Forms :: How To Format Drive Using Oracle 10g

Aug 4, 2010

how to format a drive using oracle forms 10g and shutting down the remote pc and a personal pc using oracle forms 10g. i am using windows XP2 as os.

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Forms :: Load PDF Data From C Drive To Oracle Tables To Respective Columns In 6i?

Sep 7, 2012

how to load the pdf data from c drive to the oracle tables to their respective columns in forms 6i.

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XE :: How To Shift Datafiles To Other Drive From Installation Drive

Dec 29, 2012

How can i shift my datafiles to other drive like d: , they have become very big. and i also want to take backup on other drive like d: and oracle is installed on c:

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Forms :: How To Browse Specific Folder Or Drive In 6i

Feb 9, 2010

I want to open any drive or specific folder in forms 6i in when button press trigger like we open any drive and folder in my computer or folder in windows

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Forms Host Command Cannot Copy To Network Drive

Oct 3, 2013

I am using the HOST command within Oracle Forms 10g on Windows server to copy a pdf file from the application server to a network folder on another Windows server.

The command works fine if I logon to Windows app server and type it. But it doesn't work when it is launched within Oracle forms using HOST. The command looks as follow

net use \\FileServer\e-file /user:usergroup\username password & copy D:\RepTmp\myReport.pdf \\FileServer\e-file\test\myReport.pdf

Oracle forms doesn't give any error message at all but the pdf file never gets there. Even when I map the network folder as "R:" drive on the Windows app server, a simple copy command like this does not work with HOST:

copy D:\RepTmp\myReport.pdf r:\test\myReport.pdf

Oracle Forms server is running as "SYSTEM" on the Windows server. If HOST won't work, is there any other way to copy the file other than using fpt?

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Installation :: C Drive - Access Denied After Installing Oracle 11g

May 4, 2013

I installed oracle 11g successfully in my windows7 operating system. After installation it is not allowing me to access C drive. And in the properties of the drive the memory of C drive is shown 0 bytes. And other applications installed in C drive are also not working. Even after uninstalling oracle 11g access to C drive is denied.

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Forms :: Open Document Present In Shared Drive In Microsoft Word?

Feb 23, 2011

I want to open a word document which is present in a shared drive in Microsoft word from my oracle 10g form.

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Client Tools :: Run Oracle SQL Script From Shared Mapped Drive?

Jul 17, 2010

I have stored test.sql in shared mapped drive and i don't have previlege to rename but i can read-write access at folder level.

How do i run the below sql script?

@\ind-aaa est est.sql

Here \ind-aaa is the mapped drive name.

I am getting error that \ind not found.

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Windows / .NET :: Oracle ODBC Drive In Linux Client To Connect With Mono Application

Aug 6, 2012

I am creating a cross platform database application using Mono. It uses oracle database as back end. I used ODBC drive to connecting database. I can connect to database using this following connection string in my windows machine

Driver={Oracle in OraDb11g_home1};Server=localhost;Uid=system;Pwd=manager

For Linux I uses Linux Oracle OS for Database server. I installed oracle client in my fedora OS. and cofigure the client using net cofiguration assistant tool with oracle client. client connection working OK. Then I try to connect with my mono application using the following connection string

Driver={Oracle ODBD Drive};Server=orcl;Uid=system;Pwd=manager

but the above connection string not worked.I am using Oracle 11g version. Do I need to install any other ODBC driver to access oracle database

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Forms :: Configurations (date Format) Not Working In Oracle

Sep 20, 2011

I have been developing and oracle application therefore i have installed the oracle express edition 10g database software and the oracle developer 10g. I did some changes in sql*plus i mean i have changed the language(through 'nls_lang' to Arabic), i made a autonumber trigger, i changed the calender format (through 'alter_session...'), now all the changes are working fine from the oracle sql*plus but as i am running my form from form builder none of those changes are working.

i thought the oracle form and sql*plus don't have such link..i can add the tables i have created in sql*plus into the form.

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Performing Expdp On Network Drive?

Jul 23, 2013

while try to expdp on network drive. getting below can we perform the expdp on network drive

Network location: \\tsclient\p\expdp

1.)SQL> show user

SQL> create or replace directory exp as '\\tsclient\p\expdp';Directory created.
SQL>Grant read,write on directory exp to system;

2.)expdp system/xxxxx@orcl directory=exp dumpfile=EXP_orcl_072013.dmp logfile=EXP_72013_1.log schemas=('IIMS','CMMN')

Export: Release - Production on Tue Jul 23 13:48:07 2013
Copyright © 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536
ORA-29283: invalid file operation

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Secure Backup Only For Tape Drive Not For Disk

Oct 27, 2010

Is oracle providing secure backup only for Tape drive not for disk(means Hard-disk),configure oracle secure backup.

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RMAN Backup To Shared Network Drive?

Feb 20, 2011

I scheduled a RMAN backup job to take FULL database backup to a shared network drive.

RMAN Script used:

RMAN> run
2> {
3> allocate channel ch1 device type disk format '\\BACKUP1635\X$\ARC%U';
4> backup database plus archivelog;
5> release channel ch1;
6> }

Environment: Windows server 2003 OS and Oracle

Iam facing below error.

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch1 channel at 02/20/2011 18:19:46
ORA-19504: failed to create file "\\BACKUP1635\X$\ARC1BM55JL8_1_1"
ORA-27040: file create error, unable to create file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 5) Access is denied.

I checked shared network drive and found READ/WRITE access for me. I am able to take RMAN backup in local system without any issue.

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Server Administration :: Managing Space In Drive E

Oct 27, 2010

In my drive E: I'll have a space issue soon because one file is taking all space. SYSTEM01. DBF size is around 25GB. I want to know if I delete some data in my database I'll gain space.

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How To Get Free Space On Operating System Drive

Nov 5, 2013

is it possible to get information about free space on drive/path for example with some DBMS_*, UTL_* package or with stored function based on Java

(e.g. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetFreeSpace(driveLetter IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'DiskSpace.getFreeBytes(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String') but for JDK 1.3 

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Backup & Recovery :: Creating Archive Log In Network Drive?

Jul 29, 2011

create Oracle archived log to network drive instead of Local drive.

Is there anyway that i can get my archive log created on network drive instead of local drive.

As we want to save our storage space and want to keep archivelog on network.

Is there a way that if Archive log creation on Network drives falis, Oracle create Archivelog on Local drive.

We are running Data warehouse and on daily basis we have 22 to 25 Gig of Archive log created

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Backup & Recovery :: Network Drive - Cannot Read From New Host?

Aug 25, 2011

I take a backup on PROD and want to use that backup on test to duplicate the PROD db.I ran this first on PROD:

catalog rman11cv/password@metarep
connect target /

I runs the network drive on my TEST machine. I run the script:

connect target sys/password@pdm;
connect auxiliary /;
run {
allocate auxiliary channel 'ch1' type disk;
SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO 'D:oracleoradatadatabasedataSYSTEM01.DBF';
SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO 'D:oracleoradatadatabasedataUNDOTBS01.DBF';
SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO 'D:oracleoradatadatabasedataCWMLITE01.DBF';


Its trying to read from the right backupset.But Im not sure it can see it:

channel ch1: reading from backup piece G:RESTOREN3MKSOMQ_1_1
ORA-19870: error reading backup piece G:RESTOREN3MKSOMQ_1_1
ORA-19505: failed to identify file "G:RESTOREN3MKSOMQ_1_1"
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.failover to previous backup

Net view of the PROD host gives this:

D:oracleadminduplicatePDMTEST>net view myprod
Shared resources at myprod

Share name Type Used as Comment
restore Disk G:
The command completed successfully.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Configuration On Linux Using Tape Drive?

Oct 8, 2011

I want to configure rman backup for oracle 9i database on hp tape drive. Db is running in RHEL.

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Forms :: Date Format

Aug 9, 2012

qry:= 'to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mon-yy')< sysdate';
qry:= 'debtodt < to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yyyy');
qry:= 'to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mon-yy')< to_date(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yy')'

all these are showing error in oracle form.

in database debtodt is in char format , calculating from-- TO_CHAR(add_months(b.FRMDT,b.period)-1,'dd-mm-yyyy')

and also in oracle form it is char,thats why i am changing it either debtodt into date format or sysdate into char format. but it is showing error as: encountered the symbol "DD" when expecting one of these.................

the same query

select * from debar_reg_vu where to_date(debtodt, 'dd-mm-yyyy')<sysdate;

running correctly in database server.

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Forms :: How To Set A Format Of Characters

May 30, 2013

i have to enter pan_no through my form into database, and pan_no format is like BWHPK2334M as first 5 is alphabets then 4 letters and last one is alphabet, how to validate it in my form. can i do this by set fomat mask in property palette and if yes then how, oterwise the 2nd option may be is trigger when validate item, but with which format i should match the entered data.

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Forms :: Format For SSN Field

Jul 16, 2010

I have a ssn field where the user enter value to search for the ssn. I want to format the field so the user can enter in the xxx-xx-xxxx format only. If the user enters a wrong format and tries to search i should prompt a message saying wrong format. How can i achieve this.

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Forms :: Datetime Format

Mar 31, 2011

I have written the following assignment statement. :dshift_hdr.startdate := to_date(sysdate,'DD-MM-RR HH12:MI:SS');

the startdate is a display item. Its data type property has been set to datetime and the formatmask is DD-MM-RRRR HH12:MI:SS but the result of above assignment statement is 31-03-2011 12:00:00 i.e. it does not take the actual current time.

i have promised to install the application to the client tommorrow.

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Forms :: How To Convert Data From 6i To PDF Format

Dec 26, 2011

is it possible convert data from forms 6i to pdf format?

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Forms :: Phone Number Format

Jan 7, 2013

how and where can i specify the phone number format

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Forms :: Date Format DD / MM / YYYY?

Mar 25, 2013

I have a column of type date in my DB, I want to display it in this format: DD / MM / YYYY

this my

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Forms :: Date Format Mask

May 12, 2011

In 10G forms the date format mask in all the items in forms are removed.

As the nls_date_format in database is (dd-mon-rr) the same is expected to come in Oracle 10G forms. Now it is coming as (DD-MON-YYYY) in 10G forms. I tried looking into the nls_session_date format in runtime in forms it is showing as (dd-mon-rr) but in item it displays as(DD-MON-YYYY). How will i display the date format set in the DB or were is the setting done in Oracle 10G forms.

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Forms :: How To Format Excel Sheet

Mar 5, 2010

I m using dde package to export data to excel from a form. how can i format the excel sheet ( like changing column width) using dde package.. tell me the exact code to change the column width using dde.

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Forms :: Converting Rdf Report To Excel Format

Jun 18, 2010

I have installed Rep2excel software on pc but i m not able to convert oraclr report to excel format.

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Forms :: Format Mask To Char Field

Jun 16, 2010

I want to add format mask on my field...

my field datatype is char in forms and in database VARCHAR2(30) and I want to add format mask as follows


in format mask of this field property I give it to format mast like as


when I run the form and when I write and exit from this field then it returns the error.

FRM-40209: Field must be of form FMAAAAA"-"AAAAAAA"-"A

EDIT by VK: Seems your CAPS lock is on or the Shift is stuck.

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Forms :: Create And Format A Word Document From 6i

Oct 6, 2011

I need to generate quotation from Forms 6i. A copy fo the quotation is being uploaded. All information in the word document that are highlighted in yellow are taken from a database.

I need to create the document in the format of the uploaded file. There will be some tables also in the document.

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