Unable To Create Database On Windows 7

Apr 3, 2013

I installed Oracle 10g XE on windows7 to create a database i opened "start database command interface" and created an SID and followed some steps afterwards i am facing "TNS ADAPTER NOT FOUND"

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Unable To Create Database (Oracle 12c R1 / Windows 2012 )

Aug 30, 2013

I have been trying out the new 12c on Windows 2012 Essentials with the same type of errors.  The OraDim step fails and cannot create the services.  It fails a bit differently if I choose "Create New Windows User", choose a "Use Existing Windows User", or choose the Windows Built-in user. 

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Forms :: Unable To Create Object For Excel 2007 / Windows 7?

Aug 11, 2010

The below Oracle Forms code works fine for Excel 2003/Windows XP/IE6 but doesn't work for Excel 2007/Windows 7/IE8.

application := Client_OLE2.CREATE_OBJ('Excel.Application');


workbooks := Client_OLE2.Get_Obj_Property(application, 'Workbooks');

args1 := Client_OLE2.create_arglist;

There is no error while executing the form, by debugging we found that the control skips all the above code.

I'm using Oracle forms and jre 1.6.0_16.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-0118 / Unable To Create A Temporary File In Windows 7

Mar 14, 2012

While Running a Report through form i am getting this below error.

REP-0118 Unable to create a temporary file

But while running the same report in a windows 98 or windowsXp PC i dont get this error.

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Windows / .NET :: Unable To Connect Database From SQL Dev

Nov 21, 2012

Am getting the following error while connecting db from sql dev "network adapter could not establish connection vendor code 20"

FYI - database is up and running fine in sqlplus, and am not able to find the service in lnsrctl. As am using OIM db as service name while its showing CLRExtProc.

Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Prod
Start Date 21-NOV-2012 20:28:48
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 27 min. 32 sec
Trace Level off

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Server Administration :: Unable To Create Database?

Aug 21, 2013

I am installing Oracle 12c R1 on Windows 2012. The windows is configured as a domain controller. I am logged in as the domain administrator.I created a normal domain user -- DomainNameORACUSER. I provided this as the existing user id during Oracle installation.

The software installs fine, but when creating the DB using the database configuration assistant, an error is shown "error in process:...inoradim.exe. Enter password for Oracle service user: DIM-00019: create service error. O/S-Error: (OS 87) The parameter is incorrect". The DB is not created.

I skipped the db creation and completed the installation. When tried to create the db using the database configuration assistant after installation, I received the same error.I performed the same installation on Windows 8 and was successful in creating the db.

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Windows :: How To Create Database And Table

Dec 9, 2011

How to create db in oracle 11g and make some table in that from the web page 'database control' ?

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Windows :: Installation Process Trying To Create Database On System

Dec 7, 2010

I'm trying to install Oracle10g in win7 Home premium. It is installing but problem is when installation process trying to create database on the system, a message is appearing which telling that ORA-12546:TNS:permission denied.

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Data Guard :: Unable To Create Physical Standby Database Using RMAN?

Nov 4, 2010

why RMAN is unable to create physical standby database ?

RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/system@DGREPL

connected to auxiliary database: DGREPL (not mounted)

RMAN> connect target sys/system@REPL

connected to target database: REPL (DBID=2730563515)

RMAN> run{
allocate channel prmy1 type disk;
allocate channel prmy2 type disk;
allocate channel prmy3 type disk;
allocate channel prmy4 type disk;


View 19 Replies View Related

Windows :: Unable To Install Oracle 10g Client On 64bit Windows 2008

Jul 16, 2008

We have a .NET application on windows server 2008 32bit using the stored procedures on an Oracle 10g environment. We are trying to deploy the .NET application onto a 64bit x86 Windows server 2008.

We face an error trying to install the x64 version of the Oracle 10g client on windows 2008. The error we get is Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: javaw.exe

Is the x64 version of the Oracle 10g client certified for Windows 2008? Has anyone successfully installed the 64bit version of the oracle client on win2008?

We have a workaround in place with 32 bit version of the client running with the 32 bit version of the .NET application on x64 win2008. However to maximize the infrastructure we need to use the 64 bit version or we would have to turn to MSSQL Server .

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Windows :: Cannot Create Database PACKS And User PACKS

Oct 1, 2012

I am trying to create database called PACKS .

I login as

Enter as scott/tiger


SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> conn system/manager
ORA-01017: invalid username/passwor


Getting error ora - 01100 database mounted

View 10 Replies View Related

Backup & Recovery :: Transfer Database From Windows 2003 32 Bit To Windows 2008 64 Bit

Mar 30, 2011

I want to Transfer Oracle Database 11g Release on windows 2003 32 bit server to Windows 2008 server 64 bit I have Cold RMAN backup. and directory structure of both server are same Do i need to do anything to change datafile to 64 bit or do i need to apply any change to any object

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Windows :: Installing 10g Database Software On Windows 2008 Server?

Sep 28, 2010

I've tried to install Oracle 10gR2 ( on Windows server 2008 (64 bit). I just click on installer and a message appears:

Checking Operating system version: must be 5.0,5.1,5.2 or 6.0

Actual 6.1


Exiting Oracle Universal Installer

Press any key to Exit.

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Windows :: Unable To Install Oracle 10g On Win 7

Jan 8, 2011

Is oracle 10g availble for Windows 7, I downloaded oracle 10g from ORACLE'S website. The name of the file is "10203_ vista_ w2k8_ x86_ production_ db.zip" but when I m installing it, I m getting error at the very beginning regarding the system requirements failure.

below is the message which i receive at the PRODUCT-SPECIFIC PREREQUISITE CHECK
Checking operating system requirements ...

Expected result: One of 5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0
Actual Result: 6.1
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
Problem: Oracle Database 10g is not certified on the current operating system.
Recommendation: Make sure you are installing the software on the correct platform.

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RMAN :: Unable To Configure FSA (11g R1 Windows)

Jun 26, 2012

I've been asked to configure RMAN on an existing Oracle 11g R1 database running on Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) & when I connect using RMAN client to the database instance, I'm getting the following error setting the Fast Recovery Area and don't know why:

C:>rman target /

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Jun 25 14:39:45 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
connected to target database: ORCL11G (DBID=825621007)

RMAN> shutdown immediate;

using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

database closed
database dismounted
Oracle instance shut down

RMAN-01007: at line 1 column 1 file: standard inputAccording to Oracle documentation, I appear to be entering the correct command sequence but it's not working for some reason..

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Windows :: Does Oracle Database (64-bit) Compatible With Windows 2003 R2

Jan 9, 2011

Does Oracle Database (64-bit) compatible with windows 2003 R2 standard X64 edition with Service pack 2.

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Enterprise Manager / Unable To Work On Windows?

Apr 21, 2011

I attempt to log to the Enterprise Manager via --> [URL] but I only receive the 'Page not found' error

As this is on a windows server I attempt to restart the service to no avail Also I try to start emctl start dbconsole - whcih also does not work

The Listener is up and running

If I issue a emctl status oms - I receive error Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control not installed. Request Ignored.

with --> emctl status dbconsole

output is Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g is not running.


Logs are generated in directory D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1/ukedgas71.pcroot.com_OEMREP/sysman/log


Directory of D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\UKEDGAS71.pcroot.com _OEMREP\sysman\log

20/04/2011 15:06 10,297 emagent.log
05/06/2009 09:48 0 emagentfetchlet.log
05/06/2009 09:46 0 emdctl.log
20/04/2011 15:05 6,363,995 emoms.log
20/04/2011 15:14 29 OracleDBConsoleOEMREPexit.log
20/04/2011 15:14 188,284 OracleDBConsoleOEMREPsrvc.log
05/06/2009 09:46 4,383 secure.log
7 File(s) 6,566,988 bytes


Directory of D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\UKEDGAS71.pcroot.com _OEMREP\sysman\log

20/04/2011 15:14 1,418,777 emagent.trc
05/06/2009 09:48 0 emagentfetchlet.trc
28/11/2009 16:21 8,360 emagent_perl.trc
21/04/2011 11:12 2,060,670 emdctl.trc
20/04/2011 15:05 1,649,464 emoms.trc
5 File(s) 5,137,271 bytes
0 Dir(s) 3,274,207,232 bytes free

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Windows :: Unable To Install Oracle Client?

Jan 4, 2012

We are unable install oracle 10g client it is showing error error in writing directory c:Docume~1admin~1locals~1emporainstall2012-01-04_08-05-38PM. ensure that this directory is writable and has atlest 45MB of disk space . Installation cannot continue

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Windows :: Unable To Connect SQLState IM004

Jan 10, 2007

I installed 10.2 client on Windows 2000 Terminal Server. I created the system dsn odbc connection. When connected to the terminal server via RDP as a domain administrator, the odbc connection functions appropriately. When connected to the terminal server console as a standard user, the odbc connection functions appropriately.When connected to the terminal server via RDP as a standard user, I get the error: "Unable to connect SQLState= IM004 [[Microsoft]][[ODBC Driver Manager]] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed"

I have reviewed the numerous other posts regarding this error and I've executed the following recommendations: My oracle_home is defined first in my path environment variable (path - c:oracleclientin;). I select my folder options (there is no security tab, windows 2000) I select sharing, then permissions. I allow 'Everyone' and 'Authenticated Users' full control, change & read permissions. I reboot the server.

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Windows :: Unable To Kill A Session Using Orakill

Sep 25, 2012

Iam unable to kill one database session, Today i killed one session

alter system kill session '418,12499'

but status shows as killed but process still exits in OSLevel

SQL> select sid,serial#,status from gv$session where sid=418;

---------- ---------- --------
418 12499 KILLED

we all know we can kill by using ORAKIL but still we unable to kill

SQL> select spid from v$process a, v$session b where a.addr = b.paddr and b.sid = '418';


i killed using orakill

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>orakill oraci 5644

Kill of thread id 5644 in instance oraci successfully signaled. but still process exits in os level also i notice below error in alert log

orakill: ssthreadkill(tid=5644) unable to get the thread list mutex: err=0

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Windows :: Unable To Find DLL Library File

Nov 21, 2012

We are getting below error....Our one package called orawpcom.dll library file.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library
ORA-06522: Unable to find library
ORA-06512: at "GFSAM.OAINVOKEDOUBLE", line 1
ORA-06512: at "GFSAM.ORDCOM", line 229
ORA-06512: at "GFSAM.ORDEXCELSB", line 450
ORA-06512: at line 43
ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library
ORA-06522: Unable to find library

Attach this orawpcom.dll file?

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Unable To Deleted Archive Log File On Windows Server?

Sep 20, 2010

OS: windows server 2003

I am not able to delete one month old archive log file manually on windows which doesn't having info about the standby on v$archived_log view of primary database. the sequence were already applied to the standby database. It shows the status as deleted in v$archived_log. while deleting the file manually. it showing an error like another program or person is using it.

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Windows :: Unable To Continue Oracle 11g Release 2 Installation

Jul 24, 2013

I was prompted by an error in the middle of Oracle 11g Release 2 installation and unable to continue further.

The error was file not found e:product11.2.0.dbhome_3oc4jj2eeoc4j_applicationsapplications em.ear.

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Windows :: Unable To Install Oracle 11gR2 On Win 7 Professional?

Mar 28, 2012

I am trying to install Oracle 11g R2 on Windows 7 professional at the time of database creation they give error.

ORA-12638:Credential retrival failed.

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Windows :: Unable To Delete SMON Trace File?

Oct 4, 2012

In my database smon tracefile was huge,now we want to delete the same,I also tried with ordebug operation but no use, delete tracfile which Smon generates.

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Server Administration :: Unable To Use More Than 2GB Memory For Oracle In Windows 2003

Jun 17, 2011

I have a 11g database installed on a windows 2003 server. When I created the database I could not assign more than 2GB for SGA_TARGET where as I have 16GB of RAM available on the server. I created the database with SGA_TARGET as 1.5 GB and Memory_TARGET as 2GB. I could create the database successfully. Later when I again tried to increase SGA_TARGET to 6GB and MEMORY_TARGET to 8GB, I could not start the database. I got below error;

ORA-27102: out of memory

OSD-00022: additional error information

O/S-Error: (OS 8) Not enough storage is available to process this command

Quote:I added /pae in the boot.ini
Added AWE_WINDOW_SIZE key to registry as 2000000000
Set use_indirect_data_buffers=true
added db_block_buffer=131072 (ie. 2GB DB_BLOCK_SIZE=16kb)
java_pool_size= 1000M

I got again the same error

I could not use SGA_TARGET. So is AMM not allowed with AWE?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Unable To Compile Pro C Code With Oracle 11g In Windows Env

Jul 15, 2010

I am trying to compile a .pc file. I am working with Oracle 11gR1 and windows env. I am able to create .c file from .pc file. I am able to produce .o file from .obj file. But i am not able to link it and produce .exe. My installation does not contain / precomp /demo folder.

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Installation :: 11g On Windows 2008 R2 - Unable To Start Oracle Service

Aug 30, 2012

I tried to reinstall oracle 11g on windows 2008 R2 and couldn't complete the installation as i am unable to start the oracle service. The system gives the following error message

Instance created.
DIM-00019: create service error
O/S-Error: (OS 1053) The service did not respond to the start or control request
in a timely fashion.

I try to manually create the service and it gives me the same error.I also tried to start the service using the net start as follows

C:UsersAdministrator>net start oracleserviceprod
The service is not responding to the control function.

Having looked at the event viewer in windows, I noticed three different error messages as followsr

Application popup: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library : Runtime Error!

Program: c:appadministratorproduct11.2.0dbhome_1inORACLE.EXE

An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.and then A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the OracleServiceprod service to connect.

The OracleServiceprod service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Create DB Package?

Mar 1, 2012

I´m having a trouble creating a db package. I´ve changed my job and now i´m working full on DB instead of Forms Developer.

So my trouble is that i want to create some like a global cursor on DB package, i know you can create global variables and use it on all the procedures/function inside the package. But how about cursors?

My problem: I dont´know how to declare into the spec. I don´t know how to use it on body.

My actual

I have the structure below:

CURSOR [i]myGlobalCursor[/i](par1 IN VARCHAR2, par2 IN DATE)(
PROCEDURE [i]MyProcedure1[/i](par1 IN VARCHAR2, par2 VARCHAR2);


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Client Tools :: 10g On Windows 7 - Unable To Initialize Oracle Call Interface

Oct 16, 2013

I work with oracle 10g, on windows 7. sometime when i try to start my sqlplus in prompt command this message display.

SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface
SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly

But the solution people have proposed into the forum are:

1 - check the environment variable Oracle_home and modify if it ending by ""

2 - or try tho run my promt command as Administrator.

I try the both, but only the second works. while now i don't understand why it works when i start the promt command as Administrator and why it no works when i don't run it like administrator. Another thing is i am the only user of my computer, i have only one session (administor session).

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