Forms :: How To Set Dynamic Path In 6i

Aug 6, 2008

I am using Oracle Form 6i. I have created pdf file from oracle report. On view button, I have written:

host('C:Program FilesAdobeReader 8.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe C:dailypending.pdf');

I don't want to set this path on every machine. I want to set its dynamic path so that on which even I machine, I run the applicaiton, it will directly find AcroRd32.exe from any drive either C: or D: or anything else...

It might be Acrobat Reader 9.0 or 8.0 whatever version will be installed on client machine...I want to set path according to that..So that whatever version it would be, it doesnt affect the application..

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Forms :: How To Know Operating System Current Path In Oracle 10g Forms

Apr 19, 2011

How to Know Operating System Current Path in oracle 10g forms ?

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Forms :: Path To Use DLL - Library Not Available

Oct 18, 2013

How to use the DLL? My DLL is loaded on the client host in the C: Documents and Settings USER webutil. When you try turning to the library, I get an error:

WUL-928 [CApiFunctions.set_invokeoncespec ()] EXAMPLE.DLL library is not available or does not contain a function MYFUNCTION

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Forms :: Find Path In Oracle 6i?

Nov 1, 2011

how can i get full path in oracle 6i???

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Forms :: How To Set Registry Path Under 6i In CentOS

Dec 26, 2012

How set the registery path under forms6i in Centos

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Forms :: Setting Output Path

Feb 1, 2010

Recently i faced with a situation of redirecting a report output to a particular path in my server, and then opening the output by using web.show_document.

I was successful in redirecting it too a path , however i am not able to open the file using URL. We should setup virtual path in orion-web.xml and proceed further.

I pointed the output to an existing virtual path as below in my orion_web.xml file.

D:OraHome_2 oolswebhtml

and tried opening the output through the url


however i was not able to add new virtual path here .

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Forms :: Use Only AcroRD32. Exe Without Using Proper Path?

May 10, 2013

i m using oracle d2k i want to open a pdf file given proper path of C:Program FilesAdobeReader 9.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe but i want to use only AcroRD32. exe without using proper path how i use it

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Forms :: Call PDF File Without Specifying Reader Path?

Apr 27, 2011

I need to call pdf file in oracle form 6i without specify the path of adobe acrobat reader. how to do that?

AppID := DDE.App_Begin(<path where you have winword.exe in your system> <path of the document you wish to open>,DDE.APP_MODE_NORMAL);

i dont need to write ths part
<path where you have winword.exe in your system>

that because in our company we have several virgins of acrobat reader and i really need to call pdf file and make the call statement public

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Forms :: How To Find File Path Dynamically

May 10, 2011

how we can find file path dynamically. In paramenter we can give only destination file name like EXCEL.EXE. and its give me full path of EXCEL.EXE file.

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Forms :: PERMISSION DENIED While Setting Value Path

Oct 13, 2012

At the time of installing developer 6i am getting the above error,at the stage of selecting the path for forms its throwing the above error saying the permission denied in setting the value path....

does any one come across this type of error before...

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Forms :: How To Get File Directory Path Dynamically In The Report

Sep 6, 2013

I want to get file directory path dynamically with out using directory in database or not hard code like below

the purpose is i need to check image in the path directory if not found i unable to generate report, is there any possible to get dynamically

function CF_URLFormula return Char is
v_handle utl_file.file_type;
v_file_dir VARCHAR2(60) := '/u002/app/applmgr/temp/';
v_handle := utl_file.fopen(v_file_dir, :photo_name, 'R');
RETURN v_file_dir||:photo_name;
when others then
return null;

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Forms :: How To Call Batch File Existing In Network Path Through 6i

Aug 10, 2011

How to call a batch file existing in network path through oracle forms 6i. I am using following code in Forms 6i which is supposed to FTP some .text files to a UNIX box.

Host( '\guww.netdfs.root.Global Shared Data$(LEV)Leven Shared DataLeven Shared DataPublicCOMMONMatsEmpty Bottle ReportsSchedules Preliminaryftp_files_to_ddd.bat');

When I am running this batch file ftp_files_to_ddd.bat from local directory of my PC,it is working properly.

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Forms :: Image Path Save In Database And Image Name As Design Number?

Jun 3, 2009

I create a simple table for image

CREATE TABLE image_table (
Design_no varchar2(10),
filename VARCHAR2(255) PRIMARY KEY,
image LONG RAW);

Then i create simple block of image_table

its show me in this website [URL] My question is i don't want to give my form path always.i want to save my picture path in my database and the name of my picture always same as my design_no column.

For example i want to save a picture in my database i will copy my picture in d:shahzaib1234.jpg now i want the path d:shahzaib save in database and when i copy my picture which path= d:shahzaib and file name = Design no its will automatically save in database.

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Forms :: Display Dynamic LOV?

Aug 28, 2007

I want to create dynamic Lov. How can I create it? For practice I create a LOV at design time


THEN I write some code in WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger to replace RECORD_GROUP_QUERY at run time. Code is:


After this I found a error at run time which is FRM-41826: Cannot replace group; columns don't match LOV.

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Forms :: Dynamic Record Group For LOV?

Feb 22, 2011

I want to create a Dynamic record group and associate it to a LOV.for example: I want that for a set of people A, i want to fire the query in lov:

select * from emp where (condition 1)
and for another set of people B, I want to fire
select * from emp where (condition 2)...

How could I achieve it?

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Forms :: Dynamic LOV For Sub-Inventory Field?

Jul 20, 2010

I have one requirement.I am populating LOV dynamically for the subinventory field in the order form through custom.pll.

If Dropship flag= 'Y' then populate suninv LOV with D1,d2..values.If it is 'N' then populate suninv LOV with w01,w02,....values.This is done and working fine in the form.But If i save dropship flag='Y' and Subinv value is D1 then it saves the record.Now I am changing Drop ship flag as 'N' then 'D1' value appearing in the SUBINV field.and it allow the save changes.

So How can i refresh Lov at the time of making drop ship flag as 'Y'/'N'?

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Forms :: Dynamic List Item

Sep 7, 2011

how to create dynamic list item ????

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Forms :: Dynamic Value (get Roles) In Combo Box

Feb 12, 2010

i want to get user (dba roles in combo box runt time).i have write down this code in when new form instance.

rg_id recordgroup := find_group('RG') ;
ln_error number ;
if not id_null(rg_id) then
ln_error := populate_group(rg_id) ;
if ln_error = 0 then
populate_list('BLOCK3.T' , rg_id) ;
message('Error in Populating Group') ;
end if ;
end if ;
end ;

attached file.when i run it gives the follwoing error. frm-41334-invalid record group.


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Forms :: Dynamic (automatic) Trigger

Oct 24, 2012

I'm still trying to import some video in my form.

So far I made one OLE container and add Oracle Video Control, then I made one button and wrote this trigger:


video_obj ole2.obj_type;


video_obj := forms_ole.get_interface_pointer


This works fine. All I want to do now and I don't know why (because I am quite new in Oracle development) is, to make one trigger that will choose automaticly wich video to play and if it is possible to make when I start the form automaticaly to start that video, if not, it's enough just to choose video automaticaly when I press the button.

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Forms :: Dynamic Record Group

Aug 25, 2012

i have a question regarding dynamic record group creation.I have a text item(department) attached with LOV ,and a list item is also there.i want whatever the department name i will select from ma LOV according to that corresponding manager name should be display in the list item.

my table structure is :-
table- QRY

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Forms :: Dynamic Where Condition Using Set_block_property?

Nov 7, 2011

I am working on Forms 6i. I have data block A on table EMP.

Datablock A: Empno, Ename, Hiredate


I will search the records through FIND Screen.

I want to set the where condition of block A in pre-query trigger.

set_block_property('BLOCKA',default_where,'HIRE_DATE BETWEEN FIND.HIREDATE_FM and FIND.HIREDATE_TO');

Note: FIND in above is FIND Screen block.

It's not fetching any records, i doubt that there is syntax error in above statement.

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Forms :: Dynamic List Items

Apr 21, 2011

I want to create two list items. one is for deptno and another is for empno in a single form.

Based on the selected deptno value from first list item i want to populate corresponding empno from second list item. I tried with the fallowing code, it's work fine but the second list is not clears with the existing empno's.

Code for Deptno List item

cursor c is select deptno from dept;
cnt number := 1;


Code for Empno list item in when_list_changed trigger for deptno list item

cursor c is select empno from emp where deptno = :LI_DEPTNO;
cnt number := 1;
it_id := Find_Item('LI_EMPNO');
for i in c loop
cnt := cnt + 1;
end loop;

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Forms :: Dynamic Report By Using Oracle 6i?

Jul 18, 2006

Here is good code and tips to run Dynamic Report from Oracle Forms 6i This utility uses tables and Views to design dynamic report. Just download zip file and unzip all files in a filder. Create database procedure attached, comile the form and use this.

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Forms :: LOV Dynamic Automatic Filtering

Oct 10, 2011

How could the lov restrict its list as the user types in values:

User types 'L'
User type

At the moment it works but the user has to click the button each time.

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Forms :: Fetching Value From Dynamic Cursor?

Dec 13, 2011

I have used a dynamic cursor for fetching value from different tables hence table name assigned dynamically during run time but i face an error ORA-06562 type of argument must match type of column and bind variable with error ORA-06212 But i frequently check the table structure and Declared variable there is no mismatch between them.


C_YEAR number(38);


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Forms :: Dynamic Table In Form

Dec 22, 2011

create a table in forms .

i tried to do it with forms_table(--) but i am in confusion.

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Forms :: Dynamic List From One Table And Insert Into Another?

Jan 10, 2013

Im facing some issues with my form, getting stuck... prob desc below : I have Table A which has columns; car_year, car_type, line_num, line_text. Table B has country, car_year, car_type, line_num, data_entry_amt.

Table A contains data which gets updated once every year only. Contains what year model is the car, what type of car it is.. Line_num has numbers starting from 1 which indicates the different part number and line_text has description for that line_num. eg :
2010 Toyota 1 Windshield
2010 Toyota 2 Door
2010 Toyota 3 Tire
2010 BMW 1 Windshield
2010 BMW 2 Door
2010 BMW 3 Tire
2010 BMW 4 Rear_mirror

Table B contains specific data related to table A, Contains country where car details n prices are, car_year, car_type, line_num, and amount($) for that part. for example :
Australia 2010 Toyota 1 400.50
Australia 2010 Toyota 2 200.40
Australia 2010 Toyota 3 308.25

So in year 2010, in Australia, Toyota's Door was sold at $200.40 Now, Table A will have similar data for this year and users will enter data for table B throughout this year. I tried master-detail form for this but it doesnt work. Because every year line_num change in table A and therefore cant implement a fixed number or rows on the form for amount for table B.

How to use dynamic listing but im not familiar with it. So how i should go about doing this. My form has structure has below :

Country Car_year
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt

When clicked on save, data on table_B.data_entry_amt on this form should go n insert into table B.

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Forms :: Dynamic Form According To Rows In Another Table?

Oct 28, 2010

i want to create a form & show some columns accordingly rows entered in another table

for eg.

a table name temp have three columns (no,name,date) in name it shows some rows like

i want to create a new dummy form which shows
a b c d

if i remove b from temp table then new form shows only
a c d

is it possible

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Forms :: To Create A Dynamic Item List

Sep 12, 2011

i have created a small table which contains only name of cities.On form level i want to create a dynamic list of the name of these cities just by clicking on the textbox without doing any hardcoding.

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Forms :: Dynamic Access To Radio Buttons?

Feb 18, 2010

For passing my apprenticeship I am developing part of an application to change the language of the application dynamically.

My first idea looks like this:

In each form I add a package that works like this:

block := first block
..item := first item
....set item label or prompt to new language
....exit when item = last item
....item := next item
..end loop

..exit when block = last block
..block := next block
end loop

That far everything is fine. With the get_form_property I can access the first and last block and always get the next block with the get_block_property. Same is true for the items by get_block_property for the first and last item and the get_item_property for the next item. By this way I can dynamically chance all item prompts and labels without knowing the name or the number of blocks and items. But what about radio groups? Is there any possibility (and if yes, which?) to get the first, last and next radio button of a radio group in the same way?

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