Preventing Loss Of Data Because Of NLS_LANG Setting?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a database using character set AL32UTF8. The database contains character strings (VARCHAR2 colums) that may contain both Western European and Eastern European characters (and may be even other kinds of characters such as Cyrillic or Asian).

Suppose a client application has set NLS_LANG character set to WE8ISO8859P1. By this Western European characters will be shown correctly, while Eastern European characters which do not compare with WE8ISO8859P1 will be converted and shown as '?' (question marks) in the client application. If a user of this application fetches a record with Eastern European characters, modifies the record and then rewrites it to the database, the Eastern European characters with be rewritten to the database as question marks, i.e. Eastern European data have been corrupted.

I would like to prevent this by detecting that data were not converted properly during the fetch and then show the record to the user in read-only mode in order to avoid data loss, but I have not been able to detect the conversion error.

The application fetches data through the OCI interface using the "ofetch" function. The error code set by ofetch is the same (i.e. no error) regardless of whether the record contains Eastern European characters or not.

I thought I could manage this by setting the database parameter NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP to TRUE, but this has no effect. Apparently this only deals with operations directly in the database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Partition In A Table Without Data Loss

Jul 27, 2012

We would like to remove the partitions from a particular table. The table in question has 12 partitions. Based on some initial investigation, I've come up with the following options. because the table we going to remove partition will have millions of records so on considering the db downtime we are looking for a alternative way. Is there a better way?

Copy data into another table, drop all partitions, then copy the data back into the original table
Copy data into another table, drop the original table, then rename the new table and rebuild the indexes.

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ORA-12713 - Character Data Loss In NCHAR / CHAR Conversion?

Apr 4, 2011

got this Errormessage "ORA-12713: Character data loss in NCHAR/CHAR conversion" during a rman backupjob! How can I fixed it?

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Loss Of All Control-files?

Oct 23, 2010

Can try this approach to recover:[URL]...

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Data Guard :: Setting Up Physical Standby On Server With Different Structure

Jun 28, 2012

I am having a few issues trying to set up a physical standby database.

The primary database has a different naming structure than the standby and they are at different sites.

Physical is /var/hpsrp/ctrorp03/oradata/u0x/<DB_NAME>/<DB_UNIQUE_NAME> and standby is /var/hpsrp/drforp03/oradata/u0x/<DB_NAME>/<DB_UNIQUE_NAME>.

I have set db_file_name_convert to '<PRIMARY PATH>', '<STANDBY PATH>' times the number of paths as pairs. I have created a blank database for standby and having taken a full backup of primary with control file and standby control file.

Now I hit the issues:

The DB incarnation numbers are different. When I try and do a normal restore e.g. set dbid, restore controlfile; mount; it fails as it is trying to find files in the primary structure and not standby structure. When I try renaming via set newname or auxname it can't find files to restore I guess due to the incarnation id's. If I set the incarnation id and try to restore backup it fails as the incarnation id's don't match.

I have tried looking through various forums and the documentation but can't find a solution, probably can't see the wood for the trees though as there is so much.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Preventing Duplicate Column Value Using Trigger?

Mar 18, 2010

I am working on a assignment, How to prevent duplication with Trigger. I create following compound trigger for this, but it is not doing so.



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Preventing Concurrent Running Of A Stored Procedure

Oct 9, 2012

I have a stored procedure that is run from a command within our Clarity application.

The procedure involves some SQL Reads and SQL Inserts.

We have experienced users running the SP at the same time (slim chance to do this) and it creating duplicate entries.

if there is a clever way of preventing the same SP to be run concurrently?

Initially I was thinking of having the first step of the SP to interrogate a flag into a custom table - which the SP then sets to 1 if it is running, and 0 at the end.

Are there better more efficient/effective ways of doing this?

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Enterprise Manager :: Preventing A User To Login To OEM

May 25, 2011

Is there a way to prevent a user to login to OEM in oracle 10g?

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Server Administration :: Preventing Database Shutdown By A Trigger?

Jan 15, 2013

i mean can i write a trigger to prevent shutdown in certain time.

create or replace trigger trig1 before shutdown on database begin if to_char(sysdate,'hh24') <16 then 'what is the right thing to do here?'

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SSO Preventing Multiple Concurrent Oracle Sessions From Loading

Nov 16, 2012

We are experiencing a problem with SSO causing 2nd or 3rd concurrent Oracle sessions to hang. The Oracle application hangs during loading and the task manager has to be used to close the application.

I have tested logging onto our application servers using SSO and I cannot load more than 3 concurrent Oracle sessions. When I bypass the SSO and logon to the same server I can load more than 20.

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Client Tools :: EXCEL Preventing Large Numbers Being Displayed In Scientific Notation

Sep 13, 2010

Here is one way to create EXCEL file from oracle sql query and prevent excel displaying large numbers in scientific notation(exponential notation)

set feedback off
set verify off
set heading off
spool c:excel_test.xls
select 'PO_NUMBER'||chr(9)||'VENDOR_NUMBER' from dual
select '=PROPER('||po_number||')'||chr(9)||'=PROPER('||vendor_number||')'||chr(9)
from invoices
where rownum < 12
order by 1 desc

Note that PO_NUMBER is 16 characters, VENDOR_NUMBER is 15 characters in invoices table.

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Forms :: Setting Tab Sequence?

Jan 27, 2011

've form which is having 3 tabs in canvas, i want to open second tab first when we open form,

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Oracle 10g Setting Up Encryption

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to setup encryption and have the following entry in my sqlnet.ora file (all on one line).


When I login into my DB I get the following error:

sqlplus ' / as sysdba '

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Sep 24 16:30:49 2010

Copyright © 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28368: cannot auto-create wallet

As you can see the directory is not created.

ls -ld /oracle/
ls: 0653-341 The file /oracle/ does not exist.

The directory above where I want to create my wallet is owned by oracle, which is the user I am running sqlplus as (see below)

ls -ld /oracle/
drwxrwsr-x 4 oracle dba 512 Sep 24 15:45 /oracle/

/tmp who am i
oracle pts/1 Sep 24 13:25 (

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Setting Threshold Value Without Using Grid

Jun 13, 2012

if I create manual database how to set threshold value? is there any other tool to set threshold value?

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Setting New Sub Partition Template Has No Effect

Oct 19, 2010

Not sure if its an issue or just an Oracle "feature" of some sort. So I create a table with a specified partition/ sub partition template as follows:

CODEcreate table sr_part_test
part_key NUMBER,
subpart_key VARCHAR(10)
tablespace NORKOM_DATA
partition by range ( part_key )
subpartition by list ( subpart_key )

Then when I split the MAX VALUE partition, all is hunky dorey and as expected:

CODEalter table sr_part_test split partition sr_part_max at (4) into
partition sr_part_4,
partition sr_part_max
select * from user_tab_subpartitions where table_name = 'SR_PART_TEST' and partition_name = 'SR_PART_4';

But - what if I want to have new generated names and possibly even new subpartition keys? Won't work:

CODEalter table sr_part_test
set subpartition template
subpartition sp_1_NEWNAME values ('foo'),
subpartition sp_2_NEWNAME values ('bar'),
subpartition sp_3_NEWNAME values ('baz')

Notice that the sub partition names are still using the old names (which I do NOT want), and still using the old keys! C .

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Forms :: Field Column Setting?

Sep 30, 2013

I am currently working on a bug that came from a user. An oracle form is used for entering employee information and the backend table is employees. One for the field here is LAN ID. It was found that some users were using space bar either before or after entering the Lan id and this is causing issues in finding the employees in the system. A request is being submitted to not let any blanks or space to be entered in the field. In the table, this particular field/column datatype is varchar2 and the size is 8.

How do I make no blanks or spaces to be entered in the field or otherwise, even if they put a space or blank, the field should only use the actual ID entered.. Is it possible?

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Forms :: Setting Of Urdu Language

Feb 14, 2008

Any one tell me how can i enable urdu in oracle 9i which charter set will be use

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Server Administration :: Setting Up 11g Express

Aug 8, 2012

I got the attached issue in Win 08 server when setting up 11g express.

Have you ever encountered the same?

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Forms :: Setting Icon At Runtime

Feb 12, 2010

i want to set the icon on my forms i write these lines.... for to do this...


and i also attached the library d2kwutil.pll and when i run the form then this error raised...

FRM-40734: Internal Error : PL/SQL error occurred..

now what can i do for set the icon at run time..the first part of the message has been removed as it belongs to @allianz2010's previous topic; the rest has been split into a new.

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Forms :: Setting Output Path

Feb 1, 2010

Recently i faced with a situation of redirecting a report output to a particular path in my server, and then opening the output by using web.show_document.

I was successful in redirecting it too a path , however i am not able to open the file using URL. We should setup virtual path in orion-web.xml and proceed further.

I pointed the output to an existing virtual path as below in my orion_web.xml file.

D:OraHome_2 oolswebhtml

and tried opening the output through the url


however i was not able to add new virtual path here .

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Server Administration :: Setting Up UTL_MAIL

Apr 9, 2013

Using UTL_MAIL package.

My server version is:-
Here is the INIT Parameter file.

My question is, how it will affect if I configure the UTL_MAIL package by executing the Scripts ("utlmail.sql" and "prvtmail.plb")? And setting the Parameter SMTP_OUT_SERVER=''?

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Forms :: Setting Date Formats In 6i

May 19, 2011

I have been allocated a new PC. Where is the date format used by forms (6i) set up. I previously used to enter 20110519 in the application and it used to accept. It now does not accept the above format.

The nls_date_format on the database is setup as YYYYMMDD.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Setting Session Variables From Application Server

Feb 23, 2012

We are running a brower based client application in a J2EE container on weblogic, connecting to the database using proxy authentication from a connection pool.

We want to set the logging level in the front end, which should set a PL/SQL package/session variable to the respective value.

Any subsequent calls to the DB layer (stored procs) would then log appropriate messages depending on what the logging level has been set to.

The trouble is that the calls to be database are not persistent and in different sessions, and therefore the second call (i.e. the call to the stored proc) would not 'know' what the first call (to set the package variable) has done.

Alternatively we can change all the stored procedures to accept an input parameter denoting the logging level, but I am sure there are other better options.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Export To Excel Setting

Mar 17, 2011

I used to click the "export to excel" icon on the menu and it open the excel worksheet with the option for me to save in the specified directory and name. But after my computer have Java v24 updated, when I try to export to excel, it does not give the option to open the worksheet instead it saves the excel file to the C:/users/ directory and overwrite every time I export.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Setting Column Value Depending On Number Of Month

Aug 1, 2011

My need is to calculate rows and write result into column:

c1 if current month is 1st in quarter,
c2 if current month is 2nd in quarter,
c3 if current month is 3rd in quarter.

How do I perform it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Setting Variable In Procedure Based On Parameter?

May 24, 2011

I am reading in a selection of parameters. I have created a new variable which I want to set according to the value of one of the input parameters.

I am doing this straight after declaring the variable, but before the cursors and BEGIN statement It is throwing an error when I do this - but I have to do it before the cursors.the variable I am setting is: v_fptransType you can see the IF statement towards the end of the code.

the error I am getting is:Error(28,3): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "IF" when expecting one of the following: begin function package pragma procedure subtype type use <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> form current cursor The symbol "begin" was substituted for "IF" to continue.

beginning of the

create or replace
PROCEDURE "P_GLPOST" (i_entity IN varchar2, i_transType IN varchar2, i_startDate IN VARCHAR2,
i_endDate IN VARCHAR2, i_accountPeriod IN VARCHAR2, i_includeInternals IN NUMBER, i_chargeable IN NUMBER, i_trialPost IN NUMBER,
i_postingReport IN NUMBER, TESTER IN VARCHAR2) is
--set serveroutput on size 1000000;


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Forms :: Setting A Date 18 Years In Future?

Mar 26, 2011

I am trying to set a item to system date + 18 years. What type of formula or where to put such a thing. i tried putting- select add_months(sysdate,216) from dual; into the calculation-formula in property palette with no success.

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Syntax For Setting Pctfree And Pct Used For A Specific Table?

Apr 25, 2013

tell the syntax for setting pctfree and pct used for a specific table.

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Client Tools :: Setting Oracle Parameters

Apr 24, 2012

I am setting the oracle_home,oracle_sid on windows server2008.

oracle client 10g and oracle server are installed on my machine and i have created 2 database on my machine.

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Application Express :: Setting MaxDate Using Javascript?

Jun 24, 2013

I am struggling to set the maxDate of a datetimepicker.

In the document load of the page I have this:

$('#P64_STARTDT').datepicker("option", "maxDate", $v('P64_XFORMATSTARTDT'));


It never sets it.

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