I have a issue in updation of data from CLOB to BLOB.
create or replace function CLOB_TO_BLOB (p_clob CLOB) return BLOB
l_blob blob;
l_dest_offset integer := 1;
l_source_offset integer := 1;
l_lang_context integer := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: invalid LOB locator specified:
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 696
ORA-06512: at "SYSADM.CLOB_TO_BLOB", line 11
ORA-06512: at line 6
I have a table containing records with a field representing a png image that is encoded as base64 text. The procedure responsible for creating the record receives the base64 information in a parameter of type CLOB. It then inserts it in a field of same type on the record. I want to transform the CLOB data into an image and display it back on the form.
Recently I came across this issue, which gives me an error as following.
ERROR: ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 4907, maximum: 4000)
Now I am running a very simple query against one of the View in our Database. Query is:
Select Prj_Num, PM_Comments From ProjectDetails Where Rel = ‘2008 10’
What I have discovered so far is one of the field in this view name “PM_Comments” has more than 4000 bytes of information in it, Which is not supported by tools I have available on my computer. I have Oracle SQL Plus, SQL plus Worksheet, Access and Excel installed on my machine. DBA related to this database are stating that the field is working fine and query is executing without error since they are using TOAD for SQL, which does have capabilities to read more than 4000 bytes.
What I have figured out so far is “PM_Comments” is a LOB and SQL plus is having trouble reading this information more than 4000 bytes in one field of information.Because of this diagnosis, I have tried using following queries but it did not useful either.
Select Prj_Num, Substr (PM_Comments, 1, 4000) From ProjectDetails Where Rel = ‘2008 10’
Select Prj_Num, DBMS_LOB.Substr(PM_Comments, 4000, 1) From ProjectDetails Where Rel = ‘2008 10’
But both of the above mentioned queries did not work either. and I get the same ORA-22835 Error.I do not need all of the information in “PM_Comments” field, I only need about first 1000 characters of it.
I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.
How to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype ?
I have to update Order_id with some 8 digit number generated by some algorithm. And i have to update that value in child tables as well. In how many ways i can do this task. for example..
1) Disabling the constraint and updating Master value and child value.
I want to execute a db trigger once for updation of more than one record on a single primary key. The updation would be made by a 10g form by using the common tabular data block.
if we update partition key, internally row movement is done as if you had in fact deleted the row and reinserted it. It will update every single index on this table, and delete the old entry and insert a new one. It will do the physical work of a DELETE plus an INSERT. However, it is considered an update by Oracle even though it physically deletes and inserts the row¿therefore, it won't cause INSERT and DELETE triggers to fire, just the UPDATE triggers. Additionally, child tables that might prevent a DELETE due to a foreign key constraint won¿t. You do have to be prepared, however, for the extra work that will be performed; it is much more expensive than a normal UPDATE.
In above I inserted few rows into table and those belong to partition P1 and Tablespace DJB and then I updated partition key from A to B which resulted row movement from partition P1 to P2 which belong to tablespace users. Before updation data has consumed some space in tablespace DJB and after update those records consumed some space in tablespace USERS. But in this scenario I checked that space consumed in DJB is not released. Is there any way to get this space released ?
I am trying to access and modify data of a table of another schema which contains 80,000-90,000 records. My procedure is taking near about 30 mins to complete the operation. faster access and updation of table data.
Details: I have two schema: TEST and PROD I am running the below code from TEST Schema. /* CODE START HERE*/ DECLARE exc_bulk_errors EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (exc_bulk_errors, -24381); v_block_count NUMBER := 1000;
The above code is taking near about 30mins to process.
I have also tried another approch: Creating a procedure in PROD schema to update COMPONENT_MASTER table and by calling the procedure from above code by passing component code.
Using Oracle 10g2 I'm trying to create a ctx index, using CTX_DLL atributtes.
drop index se.INDEX_PRONUMJNE_CTX;
CREATE INDEX INDEX_PRONUMJNE_CTX on TBL_PRONUM (MyBlobColumn) INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT parameters('sync (on commit) LEXER LEXER_SINTILDES');However, I got errors: ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine ORA-20000: Oracle Text error: DRG-10700: preference does not exist: LEXER_SINTILDES ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160 ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 364
Is it possible to create this kind of indexes for blob fields? Or just for varchar field
explain the difference in numbers between the queries? I am acutally more concerned about the ETM_XML clob since the descrepancy appears to be bigger.
SELECT table_name, column_name, segment_name, a.bytes FROM dba_segments a JOIN dba_lobs b USING (owner, segment_name) WHERE b.table_name = 'ETM_RAW_XML';
i want to store xml in database. i have following questions,
1) in which col should i keep xml . 2) right now i am keeping it in blob columns, how can i insert update a record in blob col from query, which can be run from worksheet.
I have a table with a column of type blob. Now i want to create a procedure which will insert into that table. But I don't like to create a directory. How can i solve this.
I want to insert a row like this:
insert into table x(image) values('d:photo est.jpg');
I have two different database servers where I need to migrate table data from one schema to another schema in batch wise for eg say 100 rows. I used BULK COLLECT with LIMIT. But to access BLOB data from table I have facing errors. What could be other approache to do the same.
here pc_work is a table containing BLOB data in sourse schema. I am fetch data from this table to table t1_test_work using dblink but not working
[ declare type array is table of test_work%ROWTYPE; L_DATA array; cursor C is select * from pc_work@prpctrg; begin open C; LOOP
I have a problem i need to convert a blob column contains pic file to long row
i had many tries but no one succeeded
----------------------------------- Source table | destination table id number | id number img blob | img long raw ------------------------------------
1 - INSERT INTO destination table SELECT id , img FROM Source table WHERE ROWNUM < 2
i have this error ORA-22835 Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 146092, maximum: 2000)
2 - INSERT INTO destination table SELECT id , dbms_lob.SUBSTR(img,0,2000) FROM Source table WHERE ROWNUM < 2
I have a table containing BLOB column which stores scanned images. Due to an application error, few extra data was padded with BLOB data and now we want to remove it.
The table count will be near to 10 million rows.
We need to remove data from 161byte to 167byte of the blob data. I tried to do with DBMS_LOB.ERASE.But it will create blank spaces for the removed data. Here we need to reduce the size of BLOB data by 6 bytes by removing data from 161bytes to 167 bytes.
DK99F17,AA,032820130840,Other ABCD,AA,032820130840,OV AAZ123,BC,032820130932,DWL CBA12345,ZA,032820130939,Other Each BLOB is associated to a file name in the format... 03282013100002_thisfile.txt
The blob for each file may be zero rows to n rows in size, but typically there are 2 to 5 rows (four rows were shown in the rows above).The following kind of gets me there, but not quite as it splits up the BLOB rows at the comma and not the line break (HEX=0D0A / CRLF).
with rec as (select fs.file_name, utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(fs.file_data) file_data from tada.files_store fs where fs.file_name like '%citations.txt' and trunc(fs.date_created) = to_date('26-MAR-2013','DD-MON-YYYY')) [code].....
Now my problem:
In want to delete the blob column(The Content) in Products and the columns, which belong to this column(Filename,Mimetype,Last_update_date). EMPTY_BLOB() doesn't work
Where '00001234' is the Invoice , '12222' is Netamount field and highlighted in red is the $ amount for that invoice.
The only data i need query to return 12222 (netamount)= $amount. I tried using substr select substr((TESTDATA),19,26)test from TABLEA; But this gives me the only the first row but not other amount which have different positions.
I have a table with a blob type field. We need to read scanned documents (doc, pdf, tif, jpg, etc.) from a specified directory and insert relevant data into a table, including the document as a blob.