SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Program For Date Of Birth Is Always Less Than Sysdate?

Sep 21, 2011

need to write a program for date of birth is always less than sysdate, using exception handling

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Creating Age Categories From Birth Date?

Oct 9, 2007

I have around 1 million users in my table. I currently have their birth date in the table and for reporting purposes i want to put them into three different columns.

For example, For User A, DOB is 01/01/2005,
User B, DOB is 01/01/2002,
user C,DOB is 01/01/1998.
user D, DOB is 01/01/1990
I want a view like below.

Cat1. Cat2. Cat3. User
"0-10" '0-5' '0-2' 'USER A'
"0-10" '0-5' '3-5' 'USER B'
"0-10" '6-10' '8-10' 'USER C'
"11-20" '16-20' '16-17' 'USER D'

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Scheduler :: DBMS_SCHEDULER / Program Argument Not Generating Sysdate Value As Default

May 22, 2013

Recently we come across DBMS_SCHEDULER issue while passing SYSDATE as default value. Job executed with corect date value on creation time, but further schedule its not incrementing date value.

Snap of the Program

job_name => '"OBIEE_ADM"."First_Job"',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
number_of_arguments => 1,
start_date => NULL,


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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Write A Program Using Oci To Login Into Oracle Database?

Mar 28, 2006

I want write a program using oci to login into oracle database.Advance security option for the oracle server is set to kerberos authentication. Is it possible to login to the oracle database through olog() function.

Initial ticket is required in kerberos authentication. So is it also needed durinfg the login from my programme.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sysdate Between Two Date Columns?

Feb 26, 2013

I need to fetch Data from a table X where current date(Sysdate) lies between the datecolumns Active_From and Active_To.

Active_From and Active_To are date columns.

Create table X(
ID number,
Active_From date,
Active_To date

Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-2,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate +3);

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Compare A Date In One Of Tables To Sysdate?

Mar 5, 2012

i wanted to compare a date in one of my tables to sysdate. I have a table reservation and a field in it is Date Reserved From, i wanted to compare this to sysdate and returned the results

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PL/SQL :: DBTIMEZONE To Give +00:00 Since Sysdate Returns As UTC Date Time

Oct 4, 2012

I am using Oracle 11g .when i query

select sysdate from dualit returns the current UTC date and time as output.

But when i query

select DBTIMEZONE from dual it returns -07:00 which indicates PDT.

i am wondering is this correct behaviour, i am expecting DBTIMEZONE to give +00:00 since sysdate returns as UTC date time.'

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Application Express :: 4.2 - How To Update Field / Column With Sysdate Server Date

Mar 6, 2013

Apex 4.2
DB 11gR2

I've started using Apex 4.2(new to Apex). I have built a form based on a table with a date column on it. The form allows update on all fields/columns of the base table. For the date field/column, the goal is to present the user with sysdate on load and update the date with sysdate if the record is changed any of the fields. How can I accomplish this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Sysdate / Current Date / Current And Local Timestamp

May 30, 2012

What is the difference between the following . In my schema all are giving the same results with some different format

SQL> SELECT sysdate , current_date , current_timestamp , localtimestamp from dual;

----------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
5/30/2012 8 5/30/2012 8: 30-MAY-12 AM -04:00 30-MAY-12 AM

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Age From Birth-dates?

Jul 28, 2013

Im supposed to fetch first names, last names and age of some people based on their birthdate. In my code so far i manage to get the names and the birthdates but what i actually need is a name and lastname and age for example 65 years.

here is the code :

CURSOR C_kundålder IS
v_fnamn bilägare.fnamn%TYPE;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Chinese Zodiac Associated With Birth Years

Aug 8, 2010

I have a question to write a pl/sql for Chinese zodiac but i cant do it, even i Google it i cant find any solution..the question is as below:

The Chinese zodiac associates birth years with the following; animals:

Birth Year Animal
1924,1936.1948,1960,1972,1984,1996 Rat
1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997 Cow
1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998 Tiger
1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999 Rabbit
1928,1940,1952.1964,1976,1988,2000 Dragon
1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001 Snake
1930,1942,1954,1966.1978,1990,2002 Horse
1931,1943,1955.1967,1979,1991,2003 Sheep
1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004 Monkey
1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005 Chicken
1934.1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006 Dog
1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007 Pig

Write a command to declare a date variable named birth_date, and assign to it your birth date. Use an IF/ELS1F structure to test every year and determine the animal associated with your birth year. Then display your birth year and the associated animal name. For example, the program would display the following output for someone born in 1984:

I was born in 1984, which is the year of the Rat. Declare and use additional variables as needed.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Cobol Program That Call C Program

Jan 28, 2011

I have a Cobol program that call C program above

#include stdlib

char *uid = "puntos/puntos@cmrdesar";

Are something wrong in C programm ? Pro*C code from vouters.dyndns.org/tima/OpenVMS-Cobol-C-Cobol_ passing_ variable_ number_ of_ arguments_to_C.html

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Date Ranges In One Column As Separate Date Periods (start And End Date) In Two?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to work out how to take a table like this:


And display the data like this:

IDPeriodPeriod StartPeriod End

As you can see, it's split the entries into date ranges. If there is a 'lone' date, the 'period start' and the 'period end' are the same date.

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Forms :: Expiry Date To Automatically Show A Date 15 Years After Initial Date

Apr 12, 2010

I have a two date fields in my form; valid from date and expiry date.

Currently my valid from date has an inital value property of $$date$$ which automaitcally brings up todays date.

I need my expiry date to automatically show a date 15 years after this date?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sysdate In Where Clause

Apr 22, 2010

I am not strong in SQL but can write easy SQL for data extraction but seem to not understand how to correctly use sysdate in a where clause.

Case: I have to create an alert that will email my IT dept once a person is terminated in Oracle HR. The alert will only run once a day with all terminations specified in the alert. Setting up the alert is not the issue, but rather the SQL code I want to use.

The alert will run everyday at CoB 17:30. Now, in my query, how do i specify that the results should be only for the current day? The problem however, is that I also retrieve Person Type which should show as Ex-Employee, but this is only shown the day after the actual termination has been done, because the employee is still active on the date of termination.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Default Value Is Sysdate

Nov 4, 2011

During the Table Creation if it possible to Use the SYSDATE is Default Value for a Column.

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Writing IF Statement Using SYSDATE?

Apr 22, 2011

I have an employee table. I Have to get the data of all employees in such a way that. If today I run the Query,then i have to get the data of all employees working between december 1st of previous year(current year-1 i.e., december 1st 2010.) till today(april 21st). If the query run date is in the month of december(example december 15th) then the query should get the data from december 1st of current year(december 1st 2011) to December 15th. I wrote the if statement some how its not working. I want to make use of this If or Case Statement as the start date of the employee_timestamp. Is this possible here or not.

select * from employee
employee.employee_timestamp > (select to_date(to_char(concat('12-01-', extract(YEAR FROM sysdate)-1)),'MM/DD/YYYY') as Startdate From DUAL)
employee.employee_timestamp < (SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL).


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Sysdate And Current_date

Apr 15, 2010

What is the difference between the values of sysdate and current_date ? On querying the database I got the results as sysdate = the date and time for the database server location and current_date = my local system date

If however, i change my local system date - it still shows the correct date.Myunderstanding was that current_date uses the dbtimezone.But..

SQL> select sysdate,current_date from dual;
-------------------- --------------------
15-APR-2010 06:06:14 15-APR-2010 18:36:15
SQL> select dbtimezone from dual;

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PL/SQL :: Sysdate Produces 00:00 Time

Apr 11, 2013

I have a stored procedure that stores a record containing a date field.

The syntax is

insert into audit_log values (lv_sequence, sysdate, REC_TYPE, p_pln_id, OPER_UPDATE, log_message);

This works except that the date stored in the record has a time of 00:00. This does not work well for an audit log.

How can I store a date that includes a time?

An interesting fact is...I used this same command in SQL Developer to store a record and the date stored did have a time???

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Number In Sysdate

Apr 26, 2013

Can we add 10000 days in SYSDATE using + operator ?

Quote: This I can test it but I don't have database access now that's why I am asking this question

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Trunc Function Along With SYSDATE

Mar 12, 2011

The reason to use the the trunc function along with the SYSDATE.


Why we need to set the current date into midnight? Where we can use this method?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Taking Months Off Sysdate?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a table called transaction_dw and I need to select all records that have an account balance that has been below 0 in the past 6 months. initial query I tried was:

select account_balance, timestamp
from transaction_dw
where account_balance < 0
and timestamp between sysdate and sysdate - 6;

but this is only taking 6 days off the sysdate rather than months, how I can get it to take off 6 months?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Sysdate From Dual

Aug 30, 2012

when i run this nls qusery i got this error


SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Aug 30 11:45:59 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter= 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT';


SQL> select sysdate from dual;

30-????? -12

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PL/SQL :: Select Time From Sysdate

Sep 20, 2013

I have to concatenate a date(not sysdate) with the system time and store it in a column having datatype as DATE... So I tried like this....


But while inserting the output of the above query in my table it throws error like this... ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string Is there any possibility to achieve this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sysdate Procedure If Statement

Dec 2, 2011

I'm working on a project and I can't figure out the procedure I will need to use. I've got a sysdate field in my "Calls" table which generates a call date + time, however I need to insert a severity level of the call after a certain amount of time,

e.g. after 1 hour level turns from level 4 to level 3 and so forth until reaching level 1 after x amount of time. I know I'd need to put in an else if statement within this procedure I just can't work out how to do it with the sysdate field that has also been created.

A bit of info about the table, table name = calls, column 1 = date_time and column 2 is called severity_level

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Returning Sysdate Even Run On Sunday

Apr 4, 2010

I have following code. It is always returning sysdate even run on Sunday.

vDate date;
if to_char(sysdate,'Day')='Sunday' THEN
vDate := sysdate-3;


if there is something missing or wrong.

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Sysdate Showing Wrong Timezone?

May 24, 2012

I have one issue My server is in france and it is in french timezone but when I query for sysdate it returns US time.

In '/etc/sysconfig/clock/'
Zone= europe/paris
UTC= true

echo $TZ variable is returning nothing.

sysdate = us time
systimestamp= us time
current_timestamp = french time
current_date = french time
dbtimezone= europe/warsove, sessiontimezone=+2.00( which is also europe timezone offset)
tz_offset(dbtimezone)=+2.00, tz_offset(sessiontimezone)= +2.00 i.e europe
os timezone= europe/paris.

This command "./emctl config agent getTZ" is also returning timezone as europe/paris

Also in "emd.properties" file "agentTZRegion" parameter is set to europe/paris

Oracle version= 11.2.0

Now I don't understand why this sysdate and systimestamp is returning "US time zone" while everything else is returning french time zone.

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Changing Values Of Sysdate In Session Only?

Feb 19, 2007

Is there a way of changing the values of sysdate in a session only?

not the formate the actual values

is if the date was 31/12/2003 and i wanted to change it to 31/05/2003

could this be done

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Forms :: Set Initial Value As Sysdate Plus 12 Month?

Apr 10, 2010

how can I set initial value as sysdate plus 12 month????

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Forms :: Cannot Display Sysdate In Oracle

Mar 8, 2013

when i open my oracle form on my live application server to display sysdate its does not show me.but when i open this same form on my test application server its shows my current sysdate time.

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