Application Express :: Comma When Passing Values In URL

Jun 20, 2012

I have two page , from first page to second page I am passing some values using url parameter passing but some values contains comma ex :- P1_ NATION  text field contains INDIA,USA,UK

but apex treated that as these are separate values and assign it to separate items

suppose my intention is like P2_NATION,P2_EMPLOYEE,P2_EMPID :INDIA,USA,UK,SAGAR ,123

but apex treating it as P2_NATION = INDIA :P2_EMPLOYEE=USA :P2_EMPID = UK

I am using apex4.1 , db 11g , ie , chrome , ff.

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Application Express :: Passing Item Values To Javascript

Nov 23, 2012

APEX 4.2 - Base code from Denes examples


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function f_setglp(pThis,p_app_item,p_other_record_level_item)
var curr_id = $x(pThis).id; // OK !
var curr_glp = $x(p_app_item).id; // returns undefined
var curr_orli = $x(p_other_record_level_item).id; // returns undefined


The Javasxcript function fires OK on click in the "Product" attribute but: PMO_GLP_PK is an Application Item that Javascript can´t reference as I called YES_NO is another tabular form attribute and the reference returns also "undefined"

what is the best way to implement this ?

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Application Express :: Passing Values To Modal Popup?

Aug 23, 2012

this modal popup, it works correctly but not passing values from page page1 to my page3. How do i pass these paramater values to page3,

function modalWin() {
if (window.showModalDialog) {


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Application Express :: Passing A Value In Different Session

May 20, 2013

I am getting issue with passing a value in different session.I have pl sql procedure where i am passing value in hyperlink tag to oracle apex page.When i clicked on hyper link value is lost between session. how to send value between different session state.

<a href = "f?p=&APP_ID.:6:'||:app_session||'::P6_BACKUP_TIME:'||radio_value||' ">Select</a>

I have tried that but getting bad bind variable error. I am not understanding this issue.

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Application Express :: Passing Value Between Pages

Feb 5, 2013

i jquery mobile oracle apex ver Application Express i just cant pass parameter between two page on submit button.At the end i am trying to set this imte P4_NOTE with this values &P2_NOTE, all are basic text box. my link look like URL.....

when i pass default value on P2_NOTE i get good result. How do i lose item value during submit?How do i need to set P2_NOT ?!?!?!

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Application Express :: Js-confirm Box With Request And Passing Value

Aug 16, 2012

User clicks on link-column field in tablular form, Confirm box pops up with a confirmation message, with "OK" generates a request and should pass a value from the form into an item for further processing.

The URL in the column link as of now looks like that: javascript: apex.confirm("message goes here...", {request:"EQDONE", set:{"P2100_X": "#EQMID#"}});For some reason just nothing happens. When I omit the "javascript:", I get an unvalid-url error message. But if I change the procedure name, shoudln't I get some error message also?

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Application Express :: Passing Variable To Javascript

Aug 28, 2013

4.1.2theme 24

I have a .js process in the before header of a page which has this pl/sql process using htp script javascript function {code} 

function check(flag_val){ if(flag_val=="N") 
document.getElementById("btn").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("btn").disabled = false;  } 

and then there is the actual pl/sql process which  has a cursor 

declareflg varchar2(1);
..begin selectflag into v_flagfrom table where rownum = 1;
-- actual conditions are different but this returns one value.

 Then below using htp package I had html table with something like 

<td align="right">
<button class="btn btn-success" type="button" id="btn"  onclick="check(flg);"
title="Accept Lead" style=" width:50px;">Flag value</button> </td>  

For some reason the script function is not called if I use onload. If I change the onload to onclick it works. Also, if I pass check(flg) it does not work. If I use check(''N'') then is works fine. question is how do I pass a pl/sql variable flg in this case to a javascript function as a parameter? I basically, want the value of flg checked on page load and then if it is N then disable the button. Or else keep it enabled.

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Application Express :: Possible Passing A Value To Two Different Pages When Click A Chart?

Sep 17, 2013

My application build in Apex 4.1, Oracle 11gr2In my application, there are three pages:

Page1 (Dashboard): contains 6 different chart
page60: Generate a chart based on  a value passed from page1
Page14: Generate a report based on a the value passed from Page1 and Page60

I want to pass value "3"  to page item P60_KPI_NO and P14_KPI_NO when click on first chart  I want to pass value "4"  to page item P60_KPI_NO and P14_KPI_NO when click on second chart.

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Application Express :: Passing URL Parameters To Form / Page?

Oct 14, 2012

1. I m building a form in which students will file some data (name, address, etc) but i want to send a parameter on the URL i send them (their student ID number), which will be saved together with the data the end-users save.

e.g the form i m building is [URL]

can i add in the end of the URL the student_id of the end of the URL?

so it will be something like [URL]

So when student #10 will hit the URL on his browser, once he inputs hsi data and press SAVE button, on the database i can save STUDENT_ID=10 and the rest info he just entered?

2. Which is the login URL for end users? i have only the workspace login now..

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Application Express :: Creating Link In IR Report Passing Value From Different Column

Feb 19, 2013


I have an Interactive Report with a column that I need to create a link on but I need to pass the value of another column.

This report shows the Features of a particular Release. There is a select list for the Release that is selected and executes the report. There is a column that indicates whether the Feature has a Commitment attached to it. If there is have that a link to another report that shows all the Commitments for that Feature by passing the FEATURE_ID which is also a column on the Feature report.

,CASE WHEN ft.feature_id IN (SELECT cc.feature_id
FROM customer_commitments cc
WHERE ft.feature_id = cc.feature_id
) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No'
END "Commitment Exists"

FROM ....If "Commitment Exists" has a 'Yes', the 'Yes' is a link that will pass the FEATURE_ID to another report that will show the Commitments for that Feature. If the "Commitment Exists" has a 'No' then no link. I was also wondering if the Commitment report could open in a seperate window and make it modal?

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Application Express :: Assign Values In Many Rows Based On Search Values?

Jul 25, 2013

I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by. 

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Application Express :: Dynamic Reports - Runtime Parameter Passing To Report Query

Jul 27, 2013

I have developed a report using apex shared components (report query and report layout) along with BI Publisher for report printing in pdf format. the Report template is built using Template Builder for Word. I have configured my Apex4.1 env with BI Publisher 11. This report is working fine for hardecode ID ( like REQUEST_ID=10 ).  to make report dynamic i have made following additions in the report 

I have added where clause in report query as WHERE REQUEST_ID = :REQUEST_ID (:REQUEST_ID is the text field in my page).

Added a text field names :REQUEST_ID to get user input at run time.

Create a button and add Repot Query URL in its properties. When i run the report with some valid value in :REQUEST_ID text field  i did not get expected result infect there is no record getting displayed in the PDF file. i think this is not the write way to do this but interestingly im not getting any error. how can i get this functionality in apex this way or the other ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Comma Separated Values

Oct 19, 2012

Create table a ( Objectid number, Value varchar2(2000);

Insert into a values (12, '2,3,4');
Insert into a values (13, '8,7,4');
Insert into a values (14, '3,8,9');
Insert into a values (15, '6,3,11');

I should get the output as:

ID Value
------ ------
12 2
12 3
12 4
13 8
13 7
13 4
14 3
14 8
14 9
15 6
15 3
15 11

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Comma Separated Values In Parameter?

Jul 2, 2008

Here is what i have in ms-sql, how to convert this into t-sql ?

@MortgagePurposeID is parameter with comma seperated values ('1,2,3,4')
if(substring(@MortgagePurposeID, LEN(@MortgagePurposeID)-1,1)<>'','')
Set @MortgagePurposeID = @MortgagePurposeID + '',''
Set @pos=0


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PL/SQL :: Rows Into Comma Separated Values

Oct 30, 2012

I would like get rows into comma separated values expected output


create table test1 (name1 varchar2(10));

insert into test1 values ('JOHN');
insert into test1 values ('YING');
insert into test1 values ('KAREN');
insert into test1 values ('PEDRO');

SQL> select * from test1;

PEDROHow can I get this to printed as

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Application Express :: Get Checked Options Values Via Application Global Arrays?

Apr 26, 2013

how to use checkbox item, and trying to get checked options values via application global arrays. So, this may be quite simple question, but I'm completely stuck here...

When I was looking through various threads and guides, I've encountered checkbox corresponding array names like "g_f01" - "g_f50". And so far i saw that these names are derived from item name in generated HTML code, for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="*f10*" value="3" />

And this one stands for array name "g_*f10*".However, when I tried to do the same thing - i receive item name which looks like "*p_v04*", and therefore, I can't figure out, which array name should I choose to adress it properly.

My generated HTML snippet:

<input type="checkbox" id="P6_ANSWER_0" name="*p_v04*" value="3"/>

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Enforce Comma Separated Column Values?

May 21, 2012

I have a requirement wherein I need to enforce certain column to have only comma as a delimiter, where multiple values exists.


Create table:

create table test_oz ( slot number, server_name varchar2(50), used_by varchar2(50),
constraint test_oz_pk primary key (slot, server_name) );

Insert Test Data:

insert into test_oz values ( 1,'SRV1','SAMMY' );
insert into test_oz values ( 2,'SRV1','SAMMY,TOM' );


SQL> select * from test_oz;
---------- ---------- ----------

From above, the USED_BY column data need to be only comma separated. Is there a way to enforce that?

When user tries to insert data using any other delimiter, it should fail.

I was trying to see if a CHECK CONSTRAINT could be of use, but could not find it to work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Select Column Values Separated By Comma?

May 23, 2012

I need to write a function which will take table name as input and should return all the columns separated by coma (,).

For example I have a table product as

100015Simvastatin+Ezetimibe Oral Family100009
100001Cetirizine HCl Oral Solution100001

My function should return the output as

100015,Simvastatin+Ezetimibe Oral Family,100009
100001,Cetirizine HCl Oral Solution,100001

Is there any inbuilt function available?

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PL/SQL :: Unable To Pass Comma Separated Values For In Clause

Apr 24, 2013

I have the following query : for :P_LEG_NUM Parameter when i am passing values like 1,2,5 as string type i am getting invalid number error... I have defined in clause for it but still it does not work.. For individual values like 2, etc it works... how can i pass comma separated values for this bind variable

select trip_number as prl_trip_number,
flight_number as prl_f_number,
trip_leg_id as prl_trip_leg_id,
leg_number as prl_leg_num,
dicao as prl_dicao,

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Application Express :: Passing Item Value To Another Page Via Button Set To Redirect To Page

Jul 16, 2013

I am new to APEX and I am developing an application to manage Oracle database user accounts.  I have a page (8) that has text items for the username and the database name.  I have a submit button (this works fine) that will issue the ALTER USER... statement to reset the user's password and unlock the account.  I have another button that should:

get the value of the username - P8_USERNAMEassign it to an application item - FIND_USER_IN_DBredirect to page in application - to page 11

The issue is that FIND_USER_IN_DB does not get populated and page 11

which is a simple report with the following query:

SELECT *FROM valid_dbWHERE username = :FIND_USER_IN_DB; 

How do I accomplish this?

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Application Express :: Getting Values Of Checkbox

Sep 4, 2012

I have problem with getting values of checkbox. I have search page where are some numbers field, date pickers, radio buttons and checkbox (P40_ OE) when I click search button I want to get report with filters like

from table1 t1, table2 t2
where =
and t2.oe in list of values from P40_OEIn checkbox I have 11 options to choose. I work in Apex 4.1.

How can I make this search or filter report working?

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Application Express :: Defaulting Values Of One Tab To Another

Apr 16, 2013

While working with Apex, i want to implement the following functionality :

the requirement is that, if the user creates a record in the one tab then the fields (say, Project Number, Task Number , Waterfall Number) used for creating the record should be defaulted in the next tab. How can i acheive this.

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Application Express :: Conditional List Of Values

Nov 15, 2012

Is there any way I could set the condition on the list of values.

For example if Value of the item x is null then use select ...

and when value of the item x is not null use this select ....

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Application Express :: LOV With Optional Values For One Entry

Jul 11, 2012

As there is no boolean datatype in oracle (I wonder why, it exists in ms-sql, and I'm still quite new to oracle) you have several ways to 'simulate' a boolean. (1/0, 'Y'/'N', in german 'J'/'N', or this in small caps...)

Now for a checkbox you have to include the 'true'-value in the LOV. But what, if your database doesn't use '1', as you have implemented, but 'Y', or what, if the 'false'-value is not '0' but null? Each time you would have to adopt your STATIC2:...

So I am wondering about a flexible solution, and I would like to ask if and how it is possible. (Havn't found anything via searching for that yet.)

Instead of writing:

STATIC2: ;Y ... and having only the 'Y/N' implementation working, how about it would look something like that:
STATIC2: ;NOT('0' OR 'N' OR  'n' OR null) ... and a lot of reasonable boolean-implementations are incorporated. You could use a standard LOV for all checkboxes, dealing with different 'booleans'

But just like that, its not working...

So, a) it there a syntax for that at this point? and b) what do you think about that in general, or whats your 'best practice'?

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Application Express :: Update Values When Logout

Sep 14, 2013

I want to make DML process when the user logout :-i do the following steps :-1-I change the url &LOGOUT_URL to another page not the login page like 10  , as wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout?p_this_flow=&APP_ID.&p_next_flow_page_sess=&APP_ID.:102- Make tow process in the pageone (on-load before header) to do dml code like this

where upper(:p101_username)  like upper(USER_NAME);
END;and another process after header
apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
p_this_flow => :APP_ID,
p_next_flow_page_sess => :APP_ID ||':101'

to go to the login pagebut the dml code not executeand when try to login again i have this errorContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Set-Cookie: ORA_WWV_APP_100=-1; HttpOnly Location: /apex/f?p=100:101

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Application Express :: How To Connect List Of Values To Regions

Aug 20, 2013

I created list of values like Bar chart,Column Chart,Pie Chart.these list of values added to the text field named as Chat type. In same region i created 3 chart sub regions. My requirement is if i select chart type-pie chart.the page will show only pie chart region only.Same to Bar chart and Column charts also. 

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Application Express :: Hold Session Values In APEX_ITEM

Dec 6, 2012

I was making some page validation to APEX_ITEM manual tabular form. When every a validation executes it will clear all the data what user enters. What is the best method to hold the session values in APEX_ITEM.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report - How To Get Item Values

Mar 27, 2013

I have created a workflow which is going through 12 pages. At each page the user needs to choose his variables.

This could be the y-axes, x-axes, amount, surname ... etc. The variables are given to the next page via branch to next page process. Everything works well until I need to create an interactive report out of the chosen variables.

Lets say I have a variable called :P7_XAXIS with static LOV :


Page 8 is my IR. If I try :

Select :P7_XAXIS  from mytable This will not work.

But if I try

Select Date from mytable This will work. Why? In my workflow there are several variables that can be used in a where condition. This also works. But I need to access the values before the condition and I also need to get a chart out of it.

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Application Express :: JavaScript API To Set Item Values Not Working In 4.2 EA2?

Aug 7, 2012

I had a complex drill-down dashboard where I was setting page items through $s(Page Item, value) from the Chart Links. But when I did the same thing in APEX 4.2 EA on [URL] is simply opening a blank page. whether in 4.2 that Java API has been removed?

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Application Express :: Report With Multiple Values For A Single Parameter

Oct 4, 2012

I have a user requirement where they want to be able to select multiple values for a single parameter that will act as a filter for a report. The possible values for a parameter can come from almost any master data Oracle eBusiness table. I don't want to just present the user with a LOV where they search down a list selecting what they want. That wouldn't be very practical for selecting part numbers from 1000's of rows. I also want the user to easily see what values they have selected. I thought about providing a button that would navigate to a multi-row form where they could record their values and use those values in the where clause of the SQL for the report, but that is a somewhat complex solution I have never tried before. how to do this. I'm working in the latest version 4 of APEX.

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