Changing Values Of Sysdate In Session Only?

Feb 19, 2007

Is there a way of changing the values of sysdate in a session only?

not the formate the actual values

is if the date was 31/12/2003 and i wanted to change it to 31/05/2003

could this be done

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PL/SQL :: User Session Has Expired And Enable User Without Changing The Password

Aug 13, 2012

User session has expired. I have to enable user without changing the password of the user.

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Impact Of Changing Listener Ports And Few Other Values?

Jul 20, 2012

We have a change in IT Dept in our organisation and we have been asked us about the impact of the following changes

1. Change in listener Port

2. Change in value of send and Recieve buffer in listener.ora

3. Change in Archive Size from 40M to 20M

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Forms :: Navigation When Changing Values In Field Oracle 10g

Nov 8, 2011

We are facing below issue in Oracle forms 10g( Rel with Windows XP professional.Application server J2EE

We have a multirecords block. After navigating to last record by clicking mouse in scroll bar and change values in a column by clicking mouse in column to change, cursor control is moving to some other record(where cursor is located previously) and current changed value it is showing as not fully validated.

Eg: We have columns like below in multirecords block

Security Price Date Price
--------------- ------ ----
1 1/1/2011 12.00
2 1/1/2011 16.00
3 1/1/2011 18.00
4 1/1/2011 19.00 (Last Record)

If am changing last records price to 20 then press tab key, cursor will be moved to second record and cursor will be highlighted in security 2. column price where we changed to 20 also not validated to show as 20.00 with 2 decimal format mask.Along with this we are getting below error message ' FRM-41008 - Undefined function key, press Ctrl + F1 for list of valid keys.After changing the price we are pressing the tab key only.

This occurs randomnly and when we querying more than 2000 records with multiple times.

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Getting Different Values For Session Report

Sep 3, 2010

query for number of users connected to the database:

select count(*) "Number of users Connected" from v$session where type='USER'; it produces 125

The following query is used to describe where and when the users are connected to the database.

set pages 500
set linesize 750
column box format a20
column username format a7
column program format a20
column os_user format a20

It should produce 125. But its showing only 119 users. so around 6 users missing in the list. find why 6 users are not listed..

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Forms :: Session Variable Values Overwritten Between Transactions?

May 23, 2011

There are 2 people on separate machines each executing a transaction through the same form, processed through a when-button-pressed trigger.The first session processed correctly. For the second user, the session seems to have picked up the non-PACKAGE variables of the first session in what was passed through to the data base. Values associated with the 2nd session's PACKAGE-based types appear to have passed through correctly.

Hence, the second user's transaction processed with a combination of values from the two sessions, with the second user's PACKAGE-based variables merged with the first user's non-PACKAGE variables. There is no use of context variables. There are some global values, but none of them are used in this trigger.The values in question, that appear to have passed from the first session to the second, are based on contextual LOV selection: after selecting a transaction type, users are prompted to select from a LoV specific to that type. Value property set "Validate from List=>Yes".

The 2nd session's PACKAGE-based values do not correlate to the non-PACKAGE values, leading us to conclude that the latter values somehow came through from the first session. We are running IAS 10g R2 on Oracle 10gR2 ( user session is created as user logs into the application and hence logically there should not be any overlap between sessions of different users concurrently.

I did have a look at the code and predict nothin wrong with the source code since the system has been in use for a few years now and only occurred a couple of times in last few months. Also one more noticeable thing is that the issue is not reproducible. I would believe somethin goin wrong in the middle tear or with the session management. Are there any known issues in session management in the Forms server Or something?

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Application Express :: Hold Session Values In APEX_ITEM

Dec 6, 2012

I was making some page validation to APEX_ITEM manual tabular form. When every a validation executes it will clear all the data what user enters. What is the best method to hold the session values in APEX_ITEM.

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Application Express :: Changing Sequence In Content Frame Not Changing Ordering Of Regions

Apr 24, 2013

Using Application Express

Any problem using 4.2's One Level Tabs - Content Frame page where you have a parent region (of type content frame Body Container ) while number of child regions (of type Hide & Show Region - Borderless ), if you want to re-order them by changing the sequence, it has no effect when you run the page.

The regions still show in the same order top to bottom as it did before the update of sequences. Heading links (to show/hide child regons in content frames) has the same ordering as before.

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Application Express :: Kill Current Session When Another Session With Same User Starts

Nov 19, 2012

I have an urgent requirement to kill an existing session if a new session starts for the same user. I have been reading lot of blogs and posts on the above topic, but could clearly tell me how to do it.

I thought of putting a process in 101 page when login button is pressed to catch this and kill the old session.

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Application Express :: (X) Process Taking 60% CPU In Two Session (30% Each Session)

Oct 23, 2012

We are using Apex 4.0/Oracle 10gR2/ Hp-Ux, We noticed that there is a process Running in Two Sessions that seems running since 3 Hours using 60% CPU,** 30% given below sql it executes in two Sessions!

declare function x return boolean is begin -- if instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY')>0 then
l_position number := 0;
l_position := instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) ;
exit when instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) = 0 ;


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Grant Select On V$session And Gv$session Directly?

Aug 28, 2013

Instead of giving permission directly to v$session and gv$session to a developer, Is there any other way to do the same?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sysdate In Where Clause

Apr 22, 2010

I am not strong in SQL but can write easy SQL for data extraction but seem to not understand how to correctly use sysdate in a where clause.

Case: I have to create an alert that will email my IT dept once a person is terminated in Oracle HR. The alert will only run once a day with all terminations specified in the alert. Setting up the alert is not the issue, but rather the SQL code I want to use.

The alert will run everyday at CoB 17:30. Now, in my query, how do i specify that the results should be only for the current day? The problem however, is that I also retrieve Person Type which should show as Ex-Employee, but this is only shown the day after the actual termination has been done, because the employee is still active on the date of termination.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Default Value Is Sysdate

Nov 4, 2011

During the Table Creation if it possible to Use the SYSDATE is Default Value for a Column.

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Writing IF Statement Using SYSDATE?

Apr 22, 2011

I have an employee table. I Have to get the data of all employees in such a way that. If today I run the Query,then i have to get the data of all employees working between december 1st of previous year(current year-1 i.e., december 1st 2010.) till today(april 21st). If the query run date is in the month of december(example december 15th) then the query should get the data from december 1st of current year(december 1st 2011) to December 15th. I wrote the if statement some how its not working. I want to make use of this If or Case Statement as the start date of the employee_timestamp. Is this possible here or not.

select * from employee
employee.employee_timestamp > (select to_date(to_char(concat('12-01-', extract(YEAR FROM sysdate)-1)),'MM/DD/YYYY') as Startdate From DUAL)
employee.employee_timestamp < (SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL).


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Sysdate And Current_date

Apr 15, 2010

What is the difference between the values of sysdate and current_date ? On querying the database I got the results as sysdate = the date and time for the database server location and current_date = my local system date

If however, i change my local system date - it still shows the correct date.Myunderstanding was that current_date uses the dbtimezone.But..

SQL> select sysdate,current_date from dual;
-------------------- --------------------
15-APR-2010 06:06:14 15-APR-2010 18:36:15
SQL> select dbtimezone from dual;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sysdate Between Two Date Columns?

Feb 26, 2013

I need to fetch Data from a table X where current date(Sysdate) lies between the datecolumns Active_From and Active_To.

Active_From and Active_To are date columns.

Create table X(
ID number,
Active_From date,
Active_To date

Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-2,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate +3);

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PL/SQL :: Sysdate Produces 00:00 Time

Apr 11, 2013

I have a stored procedure that stores a record containing a date field.

The syntax is

insert into audit_log values (lv_sequence, sysdate, REC_TYPE, p_pln_id, OPER_UPDATE, log_message);

This works except that the date stored in the record has a time of 00:00. This does not work well for an audit log.

How can I store a date that includes a time?

An interesting fact is...I used this same command in SQL Developer to store a record and the date stored did have a time???

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Number In Sysdate

Apr 26, 2013

Can we add 10000 days in SYSDATE using + operator ?

Quote: This I can test it but I don't have database access now that's why I am asking this question

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Trunc Function Along With SYSDATE

Mar 12, 2011

The reason to use the the trunc function along with the SYSDATE.


Why we need to set the current date into midnight? Where we can use this method?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Taking Months Off Sysdate?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a table called transaction_dw and I need to select all records that have an account balance that has been below 0 in the past 6 months. initial query I tried was:

select account_balance, timestamp
from transaction_dw
where account_balance < 0
and timestamp between sysdate and sysdate - 6;

but this is only taking 6 days off the sysdate rather than months, how I can get it to take off 6 months?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Sysdate From Dual

Aug 30, 2012

when i run this nls qusery i got this error


SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Aug 30 11:45:59 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter= 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT';


SQL> select sysdate from dual;

30-????? -12

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PL/SQL :: Select Time From Sysdate

Sep 20, 2013

I have to concatenate a date(not sysdate) with the system time and store it in a column having datatype as DATE... So I tried like this....


But while inserting the output of the above query in my table it throws error like this... ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string Is there any possibility to achieve this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sysdate Procedure If Statement

Dec 2, 2011

I'm working on a project and I can't figure out the procedure I will need to use. I've got a sysdate field in my "Calls" table which generates a call date + time, however I need to insert a severity level of the call after a certain amount of time,

e.g. after 1 hour level turns from level 4 to level 3 and so forth until reaching level 1 after x amount of time. I know I'd need to put in an else if statement within this procedure I just can't work out how to do it with the sysdate field that has also been created.

A bit of info about the table, table name = calls, column 1 = date_time and column 2 is called severity_level

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Returning Sysdate Even Run On Sunday

Apr 4, 2010

I have following code. It is always returning sysdate even run on Sunday.

vDate date;
if to_char(sysdate,'Day')='Sunday' THEN
vDate := sysdate-3;


if there is something missing or wrong.

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Sysdate Showing Wrong Timezone?

May 24, 2012

I have one issue My server is in france and it is in french timezone but when I query for sysdate it returns US time.

In '/etc/sysconfig/clock/'
Zone= europe/paris
UTC= true

echo $TZ variable is returning nothing.

sysdate = us time
systimestamp= us time
current_timestamp = french time
current_date = french time
dbtimezone= europe/warsove, sessiontimezone=+2.00( which is also europe timezone offset)
tz_offset(dbtimezone)=+2.00, tz_offset(sessiontimezone)= +2.00 i.e europe
os timezone= europe/paris.

This command "./emctl config agent getTZ" is also returning timezone as europe/paris

Also in "" file "agentTZRegion" parameter is set to europe/paris

Oracle version= 11.2.0

Now I don't understand why this sysdate and systimestamp is returning "US time zone" while everything else is returning french time zone.

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Compare A Date In One Of Tables To Sysdate?

Mar 5, 2012

i wanted to compare a date in one of my tables to sysdate. I have a table reservation and a field in it is Date Reserved From, i wanted to compare this to sysdate and returned the results

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Forms :: Set Initial Value As Sysdate Plus 12 Month?

Apr 10, 2010

how can I set initial value as sysdate plus 12 month????

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Forms :: Cannot Display Sysdate In Oracle

Mar 8, 2013

when i open my oracle form on my live application server to display sysdate its does not show me.but when i open this same form on my test application server its shows my current sysdate time.

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Where Value Of Systimestamp / Sysdate Comes From And Dbms-scheduler

Mar 27, 2013

I saw bunch of other posts but I could find the post that exactly explaining about where the value returned as systimestamp / sysdate comes from or impacted Here is my situation I have an access to this db (let me call db A) and when I access it, I get following result. I don’t have full access to this db so I cannot experiment a lot here.

--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------- ----------------------------
27-MAR-13 AM +00:00 26-MAR-13 PM -07:00 26-MAR-13 PM +00:00 -07:00

I’m in PST timezone.I have my db which I have full access as well as its host.I can make result like db A on my db if I started up db and its listener while TZ environment variable equal to UTC.Now I saw in other post that someone was trying to retrieve systimestamp value in a job executed via dbms_scheduler.run_job.

So I did that in two ways. 1 with use_current_session = true and 2 is false for the same.On my db, results are the same (both returns time in UTC) but on db A, I got UTC time when use_current_session = true and PST when use_current_session = false.

So questions are:
What could be the difference in setup between my db and db A?
Is there a query, logfile, or anything I should check to find out what can be the difference?

I tried to find the cause with my db and I could see the same result as db A which is to see UTC time if use_current_session = true and PST time if use_current_session = false by bringing up the db listener after I set TZ environment variable equal to PST8PDT. However this causes systimestamp from sqlplus session become also a PST time.

The reason I’m playing around with the setup and checking systimestamp value is because we are facing the situation where everywhere except pl/sql job submitted by enterprise scheduler service is pointing wrong timezone (PST instead of UTC)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function For Going At Start And End Time For Day From Sysdate

Feb 6, 2013

I need to go on day start and end time for each day. Any function that will go on start and end time according to sysdate for that day.

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