SQL & PL/SQL :: Execute DB Trigger Once For Updation Of More Than One Record?
Apr 2, 2013
I want to execute a db trigger once for updation of more than one record on a single primary key. The updation would be made by a 10g form by using the common tabular data block.
I am trying to use execute immediate in a trigger. See the below example
create table test_tbl(col1 number,col2 varchar2(10), col3 date); create table test_tbl_log as select * from test_tbl where 1 = 2;
create or replace trigger test_trig after insert or update or delete on test_tbl for each row declare v_str varchar2(4000); [code].......
insert into test_tbl values(3,'test',sysdate);
I got the Error : -1008->ORA-01008: not all variables bound
In the execute immediate statement if I change the v_using_str variable to :new.col1,:new.col2,:new.col3 trigger is running fine. But here I have to create trigger on all the tables in my schema and I dont want to list all the column names for each table manually and I am using a for loop to build the v_using_str string in my original code.
I've been asked to look into ways I an execute an application with a trigger. I know I could set some database flag and have an application look at the flag and execute an application based on this, but my boss really doesn't wanna go down this route.
I was told I can use either C or java within the trigger somehow to execute an application (for example notepad.exe)
We have developed a code which builds a trigger on a atble dynamically at run time usinf Dynamic SQL command Execute immediate.
I am not usre if the error is due to insufficient privileges as we are able to build tabl;e in the system dynamically using the above mentioned command.
i try to make trigger to execute immediate create or replace view
FOR EACH ROW declare l number ; v_ddl varchar2(4000); v_job number; [code]....
it give me error for insuffition privilage in execute immediate and after i make GRANT CREATE ANY TRIGGER TO user give me error can't commit in trigger.
I have a problem in my form. In my form there are 4 blocks and in one of the block i have a button. In which i put a code same as below:
So as per code i want to clear all the changes in form for current session and want to call the procedure ABC after that. But it is not calling the procedure ABC. And what would i do to perform the same?
I would like to create a trigger that will execute a stored procedure when a package/function/procedure is compiled. I tried creating an update trigger on user_objects, but it statues aI cannot create that trigger tyoe on views.
I have to update Order_id with some 8 digit number generated by some algorithm. And i have to update that value in child tables as well. In how many ways i can do this task. for example..
1) Disabling the constraint and updating Master value and child value.
I have looked at the code you pointed me to, and have attempted to get it to work using a package, but I cant even get the package to compile..
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY trigger_api AS PROCEDURE tab1_row_change (p_numass IN varchar2, p_datcre IN date) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO tempjob (numass, datecre) VALUES (p_numass, p_datcre); END tab1_row_change; [code]....
Doing this process from code is not an option and MUST happen automatically via triggers.The mutating trigger error can sometimes be avoided: URL....
I am trying to create a trigger which does the following : A flag in the initial able is set to Y. When this happens, the record needs to be inserted into a history table and then DELETED from the calling table.
It must happen in triggers, but I keep getting the mutating error.I have tried to use a Compound trigger, but with no luck and just dont really understand how to get this to work.
Doing this process from code is not an option and MUST happen automatically via triggers.
the following case is successfully done with mssql databases.
Table UserGroup Columns id, name, handshake
When the handshake is set to 'd', this record should be deleted. I know it is bad behaviour by design.
What have I done so far:
- created an after update trigger (mutual error) Caused by trying a delete action in the update action, not possible.
- created a view in combination of instead of update trigger.
This causes also mutual error, or if ignored (PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION), an deadlock.
Code so far:
create or replace procedure Delete_UserGroup_sp(p_groupId in USER_GROUP.HMIUSERGROUPID%TYPE, p_handshake in USER_GROUP.HANDSHAKE%TYPE) is begin if p_handshake = 'd' then delete USER_GROUP WHERE HMIUSERGROUPID = p_groupId; commit; end if; end;
create or replace view USERGROUP_V as select * from USER_GROUP
create or replace trigger USER_GROUP_T1 instead of update on USERGROUP_V for each row declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin Delete_UserGroup_sp(:new.HMIUSERGROUPID, :new.HANDSHAKE); end;
writing a trigger body. My requirement is i need to insert a new record in a task table when ever a new record is inserted into employee table.Here in the trigger i need to select the name of the employee in the last inserted row in employee table and insert the name in task table.I tried to write the code as below
insert into task(name, date, type) values ((select name from employee where emp_id=(select max(emp_id) from employee), sysdate, 'document'));
When i am trying to insert record using trigger, it is taking last but one record from the employee table.
I am trying to create a trigger which does the following : A flag in the initial able is set to Y. When this happens, the record needs to be inserted into a history table and then DELETED from the calling table. It must happen in triggers, but I keep getting the mutating error. I have tried to use a Compound trigger, but with no luck and just dont really understand how to get this to work.
Doing this process from code is not an option and MUST happen automatically via triggers.
I am trying to write a procedure using when-validate-record that will clear all fields, display a message and ignore all commits if user is not authorized to have access to make changes to the form.
I have tried to use Clear_form(no_validate)and clear_record and neither works
I have a trigger which monitors the deletion activity on the table. But I would like to re-insert those records to the in the table using the same trigger.
I have a issue in updation of data from CLOB to BLOB.
create or replace function CLOB_TO_BLOB (p_clob CLOB) return BLOB as l_blob blob; l_dest_offset integer := 1; l_source_offset integer := 1; l_lang_context integer := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_LANG_CTX; [code]........
ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: invalid LOB locator specified: ORA-22275 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 696 ORA-06512: at "SYSADM.CLOB_TO_BLOB", line 11 ORA-06512: at line 6
I am navigating from a Master form to a child form. The when-create-trigger in the child form is sometimes executing and sometimes not. Not firing of this trigger is causing the child form to open without any initially assigned values. What is the root cause and also the scenarios where the when-create-trigger fires.
I'm trying to create a trigger so that whenever a record in the Employee table is deleted, a trigger will automatically delete corresponding records in the Job History table, then the Employee record is archived to EmployeeArchive before it is deleted. It compiles but with warnings. Here's what I've got.
if we update partition key, internally row movement is done as if you had in fact deleted the row and reinserted it. It will update every single index on this table, and delete the old entry and insert a new one. It will do the physical work of a DELETE plus an INSERT. However, it is considered an update by Oracle even though it physically deletes and inserts the row¿therefore, it won't cause INSERT and DELETE triggers to fire, just the UPDATE triggers. Additionally, child tables that might prevent a DELETE due to a foreign key constraint won¿t. You do have to be prepared, however, for the extra work that will be performed; it is much more expensive than a normal UPDATE.
In above I inserted few rows into table and those belong to partition P1 and Tablespace DJB and then I updated partition key from A to B which resulted row movement from partition P1 to P2 which belong to tablespace users. Before updation data has consumed some space in tablespace DJB and after update those records consumed some space in tablespace USERS. But in this scenario I checked that space consumed in DJB is not released. Is there any way to get this space released ?
I am trying to access and modify data of a table of another schema which contains 80,000-90,000 records. My procedure is taking near about 30 mins to complete the operation. faster access and updation of table data.
Details: I have two schema: TEST and PROD I am running the below code from TEST Schema. /* CODE START HERE*/ DECLARE exc_bulk_errors EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (exc_bulk_errors, -24381); v_block_count NUMBER := 1000;
The above code is taking near about 30mins to process.
I have also tried another approch: Creating a procedure in PROD schema to update COMPONENT_MASTER table and by calling the procedure from above code by passing component code.
I am developing form, but there is issue when I Press F11 to query data.I make trigger form when-new-record-instance to assign values for item.But when i Press F11 then Block no clear.
i have one table ot_ins_item where user will enter the details of item, grade,item qty , later on user will go and update the same table the details of different grades received for the same item in different columns with qty breakup in 3 different fields it_qty_01 , it_qty_02,it_qty_03 respectively with different grades , what i need is i want is whenever he updates this table with different grades based on data entered in 3 different fields , a procedure or trigger should delete the initial record saved and insert three different rows based on newly updated values , it may be 3 or it may be 2 sometime depending upon input values that many records should be inserted same time controlling the qty's entered in breakup not exceeding the main qty.
I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.
I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".
I'm working with old code that uses dbms_sql.execute to build/execute dynamic sql. In our case, the user can select varying columns(I think up to 20) with different where conditions as needed.
After building the sql, here's an example
WITH ph AS (SELECT ph.* FROM po_header ph WHERE 1 = 2), pf AS (SELECT DISTINCT pf.order_id, pf.fund FROM po_fau pf, ph WHERE 1 = 1 AND ph.order_id = pf.order_id
Where table records for
po_header = ~567746 po_fau = ~2153570
and PK "order_id" is a NUMBER(10) not null and a snippet of the code looks like
nDDL_Cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(nDDL_Cursor, sSQLStr, 2); FOR x IN 1 .. nCols LOOP sCols(x) := ''; dbms_sql.define_column(nDDL_Cursor, x, sCols(x), 100); END LOOP; nError := dbms_sql.execute(nDDL_cursor);
why when the "execute" statement is fired off the elapsed time takes ~4.5 seconds but If I change "1 = 1" above to "1 = 2" it takes ~.2 seconds. If I run the above query interactively it takes ~.2 seconds. Shouldn't the above query when joining
ph.order_id = pf.order_id
return zero rows back instantly or does the "dbms_sql_execute" do some other type of parsing internally that takes cpu time.
We can execute dynamic sql using both execute immediate and ref cursor..But what is the difference between the two and performance-wise which is better?