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SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Pn Wrz 12 12:56:14 2011
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Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
SQL> update u1.tab1 set u1.tab1.col1=3 where u1.tab1.col1=1;
1 wiersz zosta│ zmodyfikowany.
and now i can check which table is locked
SQL> SELECT lo.session_id, lo.OBJECT_ID, obj.object_name FROM v$locked_object lo
2 INNER JOIN Dba_Objects obj ON obj.object_id = lo.OBJECT_ID;
Is it possible to find the locked objects in hierarchical order. Consider the below example
--Connect to scott schema create table block_session(a NUMBER, b VARCHAR2(100)) / insert into block_session select rownum,rownum*10 from dual connect by level<=10 / COMMIT / GRANT ALL ON block_session to HR / update scott.block_session SET a=10 where b=10 [code]......
Is it possible to get all locked table details in hierarchical order?
"ALTER PROFILE profile_name LIMITPASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 1"means the user account will be locked in a period of one day after FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS has gone over limit.How to set PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME less or more than one day (like not full days)?
An Oracle user account got locked, how do I check, which program or session was the cause for it? how to fetch this details along with details like timestamp, ip address, program name.
Wanted to know for Oracle 11 version running on Solaris machine.
we have a prod application which use oracle database 11g as backend and .NET technology as front end . There is a user TESTUSER in database.
Issue is that we can login in to the application, but when we try to login in database through toad or Db visualizer then it gives an error of 'user account locked'.
I am trying to login to the web version of application express [URL]... and get a message that my login is incorrect. I have verified that the ID and workspace are correct, but I do not remember what i set my password to the first time i logged in (account was created by my instructor). There is no "forgot password" or "reset password" link that shows on the page.
A developer calls me and tells me there are locks on 3 tables, and the locks are not released. So I run this to see which objects are locked by which session
When I run the query later, I sometimes get another session, but the lock stays. It seems here, that I am catching the same SID on new sessions, but it is probably a different serial # than the original session locking the table rows.
I get nothing from select * from dba_waiters; select * from dba_blockers;
Now why are those 3 tables row locked on some rows and I can't find the session responsible? The developer tells me his application crashed and the rows are locked since. So far ( keep in mind I am not a locking expert) the only way I found to release the locks is a DB bounce, its a test DB so no biggy.
I used to find out locked table and session from database....query with SYS user but i want to hand over the user session kill role to location level IT person so i have created one user in database named as rab and i have given "select any table,alter session and Grant dba to that rab user,but with that user they will drop and delete any table also
col owner format a12 col object_name format a25 col ORACLE_USERNAME format a15 col OS_USER_NAME format a15 col OBJECT_TYPE format a15 set lines 140 [code]....
alter table shopowner.jobs add constraint uk_salary unique (min_salary, max_salary); insert into shopowner.jobs values (3, 'dba', 20002,55000, 'jobs');
Why does the above constraint not fail when one of these columns are not unique? It needs to fail both to fail the constraint.
3. what is a transaction? and how do you do it? how does deferred transaction look like?
4. How do you view constraints through isqlplus? 5. How do you drop multiple constraints at once? 6. When would you not use cascading delete? 7. How do you use create like cmd in enterprise Manger? I keep getting this error Failed to
commit: ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint even if you delete every constraint or rename ever constraint to anything.
8. how to make comments in isqlplus? 9. how do you add multiple insert values in at once in isqlplus?
I'm looking for a way to select 25% of a view.. I need to do this four time to get all the data. The size of the view changes constantly (I need to split my select because of heavy load on an application)
something like this:
Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 0-25% show ]
Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 25-50% show ]
Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 50-75% show ]
Select * from MyView where [some condition that makes only 75-100% show ]
I tried to search in the forum but found nothing.. maybe ROWID could be used to accomplish this somehow?
i have a procedure written below,it is compiled: ==================================================== CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE myproc (vdept NUMBER) IS vsal number(10,2); CURSOR mycur IS
but whenever i am trying to call this proc like below: ============================== begin myproc(10); end;
it is showing me error,i.e. :ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
I am trying to delete duplicates from table without using rowid.
here is data:-
create table test(col1 number(3),col2 varchar2(20)); insert into test values(100,'rocky'); insert into test values(100,'rocky');
I know i am perfoming dml on view. IT wont allow me to perform DML on view which contain columns with expression. IS there any way to delete duplicates without using rowid?
I'm placing this here since the only tool I have is TOAD to hack database. I have discovered a bad record with the system but as the date field is '0000' and the values are all hieroglyphics which I can't place in UPDATE statement. Only fields able to determine are that it's a journal entry. I tried the blow code only to be forced out of TOAD via ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel error is a generic error. How can I update the bad date fields with such limited access? Is the ROWID acceptable?
Update ft_os set ost_upd_dt = '06-dec-2010' where ost_tran_code = 'JEN' and ost_doc_ref = 'IS'
I am a developer and not a DBA and I need to find th correct query to find the exact rowid of the record locked on a table. This is for a RAC database and locked record can be from the web form in oracle application server. When I try to get the correct row id, I get the following error:
ORA-01410 - Invalid row id For the criteria, the output is Dbms_Rowid.rowid_create(1, -1, 36, 7845, 0), why I get a -1 for the ROW_WAIT_OBJ#?
Additional Information: The lock type is DML and the lock mode is: Row Exclusive, the table is locked and the program is web oracle forms executing.
I am executing the query in Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
How to accomplish getting the correct rowid? Below is the selection criteria I have: