Application Express :: 4.2 - How To Update Field / Column With Sysdate Server Date
Mar 6, 2013
Apex 4.2
DB 11gR2
I've started using Apex 4.2(new to Apex). I have built a form based on a table with a date column on it. The form allows update on all fields/columns of the base table. For the date field/column, the goal is to present the user with sysdate on load and update the date with sysdate if the record is changed any of the fields. How can I accomplish this?
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Dec 3, 2012
Version : 4.1.1, I have a tabular form on a DB table. One of the columns is a date field. When the user hits the "add Row" button on the tabular form, I want the Date field to be defaulted to sysdate. Here is what I have tried so far,
1. Created a "hidden" item P1_SYSDATE and populated the default value with sysdate. After this, under the DB tabular report date field, I used default type - Item/application on this page and entered P1_sYSDATE
2. Instead of populating the default value of the P1_SYSDATE hidden item, I created a before regions process and added
:P1_SYSDATE := sysdate
and added P1_SYSDATE to default type of the tabular date field with default type as "ITem/application on this page.
I get the error
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
I tried to_Char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and then converting it back to to_date. still no luck.
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Nov 26, 2012
We are using APEX 4.2, 10GR2, RedHat5.
I have a report that comes from SQL Query (updateable report). I'm using the apex_item.text and apex_item.hidden on fields. I'm using a button to submit and after submit process to add some logic that I need.
There could be 1 - 10 records in the report. There is only 1 field that is needed to enter a value, but the value of this field determines the value of another field. I think that I can do this with a submit button and an after submit process where I loop through all the records. I think I have this handled.
This is the question
When the value of that field is changed then the value of another field in the same row changes immediately. All the examples I've seen so far are for a single record and that doesn't work for us.
I guess this is a MRU process but I haven't seen an example where a dynamic action is possible on a Multi Row Update.
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Oct 18, 2012
Let's say that we have an order entry app and the price and quantity items are already populated. We now want to show the user the extended price (the product of the first two items). the extended price would automatically display after both the quantity and price items are entered. I'm assuming that would require some kind of client-side processing. I imagine server-side processing is simpler, so I'll lean in that direction. I'm sure we've all seen web sites that require you to click a button for the order totals to be updated. I'm okay with that approach, but I haven't quite put all of the pieces together. Here's what I came up with.
A region button was added to trigger the updating of the extended price. The button's "Action When Button Clicked" is to submit the page. Under "Page Processing", a process was created to do the calculation with the recipient of the product being a page item. From debug code in the procedure, I can see that the item containing the extended price was, indeed, modified. But the new value doesn't display in the field and the Session window shows that the value of the item didn't change.
I must be missing something. The debug code says the item value was updated. The Session window says it wasn't updated. What gives? What did I do wrong and what needs to be done to correct this?
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Nov 21, 2012
In a detail tabular form I am referencing a date picker field from the master form as default value.This is the situation in the detail form:
Column Name: FECHAREGISTRO -- the field's name in the detail tabular form
Default Type: Item (application or page item name)
Default: P68_FECHAREGISTRO -- It's a field in the master form and also is Date Picker format
Reference Table Owner: SAMPEDRORIVEROS
Reference Table Name: BITACORAABOGADO
Reference Column Name: FECHAREGISTRO -- It's a date field in the database
At execution time I have the error:
report error:ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
I think it is because i must use to_date and to_char in order to change the datatype and i have tried using:
Default: to_date(to_char(:P68_FECHAREGISTRO,'DD-MON-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY')
and in Default Type: PL/SQL Expression or Function but I get a different message at execution time:
report error: ORA-01722: invalid number.
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Oct 23, 2012
I am using APEX 4.2
I have created a form with a Date From and Date To fields.
I am using the Date Picker format (the new one, not the Classic), and have set the calendar to Show on Both (Focus and Icon Click).
I would like to restrict the field so that the user cannot enter any text - they can only use the Date picker/calendar to choose a date. This would them remove the clunky validations - so I can restrict the users so they can't enter the wrong format in the first place.
Is this possible?
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Jun 28, 2012
I'm trying to update a number field on an apex page by summing up the values of multiple page items. I've tried to follow this tutorial
especially the "Create a Set Value Dynamic Action Using PL/SQL" part.
In the tutorial example they return an page item value P3_SAL multiplied by a multiplier they've determined by another page item's case. What I want to do is much simpler in that I just want to add up multiple page item values and then display them in a number field at the bottom of the page.
so the code I tried to use based on the tutorial is in the tab: Home >Application Builder>Application 103>Page 3>Edit Dynamic Action>Create / Edit Action
Set Type: PL/SQL Function Body
PL/SQL Function Body:
return :P3_ITEM1+P3_ITEM2+P3_ITEM3;
Page Items to Submit: P3_ITEM1,P3_ITEM2,P3_ITEM3
But it gives me an error that I need to declare the identifiers, yet it works if I only use one item and I can perform any arithmetic.
return :P3_ITEM1+1000;
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Oct 10, 2013
As all of you know, In the Apex, when you create a form with report in the page, you are able to insert and edit data. But when you edit the data, the data will be modified in the same row. In other word, you loose the old data.
What I need to do is: I have revised_num field and production_date field. I want to create a form with report and insert and edit data as is in the apex and insert 0 to the revised num until production date is null. But when production date is not null, then from that point, I want to insert data to another row and modify revised num to 1. and I want the revised num be incremented by 1 each time the user modifies the data after the production date is not null.I don't know where I should start.
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Dec 19, 2012
How to validate a date in column section?
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Apr 22, 2013
v: Apex 4.2
I have Dynamic report and column say some_date column and data can be in the columun (01-JAN-13) OR (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13), (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13,10-JAN-13) so on.
in actual table column some_date is date field but in report as above (string) because using RTRIM(some_date, ',') some_date within the select MODEL clause.
my problem is when run the report and select filter from action menu then it doesn't give option such as < , > or so on because of string but I want it should give <, <=, >, >= operators too as date column.
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Apr 30, 2013
I have an IR report and want to add another column such as complete_date. I want to add as a link so when user click it then should display the popup window or javascript popup for date selection. i don't want to use apex_item.date_popup or apex_item.date_popup2. On date selection popup user can choose only two dates such as yesterday or today all other date should be disabled?
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Sep 14, 2012
Application Express ver. 4.1
I have created a form. Some of the elements are hidden such as updated_by and update_date. I have provided the default values for these attributes as pl/sql expression in the "default section" (Application->page->edit page item). I am using the Process Row process that is automatically created when a form is created.
The problem is when I click the update button, the updated_by and update_date is passed as null values which throws an error from the database.
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Aug 17, 2012
if on an interactive report, you try and filter on a date column, then the "=" operator disappears.You get other (not so useful) operators like "in the next", "not in the next" ">", ">=" etc. - but no "=" to be found.
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Sep 6, 2012
I'm trying to select some data from table base on SYSDATE. The below query does not return any data.
My query is:
select count(TICKET_ID) "ECEMEA" from QTMT_TICKETS where STATUS_ID=1 and TEAM_ID=3 and RECEIVED_DATE=sysdate
why this does not work? Date format in my application is: DD-MMM-YY (16-AUG-12). In the database the dates are stored in this format: MM/DD/YYYY (08/25/2012). Does it mean, that I have to play with the format?
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Jun 23, 2012
I have a table in which three field.
1)empid (Save employee code)
2)attendace_time (Save Date and inout time)
3)status. (Save in out Status).
I generate new form. which have four field.
2)attendance_date base on attendance_time 3
3)Attendace_time base on attendance_time
4)Status .
Problem is that when i update the Attendace_time . date save first date of the month. when i update the attendance_date time save 12:00
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Mar 14, 2013
There is a need for me to UPDATE a DATE column from one date to another. So as an example,
we have TABLE A and Table A has a column (DATE_TO) with date field value off
What I want to do is update '31-DEC-99' to '31-MAR-13' and for it to only effect '31-DEC-99' (the others are fine).
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Jun 6, 2012
I am not able to load complete date along with time in the date column. here is my table desc
Name Null Type
my control file is like this
the data gets loaded, but it appears like this in the table
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Oct 18, 2012
I want to load data from a file using sqlldr.I have a table commissions
technician_id char(5)
, tech_name char(30)
, Comm_rcd_date DATE
, Comm_Paid_date DATE
, comm_amt number(10,2)
my file is
00001,TIMOTHY TROENDLY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0007,123.56
00002,KENNETH KLEMENZ,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0009,123.56
00003,SHUNDAR ARDERY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0005,123.56
write a ctl file to load this data.
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Feb 26, 2013
I need to fetch Data from a table X where current date(Sysdate) lies between the datecolumns Active_From and Active_To.
Active_From and Active_To are date columns.
Create table X(
ID number,
Active_From date,
Active_To date
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-2,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate +3);
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Sep 22, 2012
I have a form that based on a table,
Col1: text field
Col2: text field with Disabled =Yes and Save session state = Yes
I create a dynamic action on Col1 to set value for Col2, when I submit page an error raised: Session state protection violation
visit: [URL]...
My purpose is: Col2 is set value by Col1 via Dynamic action, and is read-only, user cannot modify.
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Mar 5, 2012
i wanted to compare a date in one of my tables to sysdate. I have a table reservation and a field in it is Date Reserved From, i wanted to compare this to sysdate and returned the results
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Apr 17, 2013
I have table named purchage with 2 columns (order_no number,order_date date) in my database. I want to load the data from a file into that table. The below is the file format
100,4/3/2013 1:18:18 AM
101,4/3/2013 1:18:18 AM
102,4/3/2013 1:18:18 AM
103,4/3/2013 1:18:18 AM
104,4/3/2013 1:18:18 AM
105,4/3/2013 1:18:18 AM
106,4/3/2013 1:18:18 AM
how to load the date filed along with the time stamp.
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Aug 21, 2013
We have several prod instances and many applications on each of these... and interactive reports saved by many users.Each prod application have its own ID, distinct from the dev application ID.
Until today I used the apex_application_install inside the first wokspace only, and it works fine, but I need to update applications on every instances. It seems the only way to keep a saved report during an update is to use the same application Id (use the app n°200 to overwrite the n°200).So it means the only available method is : release the dev app on the dev workspace ; export 50 apps from it and import those 50 times, maybe more in the future.
My configuration :Oracle Standard or XEApex 4.1.1OHS
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Aug 21, 2012
I created a table (software defect details) and an interactive report on it. Users can go to the details form where they can manage many information: STATUS is one of them and they can change it or not.
I would like to send an email when SUBMIT botton is pressed only if field STATUS has changed. How can I detect this? I mean, I wrote a procedure in order to send an email and it works, but it runs always: I cannot set it running only when the content of STATUS_ID has changed.
how to understand if a field value has changed and, if possible what the old values was? I know how to do that by using a trigger (:old.status, :new.status) but I don't when using an APEX procedure.
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Sep 26, 2012
I have a need to change the LOV of a page item's select list based on the selection in another page item's select list. So in other words, for a page item that is a select list, I need to use one LOV normally, and a different LOV if the value of a different page item is set to X.
A dynamic action would be useful here (on change where Select List 1 = x), but I don't know how to take the action of changing LOVsfor Select List 2 based on that action.
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Sep 21, 2011
need to write a program for date of birth is always less than sysdate, using exception handling
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May 13, 2013
1.- i have a product_item field (wich is a lov and user choose one value), so i need to call a function (sending it the selected value product_item) that will return me some data about the product i selected, for example :
if the function return 'A' then
disable the next item on tabular form, lets say quantity
enable the next item on tabular form, lets say quantity
end if
2.- i need to determine the result of two items operations:
total := final_quantity - start_quantity
the user will introduce start and final quantity and i will determine the total.
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Mar 25, 2013
I am using APEX 4.1 and Oracle 10g XE.
I want to restrict 3 digits after decimal in tabular form. Only three or less than three digits should be allowed after decimal and should be stopped automatically.
e.g. 34.543
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Nov 7, 2013
I need to change the grayed field item font ... ie i need to make disabled item value to be bright to achieve this what i have to do.
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May 3, 2013
I have a table where i need to update one field values based on another field of the same table , simply as it is.I have done this using one select all check box , on clicking that all check boxes of item_trans table will get selected , then i will un select some of check box and then using one button, i will update the value of the fields which are checked only.
I have put the sample code but when i am updating its taking long time and hanging.I am also attaching the form based on the test case provided.
--tables with insert statement
create table item_trans (trans_item varchar2(12),trans_qty number,trans_act_qty number)
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE1',40,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE2',20,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE3',20,NULL);
--i want to set the value of trans_Act_qty as trans_qty
--i create one dummy or test block to keep the select all check box. for that table test script is
insert into test (C,B,A) values ('A',1,1);
--code written in select all check box which is created on test.block.
--code written in M_END_YN ( actual check boxes where i will uncheck).
:M_END_ALL := 'N';
--code written on button to update those values which are checked.
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