Compare A Date In One Of Tables To Sysdate?
Mar 5, 2012
i wanted to compare a date in one of my tables to sysdate. I have a table reservation and a field in it is Date Reserved From, i wanted to compare this to sysdate and returned the results
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Jan 5, 2011
(1970, 'Daily', TO_DATE('07/26/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
TO_DATE('01/26/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '13:58 ', 'America/New_York');
Taking Today date and timezone as EST, I need to run a select that shows all the rows , where sysdate falls in between
Start_date and End_date and RunTime, ( run time is basically the Local time of the TimeZone Column)
Basically we should Display rows by checking/Converting, Start_date||End_date||Runtime||timezone with Sysdate(est) then display.
From the Above Data these rows should be Displayed by that select, how to compare this data with sysdate and display.
1970Daily7/26/20101/26/201113:58 America/New_York
2588Daily10/18/20104/18/201115:50 America/New_York
3567Daily12/8/20106/8/20118:40 America/New_York
3386Daily12/27/20106/27/20111:0 America/New_York
1973Daily8/3/20102/3/201111:25 America/New_York
2565Daily9/7/20103/7/20117:0 America/New_York
3580Daily12/20/20106/20/201117:0 America/Chicago
3167Daily11/30/20105/30/20111:0 US/Alaska
3390Daily12/30/20101/15/20117:00 Asia/Calcutta
For Example, Below rows shouldn't come, Since it's end date is less than Sysdate.
2579Daily9/17/20109/18/201011:32 America/New_York
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Feb 26, 2013
I need to fetch Data from a table X where current date(Sysdate) lies between the datecolumns Active_From and Active_To.
Active_From and Active_To are date columns.
Create table X(
ID number,
Active_From date,
Active_To date
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-2,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate +3);
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Sep 21, 2011
need to write a program for date of birth is always less than sysdate, using exception handling
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Oct 4, 2012
I am using Oracle 11g .when i query
select sysdate from dualit returns the current UTC date and time as output.
But when i query
select DBTIMEZONE from dual it returns -07:00 which indicates PDT.
i am wondering is this correct behaviour, i am expecting DBTIMEZONE to give +00:00 since sysdate returns as UTC date time.'
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Jan 5, 2013
I Have Four Tables
1) Sal_master
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),voc_date date
2) sal_detail
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),item_code varchar2(10),quantity number(10,2)
3). delivery_master
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),voc_date date;
4) delivery_detail
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),item_code varchar2(10),quantity number(10,2)
I want to compare these four tables i have insert 10 rows in sal_master and sal_detail tables and 5 transaction in delivery tables how to compares 10 records of sal_master,detail with delivery_master and detail if not exist in delivery_master and detail tables then display only sal_master,detail records for example
Voc_no Sale Qty Deliver Qty Remaining Qty
S000075 10 5 5 if data not found from delivery master and detail then answer must be
S000075 10 0 10
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Oct 25, 2010
I have to compare 2 tables on a columns's value.The 2 tables have same column as Regn_no.I just need to have the result in True Or False from a Query if the particular value of Regn_no is found in both the tables.
Temporarily I using a bit different and not good query which is as follows:
select count(*) from tab1 where regn_no in (select regn_no from tab2) and regn_no = 'UP78AN7890';
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Mar 6, 2013
Apex 4.2
DB 11gR2
I've started using Apex 4.2(new to Apex). I have built a form based on a table with a date column on it. The form allows update on all fields/columns of the base table. For the date field/column, the goal is to present the user with sysdate on load and update the date with sysdate if the record is changed any of the fields. How can I accomplish this?
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Feb 26, 2012
I have one command compare varchar type with date type by Pl/SQL.
date_entry gave values:" 2012/01/06 22:28:24",
now i want to convert it to date and compare with sysdate.
Select * From qvsystem
Where to_char(to_date(date_entry, 'rrrr-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), 'dd-mm-rrrr') = to_char(Sysdate, 'dd-mm-rrrr');
note:date_en2012/01/06 22:28:24
after I executed that command It's appear one message .
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Jun 4, 2012
I am working in a reporting project.We have different environments.After migration of data base script from one server to another we always need to crosscheck whether newly added columns have been properly migrated or not.
any database script to address the same thing. Last but not the least we have servers with TNS entries. how we can connect to different server while present in one specific server.
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Oct 19, 2010
My tables looks like this:
Desc Table A (account)
Table B (Bill )
total vvalue
I need to pick up total value from table B where the unique combination of advertiser-Agency id is the same as the given account1_id -Account2_id combination in table A for each employee id.
In other words my output should be like
Empid | Account_id (should be same as advertiserid)| Account2_id (same as agencyid) | sum(total_value) for this adv-agency combination.....
objective: Get the total value from table B for each unique account1-account2 combination (advertiser-agency in other words) .
I am not sure if I should use a correlated subquery or how to handle the situation....Right now I am just checking the two columns separately like this:
select.......from a,b
where b.advertiser_id = a.account1_id and b.agencyid = b.account2id
Is it correct to do so? I have a feeling that I am missing something if I join them separately like this.
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Nov 1, 2013
is it possible to compare two tables with rowid? I want to put rowid in where can we do this?
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Nov 28, 2012
I'm trying to compare a date and time within a certain range.
If the sysdate date/time range falls within the range of the values within the database tables then show a "Yes", otherwise, show a "No". The date works but the time doesn't seem to work. Maybe you can't use a "between" operator for time?
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Jan 27, 2011
I need to alter a table to check that the data in a column is contained in a similar column in another table.
I have a STORES table and a STORE_REP table. Both tables have a column REP_ID.
I need to add a CHECK constraint into the STORES table to make sure that the info entered into its REP_ID column matches an entry in the STORE_REP table.
Both have a NUMBER(5) data type.
Will it make any difference if the REP_ID column in the STORE_REP table was originally created with a VARCHAR2(5) data type and was later converted to NUMBER(5), while the REP_ID column in the STORES table was created as NUMBER(5) when that table was created?
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Feb 3, 2013
I want to retrieve the data which is "n" moths old.
To compare that I want use only SYSDATE without timestamp. I want to use standard timestamp '23:59:59' along with SYSDATE.
The condition should be as below.
UPDATE_DATE <= ADD_MONTHS(15/01/2013 23:59:59,-3)
UPDATE_DATE <= ADD_MOTHS(30/01/2013 23:59:59,-4)
UPDATE_DATE<=ADD_MONTHS(sysdate||' '||'23:59:59',-3);
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Jul 23, 2012
I want to compare two tables , and delete the common rows from the first table
Here is what i have done :
Create table test1(Test1C1 Number,
Test1C2 varchar2(50));
Create table test2(Test2C1 Number,
Test2C2 varchar2(50));
Insert into test1 values(1,'testdata1');
Insert into test1 values(2,'testdata2');
Insert into test1 values(3,'testdata3');
it deletes all the records from Table test1. What should I modify here ? or should I write a different query ?
The desired contents in table test1 will be
2 testdata2
4 testdata4
6 testdata6
8 testdata8
10 testdata10
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Jul 26, 2011
I have a table with two columns called startsem and gradsem they are both CHAR(3). Within those colums are rows that are listed as SemesterYear. For example, F09 is Fall 2009, S09 Spring 2009, and M09 is Summer 2009. I would like to create a constraint that says GradSem must be greater than StartSem b/c no one can travel back in time to graduate. However, as you know you can compare S09 > F09 because it will treat it as a string. I thought I could use a substring and compare the last two digits as a year and that would work but how do I compare the semesters as a time frame? Because in my schema F > S because Spring 2011 comes before Fall 2011 but in reality F < S because to Oracle it is a string and the ASCII value of F is less than S. I cannot chage the coding of the database so editing the rows so they are more date friendly is not an option.
So how can I modify this database to acruately compare StartSem and GradSem.
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May 30, 2012
What is the difference between the following . In my schema all are giving the same results with some different format
SQL> SELECT sysdate , current_date , current_timestamp , localtimestamp from dual;
----------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
5/30/2012 8 5/30/2012 8: 30-MAY-12 AM -04:00 30-MAY-12 AM
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Dec 18, 2012
I'm looking a way to easily join two tables on date value but right table has no all possible dates so I need t fill missing records with MAX(DT) values.
My tables looks like
And I was trying to merge them somehow to get following result (for all missing dates from SOME_DATA I want to get value corespond to maximum data not higher than cal.dt):
-- good result
| 01/01/2012 | 10 |
| 02/01/2012 | 10 |
| 03/01/2012 | 15 |
| 04/01/2012 | 15 |
| 05/01/2012 | 15 |
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Jan 16, 2013
We have two tables tab1 and tab2 same structures and empid and id are keys.
We need to query for records that doesnt exist in tab2 and exist in tab1 based on keys above and then insert into t2.And also we have a date column in tab1...
if we have two records..that match empid and id and if dates are different we have to take one record with the least date like min(Date) and insert that one record in to tab2.
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Oct 6, 2011
I've got 3 tables and I need to select records where date is max from these tables.
select * from the_table_1
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 30.9.2011 12:06:50 14,6638
select * from the_table_2
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 26.9.2011 11:04:02 5,6638
select * from the_table_2
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 29.9.2011 17:39:43 2,5438
how to do that ?
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Jul 26, 2012
i'm trying to do an export/import process using command prompt and the idea is export a records based on the date condition. and the date will be the parameter. my code is like this:
exp <username>/<password>@<database> file=<table_name>.dmp tables=<source_table> query="where <date> between &start_date AND &end_date";
is it possible to do like this, that it should prompt you to enter the start and end date?
then my import script:
imp <username>/<password>@<database> dumpfile=<table_name>.dmp tables=<target_table>;
the idea is get only the records from ProdDB based on the date condition, and append it to the MISDB.
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Jun 17, 2013
i've following code
flag boolean:= FALSE;
if length(i_vcColumn1) > 0 then
i am fetching data from excel all data is of general type, here i am passing value is VTDATE varchar2(100) but actual database column filed is DATE , How can i pass '13-06-13 05:54:33' to database table.
if i put this condition
vcInsert:=vcInsert|| ','||''''||i_ldata(i).to_char(VTDATE,'DD-MM-RR HH12:MI:SS')
i get the error
to_char must be declare.
if i remove this line
i am getting this error ORA-01843: not a valid month
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm trying to work out how to take a table like this:
And display the data like this:
IDPeriodPeriod StartPeriod End
As you can see, it's split the entries into date ranges. If there is a 'lone' date, the 'period start' and the 'period end' are the same date.
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Apr 12, 2010
I have a two date fields in my form; valid from date and expiry date.
Currently my valid from date has an inital value property of $$date$$ which automaitcally brings up todays date.
I need my expiry date to automatically show a date 15 years after this date?
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Apr 22, 2010
I am not strong in SQL but can write easy SQL for data extraction but seem to not understand how to correctly use sysdate in a where clause.
Case: I have to create an alert that will email my IT dept once a person is terminated in Oracle HR. The alert will only run once a day with all terminations specified in the alert. Setting up the alert is not the issue, but rather the SQL code I want to use.
The alert will run everyday at CoB 17:30. Now, in my query, how do i specify that the results should be only for the current day? The problem however, is that I also retrieve Person Type which should show as Ex-Employee, but this is only shown the day after the actual termination has been done, because the employee is still active on the date of termination.
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Nov 4, 2011
During the Table Creation if it possible to Use the SYSDATE is Default Value for a Column.
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Apr 22, 2011
I have an employee table. I Have to get the data of all employees in such a way that. If today I run the Query,then i have to get the data of all employees working between december 1st of previous year(current year-1 i.e., december 1st 2010.) till today(april 21st). If the query run date is in the month of december(example december 15th) then the query should get the data from december 1st of current year(december 1st 2011) to December 15th. I wrote the if statement some how its not working. I want to make use of this If or Case Statement as the start date of the employee_timestamp. Is this possible here or not.
select * from employee
employee.employee_timestamp > (select to_date(to_char(concat('12-01-', extract(YEAR FROM sysdate)-1)),'MM/DD/YYYY') as Startdate From DUAL)
employee.employee_timestamp < (SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL).
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Apr 15, 2010
What is the difference between the values of sysdate and current_date ? On querying the database I got the results as sysdate = the date and time for the database server location and current_date = my local system date
If however, i change my local system date - it still shows the correct date.Myunderstanding was that current_date uses the dbtimezone.But..
SQL> select sysdate,current_date from dual;
-------------------- --------------------
15-APR-2010 06:06:14 15-APR-2010 18:36:15
SQL> select dbtimezone from dual;
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Apr 11, 2013
I have a stored procedure that stores a record containing a date field.
The syntax is
insert into audit_log values (lv_sequence, sysdate, REC_TYPE, p_pln_id, OPER_UPDATE, log_message);
This works except that the date stored in the record has a time of 00:00. This does not work well for an audit log.
How can I store a date that includes a time?
An interesting fact is...I used this same command in SQL Developer to store a record and the date stored did have a time???
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