How To Take Data When Entering Range Of Dates

Oct 8, 2009

how can i write query to take data from DB, if im entering range of dates :

for example between 20-aug-2009 and 1-aug-2009.

But query must be like, if i enter 21-aug-2009 and second date should the start of the month.

for example if i enter second date like 2-jul-2009, first date should start form begining of that month?

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Certain Day Of Week From Range Of Dates

Nov 21, 2012

I have a table with a count of customers for about a year, but I only want to select Wednesday and Thursday of each week, starting at the beginning of dates. Table is simple and has two columns. Each row is Distinct to a Date, there are no Date duplicates, it's counted for each day of the year.

column 1: count of customers, count(customer_id)
column 2: Date

Not even sure if this is possible to select a date using the day name ?

Basically I want to select each Wednesday and Thursday from each week and compare the counts week over week, over week for all week to see if the counts are going up or down, to get trends .

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Forms :: Entering Data In List Of Value

Apr 3, 2011

I have created a list of value , If I do not slect any of the values then I would like to enter data in that column .

how I can do this .

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Forms :: Entering Multiple Data In A Form Containing 4 Blocks

Jul 18, 2011

I have 4 blocks in my form which is basically used for travel booking for the employees in a company within India

1) Header block :- contains info abt the person who is booking the tickets for number of employees. Here i have given booking no a primary key.

2) Employee Detail :- Here the basic info of an employee is entered. Here i have taken booking number as a foreign key and then given emp_cd & booking number as a composite primary key.

3) Travel Detail :- Here the travel detail of individual employee will be entered wherein a unique trv_no will b generated 4 every single travel. Again i have taken foreign key as bkng_no frm 1st blck and emp_cd frm 2nd blck and tkn a composite primary key which comprises of bk_no,emp_cd and trv_no. this is used to maintain the uniqueness for single travel.

4) Vehicle Hotel Details :- This block is placed on different canvas for same form.It is meant for Other details in which details regarding hotel,vehicle etc booking aftr reaching the destination is entered. In this block thrs no primary key, but i hv taken the composite primary key of 3rd block as a foreign key since thr will be multiple entries for this one entire travel.

At every level there will be multiple entries for each corresponding entered record. I am able to enter one single record properly i.e. for 1 emp i am able to enter multiple travel details and his other requirements but asi try to enter more then one employee info, his travel details, other requirements i face an error stating foreign key constraint violated.Parent key not found for 3 rd level block.

How can i get the desired o/p wherein all the multiple records for every single subsequent record are stored correctly taking all the constraints in to consideration.

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Forms :: Data Entering Form Not Showing Any ERROR Messages / SAVE RECORD Message

Jan 15, 2013

I developed a form in forms9i, at the time of data entering form is not showing any ERROR messages or SAVE RECORD message and when I press exit button it is asking "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE".

I have checked my PRIMARY KEY field and there is no mistake and value is populating at PRE INSERT.

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SQL Query To Club Data If Range Data Is Continuous

Nov 26, 2006

For e.g.

if my data is as follows


5/1/2005 5/5/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/6/2005 5/7/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/10/2005 5/15/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/17/2005 5/19/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/20/2005 5/25/2005 11:59:59 PM 20

the record
5/6/2005 5/7/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
is in continuation for
5/1/2005 5/5/2005 11:59:59 PM 10 with the same ex_charge
so i need the output as

5/1/2005 5/7/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/10/2005 5/15/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/17/2005 5/19/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/20/2005 5/25/2005 11:59:59 PM 20

and the remaining rows as it is
(Note :date in mm/dd/yyyy format)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Between 2 Dates

Dec 21, 2011

below is the table and data

create table bday (name varchar2(30),bdate varchar2(10));

insert into bday values('jeffery','0110');
insert into bday values('boss','1231');
insert into bday values('raj','1225');


the BDATE column is in the form "mmdd".

I just want to select the name between 2 dates ( not including years). lets say between sysdate and sysdate+20, i.e

select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mon'),to_char(sysdate+25,'dd-mon') from dual;

21-dec 15-jan

but when I run the below query, it is not showing me 'january' data

select name from bday
where to_date(bdate,'mm/dd') between sysdate and sysdate+25;

o/p comes as:
boss 1231
raj 1225

but the actual o/p should be:

boss 1231
raj 1225
jeffery 0110

it seems to me that because of year change the rows are not to handle this in single SQL

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Data Within Date Range?

Nov 15, 2010

I need to know the counts(into buckets) for each event_date for a given event_id.

I have 4 buckets that I'm trying to calculate

1. Past (from Today)
2. Today
3. > Today but within 3 days in the future
4. More than 3 days in the future

WITH event_data AS
(SELECT '1' event_id, SYSDATE - 1 event_date
FROM dual
SELECT '1' event_id, SYSDATE
FROM dual


Sample Output:

1 111 1
2 102 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Display Data In Range Format

Apr 25, 2012

I have a table where multiple combination of records are store and i want to display data in range format as below, there is any way to group data as below.

create table ot_shop_Rec ( item varchar2(12), it_name varchar2(20),rev number, qty number)
drop table ot_shop_rec

insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1001', 'COL',0,10);
insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1002', 'COL',0,10);
insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1001', 'GRID',0,10);
insert into ot_Shop_rec values ('1018001-1003','COL',0,10);



1018001-1001 - 1018001-1003 COL 30 0
1018001-1001 GRID 10 0

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PL/SQL :: Continuous Data Range Algorithm?

May 3, 2013

I have in my database table 2 important date columns: StartDate (Not null) and EndDate(Allowed Null).I want to ensure that all records in the table would always create perfect contiues date ranges with no holes inside.Wor example there may not be records [1-may..1-may, 3-may-...] because there would be a hole [2-may...2-may]. Holes are not allowed.

And overlapping is not allowed, for example [1-may..1-may, 1-may-2may, 3-may-...] is not allowed because overlapping occures on day 1-may. Overlapping and holes are not allowed. But it is allowed that table has no records at all. But all DML manipulations with existing records must ensure that overlapping and holes won't occur.How to write such check? How to ensure that data ranges would stay continous with no holes and no overlaps?

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Select Data Between Two Dates?

Sep 21, 2004

I am wondering how can I select data between two dates (ie from 08/12/2004 to today?)

Name DateS
Bob 08/11/2004
Tom 08/12/2004
Bill 09/21/2004 <-- today


Tom 08/12/2004
Bill 09/21/2004

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Print Data Between Two Dates

Oct 8, 2012

How to print data between two dates... startdate and enddate inclusive

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Data Between Two Dates

Nov 3, 2011

I have one table when I am querying like below

select * from timeoffreqitem
where timeoffreqitemid=134

getting data like below

134 144 07-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134

I need to see this result as below.

134 144 07-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 08-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 09-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 10-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 11-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 12-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 13-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134

I am looking at multilple optons.

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PL/SQL :: Select Dates With No Data?

Oct 8, 2012

I have an PL/SQL query which gives the data between the date interval submitted by the user.The problem is that i want all the date irrespective of it has data or not for eg: Let say date parameter is from 1-Jan-2012 to 5-Jan-2012

Now, in the database the available dates are:


So as you can see here that dates 3-Jan-2012 and 4-Jan-2012 is not resulted out by the query. I want all the dates.

So the output should be like this:


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Fetching Data From Table In A Loop From Range Of Row?

Mar 23, 2012

I have dcs_sku table .The record count is 50 thousand in that table.My requirement is to fech every row,create an xml out of it and post the data to some third party.As the count is very huge,I can't select the entire record and do the operation at a time.way which I will run the sql query in a loop,which will fetch 1st from rown 1 to row 1000,next 1001 to 2000,2000 no 'n' row...

I tried the below query:

select * from dcs_sku where rownum between 1 and 200...This gave me the 1st 200 rows and worked fine.

but the moment I changed the query to :

select * from dcs_sku where rownum between 201 and 300:::No result was coming up.

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Select Data Between Subquery Dates?

Sep 5, 2012

I have an athletics participation table that only has the relevant emplid and effective date field. There is no term field on the table. I'm trying to only select those emplid's where the max( effdt) for the emplid is between the begin and end date of the current term. I only want to select current athletes. I would much rather it be for the current academic year but it seems impossible. Why can't I use max(effdt) here?

sql Code

where max(b.effdt) between (SELECT term_begin_date AND term_end_date


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PL/SQL :: Retrieving Data Between two Dates?

Apr 3, 2013

I am using Oracle 11g version

create table ORG(Name char(20),Datetime char(45),val1 number);

insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:00','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:05','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:10','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:15','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:20','0.00')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:25','0.00')


while I am retrieving data between two dates. from table ORG. select from ORG where datetime between '29/03/2013' and '30/03/2013' order by datetime asc*

the output is coming like this,


abc 29/03/2012 13:00 1.5
abc 29/03/2012 13:05 1.5
'abc 29/03/2012 13:10 1.5
'abc 30/03/2012 13:15 1.5'
'abc 30/03/2012 13:20 0.00
'abc 30/03/2012 13:25 0.00


My problem in above out put is Here I am getting previous year data also at same day and month I want data only between the dates which are specified in query

But here needed output is

*'abc 29/03/2013 13:35 0.00*
*'abc 29/03/2013 13:40 2.1*
*'abc 30/03/2013 13:45 2.3*
*'abc 30/03/2013 13:50 2.1*
*'abc 31/03/2013 13:55 2.1*
*'abc 31/03/2013 14:00 2.2*

Note:my datetime datatype is char

My dear friends actually I am getting data like this date as a string(CHAR datatype) from third party tool.Due to this reason only I treat datetime attribute as string.

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Forms :: Search Data On Basis Of Date Range?

Sep 13, 2010

i create form on which 3 window, 3 Canvas, 3 blocks are there.

1)first block contain 3 items from_date and to_date(nondatabase)and find button

2)second block contains 3 items segment1, quantity and payment_terms

when i enter 2 dates and click on find button 2nd window open. segment1 and quantity between this 2 dates comes from base table like

select segment1,quantity
from po_lines_all pll, mtl_system_items mts
and creation_date between :FROM_DATE and :TO_DATE

and payment_terms should enter manually

3)2nd block contains summary button when i click on it, it save segment1, quantity, payment_terms and open new window which contain segment1 ,qty, payment_terms and when i click on summary button data comes from custom table which group clause means


item qty terms
a 2 2days
a 3 2days
b 3 3days

then on third form i shows like this
a 5 2days
b 3 3days

i done all this things but problem is that

suppose once data between 21-aug-2010 and 24-aug-2010 comes on second form , i enter payment_terms and save it. sumaary form also run properly but if another user enter date between 22-aug-2010 and 30-aug-2010 then it will shows data between 21-aug-2010 to 24-aug-2010 from custom table i.e with payment terms as earlier it save and from 25-aug-2010 to 30-aug-2010 it shows data from base table


item qty terms date
a 2 2days 21aug
a 3 2days 22aug
b 3 3days 24aug
c 5 NULL 27aug

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PL/SQL :: Group By Data Based On Start And End Time In Range

Mar 28, 2013

formatting the data.I want to group the below table data based on the Grade column for a header_data with start_time and end_time displayed in range. I was trying with group by, partitions etc but no luck. I use version 10gr2.

create table rel_data_mf (header_data varchar2(10),start_time varchar2(100),end_time varchar2(100),grade varchar2(1));

--table rel_data_mf data as comma separated values
ENG,2013-03-29 00:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 01:00:00-05:00,U
ENG,2013-03-29 01:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 02:00:00-05:00,U


--Required output

ENG,2013-03-29 00:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,U
ENG,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,A
ENG,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 10:00:00-05:00,U
MATH,2013-03-29 00:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,U
MATH,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,B
MATH,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 13:00:00-05:00,U

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Create Partition without Range (data Not Matching Other Partitions)

Feb 21, 2013

I would like to cretae 3 partitions for a table

partition 1 = < 2011
partition2 = <2012
partition 3 = any other value not staisfying partition 1 and partition 2

i would like to know how to create a partition 3 without specifying the range so that the data which are not coming under the range of other partitions (Partition 1 & 2) will automatically goes to this partition 3.

Also in the above case if i insert data of year 2009 then where will it go , to partition 1 (or) 2 since both of them matches the condition (<2011 and <2012) (or) do i need to use between clause while creating partitions?

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Finding Individual Dates Having Dates Plus 2 Days

Jan 26, 2011

I want to find the dates which have a date plus with in 2 days after this date. I mean group by 3 days each even the date i missing between two days. Actualy I want to find the start date where the employ was missing on job.

Basic concept is employes have allowed to use 10 personal leaves of a year. Each leave can be use for maximum 3 days.

If employ did not come on the job for one day or two days or three days, it shoul be count as ONE personal leave. And If employ is missing at job for four or five days, it should be count as 2 personal leaves.

seq date









The result should be (Don't use Pl/Sql)

seq date

After finding these days I want to select the starting date of 5th personal leave. (which is 16.01.10).

I am not a expert of using SQL, but I think it could be possible with using partitioning a table on the givin reslult and further partition the reslut on rownum() as rn and the using case statement where rn = 5.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split A Date Into New Dates According To Black Out Dates?

Mar 10, 2011

Split a date into new dates according to black out dates!

Here is my tables:

SELECT DATE '0000-01-01', DATE '9999-12-31' FROM DUAL;


I have lets say a "travel date" and black out dates. I will split the travel date into pieces according to the black out dates.

Note: Travel Date can be between 0000-01-01 - 9999 12 31


Travel Date:

T | 2011 01 04 | 2011 12 11

Black Out Dates:

A | 2010 11 01 | 2011 02 11
B | 2011 01 20 | 2011 02 15
C | 2011 03 13 | 2011 04 10
D | 2011 03 20 | 2011 06 29

Excepted Result:

X1 | 2011 02 16 | 2011 03 12
X2 | 2011 06 30 | 2011 12 11


Travel Date : -----[--------------------------]--

A : --[------]-------------------------
B : ------[---]------------------------
C : --------------[---]----------------
D : ----------------[------]-----------

Result :

X1 : -----------[--]--------------------
X2 : -----------------------[--------]--

Sample 2:

Travel Date : -[--------------------------------]--

BO Date A : ----[------]-------------------------
BO Date B : -------------------------[---]-------
BO Date C : ----------------[---]----------------
BO Date D : ------------------[------]-----------

Result X1 : -[-]-------------------------------
Result X2 : -----------[--]--------------------
Result X3 : -----------------------------[--]--

How can I do it using PL SQL ?

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Forms :: Data Between Dates But Parameter Not Working And Showing All?

May 4, 2011

i am seting runtime where clause on Forms as follow:

set_block_property('FORMC', onetime_where,'where to_char(INVOICE_DATE,'||'DD-MON-YYYY'||') >='||'to_date('||:search.inv_frm||','||'DD-MON-YYYY'||')'||
' and to_char(INVOICE_DATE,'||'DD-MON-YYYY'||') <' || 'to_date('||:search.inv_to||','||'DD-MON-YYYY'||')');

:search.inv_from is from date
:search.inv_to is up to date

i wann data between this dates but date parameter is not working it showing all data...... where synatx get wrong..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Dates - How To Compare Data With Sysdate And Display

Jan 5, 2011


(1970, 'Daily', TO_DATE('07/26/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
TO_DATE('01/26/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '13:58 ', 'America/New_York');

Taking Today date and timezone as EST, I need to run a select that shows all the rows , where sysdate falls in between

Start_date and End_date and RunTime, ( run time is basically the Local time of the TimeZone Column)

Basically we should Display rows by checking/Converting, Start_date||End_date||Runtime||timezone with Sysdate(est) then display.

From the Above Data these rows should be Displayed by that select, how to compare this data with sysdate and display.

1970Daily7/26/20101/26/201113:58 America/New_York
2588Daily10/18/20104/18/201115:50 America/New_York
3567Daily12/8/20106/8/20118:40 America/New_York
3386Daily12/27/20106/27/20111:0 America/New_York
1973Daily8/3/20102/3/201111:25 America/New_York
2565Daily9/7/20103/7/20117:0 America/New_York
3580Daily12/20/20106/20/201117:0 America/Chicago
3167Daily11/30/20105/30/20111:0 US/Alaska
3390Daily12/30/20101/15/20117:00 Asia/Calcutta

For Example, Below rows shouldn't come, Since it's end date is less than Sysdate.

2579Daily9/17/20109/18/201011:32 America/New_York

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Performance Tuning :: Converted Non-partitioned Table (1 Million Data) Into Range-partition

Mar 28, 2013

As per Article mentioned in Oracle Base,I have converted non-partitioned table (1 million data) into range-partition table,but,I don't see performance improvement in explain .

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Restricting Entering 3 Consecutive Sequence?

Nov 14, 2010

i want to restrict the user if he/she enters any 3 consecutive sequence of numbers,characters,alphanumerics and special characters for example aaa, aAa, @@@, ---- , 111, 123 are not valid.

valid sequences are a1w,?1A,aa1,WW2,78a,-#a

i want to show the invalid sequence in a single query using regular expression function. suppose for example if user enters aaa,$$$,123 then the query output is aaa,$$$,123.

i have written two different queries for that but i want a single query

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('EEE','([a-z])\1\1',1,1,'i') FROM DUAL;
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('111','([0-9])\1\1',1,1,'i') FROM DUAL;
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('@@@','([^-$])\1\1',1,1,'i') FROM DUAL; -it is not checking for -(hypen) characters

any 3 consecutive characters from key board.

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Forms :: Default Mode While Entering?

May 25, 2010

Is there any property that can be set at design time or dynamically altered during runtime about the default mode in which a form opens? I have created a new FORM in Forms 6i and it opens in the Enter-Query mode. I do not want to open it in the Enter-Query mode. This is because I will be doing my own execute_query on some click of a button in the form. How do I alter this Enter-Query mode in which the form opens?

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Forms :: Not Entering Into A Block (non-database)?

Jun 1, 2012

I am using a block the problem is I am unable to fetch the data into the block when I have entered the execute_query even tried with the pre-block trigger but not getting the message which is in pre-block how to over come with this..struggling since two days but unable to resolve it

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Trigger On Students After Entering Values

Jan 10, 2012

i have a table students create table students (name varchar2(10),rolno number(10),sub1mark number(10),sub2mark number(10),total number(10),percentage number(10),status varchar2(10))

i am go to create trigger on students after entering the values of name,rolno,sub1mark,sub2mark the values of total & percentage come automatically .trigger is

set = new.sub1mark+new.sub2mark;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Code To Restrict User From Entering More Than 30 Characters

May 24, 2011

Need a code which prevents the User from entering more than 30 characters in a field. Although the variable can accept more than 30 characters. My requirement is to validate the field by restricting up to 30 characters.

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