Forms :: Compare Two Tables With Rowid

Nov 1, 2013

is it possible to compare two tables with rowid? I want to put rowid in where can we do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare The Four Tables

Jan 5, 2013

I Have Four Tables

1) Sal_master
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),voc_date date

2) sal_detail
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),item_code varchar2(10),quantity number(10,2)

3). delivery_master
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),voc_date date;

4) delivery_detail
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),item_code varchar2(10),quantity number(10,2)

I want to compare these four tables i have insert 10 rows in sal_master and sal_detail tables and 5 transaction in delivery tables how to compares 10 records of sal_master,detail with delivery_master and detail if not exist in delivery_master and detail tables then display only sal_master,detail records for example

Voc_no Sale Qty Deliver Qty Remaining Qty

S000075 10 5 5 if data not found from delivery master and detail then answer must be
S000075 10 0 10

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare 2 Tables On Columns Value?

Oct 25, 2010

I have to compare 2 tables on a columns's value.The 2 tables have same column as Regn_no.I just need to have the result in True Or False from a Query if the particular value of Regn_no is found in both the tables.

Temporarily I using a bit different and not good query which is as follows:

select count(*) from tab1 where regn_no in (select regn_no from tab2) and regn_no = 'UP78AN7890';

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Compare A Date In One Of Tables To Sysdate?

Mar 5, 2012

i wanted to compare a date in one of my tables to sysdate. I have a table reservation and a field in it is Date Reserved From, i wanted to compare this to sysdate and returned the results

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Two Tables Having Same Structure In Two Different Servers

Jun 4, 2012

I am working in a reporting project.We have different environments.After migration of data base script from one server to another we always need to crosscheck whether newly added columns have been properly migrated or not.

any database script to address the same thing. Last but not the least we have servers with TNS entries. how we can connect to different server while present in one specific server.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare 2 Tables Based On 2 Columns

Oct 19, 2010

My tables looks like this:

Desc Table A (account)

Table B (Bill )
total vvalue

I need to pick up total value from table B where the unique combination of advertiser-Agency id is the same as the given account1_id -Account2_id combination in table A for each employee id.

In other words my output should be like

Empid | Account_id (should be same as advertiserid)| Account2_id (same as agencyid) | sum(total_value) for this adv-agency combination.....

objective: Get the total value from table B for each unique account1-account2 combination (advertiser-agency in other words) .

I am not sure if I should use a correlated subquery or how to handle the situation....Right now I am just checking the two columns separately like this:

select.......from a,b
where b.advertiser_id = a.account1_id and b.agencyid = b.account2id

Is it correct to do so? I have a feeling that I am missing something if I join them separately like this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Add A CHECK CONSTRAINT To Compare Info In 2 Tables

Jan 27, 2011

I need to alter a table to check that the data in a column is contained in a similar column in another table.

I have a STORES table and a STORE_REP table. Both tables have a column REP_ID.

I need to add a CHECK constraint into the STORES table to make sure that the info entered into its REP_ID column matches an entry in the STORE_REP table.

Both have a NUMBER(5) data type.

Will it make any difference if the REP_ID column in the STORE_REP table was originally created with a VARCHAR2(5) data type and was later converted to NUMBER(5), while the REP_ID column in the STORES table was created as NUMBER(5) when that table was created?

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PL/SQL :: Compare Two Tables And Delete The Common Rows From Table 1

Jul 23, 2012

I want to compare two tables , and delete the common rows from the first table

Here is what i have done :

Create table test1(Test1C1 Number,
Test1C2 varchar2(50));

Create table test2(Test2C1 Number,
Test2C2 varchar2(50));

Insert into test1 values(1,'testdata1');
Insert into test1 values(2,'testdata2');
Insert into test1 values(3,'testdata3');

it deletes all the records from Table test1. What should I modify here ? or should I write a different query ?

The desired contents in table test1 will be

2 testdata2
4 testdata4
6 testdata6
8 testdata8
10 testdata10

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Forms :: How To Select 1st Record From The Duplicate Values In Table Without Using Rownum And Rowid

Apr 23, 2010

how to select 1st record from duplicate vales in a table.

If we created one table with out primary key column In form in search block have uwi value and top_depth value when i enter uwi and top_depth value then when i click search button then it will display all values in master block.

but here duplicate values r there.

SQL> select rownum,uwi,top_depth,base_depth,test_start_date from well_pre_header;

---------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
1 100 453.05 458.08 09-SEP-10
2 100 200 288 23-AUG-00
3 1001 200 289 25-AUG-01
4 1001 200 201 24-MAY-87

if uwi = 1001 and top_depth=200 and i will click search button it should be display 3 record & when i click next button then it will show 4th record.

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Forms :: How To Compare Two FMB Files

Jun 19, 2008

I have oracle base version and our client version. In oracle base version we have "products.fmb" file In our client version "item.fmb" was created using the base version.After that many people made changes to client version. Now I want to compare those two files. But in our system there is no form builder. Is it possible to compare without FORM builder.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Forms 6i - Compare Start And End Dates

Feb 6, 2011

I am comparing the dates in forms 6i.I need to compare the start and end dates and if the date are getting than an year then i need to get an error message.

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Forms :: How To Compare Two Text Boxes With IN Operator

Jun 12, 2012

How we can compare IN operator between two text boxes in form

I have two text boxes on form
control.txt1 - 003

control.txt2 - 001,002,003

On button pressed

if :control.txt1 in (:CONTROL.TXT2) THEN



All the time Message is 0 .

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Forms :: Compare Value Which Is Taken In Custom Block By User

May 26, 2010

i have created one custom block in that i am taking one value in text_item and on 2nd form i have data block on that block i want filter by using WHERE clause

in that where clause i want to compare value which is taken in custom block by user..what need to write in where clause?

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When To Use A RowID

Jun 4, 2007

I have complied while doing my oracle stuff.

1. When do you use a rowID?
2. if you have this:

alter table
add constraint uk_salary
unique (min_salary, max_salary);
insert into
values (3, 'dba', 20002,55000, 'jobs');

Why does the above constraint not fail when one of these columns are not unique? It needs to fail both to fail the constraint.

3. what is a transaction? and how do you do it? how does deferred transaction look like?

4. How do you view constraints through isqlplus?
5. How do you drop multiple constraints at once?
6. When would you not use cascading delete?
7. How do you use create like cmd in enterprise Manger? I keep getting this error Failed to

commit: ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint even if you delete every constraint or rename ever constraint to anything.

8. how to make comments in isqlplus?
9. how do you add multiple insert values in at once in isqlplus?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select First 25% Of Rowid

Feb 2, 2012

I'm looking for a way to select 25% of a view.. I need to do this four time to get all the data. The size of the view changes constantly (I need to split my select because of heavy load on an application)

something like this:

Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 0-25% show ]

Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 25-50% show ]

Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 50-75% show ]

Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 75-100% show ]

I tried to search in the forum but found nothing.. maybe ROWID could be used to accomplish this somehow?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Without Error - Keep RowID?

Oct 9, 2013



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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check RowID Of Locked Row

Sep 12, 2011

session from user U1

C:Documents and Settingsuser>sqlplus u1/u123456@orcl

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Pn Wrz 12 12:56:14 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Po│╣czono z:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

SQL> update u1.tab1 set u1.tab1.col1=3 where u1.tab1.col1=1;

1 wiersz zosta│ zmodyfikowany.


and now i can check which table is locked

SQL> SELECT lo.session_id, lo.OBJECT_ID, obj.object_name FROM v$locked_object lo
2 INNER JOIN Dba_Objects obj ON obj.object_id = lo.OBJECT_ID;

---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
34 13197 TAB1

but the question is why can i check row id of locked row?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01410 / Invalid ROWID

Feb 13, 2011

We have two jobs. one job insert the data in X table and Second job use X table in select statement.

Second job aborting due to ORA-01410: invalid ROWID error. When we restart it again, it is completed successfully.

what I have to check or do to prevent this error.

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ORA-01410 - Invalid ROWID?

Jul 1, 2013

i have an ORA-01410, in my procedure. I use Oracle 10G 

ERROR at line 1:ORA-01410: invalid ROWIDORA-06512: at "OFFICE.Calc", line 1011ORA-06512: at line 7

Here the link of my procedure: [SQL] ORA-08103: object no longer exists

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01410 - Invalid ROWID?

Jul 12, 2011

i have a procedure written below,it is compiled:
vsal number(10,2);
CURSOR mycur


but whenever i am trying to call this proc like below:

it is showing me error,i.e. :ORA-01410: invalid ROWID

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Selecting From Column Using RowID In Table?

Apr 24, 2012

I just want to know that "is it safe to select a columns using ROWID in a table?"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Duplicates From Table Without Using Rowid?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying to delete duplicates from table without using rowid.

here is data:-

create table test(col1 number(3),col2 varchar2(20));
insert into test values(100,'rocky');
insert into test values(100,'rocky');


I know i am perfoming dml on view. IT wont allow me to perform DML on view which contain columns with expression. IS there any way to delete duplicates without using rowid?

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Server Administration :: Transform Rowid To ID Of A Row

Jun 17, 2012

I dump a index tree and get the flowing infomation,and i want to transform the rowid to the ROWID of a row,how can i do?

alter session set events 'immediate trace name treedump level 70339';--index object
alter system dump datafile 4 block 251; -- index tree block

row#0[8010] flag: ------, lock: 2, len=13
col 0; len 2; (2): c1 03
col 1; NULL
col 2; len 6; (6): 01 00 00 f7 00 01 --rowid
row#1[8023] flag: ------, lock: 2, len=13
col 0; NULL
col 1; len 2; (2): c1 02
col 2; len 6; (6): 01 00 00 f7 00 00 -- rowid
----- end of leaf block dump -----

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete The Duplicate Rows In A Table Without Using ROWID?

Mar 1, 2010

I want to delete the duplicate rows in a table without using ROWID.

I have the following data.

The Output Should be like this.


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Client Tools :: TOAD Update Via ROWID

Jun 25, 2010

I'm placing this here since the only tool I have is TOAD to hack database. I have discovered a bad record with the system but as the date field is '0000' and the values are all hieroglyphics which I can't place in UPDATE statement. Only fields able to determine are that it's a journal entry. I tried the blow code only to be forced out of TOAD via ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel error is a generic error. How can I update the bad date fields with such limited access? Is the ROWID acceptable?

Update ft_os
set ost_upd_dt = '06-dec-2010'
where ost_tran_code = 'JEN'
and ost_doc_ref = 'IS'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Duplicate Records Without Rowid And Drop

Apr 7, 2012

I want to delete the duplicate records from a table without using Below 2 methods:

1> delete from table_1 a where row_id not in (select min(row_id) from Table_1 b where a.PK=b.PK);

2> Insert into Table_2 select distinct * from Table_1;
Drop table Table_1;
Rename Table_2 to Table_1;

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Get Table RowID Of Session That Is Locking In RAC Database

Jun 11, 2012

I am a developer and not a DBA and I need to find th correct query to find the exact rowid of the record locked on a table. This is for a RAC database and locked record can be from the web form in oracle application server. When I try to get the correct row id, I get the following error:

ORA-01410 - Invalid row id For the criteria, the output is Dbms_Rowid.rowid_create(1, -1, 36, 7845, 0), why I get a -1 for the ROW_WAIT_OBJ#?

Additional Information: The lock type is DML and the lock mode is: Row Exclusive, the table is locked and the program is web oracle forms executing.

I am executing the query in Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release

How to accomplish getting the correct rowid? Below is the selection criteria I have:

select vs.inst_id,
vs.audsid audsid,
locks.sid sid,


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Server Administration :: Rowid And Varchar2 Type

Oct 26, 2011

Rowid type is one of data types in oracle,is it equal to the varchar2,the flowing test show varchar2 type can contain rowid type.

SQL> Declare
2 L_Rowid1 Varchar2(18);
3 L_Rowid2 Rowid;
4 Begin


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Client Tools :: Column ROWID Doesn't Display?

Feb 13, 2012

the table is a view. But the column ROWID doesn't display in Toad. He just ignores that.

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Changing Link Column From ROWID To ID?

May 3, 2013

I have a report linked to a form. The link column is currently ROWID and I want to change it to the Primary Key of the DB table, which is called ID.

I have done this before on a previous report/form where that ID was a display column and it works fine. Now I'm trying to copy what I did, which is this:

On the report page, go to Interactive Report attributes, scroll down to Link Column, and for Item 1, change the Name and Value.

The problem is that Name does not list P52_ID. If I type it in, it throws an error when I run the page.

I think I added ID, which is also a Display column, later on, so I wonder whether Apex has a refresh issue and can't "see" P52_ID.

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