PL/SQL :: Compute Statistics After Creating Index

May 15, 2013

I have to create some indexes in a production database. Do I need to Compute Statistics after creating indexes? Or when I create they automatically are computed?

The version I'm using is:

Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE     Production
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compute Statistics On Index

Aug 28, 2010

1) Why we need to do Compute Statistic on index.

2) Is it only for optimizer to make a better plan?

3) If yes, which means, optimizer will not able to collect statistic by itself?

4) if I'm not collect statistic, then optimizer will do it or skip.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creating Trigger To Compute Population From Groups

Aug 14, 2011

I am new to PL/SQL and how to create a trigger to compute the population of the school from the groups of students and store back in population. It also needs to check that there is a min of 10 students to a school.



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Script To Query Index Statistics Data And Update Tracking Entries?

Oct 19, 2010

I have created a table: INDEX_SIZE_TRACKING with the following attributes

Index Name: name of the index. Type: VARCHAR(255). This is the primary key of the table.

Allocated Space: the memory space (in bytes) allocated to the index. Type: NUMBER

Used Space: the memory space used by the index. Type: NUMBER

Last Update: the time when index details are updated to this table. Type: VARCHAR(255)

I want to write a PL/SQL script to query index statistics data and update tracking entries in the INDEX_SIZE_TRACKING table. If there is no existing entry for the index, create a new one; otherwise, update the existing one. have a PL/SQL statement that can do this in oracle XE?

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Creating Index On Hashed Column

Sep 23, 2010

I currently have a 5 column index on a table with over 2 billion records (paritioned on created_date (weekly) that is not very effective.I am contemplating replacing this 5 key index and creating a new single column index made up by hashing of all the 5 five columns.

Is this a wise stratgey? How can I implement this so it is most effective and I dont shoot myself in the foot?

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Creating A Multi Column Index

Jan 24, 2012

I have in my database (OLTP-System) a table with about 6000000 records and a zise of about 2GB.

the way to create multi_column indexes on the table?

What are the rule to define the best-position of a column in an index?

index_1(col_1,Col_2,col_3) and not [ (col_1,Col_3,col_2) or (col_2,Col_3,col_1) or (col_2,Col_1,col_3) or (col_3,Col_2,col_1) or (col_3,Col_1,col_2) ] ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Primary Key Without Creating Index?

Jul 12, 2012

how to create a primary key with out creating an index?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Should Be Order Of Columns While Creating B-tree Non-unique Index

Jul 19, 2012

What should be the order of columns while creating b-tree non-unique index.

Low cardinality first
Hight cardinality first

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Performance Tuning :: Creating Index On Base Tables Of A View?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a view on base tables holding historical data for previous 60 months(one table per month) with union all operators.create index on those base tables will improve performance or creating a primary key with disabled novalidate will improve for retrieving data?

The view has around 8 million data and used as a fact table with 4 dimension tables.A DTS package from MSSql side refreshes OLAP cube by retrieving data from these tables in oracle.

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Text :: Creating Single Context Index On One-to-many And Lookup Table?

Apr 16, 2013

I've been successfully setting up text indexes on multiple columns on the same table (using MULTI_COLUMN_DATASTORE preferences), but now I have a situation with a one-to-many data collection table (with a FK to a lookup table), and I need to search columns across both of these tables. Sample code below, more of my chattering after the code block:

( SUBMISSION_ID             NUMBER(10)          NOT NULL,
  SUBMISSION_NAME           VARCHAR2(100)       NOT NULL


I've looked at DETAIL_DATASTORE and USER_DATASTORE, but the examples in Oracle Docs for DETAIL_DATASTORE leave me a little bit perplexed. It seems like this should be pretty straightforward. I'm trying to avoid creating new columns, and keeping the trigger adjustments to a minimum.

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Right Parameter Types Of ODCIIndexInsert In Case Of Creating Index-type WITH ARRAY DML?

Sep 17, 2013

During developing Domain Index for Oracle (problem also appears in 12с) i was faced with misunderstanding of parameter types of function ODCIIndexInsert in case of creating indextype WITH ARRAY DML option.According to Oracle documentation [URL}...

In case of WITH ARRAY DML option Oracle will invoke ODCIIndexInsert with following signature

ia ODCIIndexInfo,
ridlist ODCIRidList,
newvallist varray_of_column_type,
env ODCIEnv)

In my case indexed column has datatype NUMBER so i defined varray_of_column_type as SYS.ODCINumberList STATIC FUNCTION ODCIIndexInsert(ia in sys.ODCIIndexInfo, ridlist in sys.ODCIRidList, newvallist in sys.ODCINumberList, env in SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER

Indextype was created as

CREATE INDEXTYPE test_index_type
test_eq(number, number)
USING index_methods
WITH ARRAY DML(number, sys.ODCINumberList)


(problem occurs in all cases)
CREATE TABLE test_table (id NUMBER (19,0));
CREATE INDEX test_index ON test_table(id) INDEXTYPE IS test_index_type;

When attempting to insert data in the table insert into test_table values (1);

oracle raise exception

CODEError starting at line 53 in command:
insert into test_table values (1)
Error at Command Line:53 Column:1
Error report:


So my question is.Is it normal behavior of oracle (according to documentation)?What is correct signature of ODCIIndexInsert function in case of INDEXTYPE creation with 'WITH ARRAY DML' option and fact that indexed column has NUMBER datatype?

By the way if i define indextype without 'WITH ARRAY DML' option signature is clear, and working. But this approach doesn't satisfies our performance needs.Also if i define index type with option 'WITH ARRAY DML WITHOUT COLUMN DATA' and use signature static function ODCIIndexInsert(ia sys.odciindexinfo, ridlist sys.odciridlist, env sys.ODCIEnv) return number

Everything works too. But this approach doesn't satisfies our business needs.Is it a way to define ODCIIndexInsert parameter types (in case of indexing number column) so that batch inserting works according to documentation ?

ia ODCIIndexInfo,
ridlist ODCIRidList,
newvallist varray_of_column_type,
env ODCIEnv)

I am attaching full sql script to recreate environment and reproduce the problem.Type definition:

step number,
STATIC FUNCTION ODCIIndexAlter (ia sys.ODCIIndexInfo, parms IN OUT VARCHAR2, altopt number, env sys.ODCIEnv)


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Server Administration :: While Creating Index ORA-00603 / ORACLE Server Session Terminated By Fatal Error

Jul 26, 2010

While creating the index we are getting the error "ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error".

We have the space in tablespaces and also in the file systesm.

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How To Count All Tuples Then Compute GPA Pertaining To ID

Apr 1, 2011

I'm a student researching SQL, Oracle queries. I'm currently writing a oracle:JDBC to query by id, then receive all tuples that belong to id and compute GPA. I convert letter-grade to # in query how to count rows pertaining to id, then average GPA of all tuples. I understand Count(*) where sid=?, but i need to count the rows for id, then convert letter to number, finally compute gpa for all pertaining tuples belonging to id.

Everything works find but the last query for my JDBC prog.Here is my query as of now...

"SELECT grade, CASE WHEN grade = 'F' THEN 0 WHEN grade = 'D' THEN 1 WHEN grade = 'C' THEN 2 WHEN grade = 'B' THEN 3 WHEN grade= 'A' THEN 4 END AS letter_grade FROM Grades"

How do I count all tuples then compute the gpa pertaining to id.For all IDs?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compute Row Wise Multiplication For Each Unique Value Of ID?

Sep 18, 2012

how can i compute row wise multiplication for each unique value of id. I am trying to get the output as showing id and their respective results after multiplying the corresponding values.

CREATE TABLE mult_tbl(
val number
insert all
into mult_tbl values (1,2)
into mult_tbl values (1,3)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compute Based On Columns As Variables

Jul 1, 2012

My issue is with a calculation using columns as variables. below is the code to create and attached is the code (INSERT_data.txt) to fill-in the required tables....

what's required here?

I need to update (through update or simply create new table statement)

BPF(i), BPC(i), BPY(i) of table root_tbl (A) based on InF_IDX, InC_IDX & InY_IDX and OutF_IDX, OutC_IDX & OutY_IDX using BPF(i), BPC(i), BPY(i) from table pvt_vectors_tbl(B).

Join Clause: A.P_NODE=B..P_NODE and
A.P_NODE_Date=B.P_NODE_Date and

the formula are:

if A.InF_IDX<=A.OutF_IDX then
FOR i=1 to A.OutF_IDX+1
if i<InF_IDX then A.BPF(i)= A.BPF(i)+ B.BPF(OutF_IDX + i - InF_IDX); else A.BPF(i)=0;
FOR i=1 to A.InF_IDX+1
if i<OutF_IDX then A.BPF(i)= A.BPF(i)+ B.BPF(InF_IDX + i - OutF_IDX); else A.BPF(i)=0;
idem for BPc and BPY.

in real word:

* root_tbl table has ~2 million records, 50 BPF(i) columns, 50 BPC(i) columns and ~475 BPY(i) columns
* pvt_vectors_tbl has ~50.000 records

/*create and fill-in pvt_vectors_tbl table*/

P_NODE_Date date,
C_NODE_Date date,
InF_IDX number,
InC_IDX number,
InY_IDX number,

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Reports & Discoverer :: Code To Compute Price INCL Of VAT?

Jan 30, 2012

i have a Field item on my report which i would like to show "Price INCL of VAT". Any PL/SQL code or trigger to do this? VAT is 16%

I'm a Forms programmer, not so familiar with Reports.I suspect, it should be something like this:

F_1 := F_1 * 1.16

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Compute Ratios Across Variable Number Of Months

Nov 19, 2011

the problem below:

I have a table AlertData below:



Within each DeptID group I need to calculate absolute change of 'Count' column between previous and current months and compare change value with threshold.

If ratio >= threshold N number of times I need to make a note of that event. Threshold = 0.1 N = 2 - alert needs to exceed threshold two consequtive times

Here is data processing algorithm:

1. Calculate change between month 2010-04 and 2010-05: abs((1134/1392 - 1))= 0.18;
2. check change value against threshold: 0.18 > 0.1
3. Threshold was exceeded, set alert_fired_cnt counter to = 1
4. Once alert fired it creates a baseline for comparison - I need to use Count from month 2010-04: We're now in month 2010-06: abs(1094 / 1392 - 1)=0.21
5. check change value against threshold: 0.21 > 0.1
6. Threshold was exceeded, increment alert_fired_cnt counter by 1 = 2
7. At this point alert exceede threshold two times, I need to set a alert_triggered flag = 1 and reset alert_fired_cnt = 0 for further calculations
8. We're in montn 2010-07: abs(1333/1294-1)=0.03
8. check change value against threshold: 0.03 < 0.1
9. Since threshold was not exceeded, keep alert_fired_cnt counter to = 0

Above algorithm needs to be run for all DeptID groups.

I load above data into an associative array and loop through elements. I am having trouble keeping computations within each DeptID group.

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Application Express :: Compute Action In Interactive Report

Mar 13, 2013

I have an interactive report with two columns timestamp type. I want to use the compute action in order to get the difference between those dates. Nevertheless I got values like this: +000000008 00:00:00.000000.

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Client Tools :: Change Separator Line Of Compute SUM Or Count?

Jul 9, 2013

Is that possible to modify the ***** and ----- in the TEXT report?

============= ========== ========================= ==========
20 MK_MAN Hartstein 13000
************* ********** ----------
sum 13000

From above lines, you can see ****** and ----- which are above sum&13000.

Is that possible to change them as '='?

============= ========== ========================= ==========
20 MK_MAN Hartstein 13000
============= ========== ==========
sum 13000
"set underline =" is only shot the headers.

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Client Tools :: Break And Compute Command Usage To Modify Output

Oct 14, 2010

I tried BRK and COMPUTE commands myself after reading the documentation but its not working...The output of my script is correct but What I want is the information to be displayed on a different way:

Original script for the report:

set serveroutput on size 1000000
set pages 10000
set lines 1000
set arraysize 1
set trimspool on
set heading off

The output should be exactly as above as the requirement is this should be in this particular order and how many is the count in each thoroughfare or locality, as shown in the final output, above.

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Performance Tuning :: Analyze Table Compute Statics To Gather Stats

Sep 11, 2012

I load a table through sql loader which takes nearly 14 min for 8-9 millions records, once the records complete i run the analyze table compute statics to gather stats and it takes nearly 15 min. is there any ways so that i can reduce the stats timing. the stats collection command runs from other schema not from where the table is residing.

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Text :: Index For Domain Index With Composite Domain Index (CDI) Very Slow

Jun 27, 2012

I am on Enterprise Edition. We are using the new feature "Composite Domain Index" for a Domain index on a very large table (>250.000.000 rows). It really works with mixed queries. We added two number columns using FILTER BY.We have lots of DML on this table. Therefore, we are executing synchronize and optimize once the week. The synch behaves pretty normal. But "optimize_index" takes a very very long time to complete. I have switsched on 'logging' for the optimize process. The $I table takes some time but is finished normally. But the optimization of the $S table (that is the table created for the CDI feature) is running over 12 hours now - and far from being finished. From the logfile, I can see that it optimizes 1000 rows every 20 minutes. Here is the output of the logfile:

Oracle Text,
14:33:05 06/26/12 begin logging
14:33:05 06/26/12 event
14:33:05 06/26/12 process $N for optimize: SEQDEV.GEN_GES_DESCRIPTION_CTX_I
14:33:16 06/26/12
14:33:16 06/26/12

I haven't found a recommendation from Oracle not to use "optimize_index" for Domain Indexes with CDI. But in my case, it would be much faster just to drop and recreate the Domain Index in question.

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How To Get I / O Statistics On ASM Diskgroup

Jan 21, 2011

How can we check the I/O statistics on a ASM diskgroup?

Do we have any command which can be run @ sqlplus prompt after logging into the asm instance?

What steps can we take to increase the Read speed and the write speed on the ASM diskgroup.

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Performance Tuning :: Local Index Versus Global Index On Partitioned Table

Jun 28, 2011

I have a huge table (about 60 gb) partition over range. The index on this table is global index created on 4 columns together. I have a query which is running very slowly. The explain plan is showing the use of this global index.Explain plan is not showing pstart and pend because the index is global.

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How To Import Questionable Statistics

May 16, 2011

I want to take the statistics of my Production database and import to my local database, to calculate the Production statistics.I have used the statistics=compute, to export statistics. In the log file, for some tables, there was a waring like "exp-00091 exporting questionable statistics"

Is this dump will be useful for me to calculate production statistics?What option i have to use while importing statistics=recalculate or statistics=safe?

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Incremental Statistics Gathering?

Sep 12, 2012

am having Oracle 9i RAC on IBM AIX .

I have large partitioned tables ( 4 partitions are added every month ). Is is possible to collect Incremental Statistics Gathering on these objects ( 9i ). If I collect stats with Ggranularity => ALL and ESTIMATE_PERCENT =100 the stats are accurate but it takes so much time .

One way may be to collect stats as Ggranularity => PARTITION for each new partition ( this quite fast ). but what about the Global Table Stats?

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Server Administration :: Convert Global Index To Local Index

Jun 23, 2011

I have a global index and I want to convert it to local index.Is there a way to recreate local index with out dropping the global index.

I can create a local index first and then drop the global index. But is there a way to create it with out dropping the global index, just convert it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01502 - Index Or Partition Of Such Index Is In Unusable State?

Nov 29, 2010

I am facing the error "ORA-01502: index or partition of such index is in unusable state " while loading the text data using
sql loader with direct path (direct = Y ,rows = 10000) option. Table consists an composite non unique index. If I query the dba indexes for the effected index it shows the index status as VALID. There was no maintaince done on the effected table or index. I have tried loading the same data using conventional path but didn't found any issues for the same.

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Performance Tuning :: Index With NVL / Query Is No Longer Using Index

Nov 19, 2010

I have a query which had a join:

a.c1=b.c1 and a.c2=@var

where @var is user supplied input at runtime...We had a index on a.c2 . The CBO would use this index to generate an opitimised query plan.We found some records from table "b" were dropping due to inner join. So we made a change in join. It'd be like

a.c1(+)=b.c1 and nvl(a.c2,@var)=@var

This query is no longer using the index, instead its doing a full table scan causing the query to slowdown.I have tried creating index on nvl(a.c2,'31-dec-9999')

But the CBO won't use it.Anyway to create index on this col so that full table scan can be avoided?

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Performance Tuning :: Force Index If Table Not Using Index?

Aug 9, 2013

How to force an index if the table not using the index?

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