Forms :: Datetime Format

Mar 31, 2011

I have written the following assignment statement. :dshift_hdr.startdate := to_date(sysdate,'DD-MM-RR HH12:MI:SS');

the startdate is a display item. Its data type property has been set to datetime and the formatmask is DD-MM-RRRR HH12:MI:SS but the result of above assignment statement is 31-03-2011 12:00:00 i.e. it does not take the actual current time.

i have promised to install the application to the client tommorrow.

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Client Tools :: Handling DATETIME Format Using SQLPLUS COPY Command

Jul 29, 2012

I am using the SQL*PLUS COPY command to move the data from my database to another remote database. The data in my database also contains DATETIME format. But since COPY command cannot handle DATETIME format, I am wondering is there any workaround for this.

Note: Due to some limitations, I cannot use other methods like DATABASE LINK or EXPDP/IMPDP commands.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Max (value) With Its Corresponding Datetime

Sep 22, 2013

This is my table

ID timestamp value
1 2013-09-09 01:09:00.000 1234
2 2013-09-09 02:00:00.000 123
1 2013-09-09 03:09:00.000 1233
2 2013-09-09 21:09:00.000 125

I need to find max(value) with its corresponding time stamp .. this table has approximately 500000 records with 180 distinct IDs. Need to find max(value) group by IDs.

Expected result:

ID timestamp value
1 2013-09-09 01:09:00.000 1234
2 2013-09-09 21:09:00.000 125

We have a query but its returns 00 in hh:mm:ss instead of exact timestamp.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get The Time From Datetime

Oct 12, 2012

i am using one stored procedure there in one variable value is coming like this: Jan 1 1900 6:00AM

from this i want time how to get the time from that.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Set Datetime Globally

Jun 23, 2011

I am facing problem to set date & time globally in oracle. I set date-time many time but it is on session base.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Datetime To Date?

Nov 8, 2012

I know this question has been asked several times. but i am starting out and i am struggling to get my head aroung it.I would like to convert datetime column of Oracle source(RPT.SHIPMENT_VW) to date while loading to sql Here is my

here RECEIVED_DATE_TIME is in 'DD/MM/YY hh:mi:si' fromat which, i want to convert to 'DD/MM/YY'
the above code throwing an error ORA:01843 not a valid month

if I use where clause like:WHERE (RECEIVED_DATE_TIME = TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(:fromdate, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/YY'))then its not retrieving any data

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DateTime Between Dates - How IDate Is Used

Apr 25, 2010

How 'idate' is used. For example in the following statement:


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Oracle Dataset - How To Split Datetime

Jun 2, 2008

my problem is:

i running a sql-query in visual studio 2005 with the oracle dataset. currently my datetime is in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss. I wish to split the datetime in dd/mm/yyyy only(without the hh:mm:ss)

) AT npcrpt ;

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Convert DateTime Field To Date

Jun 11, 2010

I want to force a datetime field to display as date only. How can I do this? This is so when prompting for a value for this field a user doesn't have to also enter the time. At the moment the prompt returns nothing when entering only a date as it does not match any value as they all have times also.

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Application Express :: DateTime Calculations On A Form

Jul 19, 2012

Version of the database you are using: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Version of Application Express:

I have a requirement that is driving me stark raving bonkers.

I have a form that a user fills out, it sets the Status to 'Open' and I capture the Date Created On in a hidden field. When someone goes back in to the Form and sets the Status to 'Closed' I capture the Date Closed On in a hidden field. I need to calculate how many hours that it took to close the issue and display it on the form.

I found some javascript that does this

<script type="text/javascript">
var msecPerMinute = 1000 * 60;
document.write("msecPerMinute -" + msecPerMinute + "<br />")
var msecPerHour = msecPerMinute * 60;

While I can get it to work from dreamweaver I cannot get it to work from APEX. Both of my date fields in my database are defined as:

Fractional Precision: 6

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Forms :: Date Format

Aug 9, 2012

qry:= 'to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mon-yy')< sysdate';
qry:= 'debtodt < to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yyyy');
qry:= 'to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mon-yy')< to_date(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yy')'

all these are showing error in oracle form.

in database debtodt is in char format , calculating from-- TO_CHAR(add_months(b.FRMDT,b.period)-1,'dd-mm-yyyy')

and also in oracle form it is char,thats why i am changing it either debtodt into date format or sysdate into char format. but it is showing error as: encountered the symbol "DD" when expecting one of these.................

the same query

select * from debar_reg_vu where to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mm-yyyy')<sysdate;

running correctly in database server.

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Forms :: How To Set A Format Of Characters

May 30, 2013

i have to enter pan_no through my form into database, and pan_no format is like BWHPK2334M as first 5 is alphabets then 4 letters and last one is alphabet, how to validate it in my form. can i do this by set fomat mask in property palette and if yes then how, oterwise the 2nd option may be is trigger when validate item, but with which format i should match the entered data.

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Forms :: Format For SSN Field

Jul 16, 2010

I have a ssn field where the user enter value to search for the ssn. I want to format the field so the user can enter in the xxx-xx-xxxx format only. If the user enters a wrong format and tries to search i should prompt a message saying wrong format. How can i achieve this.

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Forms :: How To Convert Data From 6i To PDF Format

Dec 26, 2011

is it possible convert data from forms 6i to pdf format?

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Forms :: Phone Number Format

Jan 7, 2013

how and where can i specify the phone number format

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Forms :: Date Format DD / MM / YYYY?

Mar 25, 2013

I have a column of type date in my DB, I want to display it in this format: DD / MM / YYYY

this my

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Forms :: Date Format Mask

May 12, 2011

In 10G forms the date format mask in all the items in forms are removed.

As the nls_date_format in database is (dd-mon-rr) the same is expected to come in Oracle 10G forms. Now it is coming as (DD-MON-YYYY) in 10G forms. I tried looking into the nls_session_date format in runtime in forms it is showing as (dd-mon-rr) but in item it displays as(DD-MON-YYYY). How will i display the date format set in the DB or were is the setting done in Oracle 10G forms.

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Forms :: How To Format Excel Sheet

Mar 5, 2010

I m using dde package to export data to excel from a form. how can i format the excel sheet ( like changing column width) using dde package.. tell me the exact code to change the column width using dde.

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Forms :: How To Format Drive Using Oracle 10g

Aug 4, 2010

how to format a drive using oracle forms 10g and shutting down the remote pc and a personal pc using oracle forms 10g. i am using windows XP2 as os.

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Forms :: Converting Rdf Report To Excel Format

Jun 18, 2010

I have installed Rep2excel software on pc but i m not able to convert oraclr report to excel format.

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Forms :: Format Mask To Char Field

Jun 16, 2010

I want to add format mask on my field...

my field datatype is char in forms and in database VARCHAR2(30) and I want to add format mask as follows


in format mask of this field property I give it to format mast like as


when I run the form and when I write and exit from this field then it returns the error.

FRM-40209: Field must be of form FMAAAAA"-"AAAAAAA"-"A

EDIT by VK: Seems your CAPS lock is on or the Shift is stuck.

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Forms :: Create And Format A Word Document From 6i

Oct 6, 2011

I need to generate quotation from Forms 6i. A copy fo the quotation is being uploaded. All information in the word document that are highlighted in yellow are taken from a database.

I need to create the document in the format of the uploaded file. There will be some tables also in the document.

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Forms :: Format Mask Allows To Click Anywhere On The Field

Oct 8, 2012

I have one NUMBER field with size 15. I have set format mask 999,999,999,999,999 on this field. This is formatting the data I am entering in that field. But the problem is if I enter a value in that field and moves to another field. And if I want to edit the previous field again I have to keep the cursor at the left end of the value.

For example I enter 3,000 in the field. If I want to edit the field again, I have to edit it from left like 1,233,000. I cannot edit it at the end(like 3,000,123).

Even I can click anywhere in that field where I have the format mask. check the screen shot in the attachment. In the red square, you can find a value with space in between.

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Forms :: Convert It Into Standard Date Format?

Jun 3, 2010

i have create one standard Calender from that i pickup month date and year separately like 2/6/1987 now i want to convert it into standard date format how to convert it and pass to another block....

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Forms :: OLE2 File Format In Reports 11g Not Working

Apr 30, 2012

Im trying to display a word file from a blob column of table in reports 11g . In reports 6i OLE2 file format was available for that, but in 11g it became obsolete.

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Forms :: How To Change Format Mask Date In Ontime Where

Feb 11, 2010

how to change Format mask date in Ontime Where



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Forms :: Configurations (date Format) Not Working In Oracle

Sep 20, 2011

I have been developing and oracle application therefore i have installed the oracle express edition 10g database software and the oracle developer 10g. I did some changes in sql*plus i mean i have changed the language(through 'nls_lang' to Arabic), i made a autonumber trigger, i changed the calender format (through 'alter_session...'), now all the changes are working fine from the oracle sql*plus but as i am running my form from form builder none of those changes are working.

i thought the oracle form and sql*plus don't have such link..i can add the tables i have created in sql*plus into the form.

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Forms :: Insert DATA In Database In Uppercase Format

Mar 19, 2013

I have a datablock based , I used commit_form(); to insert data in my DB .But,I want to insert data into my DB on uppercase format!!

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Forms :: MS Word Rich Text Format In Text Item

Apr 17, 2012

Can I use rich text item on oracle form10G with some simple features like BOLD, UNDERLINE, ITALIC and if possible one more feature like spell check.

I Google my requirement, but mostly I found win word attachment. Further more if I can save this type of data in field then how can I print in report.

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Forms :: Date Field Gets Disabled When Date Format Is Given?

Oct 3, 2012

A field named xxx_date is a text item which we have to enter manually so as to update a record in that particular date. This is a mandatory field without which we cannot continue the data entry..

I am getting this error while trying to update the record

FRM-40509 :Oracle error :unable to update record

I have kept the enabled = yes
data type=Date.. in the property pallet

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