SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Columns From Different Tables Dynamically In A Function
Jan 25, 2013
im trying to select columns from different tables dynamically in a function . The parameter for the function will be table name and column id's, In this number of columns may vary . Is it possible to have dynamic %rowtype to store the cursor value in it.
I have 8 columns. Some of them might be null.I want to display all 8 columns in my result. Not null columns will be first and null at the end.Here is a sample data :
i have two tables test1 and test2. i want to update the column(DEPT_DSCR) of both the tables TEST1 and TEST2 using select for update and current of...using cursor.
I have a code written as follows :
The above code when run says that it runs successfully. But it does not updates the desired columns[DEPT_DSCR].
It only works when we want to update single or multiple columns of same table...i.e. by providing these columns after "FOR UPDATE OF" I am not sure what is the exact problem when we want to update multiple columns of different tables.
I have to audit some table to log all modifications (inserts, updates, deletes). I wrote the following trigger (works as expected) :
Is there any way I can improve this ?I mean getting columns name and value (:NEW and :OLD) dynamically, instead of specifying them one by one (the trigger will have to be updated in case a new column is added). Something like this :
FOR i in 1..DOCUMENT.COLUMN_COUNT LOOP l_row := l_row || DOCUMENT.COLUMN_NAME(i) || :NEW.COLUMN_VALUE(i) || l_separator; END LOOP;
I Have a table like this. 12 rows and 8 columns.And column 1 Dt is going to change everytime,as date and months proceeds.and corresponding columns values are going to change.
I want to pass Number of columns dynamically to a query. I got success in SQL.
SQL> select &column_list from emp; Enter value for column_list: empno,ename,sal
EMPNO ENAME SAL ---------- ---------- ---------- 7369 SMITH 800 7499 ALLEN 1600 7521 WARD 1250 7566 JONES 2975 7654 MARTIN 1250 7698 BLAKE 2850 7782 CLARK 2450 7788 SCOTT 3000 7839 KING 5000 7844 TURNER 1500 7876 ADAMS 1100 7900 JAMES 950 7902 FORD 3000 7934 MILLER 1300
14 rows selected.
But the same i need to achieve in pl/sql. I try with the Ref cursor, but not succeeded.
Is there any way to generate columns dynamically by depending on the rows in a table in 11G .
Ex: If the deptno in DEPT table is not constant,then how to generate the N numbers of columns based on the deptno. Below query is working when we hard coded the deptno (10,20,30,40).What else if we more number of departments and we don't know the departments also.
Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release Connected as dbo
SQL> SELECT * FROM (SELECT deptno, job, sum(sal) sal FROM SCOTT.emp GROUP BY job, deptno) PIVOT(sum(sal) FOR deptno IN(10, 20, 30, 40));
how to assign values from a "rule table" to a rowtype-variable. The ruletable contains values for different columns in different tables.Now i need to assign those given values for given columns out of that rule table to the equivalent column in a rowtype-variable.
My requirement is to concatenate two column values and place them in a new column.I have done it using self join but it limits the purpose,meaning when I have more than 2 values for grouped columns then it won't work.How to make this dynamic,so that for any number of columns grouped,I can concatenate.
SELECT a.co_nm, a.mnfst_nr, a.mnfst_qty, a.mnfst_nr || ':' || a.mnfst_qty || ';' || b.mnfst_nr || ':' || b.mnfst_qty FROM vw_acao_critical a JOIN vw_acao_critical b ON a.co_nm = b.co_nm AND a.mnfst_nr = b.mnfst_nr [code]......
What will be the case when I need to concatenate for more number of values.
like when co_nm has three bahs and manfst_nr and manfst_qty has 3 values for each for bah.and if three are having same_mnfst nr then I should use something dynamic.how to achieve this.
How to dynamically execute a select command whether it is retrieved a single record or multiple record in oracle database 10g. i have tried with the command execute immediate but it was not successful.
is it possible can i delete or drop multiple tables in a single drop and delete statement.
We have an requirement to build (XML) Select statement dynamically based on the mapping table (which is in hierarchy format)
I have removed xml keyword, so query will not work. but need procedure which will recursively check mapping table (parent and child table) and build below given select statement.
2. Table with the values for columns as given in table 1 ex:
col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, a , aa , 1 , x1 , p b , ab , 2 , x2 , q c , ac , 3 , x3 , r
I have to select values from table2.col1 do some processing and calculate values and store it in a table then do the same thing with col2 and so. This needs to be done for all the columns that appear in table1.For example in table 1 i have only three columns mentioned thus i have to process col1, col2 and col3 from table2. col4 and col5 will not be processed since they do not appear in the first table.
The problem is i have hundred columns in table 2 and the user can add up to hundred columns in table 1 as and when it is required.
I have created a cursor to first select column name from table 1 where variable is not null.For each value in cursor i put it in a local variable.
Second step is to select values from table2 where instead of column name i am using the local variable.But the problem is instead of choosing values from col1 the query returns the value as col1 (the value of local variable)
I am trying to create a simple parametised procedure when all I am doing is dynamically inserting data from a set of tables and cols on a where clause.
And for the result set I am also inserting these input variables for future ref.
---------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DATA_TEST (IN_TABLE_NAME IN VARCHAR2, IN_ATTRIBUTE IN VARCHAR2 ) iS FirstClause VARCHAR2(3000) := 'INSERT INTO ABC ( COL1, COL2, COL3,COL4,COL5, COL6) '; selectClause VARCHAR2(3000) :=
Now, the problem is that the proc is not compiling, because of that escape character.
Is there anything wrong that I am doing or some other settings needs to be done?
I have to compare 2 tables on a columns's value.The 2 tables have same column as Regn_no.I just need to have the result in True Or False from a Query if the particular value of Regn_no is found in both the tables.
Temporarily I using a bit different and not good query which is as follows:
select count(*) from tab1 where regn_no in (select regn_no from tab2) and regn_no = 'UP78AN7890';
sample1 A B C D E F -------------------------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
sample2 G H I J ---------------- 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
consider the above tables what i want is some thing like this
output G H I J A -----------------
this can also be done through a select statement through choosing the columns which you want i don want thatbut what i want is columns of entire table sample2 and only one column in sample1
I have a table containing hundreds of columns and I would like to be able to qualify my select statements so that only those columns containing a value are returned. Something like:
Select (non null columns) from tablename where columnX = 'whatever'
BANNER Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi PL/SQL Release - Production "CORE10." TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
See attached file for creation script and data load.Each staff member is required to complete at least one task every three years. The source table contains an EID (aka User ID) and a date column for each task with a date of when the task was completed. If a task has never been started/completed the date value is "NULL".
The result set will show the EID, date of latest task completed and if the task was completed within the last 3 years from given date (for example June 30, 2012).
Quote: select a.contact, b.db_name from MOM.db_contacts@DB_LINK a, MOM.databases@DB_LINK b, where a.DB_ID=b.DB_ID and b.DB_name=(SELECT unique substr(upper(t.target_name), 1, instr(t.target_name,'_',1,1)-1) FROM mgmt_targets t JOIN mgmt_current_severity s ON s.target_guid = t.target_guid WHERE t.target_type = 'oracle_database' and UPPER(t.target_name) like '%11GDB%');
How can I add two more columns into the select statement and the two columns are in the tables that were in the sub query..I would like to have something like this:
Quote: select a.contact, b.db_name, COLUM1, COLUMN2 from MOM.db_contacts@DB_LINK a, MOM.databases@DB_LINK b, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_current_severity s where a.DB_ID=b.DB_ID and b.DB_name=(SELECT unique substr(upper(t.target_name), 1, instr(t.target_name,'_',1,1)-1) FROM mgmt_targets t JOIN mgmt_current_severity s ON s.target_guid = t.target_guid WHERE t.target_type = 'oracle_database' and UPPER(t.target_name) like '%11GDB%');
Desc Table A (account) Account1_id Account2_id name, empid
Table B (Bill ) BillNo Advertiserid agencyid total vvalue
I need to pick up total value from table B where the unique combination of advertiser-Agency id is the same as the given account1_id -Account2_id combination in table A for each employee id.
In other words my output should be like
Empid | Account_id (should be same as advertiserid)| Account2_id (same as agencyid) | sum(total_value) for this adv-agency combination.....
objective: Get the total value from table B for each unique account1-account2 combination (advertiser-agency in other words) .
I am not sure if I should use a correlated subquery or how to handle the situation....Right now I am just checking the two columns separately like this:
select.......from a,b where b.advertiser_id = a.account1_id and b.agencyid = b.account2id
Is it correct to do so? I have a feeling that I am missing something if I join them separately like this.
I am trying to get information about the columns of tables in Oracle databases. In MySQL, show columns provides good deal of information.But in Oracle, we do not have such equivalent call."describe" shows only the primary key.
But it does not show whether any column has unique constraint or an index.
I created a column in a table with unique constraint (but not a primary key), but it was not listed with CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'U' in dba_constraints view, but was listed with CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'C' - Check constraint.