User Account Will Be Locked In A Period Of One Day After
Sep 16, 2013
"ALTER PROFILE profile_name LIMITPASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 1"means the user account will be locked in a period of one day after FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS has gone over limit.How to set PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME less or more than one day (like not full days)?
we have a prod application which use oracle database 11g as backend and .NET technology as front end . There is a user TESTUSER in database.
Issue is that we can login in to the application, but when we try to login in database through toad or Db visualizer then it gives an error of 'user account locked'.
I am trying to login to the web version of application express [URL]... and get a message that my login is incorrect. I have verified that the ID and workspace are correct, but I do not remember what i set my password to the first time i logged in (account was created by my instructor). There is no "forgot password" or "reset password" link that shows on the page.
An Oracle user account got locked, how do I check, which program or session was the cause for it? how to fetch this details along with details like timestamp, ip address, program name.
Wanted to know for Oracle 11 version running on Solaris machine.
Created user xyz on July 20,2013 with defualt profile (oracle version 11.2.0) and PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME is 180 for default profile. Immediate my friend have assigned new profile APSC to user xyz where profile APSC has PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME = UNLIMITED.
we surprised, user account has expired within a month. How user xyz account can expired within a month????
Note: User account status was open when account created and assigned to profile APSC.
I have altered an user account and set the account status as expired.When I tried to connect with that user, oracle prompted for changing password.
But, after I changed the password, I got an error message as ora-01017 invalid username/password logon denied password unchangedWhat is the cause and solution for it? I am using 11g database and 10g client.
When i try to change the user account password, i get following error.
alter user bala identified by Ju4hlsd2;
ERROR at line 1: ORA-20178: ORA-20176: ORA-28003: password verification for the specified password failed ORA-20007: Password cannot consist of sequences of 3+ characters from the userid
For auditing, I need to insert the user, among other data, into different tables. The thing is, I have an application with DB account authentication, so a real database user is connected, when auditing, the user field inserted is "ANONYMOUS".
Apex 4.2 EPG Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 Database 11.2 EE
--How to calculate START_PERIOD_DATE and END_PERIOD_DATE for every time insert reocrd, like for 4 cases? --I need to check start_date with last period date for same employee.
And based upon calculate START_PERIOD_DATE and END_PERIOD_DATE,,,,,
The cross tab is to have columns 1 - 31 which sum the quantity of the article sold. Represnting days of the month.
In addition the description of the company.
I would then like to end up with 3 entries in the results for each company, but these are for summing the quantity of articles by the following periods: -
i want to find the data which has the more then one rates available for the given date. Here below i've posted a test table. how can find the products for which, there multiple dates/overlapping period is available through sql statement.
The period for contracts should be in sequential order and should not overlap and if contract does not exist for that date period, then it should return NULL.
I need to divide the given time period into weeks from Monday to Sunday .There should not be overlapping of two months, for a week.Every month should start from First day of that month to next Sunday .Same thing can be done by following PL/SQL block . let me know if there is any simple way by using query instead of block .
declare pid_from_date date := '01-JAN-11'; pid_to_date date := '31-dec-11'; ln_number number := 0; ld_from_date date; ld_to_date date; begin
I need to get the number of rows based on one condition for certain time period. For example, writing a query for 3(any) hrs , i need to get the output as count of rows as hourly basis. Like these:
Date Time Count 12/08/2010 16:00 234 12/08/2010 17:00 345 12/08/2010 18:00 645
ID NAME CRT_DTE 1 AB 03/05/1992 2 EF 15/04/1995 3 CD 20/08/1995 4 GH 01/01/1999 5 UV 08/07/2001
I want a query which splits the total time period (from min crt_dte to max crt_dte) into year ranges.For eg, lets say a range of 5 years then I need to get results like below.
In my production environment, I have a mostly working Oracle 12c Cloud Control environment, managing several database instances. On all of the databases, I am unable to use the Compare period ADDM feature ( Instance > Performance > AWR > Compare Period ADDM).
When I select that menu option, I see the message "To be able to use this feature some PL/SQL packages need to be loaded into the target database's monitoring schema, DBSNMP." I have been searching for further information in the specific packages that need to be loaded per the message, but neither Orafaq, [URL] nor Google seem to have those details.
I am trying to break down a row of data that has nine periods that I want to enter into a table one period at a time. I am trying to use "IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE FIELD1 IS NOT NULL) THEN" through all nine fields. It keeps returning lines that have a null column as well as not null columns. if there is a better way of doing this. Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
C:Documents and Settingsuser>sqlplus u1/u123456@orcl
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Pn Wrz 12 12:56:14 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Po│╣czono z: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production
SQL> update u1.tab1 set u1.tab1.col1=3 where u1.tab1.col1=1;
1 wiersz zosta│ zmodyfikowany.
and now i can check which table is locked
SQL> SELECT lo.session_id, lo.OBJECT_ID, obj.object_name FROM v$locked_object lo 2 INNER JOIN Dba_Objects obj ON obj.object_id = lo.OBJECT_ID;
Is it possible to find the locked objects in hierarchical order. Consider the below example
--Connect to scott schema create table block_session(a NUMBER, b VARCHAR2(100)) / insert into block_session select rownum,rownum*10 from dual connect by level<=10 / COMMIT / GRANT ALL ON block_session to HR / update scott.block_session SET a=10 where b=10 [code]......
Is it possible to get all locked table details in hierarchical order?