Forms :: Error In Calendar Binding And Form

Mar 21, 2011

Getting Error while running my form after including toolbar, calendar and alerts etc..I've created a library and then attached it..but unfortunately nothing special is going.. When I run my program, it first compile and then gives error. When I reach the error, there is this script..

PROCEDURE date_choosen IS
copy(to_char(date_lov.current_lov_date,'dd-mon-yyyy'), date_lov.date_lov_return_item);
if date_lov.lov_auto_skip = TRUE then
end if;

And not moving further. I'm also attaching my this form here. I've to use the calendar on my other 45 forms.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Binding - Invalid Number Error?

Jun 10, 2013

I have a pkg with a procedure that uses dbms_sql to process a varchar2_table. Each record in the table is a delimited string, such as "Priority^2", or "Destination^7". The goal is to split that string on the hat and update a record in the panelfield_users table. It works perfectly if I replace the first substr/instr on :pColumn with a hardcoded number, so I know that the binding is working to that point. It is only when I try to get the latter half of the string that it chokes. I keep getting a "invalid number" error. The displayorder field is an integer field and all values will be 3 digits or less. If I pull the sql string out into an editor, it runs just lovely.

The pertinent code is:
DBMS_SQL.PARSE(C,'update panelfield_users set displayorder = to_number(substr(:pColumn, instr(:pColumn, ''^'') + 1)) where userid = :pUID and fieldid = (select fieldid from panel_fields where upper(panelname) = upper(:pPanel) and upper(modulename) = upper(:pModule) and upper(field_displayname) = upper(substr(:pColumn, 1, instr(:pColumn, ''^'')-1)) )


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Client Tools :: Date Format And Calendar Type Are Not Changing In Oracle Form?

Oct 30, 2011

i have changed date's format and the calendar type in sqlplus through the following command so the date's format and the calender type both changed successfully and work, but in oracle form the they haven't changed.

alter session set nls_calendar='persian';



Note: i know session would change the format temporally but i want to change it permanently so i tried alter_system but still no result

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Forms :: Binding Selected Data From One Datablock To Another

Mar 3, 2012

I've got a problem with binding my selected data from one data block to another. When I'd finished selecting my data(subjects in this case),

and I clicked schedule button, my selected data were not bound into the textboxes in schedule datablock.this what happened.the code i used in when-checkbox-changed trigger:

:SCHEDULE2.Subject := :newstudents.subject_code;

and in tree-node-activated trigger:

MEssage('FOR LOOP - subj_code = ' || subj_rec.subject_code);
:NEWSTUDENTS.subject_code := label_of_mynode;
:NEWSTUDENTS.subject_= subj_rec.subject_code;
:NEWSTUDENTS.units:= subj_rec.units;

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Forms :: Getting The Error In Form - FRM 40735

Mar 17, 2011

I'm getting this error in my form....

FRM-40735: Formula-CALCULATION trigger raised unhandled exception

How can I find where the issue is?

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Forms :: Error In Sending Emails From A Form

Jan 19, 2010

Am facing a problem in sending an email to certain group of people, if the recipient just one person it will work but if more it will not work, I tried to read every one as a single recipient through a cursor but it was not working, the following is the sending

( p_sender_email => '',
p_from => '',
p_to => mail_pkg.array(V_MAIL),

:control.test data is quotes between to quotes for each address.

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Forms :: Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Error When Running A Form

Apr 18, 2006

On a Windows 2003 64 bits server I have installed Oracle Application Server 10gR2 (Infrastructure + Business Intelligence and Forms option). I also upgraded to Portal 10.1.4. All components are up and running.

I wanted to test if Forms services are functional using the test form provided by OAS at installation (test.fmb/.fmx).

Steps executed:

1) Start -> Programs ->Oracle Application Server 10g -> Forms Services -> Run a form on the web for form=test.fmx

or in the IE browser:

2) [URL]

The applet is not starting and I receive the following error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.forms.engine.Main

What does this mean? What should I do to make it work?

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Forms :: Error - 7033 In Total Folder Form Fields

Jun 24, 2013

In my Folder Form i have 6 Total Fields(SUM) , when i press anyone of these Total Filed, to move Right Or Left i got an error like this "frm-40733 pl/sql built-in set_group_char_cell failed."

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Forms :: Error While Running Oracle Look And Feel Template Form

Jan 5, 2012

I am trying to setup oracle look and feel project on my local machine. For that i upgraded forms to then i also applied path no 9593176 (But not yet performed steps related to jacob and webutil).

Problem : When i run Oracle look and feel template form it comes up with following error.

Forms Applet version is :
Exception in thread "thread applet-oracle.forms.engine.Main-1" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.forms.handler.IHandler.getApplet()Ljava/applet/Applet;
at oracle.forms.fd.DrawLAF.init(
at oracle.forms.handler.UICommon.instantiate(Unknown Source)
at oracle.forms.handler.UICommon.onCreate(Unknown Source)
at oracle.forms.handler.JavaContainer.onCreate(Unknown Source)

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Forms :: Calendar LOV Position (x / Y) On 6i

Aug 1, 2011

I have included a calender control in my form and its working fine.Now, my problem is how can I automatically place the calender next to the text-item (for example, "block.invdate")if the push button is pressed to call a calender.

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Forms :: How To Make A Calendar

Mar 4, 2003

I have read the messages below about making a calendar but am still unsure of how to go about doing this. I have the STNDRD20.OLB file, but I don't know where to put it or what to do with it! What comes next?

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Forms :: Make Calendar In Oracle 10g

Sep 15, 2011

I want to make calendar in oracle form 10g, but i don't know make it. How to do make calendar?

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Forms :: How To Create Calendar In Oracle

Aug 29, 2012

I desire to create pick my date of birth from the calendar. So I have done this. I am using oracle 6i Form developer. I have not find files 'standard' and 'calendar.pll' files anywhere.

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Forms :: Create Calendar In Oracle?

Jan 8, 2012

How can we create a calender in oracle forms.

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Forms :: Data Entering Form Not Showing Any ERROR Messages / SAVE RECORD Message

Jan 15, 2013

I developed a form in forms9i, at the time of data entering form is not showing any ERROR messages or SAVE RECORD message and when I press exit button it is asking "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE".

I have checked my PRIMARY KEY field and there is no mistake and value is populating at PRE INSERT.

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Forms :: Calendar (Date Picker) In Form6i

Mar 9, 2011

I want to add a date picker calendar on my form on the date field. I learned that process in institute but now forget the process.. Tell me the process and share the calender and standard file.

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Forms :: How To Attach A Calendar To Date Item

Dec 12, 2009

I am new to the Oracle forms,i want to attach a calender to my form. I followed the below process:

--> I have attached the LOV&Record Group of the item for which the calender is attached as ENABLE_LIST_LAMP LOV which is included in the TEMPLATE.fmb
--> Set the validate from list to 'NO' in the property palette
--> Then after in the trigger KEY_LISTVAL,wrote the code;

while compile the form i got an error component 'SHOW' must be declared

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Forms :: Click Button And Show Calendar

Nov 4, 2011

I want a code for a button to click and calendar show. Select the date and year for enter in text field.

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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Forms :: How To Change Calendar Type (suppose To Arabic) In Oracle

Nov 21, 2011

How to change calendar type(suppose to Arabic) in oracle forms?

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Forms :: FRM-30047 / Cannot Resolve Item Reference CALENDAR.CONVERTED_DATETIME

Jun 13, 2013

FRM-30047: Cannot resolve item reference CALENDAR.CONVERTED_DATETIME.


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ODP.NET :: Binding SQL Variables

Nov 5, 2012

The following code is getting the 'Not all Variables bound' error. There are only two variables so I don't see the order being an issue. Assume the integers are assigned elsewhere.

DateTime beginDT = new DateTime(yearInt, monthInt, dayInt, hourInt, minuteInt, secondInt);
DateTime endDT = new DateTime(yearInt, monthInt+1, dayInt, hourInt, minuteInt, secondInt);

SQL.Append(" WHERE DATE >= :beginDTParameter ");
SQL.Append("AND DATE < :endDTParameter");

OracleCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("beginDTParameter", OracleType.DateTime)).Value = beginDT;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("endDTParameter", OracleType.DateTime)).Value = endDT;

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PL/SQL :: Binding Variable In Procedure And Function

May 28, 2013

I have started reading ORACLE 11g R2 PL/SQL programming doc, and I am stuck at bind variable. I just copied the example in the books and found error -

First I have written below procedure and compiled successfully -

string_in := '[' || string_in || ']';
END FORMAT_STRING; Then I have written below function and also compiled successfully -
create or replace function join_strings  (str1 varchar2, str2 varchar2)

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Forms :: Opening Form Has Attached Libraries Caused Form Close

Jul 19, 2010

If I open a form has attached libraries in form builder on windows7 it closed and give this message :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:frmbld.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:42d63632
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll


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Forms :: Want To Call Web Form For Uploading Image From Custom Form

Apr 16, 2013

I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.

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Forms :: How To Reload Calling Form After Closing Called Form

Jul 15, 2007

I have FORM_A calling FORM_B: Call_form('FORM_B',...). On form_B I am updating a Record and when I close Form_B and the focus goes back to Form_A, I need to Automatically Reload Form_A to reflect the changes that were made on Form_B.

How can I reload the Calling Form (FORM_A) when I closed the called form (FORM_B)?

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Call Interface :: OCIObjectSetAttr Performance Deteriorates When Binding Too Many Type Prams?

Nov 19, 2012

In my application, when I passed a Type Array as parameter to the stored procedure and when the Type Array is large enough(normally 3000 type objects, each objects has about 15 attributes), the OCIObjectSetAttr performance deteriorates large enough from below 1 millisecond to 1~3 miliseconds.

I am using OCI 11gR2,

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Forms :: 2 Different Form To Pass Values From One Form To Another

Mar 11, 2010

is there any type of veriable used in declate statement whith could be used in 2 different form to pass values from one form to another.

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Forms :: Any Way To Load A Form Within A Form

May 21, 2010

I have a requirement, is there any way i can achieve the following User Interface using oracle forms

Left Pane: Navigation (Tree Menu)
Right Pane: Based on the node clicked in the Tree Menu, a specific form will be loaded on the right.

The tricky part, is there any way i could load a form within a form ? If i make use of OPEN_FORM, it will open a form in its own window.

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Forms :: How To Open Another Form Within A Form

Dec 20, 2012

I want to convert my forms6i application into forms9i therefore I initially converted my login and explorer form.

In my login form, I am using NEW_FORM to close my login form and wants to activate my explorer form but every time a pop-up raised and asked "DO YOU WANT TO CALL THE NEW FORM?", if I pressed YES then pointer moved to explorer form.

This form is working perfectly in 6i and didn't asked anything and moved to successfully to explorer form.

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