Application Express :: URL Parameters Null

Mar 11, 2013

I have a HTML region with two select lists and one button. The select lists are P103_SPORT and P103_YEAR. I want the user to make choices from the select lists and click the button to pass their choices as parameters in a URL. I set the button to redirect to a URL. In that URL I am using the notation &P103_SPORT. and &P103_YEAR. to include the user values. Currently when a user clicks the button, a new window opens with the URL, but nulls are being passed for the 2 items (sport and year). When I click the DEBUG button for the page, these items have nulls for values, even though the user selects values from the select list.

what I'm missing here? Why does DEBUG show null for the items when I can see values in these items?

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Application Express :: Obtaining Custom HTTP GET / POST Parameters Of Variable Length In Application Process

Sep 5, 2013

I'm trying to connect a javascript UI control within my page to an APEX Application Process. The control calls the application process via AJAX and appends a variable number of GET / POST parameters to its URL.What is the best way to obtain these parameters from within the PLSQL procedure of the process? Or is there a better way to connect my javascript AJAX control to the Database behind my APEX app?

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Application Express :: Changing Parameters On Other Page

Aug 17, 2012

I have a page, Say page 1 ..and from that page 1 I go to a different page Say page 2 which is open like a modal window. Now what i need is i need to make a change in the first page that is page 1 ..from page 2 ..

I need to change a value of status field which is in  page 1  to Say p100_status ... I think i might have to use application items to accomplish this.. So i Use the following method..


Now i need to transfer the value in apex item . i.e p200_status  should contain  the value of  : f148_status ..

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Application Express :: Using Dynamic Report Parameters With BI Publisher?

Sep 3, 2012

available for doing reporting in BI Publisher? For example, I would like to use the same report for one person or for many people. This would mean that a where clause should be added when it is for the individual and would not be needed for the whole population. I do not see a way to dynamically build the report using "Report Queries" in Shared Components.

It is easy to build a sql query based on different selection criteria in the Region Source of a pagethat then gets displayedd on the page but I am not seeing much flexibility in creating a report with BI Publisher in Apex.

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Application Express :: Passing URL Parameters To Form / Page?

Oct 14, 2012

1. I m building a form in which students will file some data (name, address, etc) but i want to send a parameter on the URL i send them (their student ID number), which will be saved together with the data the end-users save.

e.g the form i m building is [URL]

can i add in the end of the URL the student_id of the end of the URL?

so it will be something like [URL]

So when student #10 will hit the URL on his browser, once he inputs hsi data and press SAVE button, on the database i can save STUDENT_ID=10 and the rest info he just entered?

2. Which is the login URL for end users? i have only the workspace login now..

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Application Express :: Cannot Open Login Page - Not Able To Get Parameters Values

Nov 20, 2012

Not able to open login page 101 in my internal application. I am getting below error

ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
Error Not able to get parameters values

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Application Express :: Gantt Chart With Null Dates

Mar 28, 2013

APEX 4.0.2 Project Gantt Chart - Error Code: 2002 Message: Empty input

I found the actual dates are mandatory, while the chart tolerates missing planned dates - which is a complete reversal of what actual project data would have.baseline project gantt with parent-child relationship

What I found though is if some planned dates are missing, the generated XML seems to default with data from previous red lines indicate missing from/to dates (actual data also shown underneath chart) URL.....

line 1  1810794   07/MAR/2013   11/MAR/2013   100     26/MAR/2013   27/MAR/2013 00:00:00
line 2  1810780   12/MAR/2013   16/MAR/2013   100     23/MAR/2013   27/MAR/2013 00:00:00
line 3  1810779   17/MAR/2013   20/MAR/2013          
line 4  1810773   21/MAR/2013   21/MAR/2013   50      24/MAR/2013  

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Application Express :: Display Date Parameters Entered In Page Title

Jul 6, 2012

How to use process to display the date parameters selected by the user to generate the report in Page title ?

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Application Express :: Associative Array Shape Is Not Consistent With Session Parameters

Sep 24, 2013

APEX_ITEM functions do not seem to be working correctly. When I create a region with this query:

select APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY(1, 1, 'select ''Jan'' d, 1 r from dual union select ''Feb'' d, 2 r from dual') month_id

from dual I get the error:report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: associative array shape is not consistent with session parametersWhen I run that query in SQL Developer I get this:

<select name="f01" ><option value="%null%">%</option><option value="1" selected="selected">1</option></select>It

works but returns an incorrect result, there is no list.When I run that query in SQL Workshop on I get this:

<select name="f01" ><option value="%null%">%</option><option value="2" >Feb</option><option value="1" selected="selected">Jan</option></select>

which is correct.I tried changing NLS_COMP parameter from Linguistic to Binary and changing NLS_SORT to BINARY_CI but that did not make a difference. This seems like a rare problem and generally related to installation but it has me stopped dead in my tracks.

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Application Express :: Apex_web_service.make_rest_request Wrapper Missing Header Parameters

Sep 13, 2012

APEX 11g

When attempting to use apex_web_service.make_rest_request, I found that it doesnt work with one of my web services because the service requires header parameters. The wrapper apex_web_service.make_rest_request is missing the two header parameters (p_http_headers, p_http_hdr_values) that are in the internal package wwv_flow_web_services.make_rest_request. I have tried passing the values into the two available p_parm_name and p_parm_value parameters, but it doesnt work. They have to be in the header.

It does work within APEX application when it allows me to add a header parm, but I am trying to schedule it nightly as a job from the DB.

Will it hurt anything for me to use the wwv_flow_web_services.make_rest_request?

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Application Express :: Value Changed By JavaScript Submitted As Null When Using $x_disableItem?

Oct 21, 2012

Had some issues with a page on which i changed the value of an item using javascript and added a dynamic action (dummy pl-sql) that submitted the item. The problem was that if i also used $x_disableItem to disable the item in the function that set the value , the value submitted was always null. However if i used the "Disabled" attribute from the item Settings and remove the calling $x_disableItem in the function, the value submitted is correct.

To reproduce , create these objects on a page (default everything not specified):

<li>P1_VALUE - textfield
<li>P1_SET_VALUE - button calls "javascript:setValue();"
<li>P1_SUBMIT - submits the page
<li>Dynamic action:
- Event - Before Page Submit
- Execute PL-SQL (begin null; end;) - Page item to submit P1_VALUE


So i have two questions:

1) Why is the implementation different (would have expected to behave in the same way)?

2) When using the javascript API function $x_disableItem , why is the value submitted null?

P.S: For the workaround i removed the $x_disableItem call with calling a custom function that toggles the read-only attribute of a given item.

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Application Express :: BIP Report Using Webservice - Could Not Convert Null To Bean Field

Sep 13, 2012

I have a BI Suite implementation on one server. And a database with ApEx on another server.

I want to call a BIP report from within my ApEx application using the webservices (runReport) available in BIP 11g.

I used soapUI to test my webservice. Result : OK

When called from within ApEx, ApEx gives me a succes message but the report isn't generated. Instead the console on the BIP server shows the following error:

<Sep 12, 2012 10:28:37 PM BST> <Error> <org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanPropert
yTarget> <BEA-000000> <Could not convert null to bean field 'sizeOfDataChunkDown
load', type int>

'sizeOfDataChunkDownload' is a field of the webservice that is left empty. That indeed is the only difference between my soapUI test and the ApEx situation. In soapUI I removed all empty fields. In ApEx this does not seem possible...

Some extra information:

- the webservice is created on this WSDL : /xmlpserver/services v2/ReportService?wsdl

- it's defined as a SOAP v2

- no basic authentication

- the reports are defined in the BIP environment; not in ApEx

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Application Express :: Possible To Display Null Item Value As All In Blank HTML Region

Jul 2, 2012

Apex 4.1
Theme 21

I have select list which has null and other values. I have created a blank HTML region with the following text

Report for the year &P2_YEAR. and for geography &P2_GEOG.

Now P2_YEAR works fine because, it is always populated with a year. However, &P2_GEOG has 'All' as null value since we can see the report for all geographies. However, if the all option is selected, the above &P2_GEOG. shows as null. Since its not a PL/SQL proc, I cannot put in a NVL. I am guessing one possible way is to write a PL/SQL code before region and then check if its null and then try to populate a new hidden field and show, something like that. Wondering if there is a way to do it directly in the HTML region?

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Function With Null Parameters

Mar 17, 2009

i have a function which takes in two variables and return a varchar.

ex: Function(var1,var2) return as varchar2.

in the function,i query a table for var1 and var2 and concatenate the result set to return a varchar. But if either var1 or var2 is null,then my query in the function fetches the result set for the other variable.

My question is,how would i pass a null value through the function and handle it in the function.

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Windows :: How To Pass Null Values In OracleCommand As Parameters

Jul 19, 2012

How to pass null values in OracleCommand as a parameters

i am doing like this

((OracleCommand)cmdMySql).Parameters.Add(":1" ,Varchar2).Value = DBNull.Value;

Its giving error when dataadapter is going to fill.

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Application Express :: Hyperlink Column With Link Parameters As Region Column Values

Apr 10, 2013

On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.

I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.

So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:

a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?

The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.


"Application Express"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hierarchical Query - Connect NON-NULL Rows To Preceding NULL Row

Aug 29, 2012

I have the following query:

select col_1,col_9 from
book_temp b
where b.col_1 is not null
order by to_number(b.col_16)

What I want to add is the following:


I need to connect the NON-NULL rows to the preceding NULL row.

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Real Application Clusters :: Java Null Exception While Modifying Scan Listener?

Nov 5, 2013

Getting below error while including TCPS protocal at 1523 port .

 bash-3.2$ srvctl modify scan_listener -p TCP:1521/TCPS:1523Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException        at oracle.cluster.impl.scan.ScanFactoryImpl.modifyScanListener(        at oracle.cluster.scan.ScanFactory.modifyScanListener(        at oracle.ops.opsctl.ModifyAction.executeSCANListener(        at


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Counting NULL Vs NON-NULL In A GROUP BY Clause

Jun 21, 2010

I am running a GROUP BY query on a few columns of enumerated data like:

select count(*), Condition, Size
group by Condition, Size;

-------- ---------- --------

Well, let's say I also have a timestamp field in the database. I cannot run a group by with that involved because the time is recorded to the milisec and is unique for every record. Instead, I want to include this in my group by function based on whether or not it is NULL.

For example:

-------- ---------- -------- ----------

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Field - Not Null Column To NULL

Mar 16, 2011

I have a table which has a not null column. the column is date field. I am trying to change it to Null. But it is giving a error.

I am using below query.

modify (paid_to_date null)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unique Null And Multiple Non-null

Oct 24, 2013

create table test
id int ,
dat date

I want to implement a business rule such as we have for each id at most 1 dat null. So, I've created this unique index on test.

create unique index x_only_one_dat_cess_null on test(id, case when dat_cess is null then 'NULL' else to_char(dat_cess, 'dd/mm/yyyy') end);

insert into test values (1, sysdate);
insert into test values (1, sysdate - 1);
insert into test values (1, null);
insert into test values (1, null);
-- -----
insert into test values (2, sysdate);
insert into test values (2, sysdate - 1);
insert into test values (2, null);

The 4th insert will cause an error and this is what I wanted to implement. OK. Now the problem is that for non-null values of dat, we can't have data like this


because of the unique index (the 2nd and the 3rd row are equal). So just for learning purposes, how could we allow at most one null value of dat and allow duplicates for non-null values of dat.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Modify Null Column To Not Null

Jan 9, 2012

when i follow this steps mention on this website


to modify column from null to not null i got this error and on this website its show successful

my steps are

first i create a table

SQL> create table Stu_Table(Stu_Id varchar(2), Stu_Name varchar(10),
2 Stu_Class varchar(10));

Table created.

Then insert some rows into Stu_Table

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(1,'Komal');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(2,'Ajay');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(3,'Rakesh');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(4,'Bhanu');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(5,'Santosh');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from Stu_Table;

-- ---------- ----------
1 Komal
2 Ajay
3 Rakesh
4 Bhanu
5 Santosh

Table Structure is like this

SQL> Describe Stu_Table
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

now when i try to modify this Stu_id column to not null its give me error.

SQL>ALTER TABLE Stu_Table MODIFY Stu_Id int(3)not null;
ALTER TABLE Stu_Table MODIFY Stu_Id int(3)not null
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option

and when i try to add new column with not null its also gives me error

SQL> ALTER TABLE Stu_Table add C1_TEMP integer NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE Stu_Table add C1_TEMP integer NOT NULL
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01758: table must be empty to add mandatory (NOT NULL) column

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Application Express :: Pass Header Variable From OAM To Apex And Read It In Application?

Mar 4, 2013

We have integrated Oracle Access Manager 11gR1 with Oracle Apex 4.1. The OAM-Apex integration is working fine. Now we want an additional header variable to be passed from OAM to the Apex application. This new header variable will be user's sAMAccountName in Active Directory. OAM is integrated with AD and the AD users are successfully able to access the Apex applications.

The three header variables which are configure in OAM right now are:
Header variable name Value
1. OAM_REMOTE_USER $user.userid
2. OAM_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL $user.attr.mail
3. OAM_REMOTE_USER_GROUPS $user.groups

We need an additional header variable as mentioned below:
Header variable name: OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME
Value: $user.attr.samaccountname

The new header variable was added in the OHS server's dads.conf file like shown below:
=========== dads.conf =============

But we are not able to read the value of this attribute in the Apex application.On the Apex application, we have a text box which shows the value of this header variable. This textbox is attached with the following stored procedure call to fetch the header variable:
:P1_HEADER_VALUE := owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME' );

The textbox shows the correct value if HTTP_OAM_REMOTE_USER is passed to the get_cgi_env method but does not shows anything when HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME is passed to the same method. if I am missing some configuration to pass the HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME haeder variable from OAM to Apex.

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Application Express :: Multiple Application Setup Using Session Sharing Within Workspace

Jan 24, 2013

I have multiple application set-up using session sharing within the workspace.Technically all works fine, however it does not play nice with user behaviour.

Users logs into APP_ID:100. Since he isn't authenticated yet, he provides user/pass and the APP_SESSION is authenticated.
Now if the user switches using to another application (using a link provided in application 100) he gets redirect to APP_ID:101:APP_SESSION all is fine.

The session is already authenticated, the application shares the session and the user gains access to app 101 without having to authenticate again. All's fine!

However users don't behave they way. Instead of using an easy link in the application. They will use their own bookmark or type in the url for app 101 manually. That way the next application is either called with f?p=101:1:[SOME OLD SESSIONID FROM BOOMARK] or f?p=101 (with no further page or session info) In both cases instead of using the already authenticated session apex spawns a new session, which of course isn't authenticated yet thus forcing the user to authenticate and come complaining they have to login again.

Similar behaviour problems exists when the user opens a browser and tries to open both applications in each in a tab next to each other.Both tabs fetch there own initial session id and start writing it to the same cookie each in turn invalidating the other tab's session.These can lead to some fanatic ping pong actions. Thus it's impossible to open 2 applications sharing session in the same browser.

Is there any remedy for these situations?Can apex be as smart as for instance first trying to resume the session stored in the cookie and only if that session is invalid, start a new session?

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Application Express :: Get Checked Options Values Via Application Global Arrays?

Apr 26, 2013

how to use checkbox item, and trying to get checked options values via application global arrays. So, this may be quite simple question, but I'm completely stuck here...

When I was looking through various threads and guides, I've encountered checkbox corresponding array names like "g_f01" - "g_f50". And so far i saw that these names are derived from item name in generated HTML code, for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="*f10*" value="3" />

And this one stands for array name "g_*f10*".However, when I tried to do the same thing - i receive item name which looks like "*p_v04*", and therefore, I can't figure out, which array name should I choose to adress it properly.

My generated HTML snippet:

<input type="checkbox" id="P6_ANSWER_0" name="*p_v04*" value="3"/>

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Application Express :: Display List Of All Users On Page / Accessing Or Using Application

Mar 23, 2013

i want to display a list of all users on a page those currently accessing or using the application. How do i accomplish this requirement?

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Application Express :: Login Error 7621 - Determine Workspace For Application?

Jul 5, 2013

APEX 4.0 Sometimes, I am getting the below error when I tried to logging into APEX workspace (after giving workspace name, User name and password), Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.

ErrorERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept. I found some threads related to this but in different way not exactly when I am getting this error. 

After 2 or 3 times, this error will not come and I can able to logging into workspace What is the cause for this issue?? 

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Application Express :: ORA-02291 / Constraint Wwv_flows_fk Violated While Application Import

Nov 4, 2013

Each time when I import an application into my workspace in local 10g XE using the APEX 4.2 Application Builder, I get the "ORA-02291, constraint wwv_flows_fk violated..". The application I whant to import  was originally exported from [URL]. I found out, that it has to to with wwv_flow_application_install.get_workspace_id in the installation script, which obviously returns NULL and not my current workspace id as I suppose it should. I replaced wwv_flow_application_install.get_workspace_id by '<my worskspace id>' and then the import does work. 

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Application Express :: Application Locking - Force Logout All Current Users And Prevent Login

Jun 12, 2012

I have an application that I'd like to prevent activity in after a certain time of day, say 3pm. Is there any way I can force logout of all current users and then prevent re-login until 9am the next day (short of deleting all of their login credentials and then recreating them the next morning)?

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Application Express :: How To Protect Oracle Application From Code Edit On Client Side Installation

Sep 12, 2013

We have developed an application for our clients,planning to deploy it in client server soon. we have plans to support the application in future,so we want to restrict the clients from any modifications. By Doubt is, 'build_status=Run only' alone,cannot protect our application from client developers to edit our application,

Because though we install our application as 'Run Only' at the time of installation in client instance,we can still import the original application and change the type to 'Build and Run Application',and run the new application as 'Build and Run'.(which is not supposed to) we want to make sure,if there is any way we can protect our application from modifications after client side installation.  

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