I created a form that would allow a user to create another user.i tried creating a user in forms 6i using the following code on the when button pressed:
BEGIN forms_ddl('create user'||:user_name||'identified by'||:pasword); commit_form; END;
I have a strange problem when creating a view in user from another user
I have a user called "Cash_tst"
its syntax creation is
-- Create the user create user CASH_TST identified by "" default tablespace CASH temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT quota unlimited on cash; -- Grant/Revoke object privileges grant connect to CASH_TST; grant dba to CASH_TST; grant resource to CASH_TST;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant create any view to CASH_TST; grant unlimited tablespace to CASH_TST;
I want to create a view
"AROFL" is another user on the same database when try to create the view "tamer" i got message of "insufficent privilege" although i granted "create any view" to the user "cash_tst"
I'm having a problem with the When-timer-Expired trigger.I am creating a timer on the On-Error trigger of the block. in the when-timer-expired :
message (11); exit_form(no_validate);
If i run the program program for the first time,message 11 doesn't show thus it doesn't fire the when-timer-expired trigger. But if i logout from application server and enter all over again,the when-timer-expired works !
I am trying to create a new user who will be able to do a delete from all of the tables that only I MYSELF created. I created my user and granted access but realized I may not have done it right..
is it simply SQL>grant delete on <TABLESPACE> to <new user>; ? or do i need to specify the grant the delete on my tablespace to new user?
i want to create a group xyz and add some users to xyz group and want to grant/revoke permissions to xyz. So that all the users present in that group will have the same permissions as of the xyz group. so that instead of giving the permissions to users individually i can give it at a time.
We are using oracle forms 6i as front end and oracle 10g as back end.When we are creating a new user, the password should be stored in back end table in encrypted format.
That is I have created the User Defined Data Type as following. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE Bit_Type AS OBJECT(Bit NUMBER(1,0));
After completing this creation of new UDT, I am trying to create the table with this UDT as follows, CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE Sample_Bit ( RegID Bit_Type);
I received an Error Message like: SQL Error: ORA-22913: must specify table name for nested table column or attribute 22913. 00000 - "must specify table name for nested table column or attribute" *Cause: The storage clause is not specified for a nested table column or attribute. *Action: Specify the nested table storage clause for the nested table column or attribute.
i have a field in one table called item_name based on which i am creating new item name as duplicate with new given length, for eg there is one item_code which has length of 12000mm i am going and replacing the string using instr function and replace function based on criteria that where i will find mm it will extract a portion and replace the new length as 6300mm.But its failing because some time user is creating the original item code without mm, is there a way.
I have been asked to improve the speed of our extract feeds to another team. It was using an excel file as csv created with C# reading the csv into a global temporary table and a procedure to insert rows from global table to main table one at a time.
Around 1 million rows That was taking around 25 min. After trying sqlldr and an intermediate table I managed to reduce timing to 15 sec with sqlldr and Direct Path Load. I tried all that in one of our own DEV databases. Now we want to try the approach in one of DEV databases belong to downstream group (the one we feed data). They are rather reluctant to give me access to their DEV database! I have asked them to create a new login and grant object creation (DDL) to this user.They keep saying that they are prepared to give me a role but NOT schema owner. What is the best way of enabling me to create tables somewhere and test loading times with sqlldr.
I need to do full DDL (table/proc creation) and DML on a certain schema. So my question: What is the best way of doing so.. Do I need a schema created for user to do this workI they already have a general purpose schema, can they create a role to have full DDL: rights in that schema?
I need to create a forgot password page in which there will be two text box named user name and email id and user will provide his usename and email id in those text box. so apex will check that the provided name and email id are there in the data base and if email id corresponds to right user name then a mail will be send to that email Id containing auto generated password.
error creating db ORACLE error from recovery catalog database ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'TS' ORACLE error from recovery catalog database:ORA-00942:table or view doesnt exist
i have a union all query (two quiries i suppose) that runs fine and returns the results i am after.... when i try to use this query to create a view I get
SQL Command: CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE Failed: Warning: execution completed with warning
CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW "schema1"."name_of_view" ("column1", "column2", "column3") AS SELECT b.column1, a.column2, c.column3
I am creating prim and phy standby on same WIN machine. I have done with all settings. I can do TNSPING to both oracle_sid.I am trying to connect as sysdba to UP the phy standby. But it gives below error:
Enter user-name: sys as sysdba Enter password: ERROR: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
So i tried creating password file for phy standby. But gives below error:
Unable to find error file %ORACLE_HOME%\RDBMS\opw<lang>.msb
I have this requirement to pull the ACTIVE days that a participant holds true in a given month for a specific position he/she holds.The three date ranges here are: LOA dates(leave of absence), XFER dates(TRANSFER in/out of the position),Quality compliance(QUAL start/end dates).So,
I am able to pull out the no of days on a individual basis(count of days for Xfer/LOA/Qual) but I am really not sure as to how should i go about determining the overlapping days between 3 date ranges to determine the ACTIVE/INactive days.
When trying to create package I receive this error...[Error] PLS-00103 (8: 16): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "." when expecting one of the following:;
pointing to "." in the last line "END nondrg_prod.Readmissions;"
CREATE or replace PACKAGE nondrg_prod.Readmissions AS TYPE Readmits IS REF CURSOR RETURN READMISSIONS_DATA_MH%ROWTYPE; PROCEDURE open_rdmh (rdmh IN OUT rdmhCurTyp); END Readmissions;
H want to Create a view which reside in one instance for example xxx Instance . I want to create the same view which reside in xxx instance to another instance for example YYY Instance How to acheive this ?I tried desc the View take the view script from XXX instance and copied the view script to YYY instance when I compiled Iam getting an Error
For Example My view in XXX Instance CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW xxx.sample ( First_name, last_name ) as select "F_NAME", "L_NAME" FROM EMP;
When try to copy and compile the same view in my YYY Instance i am getting error
while creating database*(windows server 2008 R2 version and 11g r2)*
1.DIIM ERROR OCCURS 2.then i started all the oracle services on 3.then igot ora-01092:oracle instance terminated disconnection forced 4.ora-00450:background process'qmnc' did not start 5.ora-00444:background process"qmnc" failed while starting 6.ora-maximum number of process 0 exeeded
I have a question. If i insert some values to a table and then write a create statement. But if the create statement gives me error (eg: table name already exist). And without commiting if i come out the session will the insert commit?
- we have user id parameter.can we update the parameter(:parameter.p_userid) before firing "WHEN NEW FORM INSTANCE TRIGGER"(when new form instance trigger contain code for tree node), for login another canvas as per user rights?
- i have created a login form in one canvas.
- also tree node Hierarchy form created on another canvas. now we want to login through login screen, after login only those forms should show in tree Hierarchy which users have rights. for this purpose we want to pass the parameter of userid before connecting to tree node form through the following query
SELECT COUNT (*) INTO v_count FROM usersinfo WHERE usersname = :USERBLOCK.usernames AND passwords = :USERBLOCK.passwords ;
Every thing is working but when we click on button in login form at that time parameter.p_userid will return null. because above code is define on button click in login screen, i cannot understand where i need to define the above code .
I am trying to create two tables and I am getting the "ORA-00911: invalid character" Error. I have been trying to work it out for last past 30 minutes to no success.