I have a date field in my form (date.start_time) in which I want to reference in a library and add 5 mins to the time (since its in the lib I am coding this I need to use name_in ). My current code is:
I have a column where I have time stamp with date and time(8-May-10 10:20:55 Am) from that i will get only time(10:20:55 Am)[query for this mentioned below] Now i need to append the time to current date and insert into a Timestamps column only .
so my result should be 17-May-11 10:20:55 Am(Assuming current Date is 17-May-11) . I tried search it by i found a way in sql server by using DataAdd and DataDiff .
query to get the time is:select to_char(to_date('11-MAY-11 05.00.00 PM', 'DD-Mon-YY HH:MI:SSAM'),'HH24:MI:SS') "Time Now" from dual
I developed a form in forms9i, at the time of data entering form is not showing any ERROR messages or SAVE RECORD message and when I press exit button it is asking "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE".
I have checked my PRIMARY KEY field and there is no mistake and value is populating at PRE INSERT.
We are migrating a proc application as described below.
Old Env: UNIX Old DB: Oracle 8i
New Env: Linux New DB: Oracle 11g
New modules are successfully compiled in Linux environment. But we are facing issues in writing the output of VARCHAR datatype to a file.
find below the extract of code. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; varchar mcolmnvarchar[4]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;
memset(mcolmnvarchar.arr,'�',4); //Was added for only Linux migration. Not present in unix env.
EXEC SQL FETCH c1 INTO :mcolmnvarchar;
cout << "Data at Stage one"<< mcolmnvarchar << endl; mcolmnvarchar.arr[mcolmnvarchar.len]='�'; cout << "Data at Stage two"<< mcolmnvarchar << endl; fprintf(fptr,"%-4s",mcolmnvarchar.arr);
Above code works absolutely fine in Unix env with Oracle 8i. But with Linux env & Oracle 11g it is not working. No compilation or run time errors. Data at Stage one prints the output of database properly. But after null terminator code, Data at Stage two statement prints without any value. Value is lost after null terminator code.
1): In logminer logfile analyzing, I had added all the online redo log files in the below procedure: EXECUTE dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(..... Options => dbms_logmnr.addfile).
Then 2):I mentioned 3 days at the STARTTIME & ENDTIME in the procedure of LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR(...)
But it shows the below error msg:Ora-01291: missing logfile.
I got a primary database which ships logs successfully to a standby database where it is applied successfully as well.
I can connect using the tns name defined for data guard (which are already used for log shipping) in sqlplus.
Yet, at the time of configuring data guard broker,the command add database 'standby' connect identifier is 'to_standby'; fails.
Looking into drc<instance>.log, I see the error ora-03113 network I/O.
I haven't seen any error like that online and I can't explain why it does that when logs can ship already with the same connection identifier.
I have edited dest_2 with and without parameters LGWR and SYNC and reconfigured the broker without success. I've removed the configuration files and tried again.
I've checked that the password file is the same on both servers as well.Nothing seems to work. Is there a parameter I'm missing somewhere.
I have instance running and got more 300G of storage available for the database. I would like to know what are the steps to add these disks/storage to the existing DATA asm disk group?
I go to Report Attributes, then I click Add Column Link in the "Tasks" right menu, it adds me a column link, I just add some text for the link and a page to go to. Then I run the report and I get :
report error: ORA-01403: no data foundTested with several classic reports on multiple pages.
Debug mode shows me :
0.43816 0.00240 ...Execute Statement: select distinct [...] order by 3,11 ,4 0.44056 0.00162 print column headings 0.44218 0.04816 rows loop: 25 row(s) 0.49037 0.00141 report error: ORA-01403: aucune donnée trouvée 0.49175 0.00078 Computation point: After Box BodyWhen I run the query in my favorite tool, I get expected results.
when i press when button pressed trigger, i want first the form will delete all the previous data and then populate the data from the table, that's why i used clear_block first, but this clear_code is not working here. my coding is given below
go_block('show'); clear_block(NO_VALIDATE); declare cursor c1 is select * from qtr_demand order by 1; begin [code]..........
Am facing a problem in sending an email to certain group of people, if the recipient just one person it will work but if more it will not work, I tried to read every one as a single recipient through a cursor but it was not working, the following is the sending
Getting Error while running my form after including toolbar, calendar and alerts etc..I've created a library and then attached it..but unfortunately nothing special is going.. When I run my program, it first compile and then gives error. When I reach the error, there is this script..
PROCEDURE date_choosen IS BEGIN copy(to_char(date_lov.current_lov_date,'dd-mon-yyyy'), date_lov.date_lov_return_item); go_item(date_lov.date_lov_return_item); if date_lov.lov_auto_skip = TRUE then next_item; end if; END;
And not moving further. I'm also attaching my this form here. I've to use the calendar on my other 45 forms.
When a creating a pdf report in reports 6, under oracle 10g, the error message displayed is: The file is damaged and could not be repaired. If I change the report definition from a pdf to a txt file, the error does not display, but the output has the margings distorted.. It only happens when using reports 6
I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".
And then i call: Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True); Form status change to "QUERY"
And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.
On a Windows 2003 64 bits server I have installed Oracle Application Server 10gR2 (Infrastructure + Business Intelligence and Forms option). I also upgraded to Portal 10.1.4. All components are up and running.
I wanted to test if Forms services are functional using the test form provided by OAS at installation (test.fmb/.fmx).
Steps executed:
1) Start -> Programs ->Oracle Application Server 10g -> Forms Services -> Run a form on the web for form=test.fmx
or in the IE browser:
2) [URL]
The applet is not starting and I receive the following error:
In my Folder Form i have 6 Total Fields(SUM) , when i press anyone of these Total Filed, to move Right Or Left i got an error like this "frm-40733 pl/sql built-in set_group_char_cell failed."
I have an application which includes a certain page with a tabular form.After I copied this to a second schema, Apex threw an error
'Unable to bind ':126_ENG_PROJ_ID'
It took me quite a while before I found out that one of my fields in that tabular form has a Popup Key LOV.The SQL for the LOV was:
select dv, rv from (select loop_short dv, cmpnt_id rv from SPI_MAIN_TAG where eng_proj_id in (:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID, -:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID) ) order by dv
Turned out that the view SPI_MAIN_TAG didn't exist in the second schema.Apex error message would have been more clear, like a simple 'Table or view does not exist' error, where possible even with the table name.I had Debug turned on, but in the debug window there was no reference to above SQL,
I am trying to setup oracle look and feel project on my local machine. For that i upgraded forms to then i also applied path no 9593176 (But not yet performed steps related to jacob and webutil).
Problem : When i run Oracle look and feel template form it comes up with following error.
Forms Applet version is : Exception in thread "thread applet-oracle.forms.engine.Main-1" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.forms.handler.IHandler.getApplet()Ljava/applet/Applet; at oracle.forms.fd.DrawLAF.init(DrawLAF.java:285) at oracle.forms.handler.UICommon.instantiate(Unknown Source) at oracle.forms.handler.UICommon.onCreate(Unknown Source) at oracle.forms.handler.JavaContainer.onCreate(Unknown Source) [code]..........
I have a pl/sql package called advisory_form. It has 3 procs. First one asks for the term it calls another web form to get it then asks for student id. Post id to second procedure and web form shows students course information with a cursor also three empty items. When advisor fills this items for each course the data should be inserted into a table.I try to do this with a loop but it didn't work properly. The data which I get from cursor is inserted properyl but when it comes to filled text boxes and select list it does not work. Some data is lost. I am adding screenshot of my web form and the data inserted to table and of course my package code.
This is what I want to insert.
CREATE OR REPLACE package body advisory_form is
countc number; pidm number;
procedure p_sel_tid(term in term.term_code%type default null) is
hold_term varchar2(30); begin if not tmain.F_Vuser(pidm) then return; end if;
I want to use SQLLDR (sql loader) in my forms9i form to load attendance data therefore I installed SQLLDR utility in user computer but it is not working,
Begin :message := 'Please Wait, Data LOADING...!'; Delete From atnd_load; Forms_ddl('Commit'); utlt:= 'c:oracleora90insqlldr'; usr:= 'vikorapp'; pass := 'vikorapp'; strng := 'laptop'; cntrl := 'C:VikorPayrollFormsAtndCtl.ctl'; lg := 'c: empAtndLog.log'; bad := 'c: empAtndBad.bad'; host(cmd); :message:= 'Data Loading Complete...!'; End;
Following is the coding i am using to run in forms 6i to import the data in oracle on When_Button_Press . it will drop and create a user but not importing the data
I have 4 blocks in my form which is basically used for travel booking for the employees in a company within India
1) Header block :- contains info abt the person who is booking the tickets for number of employees. Here i have given booking no a primary key.
2) Employee Detail :- Here the basic info of an employee is entered. Here i have taken booking number as a foreign key and then given emp_cd & booking number as a composite primary key.
3) Travel Detail :- Here the travel detail of individual employee will be entered wherein a unique trv_no will b generated 4 every single travel. Again i have taken foreign key as bkng_no frm 1st blck and emp_cd frm 2nd blck and tkn a composite primary key which comprises of bk_no,emp_cd and trv_no. this is used to maintain the uniqueness for single travel.
4) Vehicle Hotel Details :- This block is placed on different canvas for same form.It is meant for Other details in which details regarding hotel,vehicle etc booking aftr reaching the destination is entered. In this block thrs no primary key, but i hv taken the composite primary key of 3rd block as a foreign key since thr will be multiple entries for this one entire travel.
At every level there will be multiple entries for each corresponding entered record. I am able to enter one single record properly i.e. for 1 emp i am able to enter multiple travel details and his other requirements but asi try to enter more then one employee info, his travel details, other requirements i face an error stating foreign key constraint violated.Parent key not found for 3 rd level block.
How can i get the desired o/p wherein all the multiple records for every single subsequent record are stored correctly taking all the constraints in to consideration.
I have made one form and trying to pick up the data available on the form by pressing a copy button and want to take all the date into clip board. for an example I'm just picking one field at the moment named as p213_que_item_ref
following code is defined as application_process getquerydet (process point ondemand)
declare item_ref varchar(30); begin item_ref = :p213_que_item_ref HTP.prn (item_ref) End;
In the header of the form querydetailsregion following code has been added
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function f_copytoCB () { var get = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=getqueryDet',0); //var get = $v('P213_QUE_ITEM_REF') get.add($v('P213_QUE_ITEM_REF')) gReturn = get.get(); copy gReturn; } </script>
i have create database link with msaccess2000 its working fine in forms 6i i am trying to upload data by using forms 6i while compiling form is automatically closed my code is this
begin insert into baba1 (select * from baba1@access_db where dte between to_date(:block3.fdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and to_date(:block3.ldate,'dd-mon-yyyy') [code]....