PL/SQL :: Query Execution On Where Clause

Oct 22, 2013

I have the where cluase as below , I would like to know how does oracle decides which one to execute first,  

WHERE S.PERSPECTIVE='S'and s.shipment_gid=sb.shipment_gid AND SB.BILL_GID=CBIL.INVOICE_GIDand inv.invoice_gid=cbil.invoice_gid AND S.SOURCE_LOCATION_GID=LC.LOCATION_GID and l.location_gid=lc.location_gid AND TRUNC(cbil.insert_date)=TRUNC(tc.tesco_cal_date)AND(lc.location_gid='N' OR lc.corporation_gid='TESCO.10719')AND s.source_location_gid=lc.location_gid AND tc.tesco_year='2013' AND tc.tesco_period=6AND tc.tesco_week_number=23     

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Execution Time Of A Query

Mar 16, 2010

I want to know that is there any way to know the execution time of a sql query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Different Result On Every Execution Of Query?

Jan 13, 2011

when I am executing the below query getting diffrent count every time and not able to guess what is happening.

FROM table1 where table1.LAST_UPDATE_DATE >= current_date - interval '9' day

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How To Bypass Manual Query Execution

Apr 13, 2013

when i run a form no information shows up until i click execute query... i need the info to be their automatically to browse with the previous and next button

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Know Execution Time Without Running Query?

Jul 13, 2008

Is there a way to know how much time will a query take to execute without running it, just like using the autotrace (traceonly) and explain plan utility.

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How To Make Index Use In Query Execution

Jun 6, 2013

I have the below query for which ename column has an index. As of my knowledge below queries 1st and 2st will not use index. Hence i used the 3rd statement and that too its not using the index. Finally i used the 4th query, but even the 4th query is not using the index. Then how do i make this query to use my index??? Do i need to create a function based index for this?

1. select * from emp where ename !='BH' ;
2. select * from emp where ename <> 'BH';
3. select * from emp where ename not in ('BH');
4. select * from emp where ename < 'BH' or ename > 'BH';

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Unusual High Query Execution Time?

Aug 25, 2010

I am facing a very strange issue with one of our Oracle query. The query is usually completes in a minute or two. Even the execution plan of the query is good and it works perfect most of the times, as expected. The query fetches about 1000-2000 records each day.

But on a given day, the query takes about 30-40 mins to execute completely. Upon checking the load on DB server, there are no other processes running which can impact the run time of this query. Moreover, the record counts fetched are almost same as compared to other days. There is no pattern observed as that this phenomenon occurs. it all happens once in a while.

Configuration is Oracle 10g with RAC environment on LINUX

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Performance Tuning :: Same Query Using Different Execution Plans?

Dec 26, 2011

I am executing the query below:

INSERT INTO temp_vendor(vendor_record_seq_no,checksum,rownumber,transaction_type,iu_flag)
SELECT /*+ USE_NL ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 ) leading ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 , tvd) */ vd1.vendor_record_seq_no, tvr.checksum, tvr.rownumber, tvr.transaction_type, 'U'
FROM vendor_data vd1,
vendor_data vd2,
vendor_data vd3,
(SELECT rownumber,


It is taking different approaches (execution plans) while executing for same set of parameters. Due to which sometimes it executes successfully, but sometimes it fills all TEMP space and get failed. I am pasting both the execution plan (different from expalin plan) below:

I. Successfull Execution Plan:

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Pstart| Pstop |
| 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | | | 65612 (100)| | | |
|* 1 | HASH JOIN | | 1 | 6121 | 65612 (1)| 00:13:08 | | |


II. Failed with TEMP space Execution Plan:

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Pstart| Pstop |
| 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | | | 1967 (100)| | | |
|* 1 | FILTER | | | | | | | |
| 2 | SORT GROUP BY | | 1 | 8233 | 1967 (3)| 00:00:24 | | |
|* 3 | HASH JOIN | | 1 | 8233 | 1966 (3)| 00:00:24 | | |


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PL/SQL :: DML Query Execution - Length Exceeds 4000 Characters With Execute Immediate Statement

Jun 18, 2013

I want to execute a DML query with execute immediate statement. That DML query length exceeds 4000 characters. This query has Xquery related conditions, i can not split the query. when i tried execute it is giving "string literal too long".  I tried with DBMS_SQL.Parse() and DBMS_SQL.Execute also, but it is giving same error. I have to execute this DML query inside a Procedure. We are using oracle 10g version

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Performance Tuning :: Query Taking High CPU And Execution Time In Oracle 11gR2

Dec 24, 2012

The below query is taking high CPU almost 98% and longer time to execute.

SELECT ancestor,
Max(D.alarmstate) ALARMSTATE,
Max(D.sialarmstate) SIALARMSTATE,
Max(D.uncralarmstate) UNCRALARMSTATE,
Max(M.commstate) COMMSTATE,
Max(M.nncommstate) NNCOMMSTATE,
Max(M.servicestate) SERVICESTATE,
Max(M.abnormal) ABNORMAL,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query With CASE Where Clause?

May 14, 2012

The query has a case statement in the where clause so that results can be filtered. If I pass "ut" for sso_id then the query returns 21 rows. If I remove the case statement and hard code "a.sso_id like lower('ut'||'%')" then the query returns 41 rows. The query should be returning 41 rows all the time.


When passing "ut" as an SSOID parameter to the Procedure the query returns 21 rows.Taking the query and hard coding "a.sso_id like lower('ut'||'%')" the query returns 41 rows.

query should be returning 41 rows when "ut" is passed an an SSOID parameter.

Returns 21 rows

procedure SSO (SSOID in varchar2 default null,
Name in varchar2 default null,
Campus in varchar2 default null,
Department in varchar2 default null,


Returns 41 rows

open Results for
select a.sso_id,
(a.name_last||', '||a.name_first) as name,,


Test Data


Test Data


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PL/SQL :: Sub-query Inside IN Clause?

Jul 25, 2013

Below is the block which i am trying to test in scott schema. I dont want to substute IN clause values directly. So i have written cursor and have added in separate variable separeated by comma.But its not working.  

declares varchar2(1000);s1 varchar2(1000);v number := 0;v1 varchar2(2000) := 'SCOTT';j number := 0;cursor hhis select ename from emp;beginselect count(*) into v from emp;  for i in hh loops := s||''''||i.ename||''''; j := j+1;if j <> vthen s := s||',';end if;s1 := s1||s;s := null; end loop;dbms_output.put_line(S1); case when v1 in (s1) then dbms_output.put_line('Y');  else dbms_output.put_line('N'); end case;end;  

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Use Of Query Clause For Nested Tables During Export

Aug 30, 2010

I have a query regarding nested tables while exporting. Are we not allowed to use Query clause during the export of nested table?

I am getting the error:
"EXP-00053: unable to execute QUERY on table NT_LP_COREBAL_MAINT because the table has inner nested tables
Export terminated successfully with warnings."

The exp command we are using is:
exp XXXX/XXXX@XXXX file=test1.dmp log=test1.log tables=nt_lp_corebal_maint query='where domain_id=10110307'.

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How Many Quotes To Use In Dynamic Query Using IN Clause With String

Nov 23, 2011

I have a dynamic query which has this clause in it: WHERE [COLUMN NAME] IN (' || theString || ')

My problem is that theString is being passed in through a C# call and the variable is a bunch of strings concatenated together and separated by a comma. Ex: theString = "'val1','val2'"

How many quotes are supposed to go around val1 and val2?

I've tried the following and none work:

When I run the procedure in Oracle it works with '''val1'',''val2'''

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Using Array Values In IN Clause Of Select Query?

Sep 9, 2008

I have some issues in passing array values to IN clause.

I am passing a String Array from Java to PL\SQL and want to use the Array values in the IN CLAUSE of Select Query

cust_array is the Array
search_id VARCHAR2(1000);
search_id := '';
FOR j IN 1 .. cust_array.count
IF (j != 1) THEN
search_id := search_id || ''',''' || cust_array(j) || ''';
search_id := search_id || '''' || cust_array(j) || '''';

trying to form a string of below form: search_id '3211335201','3211335209','3211335279','3211335509'

and use the string search_id in the IN clause of the search Query select * from DPP_EMP where empl in (search_id)

but the query does not returns any result

When I try to hardcode the values in the query as below, its returing 4 rows

select * from DPP_EMP where empl in ('3211335201','3211335209','3211335279','3211335509')

How to achieve this (String to the IN clause) or is there a better way of passing the Array values to the IN clause

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use (select Statement) Rather Than (in Clause) In Pivot Query

May 27, 2011

I'm using pivot query feature of oracle 11g and came across a strange situation where i need to pass a "select statement" in a "in clause" of pivot query.

2 (
6 );


I have tried with pivot xml but it not giving desired output in sql*plus session.It is giving unreadable output.

select * from
(select uin,testing_id,pfa_result from test1)
pivot xml (max(pfa_result) as result
for (testing_id) in (select distinct testing_id from test1));


Here actually i want to use "select distinct id from test1" instead of "in (11,12,13,14,15)". Because i don't know how many id's will be there and of which values. e.g. 11 or 21 or 25.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Gets Slower By Adding Order By Clause

Apr 14, 2010

I have a query, running the query with order by and without orderby clasue casues big performance difference.

here without order by it takes 5 sec


here with order by it takes 2 min



I have like 10,000 records.

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Performance Tuning :: Query Using Row Num In Where Clause With Millions Of Records

Dec 8, 2010

There is a table in Database with millions of records and a query --- Select rowid, ANI, DNIS, message from tbl_sms_talkies where rownum<=:"SYS_B_0" ---- using the high CPU and also this query having high number of executions.

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass List Of Values In Where Clause Of Query Parameter

Sep 18, 2012

I need to get multiple code values and put it into a variable which later need to pass into the where clause of an sql. But i am not getting any results even i pass those values in the variable of an where clause: below is my Procedure:

TYPE crMain_record is RECORD (
v_code             dummy.v_code%type,
n_no               dummy.n_no%type,


END;"lv_character" is going to hold the multiple code values which i need to pass into whare clause of the above SQL: the totlal number of these mulitipe codes can be more then 50..

And lv_character values are commung from a setup table
lv_character varchar2(32767):= '('||''''||'COMMIS'||''''||' , '||''''||'AGY BUILDING BENS'||''''||')';
--And lv_character values are commung from a setup table.where "lv_character" holdes multipe code values...
And lv_character values are commung from a setup table and upper(d.v_code)in lv_characterif the

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Domain Index - Select Query With Clause Does Not Return Any Records

Jun 30, 2012

I have created domain indexes on text columns of a materialised view to use "contains" clause when searching for data. The select query with "contains" clause does not return any records, however I was able to retrive data using via regular query using a like search.

-> will exec ctx_ddl.sync_index('index_name')'resolve my problem?
-> since the view is a materialized view, how can i make sure that the latest data added are also picked up?

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Performance Tuning :: Full Table Scan - Query Without Where Clause?

Jul 11, 2013

Below query is degrading the performance of database. As we know that, without where clause, query do full table scan.Now, it is written to generate the sequence no.

SQL> explain plan for
3 /
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display());
Plan hash value: 3345343365
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |


Index is not created on the column.

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Application Express :: Select List From Query With Row Level Where Clause?

May 10, 2013

I am trying to create a tabular form based on a SQL query, that has a query-based select list with a where clause that references a column in the originating SQL query.

The situation is, I have a table that stores client_id, source_id and build_id, lets call it client_source. I have a second table, build_source, that contains source_id and build_id, with a one to many relationship between the two (source_id of 1 could have build_id of 1-7).

Using a tabular form, I want to select the corresponding build_id to be used in client_source, but the select list must only contain the build_id's for that rows particular source_id.

Here is an example of the SQL source of my tabular form;

'select b.build_id display, b.build_id return from
build_source b where b.source_id = s.SOURCE_ID ') lst
from client_source s

... what I am trying to achieve is that the source_id fields in bold match. When the query is built this way I get an 'invalid identifier' Oracle error on s.SOURCE_ID at runtime.

Is there some special tags that need to be used to reference the outside column?I am running on Application Express, on a Oracle 10g release database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: OrderBy Clause Before From Clause?

Apr 23, 2010

can we use something like this

"select ... order by emp from emp"

what is to be done? so that this qurey runs. no co-related subquery to be used.

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Different AWR For Same Execution?

Mar 12, 2013

we are executing a load activity every day through .NET Application, we taking a time solt for Database to ensure nobody is using at that time.But the AWR reports showing different issues on different days.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error While Execution

Jul 23, 2010

When i am trying to execute the below in sql. i am getting the error.

create or replace type sum_n as object (
nodes node_d,
constructor function sum_n return self as result,
member procedure do_s (m date,exd varchar)

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
0/0 PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
2/9 PLS-00201: identifier 'NODE_d' must be declared

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Error During Execution Trigger

Jan 17, 2011

I have a trigger that is called from an update on the table, this trigger performs the procedure and this procedure update the Same record in the table That shot the trigger. this situation returns error ORA-0060 - DEADLOCK DETECTED WHILE WAITING FOR RESOURCE. Is there any way that this works?

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Longer SP Execution Time

May 5, 2011

In our production environment some SP's are executing longer duration, but when same SP is executed from PLSQL Developer client it is executing vary quickly.

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Function And Procedure Execution

Jul 7, 2010

I have question in procedure execution and function execution oracle database. I want know that which is faster in execution procedure or function.

how can i prove it through examples. can i see the explain plan for a procedure and a function or is there any way to prove which one is faster in execution.

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Modifying SQL Queries Before Execution

Jul 30, 2012

We have the following case: an application modifies a table in an Oracle db (

Unfortunately the update SQL statements from the application always use the condition "where Column1 = 'some given value'" which is wrong (never mind why).

It should be instead "where Column1 = 'some value' and Column2 = 'val for Column2'. The 'val for Column2 will be taken from the very SQL query being issued (we can make the application do an update for Column2 even if the value in it never changes).

So all the update queries from the application look at the moment like that:

"update my_table set Column2 = 'val for Column2', Column3 = 'some other values', Column4 = 'some other value' where Column1 = 'some given value'".

We would like to capture them and somehow on the fly modify them to look like that:

"update my_table set Column2 = 'val for Column2', Column3 = 'some other values', Column4 = 'some other value' where Column1 = 'some given value' and Column2 = 'val for Column2'".

Can a trigger "before update" do it? For some reason we cannot at the moment ask the vendor to change the hard code of the application so we are looking for a temporary workaround.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Generate Procedure Execution LOG

Sep 3, 2013

I have a very big oracle procedure. Since it's too big and calling many other procedures, I am not able to debug the exceptions thrown. Any oracle utility which logs all the procedures called by the master procedure step by step and maintains a detailed record.

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