Forms :: Call PDF File Without Specifying Reader Path?

Apr 27, 2011

I need to call pdf file in oracle form 6i without specify the path of adobe acrobat reader. how to do that?

AppID := DDE.App_Begin(<path where you have winword.exe in your system> <path of the document you wish to open>,DDE.APP_MODE_NORMAL);

i dont need to write ths part
<path where you have winword.exe in your system>

that because in our company we have several virgins of acrobat reader and i really need to call pdf file and make the call statement public

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Forms :: How To Call Batch File Existing In Network Path Through 6i

Aug 10, 2011

How to call a batch file existing in network path through oracle forms 6i. I am using following code in Forms 6i which is supposed to FTP some .text files to a UNIX box.

Host( '\guww.netdfs.root.Global Shared Data$(LEV)Leven Shared DataLeven Shared DataPublicCOMMONMatsEmpty Bottle ReportsSchedules Preliminaryftp_files_to_ddd.bat');

When I am running this batch file ftp_files_to_ddd.bat from local directory of my PC,it is working properly.

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Forms :: How To Find File Path Dynamically

May 10, 2011

how we can find file path dynamically. In paramenter we can give only destination file name like EXCEL.EXE. and its give me full path of EXCEL.EXE file.

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Forms :: How To Get File Directory Path Dynamically In The Report

Sep 6, 2013

I want to get file directory path dynamically with out using directory in database or not hard code like below

the purpose is i need to check image in the path directory if not found i unable to generate report, is there any possible to get dynamically

function CF_URLFormula return Char is
v_handle utl_file.file_type;
v_file_dir VARCHAR2(60) := '/u002/app/applmgr/temp/';
v_handle := utl_file.fopen(v_file_dir, :photo_name, 'R');
RETURN v_file_dir||:photo_name;
when others then
return null;

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Forms :: How To Call Bat File From Oracle

Nov 1, 2007

how to call batch file from Oracle froms 10g

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Forms :: How To Call Dll File In Oracle Developer 10g Or 6i

Aug 19, 2010

How to call dll file in oracle developer 10g or 6i form

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Forms :: Call Batch File From Oracle 10g?

Jun 25, 2010

I want to call .bat file from oracle froms 10g.

I tried given below code but failed.

v1 varchar2(200);
v1 := 'D:FolderLogicalbackup.bat';
HOST('cmd /c start'||v1,no_screen);

The Logicalbackup.bat file contains:-

Cd d:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1in
exp mw6/mw6@mw file=d:mw6ackupackupRGLHR.dmp log=d:mw6ackupackuplogRGLHR.log

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Forms :: Integrate Card Reader In 6i?

Jun 17, 2011

I wonder if you have any examples (codes) to achieve communication from forms 6i with a card reader.

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Forms :: USB Finger Print Reader

Jun 17, 2013

I have my own design employee time attendance application which i design in oracle forms 6i and oracle database 9i. Now I bought one USB fingerprint reader so I can attached this device to my application. I want every employee to scan there finger in my reader and I will record there attendance. How I can configure this device in my form.

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Forms :: Finger Prints Reader / Oracle

Oct 9, 2010

I have Microsoft finger print reader and installed. I would like this that this device will capture finger prints from form application.i have installed fingerprints software and then oracle. The device is active on sdk. when i use form the device shown nothing. How i can interact with oracle and device.

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Forms :: Use SecureMag Encrypted MagStripe Reader To Get Credit Card Info In POS

Jan 5, 2011

Our product needs to use SecureMag Encrypted MagStripe Reader to get the credit card info in POS.After adding the code in every module, most of them work well now. But one of them does not. We met the error FRM-41344.This module is called from another(using call_form) that could also have this functionality(it works well in this module).

the code in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger:

:global.msrDevice := :ITEM('CONTROL.opos').interface;

The error raise in this code. The global variable is assigned a value in each module.I got some info from the internet. But I still get error after I did the following operation.When using Oracle Forms, you might receive this run-time error:

FRM-41344: OLE object not defined for object in current record.

which can occur for either of these reasons: The OLE container has lost the definition of the Oracle Video Custom Control. To fix this problem, go into the Forms Designer, and re-insert the Oracle Video Custom Control by clicking the right mouse button inside the OLE container and choosing Insert Object

The Oracle Video Custom Control has not been initialized. To fix this problem, modify the form so that it can navigate to the block that contains the Oracle Video Custom Control. You can either make this block the first block on the form or add a GO_BLOCK command in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE script to navigate to that block. If necessary, you can add a GO_BLOCK command followed by SYNCHRONIZE before any commands that access the Oracle Video Control. (You can tell if the Oracle Video Control has been initialized because the video control buttons will be visible.)

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How To Handle Spaces In Path Name Of File With PL/SQL

Apr 10, 2009

How do I handle spaces in the path name of a file with PL/SQL? This is what I am trying to do.

start f:folder namefolder name with spacesfoldernamescript.sql

I keep getting an error:

"The file 'f:folder.sql' does not exist."

Is there a special character I need to put in there for the spaces? How can I get this to work?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch File Path From A Folder

Oct 4, 2013

We upload a file on our library on weekly basis. I wanted to fetch the latest uploaded file path/URL from a folder through PL/SQL, but not sure if it's possible.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy CSV File From Windows Server Shared Path

Jul 12, 2012

I need to copy .CSV File from a Windows Server shared path (\hostnameoutput) to another server which i believe is on unix.The other server name is On this server i need to put it in the root directory. I will have to use SFTP and not FTP.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creating Text File On Specific Path Of Database Server?

Nov 28, 2012

using pl/sql code i am creating text file on specific path of database server. i need to compress this file .how to compress the text file using pl/sql?

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Direct Path Exported Dump File Contains Illegal Column Length

Apr 28, 2011

I am trying to import the database and i see the following error:

IMP-00051: Direct path exported dump file contains illegal column length imp abruptly stops. my source and destination database is as follows:

Destinatin: 11g-r2.

I used exp with the following options:


Using imp with the following option:


why my imp failing?

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Server Utilities :: Default Path Of Log File After Import Dump In Oracle 10g

Feb 25, 2011

What is the Default Path of Log File after Import Dump in Oracle 10g.

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PL/SQL :: Procedure / Batch File To Export Data From Sql To Excel (predefined Path)

Apr 5, 2013

I have countries, sites, states tables (total 3) in database (i have user id and password to connect to this database).

every week i need to extract data from these tables into excel files and i need to save those in shared drive for team use.

Currently i am connecting to database every time running sql query and manually exporting that latest data to excel and saving that as excel files in (G: eamcommon) folder with specific name.

output format should be :

excel (.xls)
file names should - countries.xls,sites.xls,states.xls
server name : ap21
output location : G: eamcommon ( G is shared drive).

i heard that we could create batch file to do this task and also we could use oracle procedure to do this task. but not sure which one is the best option.

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User-defined Functions In Sql Loader Control File With DIRECT Path Mode

Jan 22, 2013

I am using oracle 10g version

Can I use user-defined functions in my sql*loader control file and load in DIRECT path mode?

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Forms :: How To Know Operating System Current Path In Oracle 10g Forms

Apr 19, 2011

How to Know Operating System Current Path in oracle 10g forms ?

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Forms :: How To Set Dynamic Path In 6i

Aug 6, 2008

I am using Oracle Form 6i. I have created pdf file from oracle report. On view button, I have written:

host('C:Program FilesAdobeReader 8.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe C:dailypending.pdf');

I don't want to set this path on every machine. I want to set its dynamic path so that on which even I machine, I run the applicaiton, it will directly find AcroRd32.exe from any drive either C: or D: or anything else...

It might be Acrobat Reader 9.0 or 8.0 whatever version will be installed on client machine...I want to set path according to that..So that whatever version it would be, it doesnt affect the application..

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Forms :: Path To Use DLL - Library Not Available

Oct 18, 2013

How to use the DLL? My DLL is loaded on the client host in the C: Documents and Settings USER webutil. When you try turning to the library, I get an error:

WUL-928 [CApiFunctions.set_invokeoncespec ()] EXAMPLE.DLL library is not available or does not contain a function MYFUNCTION

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Forms :: Find Path In Oracle 6i?

Nov 1, 2011

how can i get full path in oracle 6i???

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Forms :: How To Set Registry Path Under 6i In CentOS

Dec 26, 2012

How set the registery path under forms6i in Centos

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Forms :: Setting Output Path

Feb 1, 2010

Recently i faced with a situation of redirecting a report output to a particular path in my server, and then opening the output by using web.show_document.

I was successful in redirecting it too a path , however i am not able to open the file using URL. We should setup virtual path in orion-web.xml and proceed further.

I pointed the output to an existing virtual path as below in my orion_web.xml file.

D:OraHome_2 oolswebhtml

and tried opening the output through the url


however i was not able to add new virtual path here .

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Forms :: Use Only AcroRD32. Exe Without Using Proper Path?

May 10, 2013

i m using oracle d2k i want to open a pdf file given proper path of C:Program FilesAdobeReader 9.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe but i want to use only AcroRD32. exe without using proper path how i use it

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Forms :: PERMISSION DENIED While Setting Value Path

Oct 13, 2012

At the time of installing developer 6i am getting the above error,at the stage of selecting the path for forms its throwing the above error saying the permission denied in setting the value path....

does any one come across this type of error before...

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Windows :: Case Sensitive Column Names In Data Reader

Nov 14, 2010

it seems that oracle data reader on some client machine is case sensitive. We are using oracle 10g. 2 client machines connect to the same DB and run the same code - one works and another doesn't. they are both using odac

this is my .NET code (which works fine on every environment it was installed in the last 2 years):

using (OracleConnection sqlConn = new OracleConnection())
sqlConn.ConnectionString = connectionString;
using (OracleCommand sqlCmd = new OracleCommand())
sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlCmd.CommandText = "getValues";

this is the oracle procedure:

PROCEDURE getValues(
rc IN OUT sys_refcursor
SELECT Name, Value FROM MySchema.MyTable;

The problem that we saw was that on one of the client machines dr["Name"] threw exception :

Error Source: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader.GetOrdinal
Error Message: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Unable to find specified column in result set
at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)
at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader.get_Item(String columnName)

We modified the code and used NAME instead of Name and it worked!! (dr["NAME"] instead of dr["Name"])

How can it be? from oracle documentation:
A case-sensitive search is made to locate the specified column by its name. If this fails, then a case-insensitive search is made.

My question is what can cause such a behavior? Some ODAC/ODP definitions, .NET configuration?

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Forms :: How To Call VB Or NET DLL From PL/SQL

Feb 2, 2010

Is there any way to call a VB or .NET dll from olsql or forms ?

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Forms :: Call Report From 10g

Feb 1, 2012

I have a form and i want to call report name is " DOCK_RECEIPT". I already create parameter report on this Form name is " REPORT82" and set property this parameter report contain {Name is REPORT82, filename is DOCK_RECEIPT.rdf, execution Mode is Batch, Communication Mode is Synchronous}. I also create a procedure name is F_PRO_PRINT follow:

pl_id ParamList;
V_rep VARCHAR2(100);
rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
rep_job_id varchar2(100);
v_mine_type varchar2(50);
v_palletid NUMBER(10):=0;

Now i have button and in trigger when-button-press add this code call procedure above


When i click button call report and appear error.

FRM-41214: Unable to run report

Now, i want to call report from form 10g.

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