SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Private Package Procedures Information?

Apr 16, 2013

how i cant get the private package procedures(the procedures that are defined only in the pcakage body) information?Specially the name and arguments??

Every simple Oracle client presents this type of information, so I think there is a way to get it?

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Private Synonym Inside A Package?

Apr 25, 2012

I'm making a function A that does many calls to procedures in an other package B. To make this function more readable, I'd like to specify synonyms for the procedures in B. I only need the synonyms inside this function, I don't want to make database synonyms.

For example:

Function get_all_employees return clob
v_emp clob;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Call Private Procedure Outside Of The Package?

Mar 2, 2010

There is any way to call private procedure out side of the package.

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PL/SQL :: Retrieve Primary Key Information

Dec 20, 2012

How can i retrieve which tables have composite primary keys, and only one of the primary key columns is a foreign key to another table?

clubId NUMBER,
teamid NUMBER(10),
clubid NUMBER(10),
teamname VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (teamid, clubid),
FOREIGN KEY (clubid) REFERENCES club (clubid));So in this case, the team table

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PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Information About Columns Of Tables

Nov 16, 2012

I am trying to get information about the columns of tables in Oracle databases. In MySQL, show columns provides good deal of information.But in Oracle, we do not have such equivalent call."describe" shows only the primary key.

But it does not show whether any column has unique constraint or an index.

I created a column in a table with unique constraint (but not a primary key), but it was not listed with CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'U' in dba_constraints view, but was listed with CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'C' - Check constraint.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve All Information Of Dept Along With Two Employees Of Each Department

Jan 21, 2013

I WANT to RETRIEVE all the INFORMATION of DEPT ALONG with TWO EMPLOYEES of each DEPARTMENT.is any OTHER WAY to DO THIS due to performance in Oracle 10g


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Executing WHOLE Package (of Procedures) At Once?

Aug 30, 2007

I could execute a package for eg if i had a package with procedures related to statistics and i run them each night, could i just do an exec on the package and it would run all those procedures??

Its not possible but i could call each procedure from ONE procedure

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PL/SQL :: How To Create A Package With Procedures

Aug 15, 2013

By referring through net I have written the following PCK file. I have installed my Oracle 11g database in VirtualBox(Win XP). I can able to select the tables using query from the host(Windows 7) 


 When I try to run the script I am getting the following error. How to solve this problem?

Project: sqldev.temp:/IdeConnections%23vAPEX.jprF:PACKAGESAPEX_SYS_PCK.sqlError: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminatedError(1,14): PLS-00905: object APEX.APEX_SYS_PCK is invalidError(1,14): PLS-00304: cannot compile body of 'APEX_SYS_PCK' without its specification

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: ORA-39086 Cannot Retrieve Job Information

Jul 27, 2012

UDI-31626: operation generated ORACLE error 31626
ORA-31626: job does not exist
ORA-39086: cannot retrieve job information
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 3326
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 4551
ORA-06512: at line 1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Many Procedures And Functions Can Be Written In Package

May 4, 2010

I think there is no limit for number of procedures and functions can be written in a package, but little much confusion.

What is the maximum number of Procedures and Functions can be written in a package? is such type of limit is there or not ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Many Functions And Procedures Exist In Package

Apr 6, 2011

how many functions and Procedures are exist in Package. Is it possible to identify through query.

Eg: I have one Package:- ABC. This ABC package having 2 functions and 3 procedures. I want, total no.of functions and total no.of procedures through query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Information On Package Contents

Oct 25, 2012

I am developing some automated test packages for my PL/SQL Packaged code. Going forward I can code the test package in conjunction with the code but I have some historic packages that I would like to develop these test packages for.

To save time I would like to employ oracle data dictionary views in order to construct the framework for my test package. This includes using SQL to get a list of procedures / functions within the package in order to create the test procedures (spec and body). I can do this in a basic way using the user_procedure view with something like...

SELECT 'PROCEDURE test_' || LOWER(procedure_name)
|| ' (p_result OUT VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN JTA.ACCOUNT_PROFILE_MAINT.' || procedure_name || ' END '
|| LOWER(procedure_name) || ';'
FROM user_procedures WHERE object_name = 'ACCOUNT_PROFILE_MAINT' AND subprogram_id != 0 ORDER BY subprogram_id;

However, the above only really works (in simplistic form.. without parameters) for procedures within the package. I would also like to be able to determine if the procedure listed is actually a function or procedure (so that I can alter the syntax accordingly to generate a correctly formatted string calling the program unit).

So, initially how do I determine the type of package program unit I have (Proc/Function)? Do I need to go to all_source to get this information or are there other views available I can join to?

Eventually I would like to extend this to be able to automatically include any parameters in the generated calling string.. again, is there any other option apart from all_source to get this information?

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PL/SQL :: Execution Time Spread Across Various Procedures Within A Package

Jul 6, 2012

I have huge package having numerous procedures. Therein there is one wrapper procedure which is invoked from front end and which in turn calls other stored procedures within the package. The stored procedures called return the result to the wrapper procedure which in turn calls other stored procedures.

The ultimate result is returned to the calling environment by the wrapper procedure itself.I need to know the time taken in totality by the wrapper procedure along with the individual execution time of each procedure called by the wrapper procedure. I am not allowed to modify the code for adding timestamp capturing though.

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Client Tools :: How To See Specs / Body Of Package Procedures

Jan 27, 2011

1- I do not have access to TOAD for Oracle yet
2- I can connect to SQLPLUS: Release
3- We have many stored procedures in packages that are available from the TOAD for Oracle interface
4- I need to be able to see the specs/body of some packages containing some procedures.
5- I am connected to the appropriate DataBase1 (for example), but from here what to do from SQLPLUS command prompt ?

For example: SchemaName1.PackageName1.ProcedureName1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Retrieve Only Latest Repair Information Based On Latest Date

Apr 3, 2012

I would like to retrieve only the latest repair information based on the latest date regardless of the other information, so I would like to query only items 3 and 5 in the following example.

drop table a;
create table a(
seq number,
custom_id number,
repair_id number,
repair_date date);

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How To Create A Private DBLINK In 10g

Oct 20, 2012

I want to create a private DBLINK in 10g and grant access to use this to limited (another 2/3) users. Is that possible ?I don't want to create PUBLIC DBLINK because the users to use it are limited.

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PL/SQL :: Find Out In Database Package Where Package Is Installed

May 28, 2013

I need to find out in DB Package where this Package is installed (in which schema). The problem is this DB Package can be installed in various schemas. This means that I can't use select user from dual or system environment SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'OS_USER').

What I would need is something like $$PLSQL_UNIT

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Private Strand Flush Not Complete

Feb 5, 2013

The "private strand flush not complete" is a "noise" error, and can be disregarded because it relates to internal cache redo file management.

However this "private strand flush cannot complete" error is sometimes accompanies by a hung database.

These are quotes from MR Burleson himself .

But can this be really ignored as it's also mentioned "hung database"

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Security :: Virtual Private Database

Aug 25, 2012

I am having one table Where,different country names are stored. while viewing data, I have to make sure that if country name having "USA" can only view its data. How can i do at DB level without passing where clause. Is Virtual Database in this case?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

Mar 31, 2012

I created policy as follow.

object_schema => 'scott',
object_name => 'orders_tab',
policy_name => 'orders_policy',
function_schema => 'nisadmin_vpd',
policy_function => 'get_user_orders',
statement_types => 'select');

After the creation of this policy for the table when I select the table Orders_tab then getting the below error.

ORA-00904: "ORA_ROWSCN": invalid identifier

When I dropped this policy then I can see the records of Order_tab table.

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RAC11g Private Connection Disconnected On Daily Basis

Sep 18, 2012

We have a 2-Node RAC11g R2.0.3 installed on Linux 5.5.

My problem to have a private connection disconnected on daily bases at 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM ONLY,and come back life within 2 minuets,I am using cross-over cable to connect those private interface , So in the ocssd.log Stating :-

2012-09-18 15:06:43.735: [ CSSD][1096161600]clssnmPollingThread: node racmain1 (1) at 50% heartbeat fatal, removal in 14.340 seconds
2012-09-18 15:06:50.752: [ CSSD][1096161600]clssnmPollingThread: node racmain1 (1) at 75% heartbeat fatal, removal in 7.330 seconds
2012-09-18 15:07:19.821: [ CSSD][1096161600]clssnmPollingThread: node racmain1 (1) at 90% heartbeat fatal, removal in 2.480 seconds, seedhbimpd 1

And the instance is restarted accordingly.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Send Email Through Google To Private Domain

Dec 1, 2012

how to send email (PL/sql Procedure) to private domain through google mail.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Differences Of Enabling Thread As Public Or Private?

Aug 25, 2012

differences of enabling thread as public or private?

lets assume that i have two threads (1, 2) for two instances (1, 2) and each of thread consists of 2 redolog groups - minimum configuration.in case i need add third node i need third thread.

what will be difference if i set this thread as public instead private?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Change Cluster Interconnection From Public To Private?

Jul 3, 2013

how to change the cluster interconnection from public to private.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle RAC Private Connection Fail

Feb 7, 2013

I would like to know that when the private network in oracle rac down, which is the preferable node in the cluster (cluster of 2 nodes) to takeover the cluster.

Can I set/get the failover policy to point to one node in the cluster?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Global Exception In Package Available Outside Package?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a package with several procedures which raise and catch an error if a foreign key constraint has been violated. I put the the following code in my package body:

e_ouder_niet_gevonden EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_ouder_niet_gevonden,-2291);

Now all the procedures inside the package which catch this exception in the EXCEPTION block work fine. I would like to be able to use that exception outside of my package as well though, how would I do this?

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Networking And Gateways :: Testing Private Database Link With Same Name As Public

Oct 13, 2010

We are currently replacing all public database links with private db links in our prod environment. The requirement is

1) private db link name should be same as public
2) Need to create and test out private db links before we can drop public db links.

How can we test out private db links while public db links are still there with the same name?

when I execute SELECT * FROM DUAL@DBLINK from user who created this private db link, which db link it will be using- public or private?

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Security :: How To Edit Created Policy (Virtual Private Database)

Mar 28, 2012

I Created the Security Policy as user sysadmin_vpd as follows

object_schema => 'scott',
object_name => 'orders_tab',
policy_name => 'orders_policy',
function_schema => 'sysadmin_vpd',
policy_function => 'get_user_orders',
statement_types => 'select');

After creation this policy I want to view & edit them.By default where they are saved.

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Real Application Clusters :: Change Only Netmask Of Private Interconnect 11g R2

Sep 9, 2013

I want to change only the netmask of private interface in RAC.

e.g. IPADDR= to IPADDR= 

Do I have to run any oifcfg commands? 

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Security :: Virtual Private Database Update Policy On Complex Views

Aug 21, 2013

1)I have created a complex view, and created an instead of trigger on this view


create or replace trigger tr_x instead of before update on test_view_name for each row
2) I have created an update policy on this view

object_schema := schema_name,
object_name := name of the view,
policy_name := ploicy name,
function_schema := func schema name,
policy_function := pkg_test.fn_get_where,
statement_types := 'UPDATE',
update_check := TRUE,
policy_type := dbms_rls.dynamic);

3) function pkg_test.fn_get_where, which is used in the policy function always return 1 = 2, so that update should fail.

4) Now I will issue an update statement on the view test_view_name

update test_view_name set test_col = 1;

but still it updates the records, though update policy returns the where cluse 1 = 2

same where clause for select policy works perfectly fine.

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