SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-22835 Buffer Too Small For CLOB To CHAR Or BLOB To RAW Conversion?

Sep 24, 2008

Recently I came across this issue, which gives me an error as following.

ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 4907, maximum: 4000)

Now I am running a very simple query against one of the View in our Database.
Query is:

Select Prj_Num,
From ProjectDetails
Where Rel = ‘2008 10’

What I have discovered so far is one of the field in this view name “PM_Comments” has more than 4000 bytes of information in it, Which is not supported by tools I have available on my computer. I have Oracle SQL Plus, SQL plus Worksheet, Access and Excel installed on my machine. DBA related to this database are stating that the field is working fine and query is executing without error since they are using TOAD for SQL, which does have capabilities to read more than 4000 bytes.

What I have figured out so far is “PM_Comments” is a LOB and SQL plus is having trouble reading this information more than 4000 bytes in one field of information.Because of this diagnosis, I have tried using following queries but it did not useful either.

Select Prj_Num,
Substr (PM_Comments, 1, 4000)
From ProjectDetails
Where Rel = ‘2008 10’

Select Prj_Num,
DBMS_LOB.Substr(PM_Comments, 4000, 1)
From ProjectDetails
Where Rel = ‘2008 10’

But both of the above mentioned queries did not work either. and I get the same ORA-22835 Error.I do not need all of the information in “PM_Comments” field, I only need about first 1000 characters of it.

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PL/SQL :: Conversion Of BLOB Datatype To CLOB Datatype

Aug 17, 2012

I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.

How to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Character String Buffer Too Small?

Dec 14, 2012

I'm trying to create a table with a select statement. I want to populate this new table with the aggregated value from a VIEW. Following is the code used for creating the VIEW,

create or replace view FINAL_WEB_LOG
select SESSION_ID,
tab_to_string(CAST(COLLECT(web_link) AS t_varchar2_tab)) WEBLINKS
from web_views_tab

I want to create a table with WEBLINKS and SESSION_ID which is a sequence from another table.

SELECT weblinks
FROM final_web_log
SELECT session_id

This now gives me the following error,

SQL Error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

This has to do with the field, Weblinks, it does have longer values.

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ORA-06502 Character String Buffer Too Small When Called From C# App

Apr 26, 2007

I have researched this problem and checked my variable sizes over and over again. I have tested the procedure within the Oracle Express environment and it works fine; HOWEVER, when the procedure is called from my C# app it produces the ORA-06502 error.

The stored procedure signature looks like this...

Original - SQL Code

create or replace save_new_project (p_custorgid in number,
p_title in varchar2,
p_AOIName in varchar2,
p_description in varchar2,
p_receiveddate in date,
p_deadlinedate in date,
p_startdate in date,


The OracleParameter in my C# app for the last out param is defined as such...

cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("p_statustypedescrip", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 30, ParameterDirection.Output));

As I said at the beginning of this post, the procedure works fine in the Oracle environment. So why is it not working by simply calling it from C#? I've tried changing the OracleDbType to CLOB which eliminates the error but it returns a bizarre result. It returns this string, "Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleClob".

Since CLOB doesn't really work either I switch back to Varchar2 and specify a size of 5000 (in the database the field I am querying is defined as Varchar(30)). I still get the ORA-06502 error.

I am clueless as to what the problem is. It should work and it does if I run a series of SQL statements in an Oracle SQL Command window. The test that works fine looks like this...

Original - SQL Code

v_projid projects.projectid%type;
v_statustypedescrip projectstatustypes.type%type; /* this is a varchar(30) */
save_new_project(2, 'Some input text goes here', 'More input text', 'And more again','26-APR-2007','26-APR-2007','26-APR-2007','26-APR-2007','users name as inpujt text


But calling save_new_project from C# throws ORA-06502. It identifies line 40 of my stored procedure. This is line 40...

Original - SQL Code

p_statustypedescrip := v_statustypedescrip;

p_statustypedescrip := v_statustypedescrip;

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PL/SQL - Numeric Or Value Error / Character String Buffer Too Small

May 24, 2011

when I want to create a table.When I run my procedure I received :
PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

create or replace PROCEDURE p_create_tmp_tables (p_result OUT NUMBER ) IS
string_sql varchar2(1000);
result NUMBER;
execute immediate string_sql;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Very Long Query With Ref Cursor - Buffer Too Small Error

Jun 21, 2011

I want to pass a damn long query(which includes a lot of column names, tables, joins, union, where clauses etc. and whose length is more than 120000) in a Ref cursor (that's length is more than 32767). Query is stored in a LONG type variable V_QRY in stored procedure, and I am opening that ref cursor like below-


at run time its giveing string buffer too small error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Numeric Or Value Error - Character String Buffer Too Small

May 6, 2008

I am trying to execute this

-- Initialize owa with an empty array, just so we can use htp.
owa.init_cgi_env( param_val=>owa.cgi_var_name );
-- Add a header to avoid dealing with header-related code in htp.


The error I am getting is

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1550
ORA-06512: at line 32

what i feel is that oracle Database UTF8 or AL32UTF8 characterset does not support htp package properly. When i run the code on another characterset, it runs errorfree except in UTF8 or AL32UTF8.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Char To Date Conversion?

Feb 7, 2013

converting a string to date, my string looks like '01022013' '04022013', I tried to_date('01022013', 'dd-mm-yyyy') but couldn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error / Character String Buffer Too Small ORA-06512 / At Line 9

Nov 17, 2011

Actually I am getting the following error while running my script.

Error:(Error): ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at line 9

Seems to be getting eror in the following line but not sure why its coming."select adary.dilution_strategy_seq.NEXTVAL into :dil_strat_seq_new from dual;"

Code snippet:
dil_strat_seq_new NUMBER :=0;
disc_conc_seq_new NUMBER :=0;
disc_fold_seq_new NUMBER :=0;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-06502 Numeric Or Value Error / Character String Buffer Too Small

Jul 14, 2011

i am getting above error while doing

ORA-06502 numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512 itw_item_add_ch at line 17

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure itw_item_add_ch (header_id1 number, folio out varchar2,tariff out varchar2) as
cursor item_add(header_id1 number) is
DISTINCT c.attribute4 item_tariff_no,
c.attribute5 item_folio


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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-06502 - Numeric Or Value Error - Character String Buffer Too Small?

Jul 10, 2012

Following are my declarations and query inside my procedure.i am getting "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too smal" error when i try to execute the procedure

code :

request_owner request.SCC_USER_ID%TYPE := NULL;
receipt_location request.RECEIPT_LOCATION_LKP_ID%TYPE := NULL;
receipt_type request.RECEIPT_TYPE_LKP_ID%TYPE := NULL;
item_id request.ITEM_ID%TYPE := NULL;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Two Variables - Numeric Or Value Error / Character String Buffer Too Small

Jan 24, 2011

I am learning pl/sql and this is procedure i had created which got created successfully.then i created two variables name v_name, v_loc with command.

variable v_name varchar2; etc.
and executed procedure like
execute dept_proc2(10, :v_name, :v_loc);
and i am getting the error

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

1 create or replace procedure dept_proc2
2 (v_dno in number, v_name out varchar2, v_loc out varchar2)
3 is
4 cursor dept_cur is select dname, loc from dept
5 where deptno=v_dno;

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ORA-06502 - PL/SQL / Numeric Or Value Error / Character String Buffer Too Small

Oct 8, 2012

Actually I have an existing table in LOG RAW instead of BLOB. Which stores some transaction XML data. The data is very huge. When i trying with the following, gives me following error

SQL> declare
2 a varchar(255);
4 cursor c1 is select xml FROM LOG_tab WHERE ID='13148' ;
5 begin
6 open c1;
7 loop
8 fetch c1 into b ;


ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at line 10

Since dbms_output.put_line has buffer limitation.Can we write the result of a select statement into client LOCAL disk files using PL/SQL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting ORA-06502 - Numeric Or Value Error - Character String Buffer Too Small?

Jun 7, 2012

I am getting an error as below
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small.

Here is complete code

rvalue VARCHAR2 (32767
STATIC FUNCTION odciaggregateinitialize (sctx IN OUT accum_string_type2)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-06502 - Numeric Or Value Error / Character String Buffer Too Small

Feb 17, 2012

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at line 8

I am reexecuting this view:

set serveroutput on buffer 2560000


before reexecuting above view I was counting the column and was getting below error:

ora-00600 internal error code,arguments:[qctopn1], [],[],[]...

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Forms :: ORA-06502 - PL/SQL - Numeric Or Value Error - Character String Buffer Too Small

Oct 2, 2010

i am generating html format mail from oracle 10g database.

For displaying data into html format, message body data is exceeding more than 32k.

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error:character string buffer too small

i am using long data type for message body data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Existing Database Conversion From Bytes To Char?

Aug 11, 2011

What is the best way to convert an existing database table set with nls_legnth_semantic=BYTE to CHAR?

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Client Tools :: ORA-06502 - Numeric Or Value Error / Character String Buffer Too Small

Mar 28, 2013

Trying to learn and understand Triggers, PL/SQL code, etc. When I execute a simple insert using Toad for Oracle, all is fine. When I try the identical insert in SQL*Plus, it throws error ORA-06502 during execution of the trigger.

Here is the error info:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "PMSC0.AAAJOB_TIMING", line 10
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PMSC0.AAAJOB_TIMING'

Here is the table and the trigger:

CREATETS TIMESTAMP(0) DEFAULT current_timestamp,


The error seems to be on this:

SELECT current_timestamp
INTO :new_row.createTS

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ORA-12713 - Character Data Loss In NCHAR / CHAR Conversion?

Apr 4, 2011

got this Errormessage "ORA-12713: Character data loss in NCHAR/CHAR conversion" during a rman backupjob! How can I fixed it?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Error Implicit Conversion Of String Literal To (char) Is Deprecated?

Jan 30, 2011

i write a select statement in proc that contains 44 columns.

when i precompile it. it is showing the error: implicit conversion of string literal to "char *" is deprecated.when i compile the same select with 40 columns it is not showing any error.

but for more than 40 columns (41-44) it is showing the above error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Blob To Long Raw Conversion

Dec 19, 2010

I have a problem i need to convert a blob column contains pic file to long row

i had many tries but no one succeeded

Source table | destination table
id number | id number
img blob | img long raw

1 - INSERT INTO destination table SELECT id , img FROM Source table WHERE ROWNUM < 2

i have this error ORA-22835 Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 146092, maximum: 2000)

2 - INSERT INTO destination table SELECT id , dbms_lob.SUBSTR(img,0,2000) FROM Source table WHERE ROWNUM < 2

now errors but the lengh is 0 (i have no file )

What can i Do

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Forms :: Error In Concat A Clob With Char Datatype

Nov 2, 2011

How could we concat a clob with a char datatype.

a clob;
b varchar2;
c clob;

When execute above code in form runtime, I get error ora-32767.

"ORA-29287: invalid maximum line size Cause: An invalid maximum line size value was specified.
Action: Correct the maximum line size to be in the range [1, 32767]."

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Reports & Discoverer :: Clob In 6i - Error Function Return Must Char

Jun 23, 2011

I having issue when i try to use CLOB as varchar2 is not enough in my case. I'm developing function column in oracle report. I'm using developer 6i. I get error function return must char?

How I can use CLOB in oracle report?

function CF_RnoFormula return Char is
--v_release_num CLOB;
v_release_num varchar2(32767);
FOR rec IN

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conversion Of CLOB To NCOLB

Sep 19, 2011

I want to convert Clob column datatype to NClob datatype. I tried to modify the column by using below method but got the mentioned error:

SQL> alter tab1 TABLE_NAME modify COLUMN_NAME nclob;
ERROR at line 1:

ORA-22859: invalid modification of columns

One of the other method with which I am familiar with is :


First to Create a new column of the desired type and copy the current column data to the new type using the appropriate type constructor.

how to change the clob to Nclob datatype without using the temp column usage?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Clob To BLOB Updation

Dec 11, 2012

I have a issue in updation of data from CLOB to BLOB.

create or replace function CLOB_TO_BLOB (p_clob CLOB) return BLOB
l_blob blob;
l_dest_offset integer := 1;
l_source_offset integer := 1;
l_lang_context integer := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: invalid LOB locator specified:
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 696
ORA-06512: at "SYSADM.CLOB_TO_BLOB", line 11
ORA-06512: at line 6

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Forms :: Clob / Blob Png Image Representation In 6i?

Jan 26, 2012

I have a table containing records with a field representing a png image that is encoded as base64 text. The procedure responsible for creating the record receives the base64 information in a parameter of type CLOB. It then inserts it in a field of same type on the record. I want to transform the CLOB data into an image and display it back on the form.

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Performance Tuning :: LONG To CLOB Conversion In Huge Tables

Jan 25, 2013

We have a huge table in production, with LONG column. We are trying to change its datatype to CLOB. The table has 120 Million records and is of 270 GB in size.

We tried using the oracle expdp/impdp option to try the conversion in our perf environment. With 32 parallels, the export completed in 1.5 hrs. However, the import took 13 hrs.

I also tried the to_lob option using inserts, it went on for 20 hrs and I killed the process. Are there any ways to improve the performance of LONG to CLOB conversion on huge tables?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search Swedish / Danish / German Char Using English Char

Oct 27, 2010

I want to pass english character as a parameter and search a string that having swedish character, this needs to be done for all the swedish characters.

test _t table having the below 3 values


1. If user searches based on english char like below then they should get all the 3 values bcz fist & last have swedish ä and second one having english a.

Query : select name from test_t where name like '%a%'


2. If user searches based on swedish char like below then they should get only 2 values bcz fist & last have swedish ä and second one having english a.

select name from test_t where name like '%ä%'


Is any in-built function available, for Text alternative string search. If not how to search the string based on the query.

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Difference Between Cache Buffer Chain Latch And Buffer Busy Wait

Jul 30, 2012

Does cache buffer chain latch and buffer busy wait event are related to one any another.

Latch definition from Google says : Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms to protect shared data structures in the system global area (SGA).

what does it mean my protect. Does this mean protects from aging as per LRU algorithm and getting removed from SGA
protect from other processes ,say from example from simultaneously DML operations.

Does buffer busy wait event occurs , because of the cache buffer chain latch ?

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Selection Criteria Char Between Char

Jul 22, 2009

I have a table with column val1 having data's starting with 0920 and 4 digit char values.

so we have the query to find

select * from table
where val1 between '0920' and 'ZZZZ'

will it work fine?

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