Database Installation In Linux Os?

Sep 29, 2010

i am new to linux os . the step by step process of oracle database 10gR2 and oracle 10g client installation in linux os

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Installation :: Database Supported Redhat Linux 64 Bit OS?

Oct 2, 2012

We have 3 databases with version running on RHEL AS 4.5 32 bit operating system. We are planning to move these databases to RHEL 64 bit Operating system.

let me know the highest 64 bit RHEL version supported by these databases( Will it support with RHEL 5.5 64 bit version?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Create 11g Database On Linux Using Dbca

Jun 20, 2012

I was trying to create a 11g database on linux using dbca.

At very end "create database" I got 'The file pach +DATADG/orcl/system01.dbf in invalid. Check the permissions.'

How to check the permission?

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Installation :: Unable To Install Oracle Database Client On Linux?

Jan 4, 2013

I have installed Oracle virtual box on windows host and have created Oracle Linux virtual machine as guest. I have installed the database server on my host machine but rest of the things(Peoplesoft peopletools etc....) on Oracle Linux guest.Now, I am trying to installed database client on guest machine which is Linux so that I can connect to DB server running on host, but having difficulties in doing so.

, I am following the installation instruction given in the doc, but when I finally run command doesn't happen anything.Actually, to install other software's I just double clicked the .sh file and it automatically started the installation process on a terminal window but when I clicked to install DB client, it didn't do anything.

Also, when I run the same command from command line after navigating to the directory where this file is present, It throws me error saying "no command found".By the way, why the steps given in doc are so complex, I wish If I could just double click just like others and it start the installation process.

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Oracle 11g R2 Installation On Linux 5.5 - Non-RAC / Non-ASM

Jul 25, 2012


ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/initora11g.ora'

Unfortunately I can not find initora11g.ora

[oracle@localhost db_1] cd dbs
[oracle@localhost dbs] ls
hc_orcl.dat init.ora lkORCL orapworcl spfileorcl.ora

so create pfile from spfile='/home//oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/spfileora11.ora will not work

[oracle@localhost dbs]$ ls
hc_orcl.dat init.ora lkORCL orapworcl spfileorcl.ora

I don't see initora11g.ora file - as shown above in oratab also - it showed sid as orcl but I changed into

I have set oracle_sid = ora11g in .bash_profile as well

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Forms :: Installation In Linux OS?

Sep 29, 2010

I am new to linux OS i don't know how to install forms in linux.

the step step process of installation of forms 10g in linux OS.

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Enterprise Manager :: OEM Installation In Linux

May 23, 2010

I am trying to install OEM but the GUI asks for weblogic server home.i checked many documents in net but none has weblogic installation procedure. Is it the sequence of installation ?

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When OraInst.loc File Is Created During Installation On Linux

Feb 11, 2013

* QUES during installation :*

Is this  really true  ?When executing , It creates the inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc).In my case , " the file was created before executing "

+ As far as I know , end of the installation only we are running script .+
+ before running that the script , i checked here ..+
+[root@localhost oraInventory]# id+


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Cloud Service :: Controller Installation - Linux Version For 12c

Nov 14, 2013

what is the recommended "LINUX" version for 12c cloud controller installation?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Dataguard Trigger For Linux Services?

Oct 3, 2012

we are running oracle database and tomcat on the same machine(SLES 11).

I need to contol tomcat(start/stop) depending to database status. For example, if database stops or become standby then to stop tomcat service.

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Installation :: Linux OS Suited For Running Oracle 11g Smoothly

Sep 19, 2013

What are the free linux OS's that are suited for running Oracle 11g smoothly? 

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: 11gr2 On Vmware Server - Linux 5.5?

Feb 3, 2013

am trying to install rac 11gr2 config on linux 5.5 on vmware server.

following doc:


but as in the first step VMware Server Installation:First, install the VMware Server software. On Linux you do this with the following command as the root user.

# rpm -Uvh VMware-server*.rpm

i couldn't find any where on linux disks.

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Server Administration :: Installation Steps For Oracle 10g 10.2 On Linux 6 Using Vmware

Mar 16, 2012

A link which describe step by step with screen shots how can i install oracle 10 r2 on oracle linux server release 6.1 using vmware workshop actual os is windows server 64 bit in this in install vmware 8 and i install oracle linux server release 6.1 32 bit now i want to install oracle 10g r2 or oracle 11g r2 on this .

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Sqlplus Is Not Working After Oracle 10g Client Installation On Linux Server

Oct 11, 2012

just now i installed oracle client version in one my linux server. after successfully installation sqlplus is not working .

below are my .profile details.

# Set up the shell variables:
export EDITOR
### Set the umask
umask 022
### Set ulimit


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Installation :: Wrong Initial Group For Oracle Linux Account

Oct 19, 2013

Before I install the Oracle database in Linux server 2.6.39-400.209.1.el6uek.x86_64, I created the following groups

oinstall, dba, oper, and asmadmin.  groupadd oinstall  # required from training groupadd dba # required from training groupadd oper  # and group asmdba, asmoper from training groupadd asmadmin  #

optional from training I made a mistake when I created Oracle user account. I created it with dba as initial group“ useradd -g dba -G oinstall,oper,asmadmin oracle”, instead of “useradd -g oinstall -G dba,oper,asmadmin oracle” After all I installed Oracle database, now I have concerns and questions. Should I use user mod to update the Oracle user account to install as initial group or just leave it alone? If I now do “usermod –g oinstall –G dba,oper,asmadmin oracle”, will it break anything, any impact to the database?

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Installation :: Oracle Database Express And Other Editions Installation Doc Difference?

Mar 20, 2013

My question is; I've been reading the Oracle database 11g R2 documentation at this link [URL]...

I passed a couple of days learning about all installation configuration parts including the desktop class and server class.As I was learning, So I had already downloaded Oracle Database Express 11g R2 for win32.

So as i had finished the installation guide I thought it's time to install the oracle now. I did it, and what I found was that there was not any option during installation that i read in above documentation. While trying to find about this difference i reached on documentation[URL]...

That is for express version only.

My question here is, Express edition, we use for learning purpose, But it doesn't look like it has all the stuff that we should learn during installation And what documentation I should follow from my above given two links?

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Installation :: Oracle 11G Database For 64 Bit Windows Installation Error

May 6, 2013

I downloaded the 11G 64bit for windows and unzipped the files into one folder and ran the setup.exe as an administrator. It opened up the java screen and I chose, create and configure a database. Next screen I chose, Desktop Class, when I click next it dies. It does not show me teh next screen. I went to the appdata folder and saw this error but not sure what to do EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005).

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Required Database For Linux 64 Bit

Oct 8, 2012

We are planning Database Migration From Windows to Linux Using RMAN..We required Oracle database for Linux 64 bit.

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Migrate Database To Linux And Apply Inc Changes Afterwards

Mar 3, 2012

I need to migrate a 500 GB 10.2 database from windows to linux. Of course I found Alejandro Vargas paper on how to do that ("Database Migration From Windows to Linux Using RMAN"). My problem is that the source database will be up again for 7 days and I need to apply all changes made to the source database to the migrated linux database.

Can I just take all redo log files generated from the source database and apply those to the destination database? I might have a problem with a) file conversion and that the redo log are not in sync with the target database (different check points?).I just found that on an exotic website: "The contents of a redo log file depend on a combination of Oracle version, operating system and server architecture. In general redo logs written on one architecture cannot be read on another. There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, in Oracle 10.2 a redo log written in Linux can be read by a Windows database."

So if this is true, does it also work the other way AND will the database migration from window to linux create a perfect clone of the database where those redo log files actually can be applied to?

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Migrate Database From Linux To Solaris?

Sep 12, 2011

We are planning to migate Oracle database from Linux 10gR2 (non-ASM) to Solaris (ASM) and then Oracle upgrade that database from 10gR2 to 11gR2 on Solaris.

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11g Linux 5.5 - How To Deploy Replication Database

Jul 26, 2011

How I can maintain a replication scheme from a production database and a standby. I was watching the advanced replication methods of Oracle, but what I want is in the evening to run a process and modify the database incrementally and thus leave until the next night.

And the server I want to allocate to the standby database, also implements other processes, so my settings would be:

Production: Oracle Database 11g Linux 5.5
Standby: Windows 2003 Database 11g

Maybe that data is important, let me make clear that what I want is that the database is updated incrementally.

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XE :: Where To Download Oracle Database For X86 Linux

Jun 5, 2012

URL.....Where can I download Oracle database express edition for x86 Linux? I can only see Windows and x64 Linux in Oracle's download page URL....

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Upgrade :: Migrate Database From Windows To Linux?

May 6, 2013

I need to migrate database from Windows to Linux. The current size is ~50GB.

Current Env:
OS = Windows 2003
DB version =

Proposed Env:
OS = Linux
DB version =

Would using datapump be a correct choice for this migration? Also do the step below seem correct?

01.     Pre-create tablespaces on target 11g database
02.     Export full database of source 10g database
03.     Copy dumpfile to Destination Server
04.     Grant IMPORT_FULL_DATABASE system privilege to user SYSTEM of target 11g database
05.     Import full database to target 11g database

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Query Without Login To Oracle database From Linux OS?

Aug 21, 2013

can we query this without login to the oracle  database from linux os?database is up and running . /apps/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome/bin/sqlplus system/passwd select name from v$database;

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Import Oracle 10g Database Table Into 8i On Linux Platform?

Apr 13, 2013

can we import oracle 10g database table into oracle 8i database on linux platform?

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Accessing Oracle Database From Windows Into RHEL (Linux)

Nov 12, 2012

We have a scenario where Oracle Database R1 is installed on Windows System and the Client is present on Linux. Both the system is on same network. We can access Windows -2-Windows using TNS entry.

I am unable to connect to this scenario where Database is on Windows and Client is on Linux.

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Unable To Start Oracle Database 11g On Linux Machine?

Nov 12, 2012

Issue : NOT able to start the Oracle Data Base 11g on Linux machine

I've successfully installed Oracle-DB-11g on my Linux machine.

Note : I haven't declared or exported any variable(s) , actually I'm not sure how and where to do this.

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Upgrade :: From Linux 32bit To 64bit - 10gR2 Database?

Dec 26, 2012

I need to do the following:

(1) Move my 10gR2 database from 32-bit Linux to 11gR2 64-Bit Linux (using an RMAN backup from 10gR2 restored on the 64-bit machine) then

(2) Bring up the database on 64-bit hardware and then upgrade to (64-Bit) [Without installing the 64-Bit software]

Haven't tried restoring to from a RMAN backup. I was trying not to have to install the Oracle software for 64-bit on the 64-bit machine. Was hoping to go directly to (64-bit).

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Moving From 32 Bit Linux To 64 Bit Windows Version On Database Standard Edition

Aug 16, 2013

when migrating from  32 bit Linux to 64 bit Windows version on database standard edition, is there a server media needed?if yes, can you give me more details on what it consists of? 

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Server Utilities :: Using Expdp / Impdp To Migrate 4 TB Database From Solaris To Linux

Aug 4, 2011

I am using expdp/impdp to migrate 4 TB database from solaris to Linux.But the import process is taking forever.

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