Forms :: Session Variable Values Overwritten Between Transactions?
May 23, 2011
There are 2 people on separate machines each executing a transaction through the same form, processed through a when-button-pressed trigger.The first session processed correctly. For the second user, the session seems to have picked up the non-PACKAGE variables of the first session in what was passed through to the data base. Values associated with the 2nd session's PACKAGE-based types appear to have passed through correctly.
Hence, the second user's transaction processed with a combination of values from the two sessions, with the second user's PACKAGE-based variables merged with the first user's non-PACKAGE variables. There is no use of context variables. There are some global values, but none of them are used in this trigger.The values in question, that appear to have passed from the first session to the second, are based on contextual LOV selection: after selecting a transaction type, users are prompted to select from a LoV specific to that type. Value property set "Validate from List=>Yes".
The 2nd session's PACKAGE-based values do not correlate to the non-PACKAGE values, leading us to conclude that the latter values somehow came through from the first session. We are running IAS 10g R2 on Oracle 10gR2 ( user session is created as user logs into the application and hence logically there should not be any overlap between sessions of different users concurrently.
I did have a look at the code and predict nothin wrong with the source code since the system has been in use for a few years now and only occurred a couple of times in last few months. Also one more noticeable thing is that the issue is not reproducible. I would believe somethin goin wrong in the middle tear or with the session management. Are there any known issues in session management in the Forms server Or something?
I was making some page validation to APEX_ITEM manual tabular form. When every a validation executes it will clear all the data what user enters. What is the best method to hold the session values in APEX_ITEM.
DECLARE TYPE first_rec_1 is RECORD( var1 varchar2(30) := 'why not'); first_rec first_rec_1; TYPE SEC_REC IS RECORD( NESTED_REC FIRST_REC_1 := first_rec); BEGIN dbms_output.put_line( ' this is a test for checking nested records'||FIRST_REC.var1); END;
In the above code what NESTED_REC FIRST_REC_1 := first_rec means. Will NESTED_REC variable get the values of first_rec?
I have a stored proc SP_INSERT_TRAINEES.Here sTraineeNo is provided as input which has count of trainee needs to be inserted in table aaa_foc.user_profile. The sequence is used to generate ids as :
I want the values for ids to be inserted as 001,002,003,.......010,011,................099,100,101,............999.So that the values in the table would be like TRAINEE001,002.......
I have tried to use LPAD to it but the values are getting insertes as TRAINEE1,2,3...........
The code is given below:
I have an urgent requirement to kill an existing session if a new session starts for the same user. I have been reading lot of blogs and posts on the above topic, but could clearly tell me how to do it.
I thought of putting a process in 101 page when login button is pressed to catch this and kill the old session.
We are using Apex 4.0/Oracle 10gR2/ Hp-Ux, We noticed that there is a process Running in Two Sessions that seems running since 3 Hours using 60% CPU,** 30% given below sql it executes in two Sessions!
declare function x return boolean is begin -- if instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY')>0 then declare l_position number := 0; begin loop l_position := instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) ; exit when instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) = 0 ;
Is there a way to start a new browser session from a call in an existing 11g form. I have a situation where in the client / server world I open a form in a new window .
Is it possible to alter a session within Oracle forms as I get the following error when trying to compile the following block.
BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ( 'alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY'''); END;
Error: Encountered the symbol "IMMEDIATE" when expecting one of the following
The basic requirement is to validate a date field on the form against the current system date, but as the form is in format DD-MON-YYYY and the Database on M/D/YYYY I am struggling to compare dates successfully.
declare v_amount NUMBER; v_paymentno INTEGER := &sv_paymentno; v_playerno INTEGER; v_payment_date DATE:= SYSDATE; begin select 500 into v_amount from dual; select 44 into v_playerno from dual; insert into penalties values (v_paymentno, v_playerno, v_payment_date, v_amount); end;
I forgot to add the commit statement and now I have hung transaction with dirty data with v_paymentno 27. Is there a way to commit or rollback that transaction?
We found out an error from alert log of our Oracle DB : ==================================== .. Wed Jan 30 16:45:01 EAT 2013 DISTRIB TRAN bea1.67AA54355C4A74ECDEE0 is local tran 6.42.332492 (hex=06.2a.512cc) insert pending prepared tran, scn=8151148567799 (hex=769.d6509cf7) Wed Jan 30 16:45:02 EAT 2013 Errors in file /oradata/sfapdb/bdump/sfapdb_reco_2739.trc: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist Wed Jan 30 16:45:02 EAT 2013 Errors in file /oradata/sfapdb/bdump/sfapdb_reco_2739.trc: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist .. ====================================
There is no useful information from the trace log as shown below: ==================================== Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORACLE_HOME = /ap/oracle10 System name:HP-UX Node name:scvap2 Release:B.11.23 Version:U Machine:9000/800 Instance name: sfapdb Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1 Oracle process number: 18 Unix process pid: 2739, image: oracle@scvap2 (RECO)
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2013-01-30 16:45:01.941 *** SESSION ID:(1749.1) 2013-01-30 16:45:01.941 *** 2013-01-30 16:45:01.940 ERROR, tran=6.42.332492, ose=0: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist *** 2013-01-30 16:45:02.059 ERROR, tran=6.42.332492, session#=1, ose=0: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist ====================================
I also found out there are some records (trans_id = "6.42.332492") in SYS.PENDING_TRANS$/ SYS.PENDING_SESSION$/dba_2pc_pending with "prepare" status.
This transaction is launched from a Weblogic Server via JDBC. Since it is abnormal so I have no choice to force commit/purge this transaction. Is that a bug of Oracle DB ? or Weblogic coding problem ?
I have a problem, we have some datas in a table for example 7500 rows in a table name called table1 upto 11:am today. but after 11:25 am i have only 5500 rows. in that table.
the table can be accessed by many users here. we dont know when the delete happended in that table. is there any query to find the transaction log of this particular table.
the deletion should be happended between 11:00 am to 11:30 am. but we have retrieved the data using timestamp query. but we need to know when the query issued and by which user the query has been issued.
I have an application in Form 6i and I have implemented expiration of Session-level database of profiles, the problem I have is that I do not know in which time expired the session because it shows me no message and the application is open, try to do something and begin to get errors .
I need to create a report that will show all activity for the day that the report is run. The report will be run or auto-refreshed throughout the day. So, at 10am, 11am, 2pm, 4pm etc. I just need to display quantities received, shipped etc. for that same day. Since the report will not be run at a fixed time, I can't use sysdate - .5 for example.
I am trying use host command in Oracle forms. I get the process id as input from the user and on clicking ok the form should kill the session related to process id.
PS: Users will be entering only frmweb.exe process id which are inactive.
cmd := 'CMD /C taskkill /F /FI /pid 'process which is got as input' /IM frmweb.exe'; host(cmd)I also tried by writing the above command into a .bat file in application server.When trying to execute the bat file it din work. But when tryin to run the bat file by double clicking in Application server the session was killed.
On executing the above I am unable to kill the process. I would also like to know whether the host command was successful or not. Orakill and alter session are working but I don want to use it.