SQL & PL/SQL :: Find A Negative Number In String?

Apr 24, 2012

I am currently working on a Data Dictionary project where we need to run a few rules against the give data sources to see if they all comply together.

One of the rule is to check if the no. is negative or not. So for that what I tried to do was to check if first the field is number or not and then check on if it is negative or not.

This is the code I am currently trying on and is not looking good.

WHERE decode(DECODE( TRANSLATE('-123.45','-0.123456789',''), NULL, 1,0), 1,substr('-123.45',1,1) ,' ' ) = '-'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Whether Exact String Is Present / Not In Given String

Mar 14, 2013

I'm facing some problem even after using INSTR function in Oracle.The problem is I have written the logic in the PL/SQL block which appends all the values fetched in a loop on the basis of whether the string is present or not.

For ex:

The first value fetched from the select query first is ABCDEFG which gets appended to a variable
The next value fetched is AB even this has to be appended to the variable since this exactly doesn't match with ABCDEFG.
The next value fetched is BCDEF even this has to be appended to the variable since this exactly doesn't match with ABCDEFG.
The third Value fetched is ABCDEFG this will not get appended presently according to the logic which is correct.

writing that piece of code to append the value fetched which doesn't exactly match with the existing string

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Replacing 4 Digit Number In A Given String With The Same Number Incremented By 10000?

Jun 17, 2010

i want to replace 4 digit number in a given string with the same number incremented by 10000.

That mean in the given sting 1201 should be replace by 11201 (Icremented BY 10000).

Input String:

<query><matchAll>true</matchAll><row><columnId>1201</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>North America - Houston</val></row><row><columnId>1212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Agreement Date Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>1212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Facility Type Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>1224</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>y</val></row></query>

Required output :

<query><matchAll>true</matchAll><row><columnId>11201</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>North America - Houston</val></row><row><columnId>11212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Agreement Date Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>11212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Facility Type Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>11224</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>y</val></row></query>

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Find Page Number And Total Number Of Pages

Jan 26, 2010

i am using oracle developer 6i report builder i required this type of query


if (:page number LIKE '1')
end if;

return (TRUE);

but page number is not my table database item how can i use builtan page &<pagenumber> use for conditional format.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count A List Of Number Value And Find Maximum Number?

May 21, 2010

how do I count a list of number value eg 1,1,1,1,3,3,6,4 and find the one with maximum number which is 1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find A Match Within String And Compare?

Aug 2, 2012

Below is a column 'ADDR' with the data (single column)

/shared/Folder_1 :^BIAdministrator:^BIAuthor:^BIConsumer:BISystemUser:OracleSystemUser:System:weblogic: :F


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Manipulate String (Find And Replace)

Jun 29, 2012

I am required to manipulate a string in this way.For example ABCDEF)* to $ABCDEF). So I should find * and delete it and instead put $ in the beginning of string.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Greatest Values In A String

Jul 22, 2011

I am trying to update the greatest value in a column from a string of other column.

Ex: f the value is shown 10M+16M+25M-DG, then populate 25 only

so for that I had written query as follows:

update ANCHOR set IEL_STRAND_SIZE= greatest(
(REPLACE(REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE( F_TYP, '[A-Z]', '' ),'+',','),'-',','),
length(REPLACE(REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE( F_TYP, '[A-Z]', '' ),'+',','),'-',','))-1))

The output is given as 10,16,25,but not as 25.so how could i write it?Do I need to implement procedure or arrays for it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Occurrences Of Some String In DB Objects?

Jul 11, 2012

How can i identify all the occurences of raise_application_error(-20XXX, '<the message>'); within all database objects, and replace them with other text?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Way To Find Out Ending Digits In A String?

Dec 5, 2012

Is there a way to find out the ending digits in a string?

Examples of input and outputs:
'ABC123' -> 123
'123ABC' -> NULL
'123ABC456' -> 456
'123ABC456QP98' -> 98

I have figured a way to do it by doing Reverse and re-reversing using: reverse(regexp_substr(reverse(p_string), '[ [:digit:]]*'))

But I'm sure there is a way to do it backwards without using reverse function, which I am not able to properly put in the syntax.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Out Lowercase Char In A String

May 16, 2008

How to find out lowercase char in a String in a SQL query

for example

"ORAclE" here c and l are lowercase so how can i find out this condition... is there any build in function in oracle?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Any Character Is Repeating In A String

Sep 8, 2011

How to find whether any character in a string is repeating or not

Eg: '123LH563' should return 'YES' , as 3 is repating there
'1234567' sould return 'NO' as there is no character which is repeating

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PL/SQL :: Find And Replace Value In Delimited String

Sep 4, 2013

I have a requirement, where i need to find and replace values in delimited string. For example, the string is

"GL~1001~157747~FEB-13~ CREDIT~ A~N~ USD~ NULL~".

The 4th column gives month and year. I need to replace it with previous month name. For example:

"GL~1001~ 157747~ JAN-13~ CREDIT~ A~N~USD~NULL~".

I need to do same for last 12 months. I thought of first devide the values and store it in variable and then after replacing it with required value, join it back. I just wanted to know if there is any better way to do it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Packaged Procedures Names For Particular String

Nov 7, 2011

I want to search for some specific string in packaged procedures source code, and want to list the name of those procedures along with package names.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Extended ASCII Characters From A String

Sep 19, 2013

I have a table like mentioned below

create table test1( test_no number, test_description varchar2(100));
insert into test1 values (1,'ABC£¥');
insert into test1 values (2,'BCD£¥');

Now I am selecting from the above table and the expected rest it should have shown is as shown below

1 ABC£¥
2 BCD£¥

But instead of showing the extended ascii characters, it is showing some different characters as shown below

select * from test1;


I have an requirement where i need to fetch the exact ascii characters for £ and ¥ instead of L and Y respectively.

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Difference Between Number And String?

Oct 20, 2012

I can't understand >>

1. Number 2 is less than number 100,

2. string '2' is greater than string '100'.

>> Numbers are ordered by numerical value; strings are ordered by alphabetical value. >>

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SQL & PL/SQL :: String Together Number Of LIKEs With ORs

Jun 28, 2010

If I have a "smart" key in a database, say one for which each byte of the key is meaningful, is it generally a good idea to string together a number of LIKEs with ORs? For example, if I want to select people where the last two bytes of that smart code are in a certain list and write:

where smart_key LIKE '%02'
or smart_key LIKE '%03'
or smart_key LIKE '%07'
or smart_key LIKE '%19'
or smart_key LIKE '%23'
or smart_key LIKE '%30'
or smart_key LIKE '%33'
or smart_key LIKE '%34'
or smart_key LIKE '%41'

Say I string a lot of those together, with 40 or 50 ORs. Right off the bat is it fair to say that's a bad query for Oracle, or do substrings of this sort generally perform well?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Number To String?

Apr 27, 2012

I found this query in my sub version repository and really wondering how this working

select to_char(to_date(1000000,'J') ,'JSP') string_value from dual;

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PL/SQL :: Extract Number From String

Oct 21, 2012

I am using this Regexp to extract numbers from a string, and I doubt that there is a more efficient way to get this done:

SELECT  regexp_replace (regexp_replace ( REGEXp_REPLACE ('  !@#$%^&*()_+= '' + 00 SDFKA 324 000 8702 234 |  " ' , '[[:punct:]]',''), '[[:space:]]',''), '[[:alpha:]]','')  FROM dual

Is there a more efficient way to get this done ?

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PL/SQL :: String And Result Number

Jul 9, 2012

Im trying to generate this link on my result [URL].....

materialId and materialFolderId are the results of my query.. Im not sure how to combine my results and string on my query..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Nearest / Closest String For A Column Data

Jun 1, 2011

Quote: I have a table(table name is names) with column as name(varchar) . I have the following data for name column.


I would like to find a nearest match for Mississippi, that means sql should return row that contains Mississipp( Row #3)

If I try to find nearest match for Mississirr then sql should return row that has column value Mississ (Row#2)
Is this possible ? Here is the code for table creation and data.

create table names (name varchar2(20));

insert into names values('Miss');
insert into names values('Mississ');
insert into names values('Mississipp');

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Zero If Negative Value

Jan 9, 2012

I am doing a Gross Profit percentage. I want to display zero if the GP% is have negative value.

for example

If GP% shows -75 I want to display as 0.

trunc((sum(total)-(sum(DECODE(po_pur,'',0,PO_PUR))+sum(DECODE(pl_pur,'',0,PL_PUR))+SUM(parts))) / SUM(DECODE(TOTAL,0,1,TOTAL))*100,2) "GP%"

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Reports & Discoverer :: Converting The Number To String

Dec 6, 2010

I wanna convert the amount of money from number to string such as 144.5 to be one hundred forty four point five is there any function or i have to write my function? How could i put new line in the string?

for example if i have 'SAB Bank' || 'Riyadh'

but i want SAB bank to be displayed in line and Riyadh in line.

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Select Greatest - Difference Between Number And String?

Oct 21, 2012

I am confused with third one.

CODE1. >> Comparing two strings >>
SQL> select greatest('99' ,'100') from dual;

2. >> comparing both numbers >>
SQL> select greatest( 99 ,100) from dual;

3.>> Comparing string and number >>
SQL> select greatest('99' ,100) from dual;

whats the logic behind 99 being returned for thirdone.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Number Of Pattern Occurrences In String?

Feb 4, 2012

The code which I am working on consists of an incoming dynamic string which be in the form of binary digits. The max size of the string will be 12 digits. For example, the string can be '111011000001', '000000000000', '111111011111', etc.

I need to find the number of occurences of '111' in the incoming string. Say in the 1st example, result will be 1, in the 2nd example result will be 0, and in the third example, the result will be 3.

I have been trying to capture the string length and replacing the variables '111' to find the number of occurences, but it isn't giving me the result that I want. This is what I have tried

SQL> conn hr/hr
SQL> show user
USER is "HR"


I searched the forum and found a similar topic, and following that guideline, I even tried dividing the string with the length of the pattern. It works in some scenarios (the first and second examples mentioned below), while it fails in some scenarios (third example mentioned below)

SQL> select (length('11101110111') - length(replace('11101110111','111','')))/length('111') as occurences from dual;


SQL> select (length('110111110111') - length(replace('110111110111','111','')))/length('111') as occurences from dual;


SQL> select (length('111111111111') - length(replace('111111111111','111','')))/length('111') as occurences from dual;



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Values Of RULES Tables To Find Records Containing A String Format

Sep 4, 2013

Insert into PROFILE
(138, 'Test A', 'SRC!-1,ARCHIVE_OPT!-1,DATE_FIELD!155,DATE_RULE!1,DISTINCT!1', TO_DATE('01/20/2005 13:35:33', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into RULES
(155, 'DATE_TEST');

I want a code something of this sort:

select profilename from PROFILE where user_data like '%DATE_RULE!115%';

Output will be "Test A".Now, this is just a single value from RULES table used to find the data of PROFILE table.I will have to run the query on multiple values of RULES tables to find records containing a string format of sort "DATE_RULE!<rule_no>". How to search on WILD CARDs like these?

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Count Number Of Lines In Multi Line String

Aug 2, 2007

I have a string like this:

s_list varchar2(234) :=

How can I find the number of lines in this string? I tried using

INSTR('s_list', '
', 1, 1)

but it gives 0.

Is there any inbuilt function/proc SQL or PL/SQL which can do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split String Function For Large Number Of Records?

Aug 6, 2010

I have created a function that is used for splitting a comma separated string & give the output in tabular form.here is the function

Here I have used CLOB as my input string will be huge(greater than max limit of varchar2)



But here I am facing 2 problems.

1. The function is not accepting a large string & I am getting the error

ORA-01704: string literal too long

2. The function is going for an infinite loop.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pattern Matching And Updating Of Number Values In String?

Nov 5, 2011

I have a table(PSUSEROBJTYPE) with a long field(PTCUSTFORMAT) containing a row value value in the form:


Here, I want to update the above field value to a value in the form:


This is nothing but finding each occurrence of (#n) in the above string and replacing it by (#n+1). (i.e #1 is replaced by #2,#2 is replaced by #3).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenate String To Number Field In Update Statement

Oct 4, 2011

I need to concatenate string to the number field in an update statement like this:

update test1 set model_pin = seq_no || '_' || model
where eoc_code like 'AEW%'

When I run this command in sql , I get ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01722: invalid number

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