Forms :: Field Column Setting?

Sep 30, 2013

I am currently working on a bug that came from a user. An oracle form is used for entering employee information and the backend table is employees. One for the field here is LAN ID. It was found that some users were using space bar either before or after entering the Lan id and this is causing issues in finding the employees in the system. A request is being submitted to not let any blanks or space to be entered in the field. In the table, this particular field/column datatype is varchar2 and the size is 8.

How do I make no blanks or spaces to be entered in the field or otherwise, even if they put a space or blank, the field should only use the actual ID entered.. Is it possible?

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Application Express :: Setting Source Of Popup Lov Field As SQL Query

Oct 12, 2012

I am having a problem with a popup lov. When I click on the "popup icon" I can select a supplier and it is stored in the field. But when I leave the form and return later, it shows the return value instead of the display value. For example: you select "supplier A" from the popup list with ID 12. "Supplier A" is shown in the text field, when you save the form, it stores ID 12 in it. But when you return to the form, it fetches ID 12 and shows "12" in the text field instead of "Supplier A".

I tried setting the "source" of the popup lov field as an SQL query, but that didn't work for me.

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Forms :: One Column Show Two Field Also Update

Jun 23, 2012

I have a table in which three field.

1)empid (Save employee code)
2)attendace_time (Save Date and inout time)
3)status. (Save in out Status).

I generate new form. which have four field.

2)attendance_date base on attendance_time 3
3)Attendace_time base on attendance_time
4)Status .

Problem is that when i update the Attendace_time . date save first date of the month. when i update the attendance_date time save 12:00

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Setting Column Value Depending On Number Of Month

Aug 1, 2011

My need is to calculate rows and write result into column:

c1 if current month is 1st in quarter,
c2 if current month is 2nd in quarter,
c3 if current month is 3rd in quarter.

How do I perform it?

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Application Express :: Setting Value Of Column Depending On LOV Selection Tabular Form

Mar 7, 2013

We have a master detail form with report that inserts the details in both region/ sub region.

However our requirement is that in sub region we have a LOV to chose the service, and each service has a price. How can we populate the Price column based on the selection of the Service? There are some similar posts but we cannot apply to our form.

Application Express
Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release

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Forms :: Setting Tab Sequence?

Jan 27, 2011

've form which is having 3 tabs in canvas, i want to open second tab first when we open form,

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Forms :: Update Field Based On Another Field Checkbox

May 3, 2013

I have a table where i need to update one field values based on another field of the same table , simply as it is.I have done this using one select all check box , on clicking that all check boxes of item_trans table will get selected , then i will un select some of check box and then using one button, i will update the value of the fields which are checked only.

I have put the sample code but when i am updating its taking long time and hanging.I am also attaching the form based on the test case provided.

--tables with insert statement
create table item_trans (trans_item varchar2(12),trans_qty number,trans_act_qty number)

insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE1',40,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE2',20,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE3',20,NULL);

--i want to set the value of trans_Act_qty as trans_qty

--i create one dummy or test block to keep the select all check box. for that table test script is


insert into test (C,B,A) values ('A',1,1);

--code written in select all check box which is created on test.block.


--code written in M_END_YN ( actual check boxes where i will uncheck).

:M_END_ALL := 'N';

--code written on button to update those values which are checked.


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Forms :: Setting Of Urdu Language

Feb 14, 2008

Any one tell me how can i enable urdu in oracle 9i which charter set will be use

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Forms :: Setting Icon At Runtime

Feb 12, 2010

i want to set the icon on my forms i write these lines.... for to do this...


and i also attached the library d2kwutil.pll and when i run the form then this error raised...

FRM-40734: Internal Error : PL/SQL error occurred..

now what can i do for set the icon at run time..the first part of the message has been removed as it belongs to @allianz2010's previous topic; the rest has been split into a new.

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Forms :: Setting Output Path

Feb 1, 2010

Recently i faced with a situation of redirecting a report output to a particular path in my server, and then opening the output by using web.show_document.

I was successful in redirecting it too a path , however i am not able to open the file using URL. We should setup virtual path in orion-web.xml and proceed further.

I pointed the output to an existing virtual path as below in my orion_web.xml file.

D:OraHome_2 oolswebhtml

and tried opening the output through the url


however i was not able to add new virtual path here .

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Forms :: Setting Date Formats In 6i

May 19, 2011

I have been allocated a new PC. Where is the date format used by forms (6i) set up. I previously used to enter 20110519 in the application and it used to accept. It now does not accept the above format.

The nls_date_format on the database is setup as YYYYMMDD.

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Forms :: Setting A Date 18 Years In Future?

Mar 26, 2011

I am trying to set a item to system date + 18 years. What type of formula or where to put such a thing. i tried putting- select add_months(sysdate,216) from dual; into the calculation-formula in property palette with no success.

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Forms :: PERMISSION DENIED While Setting Value Path

Oct 13, 2012

At the time of installing developer 6i am getting the above error,at the stage of selecting the path for forms its throwing the above error saying the permission denied in setting the value path....

does any one come across this type of error before...

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Forms :: Dynamically Setting No Of Records Displayed In Block

Jun 25, 2010

i have a cursor which selects the codes based on the school records now i have a multi record block b1 the requirement is that if no of records selected in cusor is 10 then in block b1 10 records should be displayed and if it is 15 then 15 records should be displayed. Is there any way that i can set the no of records displayed in a block dynamically.The block b1 is non database block i am only using a create_record to populate the block.

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Forms :: Setting Mouse Position And Restricting Checkbox Update?

Aug 9, 2010

what name is used to reverence the mouse cursor in Forms. I am trying to state that if the user reaches the last record in a file and clicks the mouse on the empty record below that they will get a message saying they are at the last record (basically so it means they have to manually click an add record button before they can add a new record)

I currently have this:

<something here> := :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD;
MESSAGE('You are at the last record.');

Where i have <something here> is where i assume the refence for the mouse cursor should go, of which i dont know the name, am i correct?

Another thing is that I have a checkbox that is originally NO but when set to YES cannot be turned back to NO.

I have accomplished this by putting the following code in the WHEN_CHECKBOX_CHANGED trigger and it works fine. However it also updates the checkbox to NO and then back to YES, , as a result this brings up my Are you sure you want to update message. I originally thought that if i took out the :in_active := 'Y'; the FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE would stop the checkbox being changed in the first place but this didnt appear to be the case. how to accomplish this without letting it update at all (perhaps put something in the WHEN_VALIDATE trigger?

return_alert number;
if :in_active = 'N' THEN
return_alert := SHOW_ALERT('checkbox_alert');
:in_active := 'Y';
END if;

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Forms :: Setting Update_allowed Property Of Specific Record In A Block To False?

Oct 13, 2011

i have a block of multiple records where the user can edit the shipment totals of products being sent to branches.

some branches can't receive certain products and usually we just default the shipment value to zero but the user can still edit that value.

What i want to do is iterate through that block and check the branch and product and set the update property to false for only that record. is that possible.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get MAX Length Of Column Value Along With Field Value

Oct 4, 2012

create table test_schema(
col1 varchar2(50)
insert all
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test')
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test_test')
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test_test_xxxx')
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test_test_aaaaaaaa')
select * from dual;

I want to get the length of the col1 value with maximum length of characters also with that field value.

i.e o/p is

this_is_a_test_test_aaaaaaaa length 28

how can I do it??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ENTER (line Break) In Name Field Column?

Jun 12, 2013

There is a problem with name field like ex:

ENTER(line break) between 'HHD DDD PRIVATE' and 'LTD.

how to put a check in code to avoid these type of scenarios.

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Application Express :: 4.2 - How To Update Field / Column With Sysdate Server Date

Mar 6, 2013

Apex 4.2
DB 11gR2

I've started using Apex 4.2(new to Apex). I have built a form based on a table with a date column on it. The form allows update on all fields/columns of the base table. For the date field/column, the goal is to present the user with sysdate on load and update the date with sysdate if the record is changed any of the fields. How can I accomplish this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Find Application Table Column Details Associated With Descriptive Flex Field

Feb 5, 2010

I was looking for application column name corresponding to "Draft Invoice Number" ra_interface_lines_all table.

I tried the below.

/* Get descriptive_flexfield_name for the application table name*/
WHERE application_id = 222
AND APPLICATION_TABLE_NAME=upper('ra_interface_lines_all');

/* Get the application column name and end user column name*/
WHERE application_id = 222
AND descriptive_flexfield_name = 'RA_INTERFACE_LINES';

There are many DESCRIPTIVE_FLEX_CONTEXT_CODEs obtained. I could finally trace out that draft invoice number corresponds to INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2. How can I know what DESCRIPTIVE_FLEX_CONTEXT_CODE should I look for?

I want to build a single query to fetch the application column name and flex field name for a specific table .

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length For CLOB Column

Jun 18, 2012

I'm loading data from text file separated by TAB and i got the error below for some lines. Event the column is CLOB data type is there a limitation of the size of a CLOB data type. The error is:

Record 74: Rejected - Error on table _TEMP, column DEST.
Field in data file exceeds maximum length

I'm using SQL Loader and the database is oracle 11g r2 on linux Red hat 5. Here are the line causing the error from my data file and my table description for test:

create table TEMP

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Forms :: One Lov For Different Field

Feb 22, 2011

i want to call same lov for 3 diff. field.....if possible how can i call it...because while desiging lov , returns item only 1 out of 3 can it possible.

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Forms :: Format For SSN Field

Jul 16, 2010

I have a ssn field where the user enter value to search for the ssn. I want to format the field so the user can enter in the xxx-xx-xxxx format only. If the user enters a wrong format and tries to search i should prompt a message saying wrong format. How can i achieve this.

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Forms :: 4.5 - Change Value Of One Of The Field

May 24, 2010

I have been asked to support an application which was developed in Forms 4.5. I have experience in Oracle database but I'm almost zero in any front end development.

As a first task I have been asked to remove a couple of field from one of the screen and then change the value of one of the field.

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Server Utilities :: Field In Datafile Exceeds Maximum Length For Number Field?

Apr 23, 2010

Even though i am using COL1 CHAR(500) NULLIF COL1=BLANKS, then also i am getting same error for those columns.

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Forms :: Make Field Non Editable

Jul 29, 2010

I have a field on the form which is a database field and the value is populated by a LOV. The user should not be able to edit the value selected or enter his own values in the field. Basically the field should only be populated by the lov and should not be editable.

I tried using the SET_ITEM_PROPERTY('XX.XX', UPDATE_ALLOWED, PROPERTY_FALSE); but this only disable update against existing value. If a user selects a new value from LOV that can be edited.

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Forms :: Total Field From Another Block

Jun 14, 2013

I have 2 blocks named emp,emp1 those are DB's Blocks and empno, ename, sal in EMP block and sal, sum(sal) are in EMP1 block, i set the property for sum is summarized block is: EMP1 and item is SAL, i want display sum(sal), but not display when i click execute query.

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Forms :: FRM-40202 Field Must Be Entered

Jan 31, 2010

FRM-40202: Field must be entered.I have a custom form,developed by someone few years ago. While doing a F11 (query-find) in this custom forms in Oracle application, I get the message FRM-40202 Field must be entered because I have some mandatory fields.Below are the steps I follow to reproduce this bug.

- Open custom form
- Enter data/values in all mandatory fields.
- save. It saved back in database.
- then CTRL+F11 to see all the records.
- Only first two records are showing in the screen.
- And "FRM-40202: Field must be entered." at the bottom.

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Forms :: Dynamic LOV For Sub-Inventory Field?

Jul 20, 2010

I have one requirement.I am populating LOV dynamically for the subinventory field in the order form through custom.pll.

If Dropship flag= 'Y' then populate suninv LOV with D1,d2..values.If it is 'N' then populate suninv LOV with w01,w02,....values.This is done and working fine in the form.But If i save dropship flag='Y' and Subinv value is D1 then it saves the record.Now I am changing Drop ship flag as 'N' then 'D1' value appearing in the SUBINV field.and it allow the save changes.

So How can i refresh Lov at the time of making drop ship flag as 'Y'/'N'?

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Forms :: FRM-40202 - Field Must Be Entered

Mar 13, 2013

I'm having some columns in my form with required_property set to yes. When I'm trying to query FRM-40202 appears.

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