ORA-12713 - Character Data Loss In NCHAR / CHAR Conversion?

Apr 4, 2011

got this Errormessage "ORA-12713: Character data loss in NCHAR/CHAR conversion" during a rman backupjob! How can I fixed it?

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Sep 12, 2013

My database has following NLS Charatset settings. NLS_ CHARACTERSETUS7ASCIINLS_ NCHAR_CHARACTERSETAL16UTF16 I have a table create table test_tbd(a varchar2(2000), b nvarchar2(2000)); but when i insert following values using sqldeveloper

Insert Into Test_Tbd Values ('España','España'); And trying to select them following is the outputEspa�aEspa�a  me with NVARCHAR2 issue.  

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Char To Date Conversion?

Feb 7, 2013

converting a string to date, my string looks like '01022013' '04022013', I tried to_date('01022013', 'dd-mm-yyyy') but couldn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Existing Database Conversion From Bytes To Char?

Aug 11, 2011

What is the best way to convert an existing database table set with nls_legnth_semantic=BYTE to CHAR?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-22835 Buffer Too Small For CLOB To CHAR Or BLOB To RAW Conversion?

Sep 24, 2008

Recently I came across this issue, which gives me an error as following.

ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 4907, maximum: 4000)

Now I am running a very simple query against one of the View in our Database.
Query is:

Select Prj_Num,
From ProjectDetails
Where Rel = ‘2008 10’

What I have discovered so far is one of the field in this view name “PM_Comments” has more than 4000 bytes of information in it, Which is not supported by tools I have available on my computer. I have Oracle SQL Plus, SQL plus Worksheet, Access and Excel installed on my machine. DBA related to this database are stating that the field is working fine and query is executing without error since they are using TOAD for SQL, which does have capabilities to read more than 4000 bytes.

What I have figured out so far is “PM_Comments” is a LOB and SQL plus is having trouble reading this information more than 4000 bytes in one field of information.Because of this diagnosis, I have tried using following queries but it did not useful either.

Select Prj_Num,
Substr (PM_Comments, 1, 4000)
From ProjectDetails
Where Rel = ‘2008 10’

Select Prj_Num,
DBMS_LOB.Substr(PM_Comments, 4000, 1)
From ProjectDetails
Where Rel = ‘2008 10’

But both of the above mentioned queries did not work either. and I get the same ORA-22835 Error.I do not need all of the information in “PM_Comments” field, I only need about first 1000 characters of it.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Error Implicit Conversion Of String Literal To (char) Is Deprecated?

Jan 30, 2011

i write a select statement in proc that contains 44 columns.

when i precompile it. it is showing the error: implicit conversion of string literal to "char *" is deprecated.when i compile the same select with 40 columns it is not showing any error.

but for more than 40 columns (41-44) it is showing the above error.

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Preventing Loss Of Data Because Of NLS_LANG Setting?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a database using character set AL32UTF8. The database contains character strings (VARCHAR2 colums) that may contain both Western European and Eastern European characters (and may be even other kinds of characters such as Cyrillic or Asian).

Suppose a client application has set NLS_LANG character set to WE8ISO8859P1. By this Western European characters will be shown correctly, while Eastern European characters which do not compare with WE8ISO8859P1 will be converted and shown as '?' (question marks) in the client application. If a user of this application fetches a record with Eastern European characters, modifies the record and then rewrites it to the database, the Eastern European characters with be rewritten to the database as question marks, i.e. Eastern European data have been corrupted.

I would like to prevent this by detecting that data were not converted properly during the fetch and then show the record to the user in read-only mode in order to avoid data loss, but I have not been able to detect the conversion error.

The application fetches data through the OCI interface using the "ofetch" function. The error code set by ofetch is the same (i.e. no error) regardless of whether the record contains Eastern European characters or not.

I thought I could manage this by setting the database parameter NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP to TRUE, but this has no effect. Apparently this only deals with operations directly in the database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Partition In A Table Without Data Loss

Jul 27, 2012

We would like to remove the partitions from a particular table. The table in question has 12 partitions. Based on some initial investigation, I've come up with the following options. because the table we going to remove partition will have millions of records so on considering the db downtime we are looking for a alternative way. Is there a better way?

Copy data into another table, drop all partitions, then copy the data back into the original table
Copy data into another table, drop the original table, then rename the new table and rebuild the indexes.

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Server Administration :: Character Set Conversion

Sep 13, 2010

we have to migrate data from to

Version : character set : WE8MSWIN1252

Version : character set : AL32UTF8

Any hints with which we can go.

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Forms :: ORA-12703 Character Set Conversion Is Not Supported

Jan 29, 2013

There are two application servers we have, one is windows based with 10g and linux based 11gr2. Our main login form throwing error message in linux server 'ora-12703 this character set conversion is not supported'. The same coding form in 10g running without any problem. Both application servers accessing the same oracle db server 11gr2.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Special Character Conversion / Translate / Replace

Nov 3, 2010

I have requirement to cleanup special character of field. The data which is retrieved from the field and written to text file.

So Here

Ã- should be replaced by i
HÃ-­re - I need value Hire(actual value) from the filed.
í- this has written into file instead of i

In database i have the following


I tried this

select convert('HÃ-re','UTF8') from dual
Output: H??re

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Stored Procedure - Character To Number Conversion Error

Mar 14, 2011

I have written a stored procedure that has started returning the error:

Error starting at line 1 in command:
call p_glpost('DSTUK', 'L', '2008-01-01', '2008-01-01', '2011-02-18', 1, 1, 1, 0, 'Hi there')

Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
ORA-06512: at "CLARITY.P_GLPOST", line 173
06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"

I can't seem to find a tool that will let me step into the actual stored procedure line by line to see where the error occurs. It mentions line 173, which seems to be a red-herring, as line 173 is simply one of the 'END IF' lines within this block:

IF NVL(r_dist.transtype,'wild') = 'wild' THEN
elsif r_wip.transtype = r_dist.transtype THEN
v_matchCount := v_matchCount+1;
elsif r_wip.transtype <> r_dist.transtype THEN

Tell me if it is possible to trace through a SP, and which tool is best (I am trying to use Oracle SQL Developer).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-06502 - Numeric Or Value Error - Character To Number Conversion?

Aug 4, 2011

I got a string in the form 1+2+4.If we write select 1+2+4 from dual;then we get o/p as 7.but the same thing iam trying to do in a bit of pl/sql program by passing the string 1+2+4 value to a number variable as below.


TASK6_STATUS value is 1+2+4 (this thing i got by replacing the string and lots of stuff) but i need the result after adding these 3 numbers in the string. and i declare COUNT_TASK as NUMBER;and i am very well aware that it gives me the error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error

how to add these numbers in my program to get the result 7.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-06502 - Numeric Or Value Error - Character To Number Conversion?

Jun 20, 2013

1 error has occurred  ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error

I get the above error when I try to compare the below dates in a Pl/sql process in APEX environment.

Is there a work around for it? or (to_char(V_SERVFROM,'mm/dd/yyyy')) != (to_char(:P29_SERVFROM,'mm/dd/yyyy'))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search Swedish / Danish / German Char Using English Char

Oct 27, 2010

I want to pass english character as a parameter and search a string that having swedish character, this needs to be done for all the swedish characters.

test _t table having the below 3 values


1. If user searches based on english char like below then they should get all the 3 values bcz fist & last have swedish ä and second one having english a.

Query : select name from test_t where name like '%a%'


2. If user searches based on swedish char like below then they should get only 2 values bcz fist & last have swedish ä and second one having english a.

select name from test_t where name like '%ä%'


Is any in-built function available, for Text alternative string search. If not how to search the string based on the query.

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ORA-12713 Error In Oracle Forms?

Oct 11, 2012

i am getting ora-12713 error in oracle forms output whle displaying text in textbox.

ORA-12713:character data loss in NCHAR/CHAR conversion
ORA-01403 : no datafound.

these two erros are cuming together in oracle 11g and some data is lossing. other its displaying.

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PL/SQL :: How To Make Default For Nchar

Aug 3, 2013

I want to make default 'y' for COL1 how should i make it.1) "COL1" NCHAR(10) DEFAULT N'y'or 2) "COL1" NCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'y' yours sincerly

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Selection Criteria Char Between Char

Jul 22, 2009

I have a table with column val1 having data's starting with 0920 and 4 digit char values.

so we have the query to find

select * from table
where val1 between '0920' and 'ZZZZ'

will it work fine?

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Loss Of All Control-files?

Oct 23, 2010

Can try this approach to recover:[URL]...

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PL/SQL :: ORA-06525 - Length Mismatch For CHAR Or RAW Data

Nov 1, 2013

ORA-06525: Length Mismatch for CHAR or RAW dataORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 127ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 1204ORA-06512: at line 14

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Performance Tuning :: Data Type Of Key_Desc And Key1 Is CHAR

Sep 7, 2011

I am using ORacle 10g R2.

SELECT key_value
WHERE company_id = '01'
AND key_code = 'SHRINK'
AND key_desc <= 3888
AND key1 > 3888

Data type of Key_Desc and Key1 is CHAR.

The above query used to run in and now in i am getting invalid identified error..

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Server Administration :: How To Know Character Set As Single Character Or Multi Character

Sep 26, 2013

how do we know database character set is either single character set or multi character set?

While changing character-set from AL32UTF8 to WE8MSWIN1252 got "ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set".

Below are steps taken to resolve the issue -


i got this error: ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set

below are the commands executed by me:


And its working...

I have not done it in proper order. Neither have done ccsscan. Still, no user reported any issues. Do my changes truncated the data?

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Performance Tuning :: Data Type Conversion Impact?

Nov 28, 2011

my sql query has three tables in from clause so it has two join conditions and one where condition.

account_no is number data type and v_account_no is varchar2() data type

The where clause is :

"where account_no=to_number(v_account_no)" with this condition in my sql query has the cost 392

we just modify the where clause as where v_account_no=to_char(account_no) with this condition in the sql query has the cost 11.

what is impact of this data type conversion and difference between these two "to_number() and to_char()" in performance wise to reduce the cost of query?

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Implicit Data Conversion / Join Conditions Between Number And Vrahchar2

Jun 17, 2013

In my Project, there are many queries have join conditions between Number and Vrahchar2. Will it give any wrong results or Invalid Number exception even the varchar2 column always contains the number data?

Select * from Table_t1 t1, table_t2 t2
where t1.num_col = t2.var_col
-- Here var_col always hold only numaric data.

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Server Utilities :: ORA-02374 / Conversion Error Loading Table (through Data-pump)

Jul 12, 2013

While importing dump to the new database, error occurred. Below are the errors -

ORA-02374: conversion error loading table "INS"."GENMST_FINANCIER_BRANCH"
ORA-12899: value too large for column TXT_IFSC_CODE (actual: 19, maximum: 15)
ORA-02372: data for row: TXT_IFSC_CODE : 0X'4644524C30303031353739A0A0A0A0'

I would like to know, why such error occurred during the import.

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Export Data Using Escape Character

Jul 2, 2012

I have got a requirement where i need to export data from oracle with escape character.

eg. I am using a delimiter 237(í) and if the same character is present in data it should be escaped by escape character eg. /.

Once this file will get created i need to load this file in Netezza database which supports escape character.

Data in oracle table
FirstName     Lastname     Designation
abc     xyz     mnz
def     ghío     pqr

Data should be exported like below

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Importing To New Character Set And Its Affect On Encrypted Data

Nov 9, 2010

We are exporting from a 9i db to an 11g. During the migration, we are changing our character set from USASCII7 to AL32UTF8 so that the "extended" characters that our users like to put in text fields are stored and retrieved properly.

However, we've found a problem, and i'm not sure if Oracle has a method of dealing with. Searching this site and Oracle docs got me nowhere.

We store account #'s and credit card info in the DB encrypted with the dbms_obsfucation_tookit. We have an encryption key cross reference table that we use to store the key to un encrypt the data.

However, what we've found is that by importing these keys into our new character set database, the keys are no longer valid and can't be used with the DES3DECRYPT function to get the correct numbers out.

Is there a conversion utility or any tool that Oracle provides to maintain the encrypted datas "decrypt ability"? Worse comes to worse, we will have to write a script/procedure to decrypt everything on the 9i, import it to 11g, and then re-encrypt it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Clip Data Starting From Certain Character String

Aug 23, 2010

I have created and formatted a mini test scenario. Execute the scripts I have below?

From the column adj_second_line, I am trying to clip everything from the characters '201' all the way to the end...or the NUMERIC start value after the word 'TYPE'. Whichever way is easier for you...

create table test_split
(adj_second_line varchar2(80))

insert into test_split
values ('ADJ#1-2G3AYL TYPE 20100501 20100524 0MO/23DY')

insert into test_split
values ('ADJ#2-656GYP TYPE AR 20100522 20100524 0MO/15DY')

insert into test_split
values ('ADJ# 265HKK TYPE X 20100428 20100524 0MO/30HT')

insert into test_split
values ('ADJ#13 43327DR TYPE AJ 20100413 20100524 0MO/30HT')

-- Need to have another column called split_second_half

SELECT adj_second_line,
substr(adj_second_line, 1, instr(adj_second_line, '201')-1) split_first_half,
instr(adj_second_line, '201') clip_from_position
FROM test_split

--Desired output for the split_second_half column

20100501 20100524 0MO/23DY
20100522 20100524 0MO/15DY
20100428 20100524 0MO/30HT

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Special Character / ORA-00911 / Invalid Character

May 25, 2010

We have Oracle 10g and user trying to Insert following in one of our table field and getting error:

'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda'

Getting follwoing error:

ORA-00911: invalid character
create table Employee
(Emp_ID Varchar2 (10),
Company_Name Varchar2 (40)
Insert into Employee
values ('Emp1', 'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda');

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Data Back To Special Character Values?

Nov 4, 2011

Enterprise Edition Release

------------------------------ ----------------------------------

There is table (VIN_TEMP) in my company database containing following records. It seems like this table should contain some greek language special chracter values instead of this weird data.

SQL> select * from vin_temp;


Client are reporting these records as invalid and requesting us to fix. As i investigated i found out, this table was created and loaded few year back. Client sent us one time files which we loaded into this table. I was able to find the code which was actually used to load this table, but unfortunately i was not able to find the raw files where we load this data from...

It seems like Previous Developer specified character set "UTF8" statement, in his sql loader script, to load this data. It seem those file contain some Greek language special character data which was not support by "UTF8" charater set and result in creating those invalid data. My Job is to fix these invalid records and convert them back to its original values which were present in the raw file. I tried to contact client and see if i can find out the raw files but no luck. I tried to use convert function as mention to convert this data from "UTF8" to our current character set format but no luck.

SQL> SELECT attr, dump(attr), convert(attr,'UTF8', 'AL32UTF8') from vin_temp;
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
���9999 Typ=1 Len=13: 239,191,189,239,191,189,239,191,189,57,57,57,57 ���9999
���9998 Typ=1 Len=13: 239,191,189,239,191,189,239,191,189,57,57,57,56 ���9998
���9997 Typ=1 Len=13: 239,191,189,239,191,189,239,191,189,57,57,57,55 ���9997
���9997 Typ=1 Len=13: 239,191,189,239,191,189,239,191,189,57,57,57,55 ���9997


Here is the script to create table with those type of invalid records.

create table VIN_TEMP
attr VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)
insert into VIN_TEMP (attr) values ('���9999');
insert into VIN_TEMP (attr) values ('���9998');


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