Moving Record To Another Table In Trigger?

Mar 9, 2012

I am trying to create a trigger which does the following : A flag in the initial able is set to Y. When this happens, the record needs to be inserted into a history table and then DELETED from the calling table.

It must happen in triggers, but I keep getting the mutating error.I have tried to use a Compound trigger, but with no luck and just dont really understand how to get this to work.

Doing this process from code is not an option and MUST happen automatically via triggers.

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Moving A Record To Another Table In A Trigger

Mar 12, 2012

I have looked at the code you pointed me to, and have attempted to get it to work using a package, but I cant even get the package to compile..

PROCEDURE tab1_row_change (p_numass IN varchar2,
p_datcre IN date) IS
INSERT INTO tempjob (numass, datecre) VALUES (p_numass, p_datcre);
END tab1_row_change;

Doing this process from code is not an option and MUST happen automatically via triggers.The mutating trigger error can sometimes be avoided: URL....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Moving Record To Another Table In Trigger?

Mar 9, 2012

I am trying to create a trigger which does the following : A flag in the initial able is set to Y. When this happens, the record needs to be inserted into a history table and then DELETED from the calling table. It must happen in triggers, but I keep getting the mutating error. I have tried to use a Compound trigger, but with no luck and just dont really understand how to get this to work.

Doing this process from code is not an option and MUST happen automatically via triggers.

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Forms :: Moving To Next Record From Detail Table?

Feb 1, 2013

I have create Master block and a Detail block.When i am clicking on the Master block, then details records are displaying.But when i m moving from 1st record of detail block to 2nd record of master block, then detail block's data is not not displaying.It just firing the validation of detail block's first field.

when from Detail block (Cursor on the field Mapping code field) clicking on the 2nd records i.e Ord.No. =2 , at that time validation is getting fired.)

What i really wants that if click on the 2nd record of Master, automatically records should display in detail block.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Insert Record Into Another Table

Aug 17, 2010

writing a trigger body. My requirement is i need to insert a new record in a task table when ever a new record is inserted into employee table.Here in the trigger i need to select the name of the employee in the last inserted row in employee table and insert the name in task table.I tried to write the code as below

insert into task(name, date, type) values ((select name from employee where emp_id=(select max(emp_id) from employee), sysdate, 'document'));

When i am trying to insert record using trigger, it is taking last but one record from the employee table.

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Create Trigger So That Whenever Record In Employee Table Deleted?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm trying to create a trigger so that whenever a record in the Employee table is deleted, a trigger will automatically delete corresponding records in the Job History table, then the Employee record is archived to EmployeeArchive before it is deleted. It compiles but with warnings. Here's what I've got.

CREATE TABLE EmployeeArchive
(EmployeeID Int, FirstName Char, LastName Char,
EMail Char, PhoneNumber Int, HireDate Date, JobID Char, Salary Int,
Commission Int, ManagerID Int, DepartmentID Char);


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Reports & Discoverer :: Avoid Object / Record Moving On Report Paper Layout?

Oct 11, 2010

I created a report ...whcih i complied and run on paper layout form.. it shown me on correct dta..but i change change layout size and postion on that viewer..

is it avoidable....if yes, then how ?? I wantto lock these object while previewing...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Moving Data To Another Table

Jan 21, 2013

I have imported data into database using sqlloader into flat table. Now I need to move the data from this table to another table. This is production system and I must keep it online. So I decided to make script that will move data in small chunks and commit frequently to avoid waits and table locks.

Regarding the script I have question. I can to the bulk load of rowids. Is it possible to optimize the insert and delete in similar way instead of doing insert/delete in loop for each rowid ?

type t_rowids is table of rowid;
rowids t_rowids;
select rowid bulk collect into rowids from ims_old.values_f2 where rownum < 1000;


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Security :: Moving Sys Table

Dec 13, 2011

One of our auditing recommendation is to move table AUD$ to a separate tablespace from system. Why this recommendation is important and how to do this action ?

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Forms :: Trigger For Next Record

Jan 2, 2012

I have develop the New Form.Their as a Validate require to Include in it.without saving the Current Record, it not allow to enter the New Record.

Which Trigger Used for this Validate and How to done it.

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Delete Record In Update Trigger?

May 24, 2012

the following case is successfully done with mssql databases.


Table UserGroup
Columns id, name, handshake

When the handshake is set to 'd', this record should be deleted. I know it is bad behaviour by design.

What have I done so far:

- created an after update trigger (mutual error) Caused by trying a delete action in the update action, not possible.

- created a view in combination of instead of update trigger.

This causes also mutual error, or if ignored (PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION), an deadlock.

Code so far:

create or replace procedure Delete_UserGroup_sp(p_groupId in USER_GROUP.HMIUSERGROUPID%TYPE, p_handshake in USER_GROUP.HANDSHAKE%TYPE)
if p_handshake = 'd' then
end if;

create or replace view USERGROUP_V as select * from USER_GROUP

create or replace trigger USER_GROUP_T1
instead of update on USERGROUP_V
for each row
Delete_UserGroup_sp(:new.HMIUSERGROUPID, :new.HANDSHAKE);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Execute DB Trigger Once For Updation Of More Than One Record?

Apr 2, 2013

I want to execute a db trigger once for updation of more than one record on a single primary key. The updation would be made by a 10g form by using the common tabular data block.

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Forms :: Validate Record Trigger

May 26, 2011

I am trying to write a procedure using when-validate-record that will clear all fields, display a message and ignore all commits if user is not authorized to have access to make changes to the form.

I have tried to use Clear_form(no_validate)and clear_record and neither works

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Reinsert Deleted Record By Using Same Trigger

Jan 24, 2013

I have a trigger which monitors the deletion activity on the table. But I would like to re-insert those records to the in the table using the same trigger.

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Moving Data From Table To Table

Dec 13, 2010

I need to move data from non-partinioned table to partitioned. The volume is about 60 millions rows. What is the fastest way to do that? I think about pareller insert and nologging. What do you think about this? May data pump be faster?

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PL/SQL :: Moving Data Into From One Table To Another Table

Sep 2, 2013

 I have a table called Daily_usage (only 1 day data) which contains daily transaction records. After a day I have to move this data to another table named Daily_30days_usage table. this table contained the 30 days data. After 30 days the 31st day data should be deleted from Daily_30days_usage table. 

How can I implement this requirement without INSERT statement?

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Forms :: Firing Of When-create-record Trigger

Nov 5, 2012

I am navigating from a Master form to a child form. The when-create-trigger in the child form is sometimes executing and sometimes not. Not firing of this trigger is causing the child form to open without any initially assigned values. What is the root cause and also the scenarios where the when-create-trigger fires.

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Forms :: Delete A Record By Writing Code In When_button_pressed Trigger

May 4, 2010

How can I delete a record by writing code in when_button_pressed trigger.

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Forms :: Trigger Form When-new-record-instance To Assign Values For Item

Mar 28, 2011

I am developing form, but there is issue when I Press F11 to query data.I make trigger form when-new-record-instance to assign values for item.But when i Press F11 then Block no clear.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Manipulation Insert - Procedure / Trigger Should Delete Initial Record Saved

Aug 30, 2012

i have one table ot_ins_item where user will enter the details of item, grade,item qty , later on user will go and update the same table the details of different grades received for the same item in different columns with qty breakup in 3 different fields it_qty_01 , it_qty_02,it_qty_03 respectively with different grades , what i need is i want is whenever he updates this table with different grades based on data entered in 3 different fields , a procedure or trigger should delete the initial record saved and insert three different rows based on newly updated values , it may be 3 or it may be 2 sometime depending upon input values that many records should be inserted same time controlling the qty's entered in breakup not exceeding the main qty.

CREATE TABLE ot_ins_item (it_ins_no NUMBER,it_no NUMBER,it_grade VARCHAR2(12),
it_code VARCHAR2(12),it_qty NUMBER,it_flex_01 VARCHAR2(12),
it_01_qty NUMBER,it_flex_02 VARCHAR2(12),it_02_qty NUMBER,it_flex_03 VARCHAR2(12),
it_03_qty NUMBER);

create sequence s_it_no start with 1 ;


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Forms :: How To Read Values In A Multi Record Control Block Using Pre-insert Trigger (block Level)

Jul 24, 2010

I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.

I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Records From 125 Million Record Table To Insert Into Smaller Table?

Jul 17, 2013

Oracle 11gI have a large table of 125 million records - t3_universe.  This table never gets updated or altered once loaded,  but holds data that we receive from a lead company. I need to select records from this large table that fit certain demographic criteria and insert those into a smaller table - T3_Leads -  that will be updated with regard to when the lead is mailed and for other relevant information.  select records from this 125 million record table to insert into the smaller table. 

I have tried a variety of things - views, materialized views, direct insert into smaller table...I think I am probably missing other approaches. My current attempt has been to create a View using the query that selects the records as shown below.  Then use a second query that inserts into T3_Leads from this View V_Market.  This is very slow. Can I just use an Insert Into T3_Leads with this query - it did not seem to work with the WITH clause?    My Index on the large table is t3_universe_composite and includes zip_code, address_key, household_key.   

CREATE VIEW V_Market  asWITH got_pairs    AS     (         SELECT /*+ INDEX_FFS(t3_universe t3_universe_composite) */  l.zip_code, l.zip_plus_4, l.p1_givenname, l.surname, l.address,, l.state, l.household_key, l.hh_type as l_hh_type, l.address_key, l.narrowband_income, l.p1_ms, l.p1_gender, l.p1_exact_age, l.p1_personkey, e.hh_type as filler_data, 1.p1_seq_no, l.p2_seq_no       ,      ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  l.address_key                                    ORDER BY      l.hh_verification_date  DESC                    ) AS r_num         FROM   t3_universe  e         JOIN   t3_universe  l  ON                l.address_key  = e.address_key             AND l.zip_code = e.zip_code           AND   l.p1_gender != e.p1_gender      


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PL/SQL :: Trigger To Insert In One Table From Other And Truncate 2nd Table

Aug 2, 2012

I have table t1 and t1 , I want a procedure that will insert all records from t1 into table t2 and after successfull insert table t1 should be truncated .

If their is any problem in insert in to table t2 , the truncate command should not work .

Truncate command should work only after successfully insert command .

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Using Trigger On One Table To Update Another Table

Aug 28, 2011

My problem is the following:

At the time when P_delivery_date changes in P_ORDERS I want to transfer P_delivery_date to S_delivery_date in S_ORDERS for corresponding records.


purchase orders table P_ORDERS:

sales orders table S_ORDERS:

My question is:

Is it possible and what would be the solution using the TRIGGER on table P_ORDERS to update S_delivery_date with P_delivery_date in S_ORDERS?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger Updating Second Table With PK Value

Oct 20, 2011

Oracle 11.2 - The goal is to create a trigger on table and anytime an update, delete or insert is done on the table, write values to a second table. I have the trigger and it works except it is not loading my col1/PK values. I understand I need to do a new/old value. Col1 is my PK on Table that I want to load anytime there is an update/delete/insert on the table. How do I code the old/new variable?


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Update Another Table Using Trigger

Nov 24, 2011

BEFORE delete or insert or update on EMP
if UPDATING then

[Code] .....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger - Does Not Update Table?

Nov 24, 2010

I am ceating a trigger to...when I update or insert a record in table and if salary of that record is less than 1600 than it should be updated to 2000. My trigger is



There are no errors with trigger while compiling, but when I update or insert a record, it does not update the table. It looks like the trigger is being ignored.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger All DML At All Table Events?

May 4, 2011

i want to write, just ONE trigger that handles all DMS events at schema level and writes the field changes to a specific log table. i wanna to write like 'FOR EACH FIELD' as for each row (& also each table). it turns in the fields section and if the 'old' and 'new' values isnt same, it triggers this function & writes changes to log.

ex. is like:

if (old.value != new.value)
insert into LOG(...,, values (..., old.value, new.value)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Table Using Trigger

Feb 1, 2013

Is it possible to create table using trigger?

I tried but failed...

ON dept
execute immediate 'create table dept_dum as select * from dept';

SQL> update dept set deptno=23 where deptno=10;
update dept set deptno=23 where deptno=10
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TRI1", line 6
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TRI1'

I am running this as scott user

My requirement is to

create table as select * from table_name where flag=1

This has to be done parallel for all the tables for which this flag is enabled and by that trigger delete all those rows which were backed up as table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DDL Trigger After Alter Table

Jul 22, 2010

I created a DDL trigger which manipulates columns of a table after an "alter table" statement.

For us this was all the time
"alter table XXX add NEW_COL varchar2(20)"
"alter table XXX modify NEW_COL varchar2(20)".

Unfortunatly we have now a requirement which statements "alter table XXX drop NEW_COL varchar2(20)".

My trigger works fine - you see no problem directly after statement execution but the table is then in an invalid status.

The connection will be destroyed after you tried to see the data of this table.

Also the export (creating a dump) will not work.

The problem I see is that I the database will do a "modify" on a column which has internal the status "dropped".

How I can get the information what kind of alter table statement will be executed?

Or is there any chance to select only columns from USER_TAB_COLUMNS without the "dropped" flag?

create or replace trigger TRIGGER
after alter
-- Select all columns of a table


-- Loop for all columns from our select
vSTATEMENT := 'alter table ' || vTABLE_NAME || ' modify ' || VOBJECTREC.COLUMN_NAME || ' ' || VOBJECTREC.DATA_TYPE || '(' || vNEW_DATA_LENGTH || ')';

--For example:

-- alter table XXX modify NEW_COL varchar2(20)

execute immediate vSTATEMENT;


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