PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Information About Columns Of Tables

Nov 16, 2012

I am trying to get information about the columns of tables in Oracle databases. In MySQL, show columns provides good deal of information.But in Oracle, we do not have such equivalent call."describe" shows only the primary key.

But it does not show whether any column has unique constraint or an index.

I created a column in a table with unique constraint (but not a primary key), but it was not listed with CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'U' in dba_constraints view, but was listed with CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'C' - Check constraint.

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PL/SQL :: Retrieve Primary Key Information

Dec 20, 2012

How can i retrieve which tables have composite primary keys, and only one of the primary key columns is a foreign key to another table?

clubId NUMBER,
teamid NUMBER(10),
clubid NUMBER(10),
teamname VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (teamid, clubid),
FOREIGN KEY (clubid) REFERENCES club (clubid));So in this case, the team table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Private Package Procedures Information?

Apr 16, 2013

how i cant get the private package procedures(the procedures that are defined only in the pcakage body) information?Specially the name and arguments??

Every simple Oracle client presents this type of information, so I think there is a way to get it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve All Information Of Dept Along With Two Employees Of Each Department

Jan 21, 2013

I WANT to RETRIEVE all the INFORMATION of DEPT ALONG with TWO EMPLOYEES of each any OTHER WAY to DO THIS due to performance in Oracle 10g


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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: ORA-39086 Cannot Retrieve Job Information

Jul 27, 2012

UDI-31626: operation generated ORACLE error 31626
ORA-31626: job does not exist
ORA-39086: cannot retrieve job information
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 3326
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 4551
ORA-06512: at line 1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Retrieve Only Latest Repair Information Based On Latest Date

Apr 3, 2012

I would like to retrieve only the latest repair information based on the latest date regardless of the other information, so I would like to query only items 3 and 5 in the following example.

drop table a;
create table a(
seq number,
custom_id number,
repair_id number,
repair_date date);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Names Of Tables That Contain Similar Information In Oracle Database?

Nov 16, 2010

it's possible to retrieve the names of tables that contain similar information in an oracle database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Supplemental Login Information From Renamed Table To New Tables?

Oct 19, 2010

I renamed 100 tables and recreated them, now I need to copy supplemental login information from renamed table to new tables. Environment is oracle 10G.

OS - Solaris

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve CLOB Data Using DISTINCT Keyword For Other Columns

Aug 2, 2012

I have one query regarding how to retrieve the CLOB data.

The requirement is something that in the select statement there are around 20+ columns which i need to retrieve from around 5 tables after joining.

Since the result set after joining also will get duplicate values i need to use distinct keyword to filter the resultset. But in the 20+ columns there are 2 CLOB data columns which i need to retrieve.

Whenever i use DISTINCT i'm getting ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB error. I know that DISTINCT keyword cannot be used for CLOB datatypes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve List Of Tables With Same Name From Two Schemas

Sep 16, 2013

I need to retrieve the list of tables with same name from 2 different schemas.

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Backup & Recovery :: Retrieve Dropped Tables?

Jun 20, 2012

One of the developer dropped 18 tables by mistake on USER@db schema. Developer asked whether I can restore those tables, but unfortunately they are not in the recycle bin. Developer is re-creating the table now though. But I am just curious whether we need to change these parameters (db_recycle_cache_size) in order support any similar requests in the future.

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_recycle_cache_size big integer 0
recyclebin string on

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare 2 Tables On Columns Value?

Oct 25, 2010

I have to compare 2 tables on a columns's value.The 2 tables have same column as Regn_no.I just need to have the result in True Or False from a Query if the particular value of Regn_no is found in both the tables.

Temporarily I using a bit different and not good query which is as follows:

select count(*) from tab1 where regn_no in (select regn_no from tab2) and regn_no = 'UP78AN7890';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Columns Of 2 Tables?

Apr 14, 2011

i wanted the query for the followin example

1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5

consider the above tables what i want is some thing like this


this can also be done through a select statement through choosing the columns which you want i don want thatbut what i want is columns of entire table sample2 and only one column in sample1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare 2 Tables Based On 2 Columns

Oct 19, 2010

My tables looks like this:

Desc Table A (account)

Table B (Bill )
total vvalue

I need to pick up total value from table B where the unique combination of advertiser-Agency id is the same as the given account1_id -Account2_id combination in table A for each employee id.

In other words my output should be like

Empid | Account_id (should be same as advertiserid)| Account2_id (same as agencyid) | sum(total_value) for this adv-agency combination.....

objective: Get the total value from table B for each unique account1-account2 combination (advertiser-agency in other words) .

I am not sure if I should use a correlated subquery or how to handle the situation....Right now I am just checking the two columns separately like this:

select.......from a,b
where b.advertiser_id = a.account1_id and b.agencyid = b.account2id

Is it correct to do so? I have a feeling that I am missing something if I join them separately like this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Tables Which Does Not Have Specific Columns

Jan 11, 2013

I need a query to find list all tables in a schema which does not have 'ADDRESS', 'CITY', 'STATE' columns.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Swap Values Between Columns Across Tables In Database

Jan 28, 2011

I've recieved a recent request wherein the requirement is to swap values between columns across multiple tables in a database.Following is a visual sample of what needs to be done.

Before Swaping:

Columns Values

After Swapping:

Columns Values

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Large Tables / Remove Unnecessary Columns

Mar 14, 2011

I have a large table with 450 column and we are only using nearly 170 columns and our BD block size is 8k.The DBA informed that there is an row chaining happening in the Database.My question is if we have data available in 170 column .why row chaining is happening.

The DBA informed us to remove the unnecessary columns .. Does those empty columns have any impact on the chaining.If we increase the size of DB block to 32k . does it will resolve the issue.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Columns From Different Tables Dynamically In A Function

Jan 25, 2013

im trying to select columns from different tables dynamically in a function . The parameter for the function will be table name and column id's, In this number of columns may vary . Is it possible to have dynamic %rowtype to store the cursor value in it.

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PL/SQL :: Find Common Data In 2 Columns In Two Different Tables

Oct 22, 2012

query to find out common data from 2 columns in two different tables??

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PL/SQL :: Merge / Update With Multiple Tables And Columns

Sep 6, 2013

I am trying to update multiple columns from one table based on the results of another table So I have 3 tables as follows 

My SQL code is loosely SELECT SUM(H.HIS1),

 This works, and I am able to SUM the column as I need with the right numbers.  I altered the SUMM_SNAP table and now I want this summarized column to be in the table I tried using UPDATE, but there is no FROM clause to let me do the table join/group by 


The above is obviously wrong - but just trying to show whatI was thinking What would be the best method to get the numbers from the SUM into a table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Recently Updated Columns / Tables In Database?

Aug 4, 2011

i want a query/function/procedure to check recently updated columns/tables in a database...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Select For Update / Multiple Columns Of Different Tables

Apr 8, 2010

i have two tables test1 and test2. i want to update the column(DEPT_DSCR) of both the tables TEST1 and TEST2 using select for update and current of...using cursor.

I have a code written as follows :

v_mydept1 TEST1.DEPT_CD%TYPE;
v_mydept2 TEST2.DEPT_CD%TYPE;

The above code when run says that it runs successfully. But it does not updates the desired columns[DEPT_DSCR].

It only works when we want to update single or multiple columns of same table...i.e. by providing these columns after "FOR UPDATE OF"
I am not sure what is the exact problem when we want to update multiple columns of different tables.

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Dumping Relevant Data From Columns Of Different Tables - Report / Join

Nov 18, 2008

As the title of this topic illustrates, i'm having trouble dumping relevant data from columns of different tables. I am using isql*plus. I have three tables appropriatly related. A 'course' table, 'student' and 'next_of_kin' tables. I have many students enrolled on various courses but only a hanfull of courses offer the module option 'Database Systems'. I have no 'module' table but i know the three course names which provide the module option. I intend on producing a report hich lists all students enrolled on the courses which provid the module option 'Database Systems'.

I have attempted the report but i keep getting a 'cartesian product' displaying all next_of_kin names instead of the appropriate. Also i am struggling to come up with the right WHERE statement to depict only the three courses which provide the module option 'Database Systems' as defined by 'courseNo' in both 'course' and 'student' tables.

Here is the most recent attempt:

--set echo off
--set pagesize 24
--set feedback off
--set linesize 78
col A format 99999999 heading 'Student No'


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Columns Of 3 Tables In Such A Way That Period Column Should Be In Group By Function

Aug 16, 2011

i want to select columns of 3 tables in such a way that period column should be in the group by function.

create view allocated_budgets_detail as
select ba.ba_fin_year, ba.ba_start_date, ba.ba_end_date, ba.ba_rev_no,
from budget_header bh, budget_allocation ba, budget_distribution bd, budget_balance bb
where bh.bh_budget_id = ba.ba_budget_id
and ba.ba_line_id = bd.bd_budget_line_id
and ba.ba_line_id = bb.bb_budget_line_id
group by bd.bd_period

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write Query To Delete Similar Records In Particular Fields (columns) In Different Tables

Jul 17, 2012

write a query to delete similar records in particular fields(columns) in different tables.

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Forms :: Load PDF Data From C Drive To Oracle Tables To Respective Columns In 6i?

Sep 7, 2012

how to load the pdf data from c drive to the oracle tables to their respective columns in forms 6i.

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ORA-22804 Remote Operations Not Permitted On Object Tables Or User-defined Type Columns?

Jul 5, 2013

I have a two different Databases. I created a db link in DB 1 to connect to DB 2 and it is working fine when I select data from any table. but I have one table in the DB2 which has a column with user defined data type . so when I try to select this column from DB 2 by using the DB link it gives me this error :ORA-22804 remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Create A Report By Using One Field / Text As Columns Name In Layout But Display All Columns

Jun 16, 2010

I want to create a report by using one field and one text as columns name in layout but display the all the columns. I mention the 5 column names in can I write function in summary column.

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Performance Tuning :: Index 15 Columns When Cannot Predict Columns Will Be Used In Where Clause?

Apr 4, 2011

I am running a fairly busy Oracle 10gR2 DB, one of the tables has about 120 columns and this table receives on average 1500 insertions per second. The table is partitioned and the partitioning is based on the most important of the two timestamp columns. There are two timestamps, they hold different times.

Out of these 120 columns, about 15 need to be indexed. Out of the 15 two of them are timestamp, at least one of these two timestamp columns is always in the where clause the queries.

Now the challenge is, the queries we run can have any combination of the 13 other columns + one timestamp. In reality the queries never have more than 7 or 8 columns in the where clause but even if we had only 4 columns in the where clause we would still have the same problem.

So if I create one concatenated index for all these columns it will not be very efficient because after the 4th or 5th column the sorting would no longer be very useful and I believe the optimiser would simply not use the rest of the index. So queries that use the leading columns of the index in sequence work well, but if I need to query the 10th column the I have performance issues.

Now, if I create multiple single column indexes oracle will have to work a lot harder to maintain all these indexes and it will create performance issues (I have tried that). Besides, if I have multiple single column indexes the optimiser will do nested loops twice or three times and will hit only the first few columns of the where clause so I think it will kind of be the same as the long concatenated index.

What I am trying to do is exactly what the Bitmap index would do, it would be very good if I could use the AND condition that a Bitmap index uses. This way I could have N number of single column indexes which the optimiser could pick from and serve the query with exactly the ones it needs. But unfortunately using the Bitmap index here is not an option given the large amount of inserts that I get on this table.

I have been looking for alternatives, I have considered creating multiple shorter concatenated indexes but this still would not address the issue since many queries would still not be served properly and therefore would take a very long time to complete.

What I had in mind would be some sort of multidimensional index, I am not even sure if such thing exists. But essentially it would be some sort of index that could serve a query efficiently regardless of the fact that the where clause has the 1st, 3rd and last columns of the index.

So considering how widely used Oracle is and how many super large databases there are out there, this problem must be common.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select All Columns From Table Except Those Columns Which Type In Query

Jan 21, 2011

I have a two question.

Question 1:How to select all columns from table except those columns which i type in query

Question 2:How to select all columns from table where all columns are not null without type each column name which is in empty data

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