etime, ejob, deptno)
this is the error :
C:>sqlldr scott/tiger control=C:externalctrl.ctl
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon May 31 09:45:10 2010 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Commit point reached - logical record count 5 C:>
I want to populate totale number of record in the file. Usually i get 10000 records per file and i load them using sql loader.I want to also insert the number of records in file while loading the data in table.
How can i achive it.
structure of control file is
load data BADFILE '/backup/temp/rajesh/RIO/BadFiles/FILENAME' append into table ERS_RIO_SRC TRAILING NULLCOLS ( INSTALLATION_ID CHAR
I'm trying to load data into a table using SQL Loader but getting a failure error below.
Log File ========
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Wed Feb 6 23:54:25 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Control File: /opt/Infor/Outbound_Marketing/7.2.2/EM/metadata/trans.ldr Data File: /opt/Infor/Outbound_Marketing/7.2.2/EM/logs/trans.log Bad File: trans.bad Discard File: none specified [code]....
I have to load a fixed width file using sql loader utility. But the records have multiple special characters. writing / modifying the loader utility to load the data.
--Script to create the table create table t1 ( ip1 varchar2(2), ip2 number, ip3 number);
--loader utility LOAD DATA INFILE 'c:inputfile.dat' BADFILE 'c:adfile.bad' REPLACE INTO TABLE t1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '°' ( ip1POSITION(1:2) CHAR, ip2POSITION(3:17) INTEGER EXTERNAL ":ip2/100", ip3POSITION(18:32) INTEGER EXTERNAL ":ip3/100", )
--sql version i am using SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Wed Mar 7 18:32:33 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
In the above mentioned data file, records has multiple special characters like '°','¶' ,'-'. All these special characters have some meaning. eg: '°' specifies the above column needs to be multiplied by -1 '¶' specifies the above column needs to be multiplied by -0.1
what changes need to be made in loader utility for the same? Also, will there be any change in the utility if I am using higher version of oracle?
Sl#Emp_noNameAddress 00101Tom1/B-XYZ street 00202Jon1/C-XYZ Street
Employee Datafile 001, 01, Tom, 1/B-XYZ street 002,02,Jon, 1/C-XYZ Street
Above is a sample data file. Now I would like to import the data into an Oracle table called employee using Oracle 9i SQL Loader utility. But the table has only 3 fields (Emp_no,Name & Address), so I would like to skip Sl# while loading data. I do not want to manually modify data file. How should I write .ctl file.
Sample .ctl file.
load data INFILE 'dataEmployee' BADFILE 'Employee.bad' DISCARDFILE 'Employee.dis' into table Employee fields terminated by ',' TRAILING NULLCOLS (Emp_no NULLIF Emp_no = BLANKS, Name NULLIF Name = BLANKS, Address NULLIF Address = BLANKS )
After exporting some data to excel, I noticed that on one row all the columns shifted over some. So I queried this record in the database and noticed that the ADDRESS field has some unknown characters at the end of it. They are little squares. I think they are TABS.
2630 LINDEN BLVD, APT. #8G(2 squares are in here)
Besides trimming the data, is there some other function I can use to clean up the address further?
LOAD DATA INFILE "gateway.csv" truncate INTO TABLE GATEWAY Fields terminated by "," Optionally enclosed by '"' trailing nullcols
and I got the following error:
zcyds891:/opt/oracle> sqlldr gwcem/gwcem@pfs control=gateway.ctl log=/tmp/ldr.log bad=/tmp/bad.log SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Dec 7 05:07:59 2010 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL*Loader-350: Syntax error at line 12. Expecting "," or ")", found "INTERGER". GATEWAYPROTOCOL INTERGER, ^
Export: Release - Production on Saturday, 25 December, 2010 5:10:06
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options Starting "TEST1"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01": test1/******** DIRECTORY=datapump DUMPFILE=expfull-3.dmp query=auth_test:"where TXNREQDTTIME<20-MAY-10" tables=auth_test Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method... Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 64 KB
In 10G forms the date format mask in all the items in forms are removed.
As the nls_date_format in database is (dd-mon-rr) the same is expected to come in Oracle 10G forms. Now it is coming as (DD-MON-YYYY) in 10G forms. I tried looking into the nls_session_date format in runtime in forms it is showing as (dd-mon-rr) but in item it displays as(DD-MON-YYYY). How will i display the date format set in the DB or were is the setting done in Oracle 10G forms.
select to_char(exp_Date,'Mon-YYYY') dt, count(*) from exp_main where exp_type like 'Income%Photo%' group by to_char(exp_Date,'Mon-YYYY') order by exp_date
When I run this I get :not a GROUP BY expression
If I remove the order by, it works fine.
Is there a way to order by since the output of the query is character-sorted.
I did search online most have suggested to use order by column_name. But does not work for me.
I want to load data from a file using sqlldr.I have a table commissions ( technician_id char(5) , tech_name char(30) , Comm_rcd_date DATE , Comm_Paid_date DATE , comm_amt number(10,2) )
my file is 00001,TIMOTHY TROENDLY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0007,123.56 00002,KENNETH KLEMENZ,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0009,123.56 00003,SHUNDAR ARDERY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0005,123.56 write a ctl file to load this data.
I installed oracle 10G complete so I can have everything. But now I cannot run sql loader. I check my oracle devsuitehome directory and I cannot find sqlldr.exe
I need to install sql loader separately? I can't find sql loader installer on web.
- 1 - M or P: indicates which table to insert: MASTER or PARENT; - 2 - M or A or B: indicates MASTER, PARENT_A, PARENT_B; - 3:18 - DATA.
Based on the values above, what I need to do is:
1. Load a line to MASTER_TABLE; 2. Load a line to PARENT_TABLE_A pointing to its relative line in MASTER_TABLE; 3. Load a line to PARENT_TABLE_B pointing to its relative line in MASTER_TABLE; 4. In the original file line, there is nothing I can use to join a MASTER line with a PARENT line.
I tried to use both: SEQUENCE and Sequence.NextVall (CurrVal) but they only work when using ROWS=1 and the file I need to load has millions of rows, so I need direct path loading.Also, I read about External Table, but it does not suit my needs because the Application server is not the same as Database server, which is needed by external tables.
in this case is better load the data to a temporary table and then insert to the other tables, I found almost the same question in the topic pointed by the link below: URL....
I want to load geometry into a table using sql*loader. My datafile contains geometry defined as WKT URL...., a standard for geometry and also Oracle has a function called sdo_util.from_wktgeometry.If I'm using a separate 'insert into' statement using this function in sql*plus, there's no problem. But if I'm using the same function in my control-file for sql*loader import, I get a sql*loader-418 error: "bad datafile for column geometrie".
My data file contains records with RECORD_TYPE '01', '02', '03' and '04' in position (30:31) I use sql loader to load this data into a table. I need to load ONLY rows with RECORD_TYPE ='04'. I have to output all the other rows into a file, so I decided to use DISCARD file. Now, those with RECORD_TYPE ='4' have to be loaded into different columns depending on the value in position (267:268).
So, my ctl file should look something like:
WHEN (30:31) = '04' into table MYDATA WHEN (267:268) != 'O ' into table MYDATA WHEN (267:268) = 'O '
and whatever is not '04' goes to discard file.
I tried to use
into table MYDATA WHEN (30:31) = '04' and (267:268) != 'O ' into table MYDATA WHEN (30:31) = '04' and (267:268) = 'O '
but I don't get the right result in terms of the discard file.
Is there any way to put together all these conditions?
The SQL loader somehow is loading only first record. The data file is a csv and the end of line character is a new line. Some text fields have multiple new lines.
Here is my control file
load data infile '/home/devo/c0397105/RuleImport/testLoad/dummyLoad.csv' Truncate into table DUMMY_LOAD_TABLE fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' ( ID "to_number(:ID)",REQUESTED_GROUP,PURPOSE,COMMENTS) [code]........
We don't have Retail resource type as Dependent System now; the rule will be changed later when Dependent Systems can accept resource types other than application"
I am using sqlloader for loading the data into database by using csv file.My csv file is delimited by comma in that i am having a column which is having the , and line feeds targeted to load into a long data type.for example as below
descri,dfdfdfd,dfdfdf, sdfsdf, dfsdfd,
i want to move this column data into a single table column.But due to because of delimited "," it is splitting into number of columns