Application Express :: Passing URL Parameters To Form / Page?

Oct 14, 2012

1. I m building a form in which students will file some data (name, address, etc) but i want to send a parameter on the URL i send them (their student ID number), which will be saved together with the data the end-users save.

e.g the form i m building is [URL]

can i add in the end of the URL the student_id of the end of the URL?

so it will be something like [URL]

So when student #10 will hit the URL on his browser, once he inputs hsi data and press SAVE button, on the database i can save STUDENT_ID=10 and the rest info he just entered?

2. Which is the login URL for end users? i have only the workspace login now..

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Application Express :: Passing Item Value To Another Page Via Button Set To Redirect To Page

Jul 16, 2013

I am new to APEX and I am developing an application to manage Oracle database user accounts.  I have a page (8) that has text items for the username and the database name.  I have a submit button (this works fine) that will issue the ALTER USER... statement to reset the user's password and unlock the account.  I have another button that should:

get the value of the username - P8_USERNAMEassign it to an application item - FIND_USER_IN_DBredirect to page in application - to page 11

The issue is that FIND_USER_IN_DB does not get populated and page 11

which is a simple report with the following query:

SELECT *FROM valid_dbWHERE username = :FIND_USER_IN_DB; 

How do I accomplish this?

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Application Express :: Changing Parameters On Other Page

Aug 17, 2012

I have a page, Say page 1 ..and from that page 1 I go to a different page Say page 2 which is open like a modal window. Now what i need is i need to make a change in the first page that is page 1 ..from page 2 ..

I need to change a value of status field which is in  page 1  to Say p100_status ... I think i might have to use application items to accomplish this.. So i Use the following method..


Now i need to transfer the value in apex item . i.e p200_status  should contain  the value of  : f148_status ..

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Application Express :: How To Make Form With Report And Insert Form In Same Page

Dec 14, 2012

how to make a form with report and an insert form in the same page, these two forms are related to the same table. Our customer wants a user can add new row to the table in a form and see all of rows created by this user in a report, this report should provide edit link as well. the problem is: whenever I inserted a new row or edit a row or delete a row, and submitted, and return to this page, all of hidden items lost their values, so report is blank, and some display only items also lost their values.

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Application Express :: Cannot Open Login Page - Not Able To Get Parameters Values

Nov 20, 2012

Not able to open login page 101 in my internal application. I am getting below error

ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
Error Not able to get parameters values

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Forms :: Passing Parameters To Next Page But Values Not Saved

Jul 6, 2010

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

I have a form which has few textboxes, and few dropdown, and 3 links. Data is entered in few boxes, and then when a link is clicked, it goes to another page, but i want to pass the text in the text boxes, and the selected value from the dropdown also, to be passed as parameters to this link... But since these values are not yet saved, its not getting passed.. like it is something like this in the address bar add_new_event?&event_ id= &event_ name= & event_dt=

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Application Express :: Display Date Parameters Entered In Page Title

Jul 6, 2012

How to use process to display the date parameters selected by the user to generate the report in Page title ?

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Forms :: Passing Parameters From One Form To Another?

Jun 1, 2009

i want to pass parameters from xyz form to abc form when i press a button. how to pass parameters.....

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Forms :: Passing Two Parameters Between Form A And B

Sep 17, 2010

I need to pass two parameters (STUD_ID) and (TERM) from Form A to Form B. I've read a lot but I'm not familiar with terms and oracle jargon yet! So I really need your straight forward clarification

From the Calling form I'm using when_button_pressed trigger...what shall i write in here?! In the Called form, I'm declaring the following under (When_new_form-instance):

p1_id paramlist;
stud_id number(8);
term number(5);


p1_id := get_parameter_list(stud_id);
p1_id := get_parameter_list(term);
:TEST_STUD_CRSE_REG.stud_id :=:parameter.stud_id;
:TEST_STUD_CRSE_REG.term :=:parameter.term;
on the calling form:when_button_pressed I am using:


p1_id paramlist;
stud_id number(8);
term number(5);



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Application Express :: Unable To See Items Of Detail Form In Master Detail Form In Page Details?

Oct 31, 2013

I created a master-detail form using wizard in oracle apex 4.2 Now I want to attach an LOV to one of the items of detail form, which is visible on the same window as of master form. To do so, I need to first find the item in detail page, details of which are not available in page definitions. I can see all the items of master form but none for detail form in "Page Rendering" section. 

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Application Express :: How To Query On Single Row Form Using Only One Page

Sep 12, 2012

I have stacked into something: if there is a way to define a single row form page based on table in which I could query and update without using a tabular page (to call the single row form). I want only to use only one page. Does APEX has this functionality?

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Application Express :: Make Fields On Form-page More Accurate?

Oct 18, 2012

How to make fields on form-page more accurate? I want make fields one under another one, and control the distance between them.

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Application Express :: How To Individually Process Each Row Of Tabular Form On Page

Nov 19, 2012

I have to create a tabular form, in which I have each row having an address information in it. I need to individually geocode each of these addresses and process it from the page (I have a web service to do the geocoding) .

How can I process each row of a tabular form individually from a page?

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Application Express :: Master / Detail Form With Two Or More Detailregions On One Page?

Jul 18, 2012

I'd like to know, if there is a capability to create a Master/Detail Form with two ore more Detailregions on one page. I use APEX 4.1.

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Application Express :: Displaying All Records In A Tabular Form On Single Page

Aug 27, 2010

After setting up a data entry page,The logic in my page requires that all the records in my tabular form should be displayed .The tabular form is based on a collection, and the user selects rows through a checkbox.Any reload of the page due to pagination will break the logic, as some calculation and display events occur during page load, based on the previous page.

I need to display about 25 rows.I have changed the report attribute to display 50 rows, but it displays rows only up to the bottom of the screen, i.e. 11 rows.

Unfortunately I only just added some new rows and saw this behaviour else I would not have gone that way, as I expected APEX to display all rows if required.

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Application Express :: Refreshing Tabular Form On Closing Modal Page?

Nov 14, 2013

I am not able to refresh tabular form region on close of the modal page. 

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Application Express :: How To Fetch Tabular Form Column Value Into Page Items

Sep 7, 2012

I have created tabular form. I have set LOV for one column. Here my requirement is when i select the value from lov then it will fetch that value into page item.

I am using apex 4.1

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Application Express :: On Button Click To Fill Out Form On Same Page As Report

Jun 27, 2012

I have a report that contains a name that I want to pass in to a field in a form on a different region on the same page. My button located on the report is has its own column called ADD_LINK. Here is the button.

<button id="apexir_btn_ADD" class="apexir-button" type="button" value="Add" onclick=""><span>Add</span></button>

Once that button is clicked, I have the form region fade in. The region is called Add Tag to Employee, which has P4_ROWID, P4_EMPLOYEE_ID, and P4_TAG_ID. Once the region is displayed, I want the #NAME# to show in the P4_EMPLOYEE_ID.

I did copy this form from another page, where I had it working before. It made more sense to move it to this page for interface purposes, so maybe that tidbit will work as well.

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Application Express :: Auto-Close Modal Page When Nothing Is Changed In The Form

Jul 15, 2012

I am using Skilllbuilders modal page 2.0 to edit the form. Sometimes, the end user clicks on the edit link to trigger the modal page and sees the form , but he/she could not do any changes. Thus, when clicking Apply Changes button, we will be redirected to the page 102 ( the empty page ). How can I get around and make the page 102 to close automatically in case I am redirected to it ?

I put this in a JavaScript a dynamic action to be fired as page loads:

$(document).apex_modal_page('close');but nothing happen.

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Application Express :: How To Align Items In A Form Page With Respect To Regions

Oct 16, 2013

I have 20 item fields in same form. i need to align them in sequential manner. For example x  y   z  abcl  m  o p   q   r   s   xyzabclmopqrs  are the items to achieve this what i have to do...

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Application Express :: Can Open Page 306 As Modal Window But Page Closes Immediately

Nov 13, 2012

i have a html button. With the following attributes: onclick="return false" class="upd_description" A dynamic Action is listening on this button.

Event: Click
Selection-Type: jQuery Selector
JQuery Selector: .upd_description
static_URL: f?p=&APP_ID.:306:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.:306:P306_SER_SK:&P305_SER_SK.

as defined in my button attributes.

Button and dynamic action are on page 305. I can now open Page 306 as modal window but the page will close immediately.

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Application Express :: Add Field In Page Title Or Repeat Header On Each Print Page

Jun 4, 2013

We are using Application Express on Wondows XP and Oracle version is 10g. I've created a report in APEX and the user is insisting on putting a header on each page in PRINT of the report which should contain the "from date" and "to date", which are present on the select criteria on top.

Can I somehow add from_date and to_date items in Title so that when they print the report, they'll see the from and to dates in the title?Or is there someother way to do this. The report is an interactive report with a control break and user prints the report with file->print.

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Application Express :: How To Create A Text That Links To Another Page From The Login Page

May 21, 2013

In the login page, I want to add a text "Register" that when clicked will send the user to another page to register.

With a button, its simple because its inbuilt there,but I do not want a button,just this: Register

I want also to have the text in color not black.

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Application Express :: Navigate To Authorized User Page 5 - Keeps On Going To Page 1

Aug 17, 2012

I have different public page (page1) and different page for authorized user(page5).Upon successful login after process validation ,computation it should navigate to authorized user page 5 but the branching does work it keeps on going to page 1 .

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Application Express :: Obtaining Custom HTTP GET / POST Parameters Of Variable Length In Application Process

Sep 5, 2013

I'm trying to connect a javascript UI control within my page to an APEX Application Process. The control calls the application process via AJAX and appends a variable number of GET / POST parameters to its URL.What is the best way to obtain these parameters from within the PLSQL procedure of the process? Or is there a better way to connect my javascript AJAX control to the Database behind my APEX app?

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Application Express :: Passing A Value In Different Session

May 20, 2013

I am getting issue with passing a value in different session.I have pl sql procedure where i am passing value in hyperlink tag to oracle apex page.When i clicked on hyper link value is lost between session. how to send value between different session state.

<a href = "f?p=&APP_ID.:6:'||:app_session||'::P6_BACKUP_TIME:'||radio_value||' ">Select</a>

I have tried that but getting bad bind variable error. I am not understanding this issue.

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Application Express :: Passing Value Between Pages

Feb 5, 2013

i jquery mobile oracle apex ver Application Express i just cant pass parameter between two page on submit button.At the end i am trying to set this imte P4_NOTE with this values &P2_NOTE, all are basic text box. my link look like URL.....

when i pass default value on P2_NOTE i get good result. How do i lose item value during submit?How do i need to set P2_NOT ?!?!?!

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Application Express :: Comma When Passing Values In URL

Jun 20, 2012

I have two page , from first page to second page I am passing some values using url parameter passing but some values contains comma ex :- P1_ NATION  text field contains INDIA,USA,UK

but apex treated that as these are separate values and assign it to separate items

suppose my intention is like P2_NATION,P2_EMPLOYEE,P2_EMPID :INDIA,USA,UK,SAGAR ,123

but apex treating it as P2_NATION = INDIA :P2_EMPLOYEE=USA :P2_EMPID = UK

I am using apex4.1 , db 11g , ie , chrome , ff.

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Application Express :: Js-confirm Box With Request And Passing Value

Aug 16, 2012

User clicks on link-column field in tablular form, Confirm box pops up with a confirmation message, with "OK" generates a request and should pass a value from the form into an item for further processing.

The URL in the column link as of now looks like that: javascript: apex.confirm("message goes here...", {request:"EQDONE", set:{"P2100_X": "#EQMID#"}});For some reason just nothing happens. When I omit the "javascript:", I get an unvalid-url error message. But if I change the procedure name, shoudln't I get some error message also?

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Application Express :: Passing Variable To Javascript

Aug 28, 2013

4.1.2theme 24

I have a .js process in the before header of a page which has this pl/sql process using htp script javascript function {code} 

function check(flag_val){ if(flag_val=="N") 
document.getElementById("btn").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("btn").disabled = false;  } 

and then there is the actual pl/sql process which  has a cursor 

declareflg varchar2(1);
..begin selectflag into v_flagfrom table where rownum = 1;
-- actual conditions are different but this returns one value.

 Then below using htp package I had html table with something like 

<td align="right">
<button class="btn btn-success" type="button" id="btn"  onclick="check(flg);"
title="Accept Lead" style=" width:50px;">Flag value</button> </td>  

For some reason the script function is not called if I use onload. If I change the onload to onclick it works. Also, if I pass check(flg) it does not work. If I use check(''N'') then is works fine. question is how do I pass a pl/sql variable flg in this case to a javascript function as a parameter? I basically, want the value of flg checked on page load and then if it is N then disable the button. Or else keep it enabled.

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