Create Partition without Range (data Not Matching Other Partitions)

Feb 21, 2013

I would like to cretae 3 partitions for a table

partition 1 = < 2011
partition2 = <2012
partition 3 = any other value not staisfying partition 1 and partition 2

i would like to know how to create a partition 3 without specifying the range so that the data which are not coming under the range of other partitions (Partition 1 & 2) will automatically goes to this partition 3.

Also in the above case if i insert data of year 2009 then where will it go , to partition 1 (or) 2 since both of them matches the condition (<2011 and <2012) (or) do i need to use between clause while creating partitions?

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Range Partitions On A Date Column

Jul 7, 2012

I have a table which has 2 range partitions on a date column currently.


I am planning to drop one partition i.e DATAONE. So table will have one partition left for MAXVALUE. Does it make sense to have a partition with MAXVALUE? Isn't it same as TABLEA in terms of number of records? TABLEA is also in tablespace SPACE2. Should i remove partition DATATWO also? If i have to what is the best way to move all DATATWO records to base table TABLEA?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Move Data From Old Partitions To Corresponding New Partitions?

Jul 1, 2010

Initially 2008 to 2010 and 2009 to 2011 partitions are created, After that two more new partitions are created 2008 to 2009 and 2009 to 2010.

How can we move data from old partitions to corresponding new partitions.

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Create Table As With Partitions?

Jan 8, 2011

If I try create table from the following syntax

create table a as select * from table b;

Then I could get only base table structure alone, I would like to get partition syntax as well.

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PL/SQL :: Create Partitions On Table

Sep 13, 2012

My developer came with a requirement of creating partitions on a table which has 40 million records. His exact requirement is to create as many as partitions in such a way that 1 partition should not exceed 5k-10k records and these records should be inserted/updated on the same date (i.e. using a column as source_timestamp field). How to accomplish this?

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PL/SQL :: Create Script That Makes Added Year Worth Of Partitions Less Manual?

May 23, 2013

mucking on an Oracle 11.2 database, simple range partitioning issue. Seems using a "complex" formula inside the AT clause annoys it? Or am I doing something wrong?

I create the table with RANGE partition just fine:

CREATE TABLE my_part_tab
   ( id        number,
     sdate     date
      (  PARTITION P2013Q1 VALUES LESS THAN ( TO_DATE('01-jan-2013','dd-mon-yyyy') ),
         PARTITION P2013Q2 VALUES LESS THAN ( TO_DATE('01-jul-2013','dd-mon-yyyy') ),
         PARTITION P2013Q3 VALUES LESS THAN ( TO_DATE('01-oct-2013','dd-mon-yyyy') ),

Table created.(and yes, I'm aware of INTERVAL option that'll do this next part "automagically", however, INTERVAL and REFERENCE partitioning are incompatible, and the child table is using REFERENCE partition). to make things easier on DBA for future, I'm trying to create a script that makes added a year's worth of partitions less manual.So far, I have the following working:

ACCEPT lYear PROMPT "Add Paritions for which calendar year?"
   AT ( TO_DATE('01-apr-&lYear','dd-mon-yyyy') ) INTO ( PARTITION P&lYear.Q1,PARTITION PMAX );
   AT ( TO_DATE('01-jul-&lYear','dd-mon-yyyy') ) INTO ( PARTITION P&lYear.Q2,PARTITION PMAX );


But no luck ...Same issue with other variations:

   AT ( (ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('01-jan-&lYear','dd-mon-yyyy'),12)) ) INTO ( PARTITION P&lYear.Q4,PARTITION PMAX );
   AT ( (TO_DATE('01-jan-'||TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER('&lYear')+1,'fm9999'),'dd-mon-yyyy')) ) INTO ( PARTITION P&lYear.Q4,PARTITION PMAX );

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Range Partition?

May 3, 2012

I have to create partition on 1 table where i have date field and id.

i want to create range parttion for both the column.

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PL/SQL :: How To Truncate Data In Table Partitions

Aug 9, 2013

I couldn't either DROP or TRUNCATE the table partitions that were created. Here are the DDLs and DMLs I'm using. 

Create table student(no number(2),name varchar(2)) partition by range(no) (partition 
p1 values less than(10), partition p2 values less than(20), partition p3 values less     
than(30),partition p4 values less than(40)); 
Insert into student values(1,'a');
Insert into student values(11,'b');
Insert into student values(21,'c');
Insert into student values(31,'d'); 

When I do the following query, it returns data.


But, when I try to perform any of the following queries, it says invalid partition name. 


I am using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

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Can Create Range Partition Of Like 10 Minutes?

Oct 18, 2012

I want to ask whether I can create range partition of like 10 minutes? Like I have data of 1 hour and I want to make 10 partition?

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SQL Query To Club Data If Range Data Is Continuous

Nov 26, 2006

For e.g.

if my data is as follows


5/1/2005 5/5/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/6/2005 5/7/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/10/2005 5/15/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/17/2005 5/19/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/20/2005 5/25/2005 11:59:59 PM 20

the record
5/6/2005 5/7/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
is in continuation for
5/1/2005 5/5/2005 11:59:59 PM 10 with the same ex_charge
so i need the output as

5/1/2005 5/7/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/10/2005 5/15/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/17/2005 5/19/2005 11:59:59 PM 10
5/20/2005 5/25/2005 11:59:59 PM 20

and the remaining rows as it is
(Note :date in mm/dd/yyyy format)

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How To Take Data When Entering Range Of Dates

Oct 8, 2009

how can i write query to take data from DB, if im entering range of dates :

for example between 20-aug-2009 and 1-aug-2009.

But query must be like, if i enter 21-aug-2009 and second date should the start of the month.

for example if i enter second date like 2-jul-2009, first date should start form begining of that month?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Data Within Date Range?

Nov 15, 2010

I need to know the counts(into buckets) for each event_date for a given event_id.

I have 4 buckets that I'm trying to calculate

1. Past (from Today)
2. Today
3. > Today but within 3 days in the future
4. More than 3 days in the future

WITH event_data AS
(SELECT '1' event_id, SYSDATE - 1 event_date
FROM dual
SELECT '1' event_id, SYSDATE
FROM dual


Sample Output:

1 111 1
2 102 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Display Data In Range Format

Apr 25, 2012

I have a table where multiple combination of records are store and i want to display data in range format as below, there is any way to group data as below.

create table ot_shop_Rec ( item varchar2(12), it_name varchar2(20),rev number, qty number)
drop table ot_shop_rec

insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1001', 'COL',0,10);
insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1002', 'COL',0,10);
insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1001', 'GRID',0,10);
insert into ot_Shop_rec values ('1018001-1003','COL',0,10);



1018001-1001 - 1018001-1003 COL 30 0
1018001-1001 GRID 10 0

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PL/SQL :: Continuous Data Range Algorithm?

May 3, 2013

I have in my database table 2 important date columns: StartDate (Not null) and EndDate(Allowed Null).I want to ensure that all records in the table would always create perfect contiues date ranges with no holes inside.Wor example there may not be records [1-may..1-may, 3-may-...] because there would be a hole [2-may...2-may]. Holes are not allowed.

And overlapping is not allowed, for example [1-may..1-may, 1-may-2may, 3-may-...] is not allowed because overlapping occures on day 1-may. Overlapping and holes are not allowed. But it is allowed that table has no records at all. But all DML manipulations with existing records must ensure that overlapping and holes won't occur.How to write such check? How to ensure that data ranges would stay continous with no holes and no overlaps?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Normal Partition Range On Date And Sub Partition List On Batch ID

Mar 17, 2011

I Know we can create dynamic partitions on table in oracle 11g. Is it possible to create normal partition and sub partition both dynamically.I have to create Normal partition range on date and sub partition list on Batch ID (varchar).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Apply Redefinition And Create Range Partition And Hash Sub-partition?

Apr 3, 2013

At present we have a non partitioned table.

Can we apply redefinition and create range partition and hash sub partition on it?

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Fetching Data From Table In A Loop From Range Of Row?

Mar 23, 2012

I have dcs_sku table .The record count is 50 thousand in that table.My requirement is to fech every row,create an xml out of it and post the data to some third party.As the count is very huge,I can't select the entire record and do the operation at a time.way which I will run the sql query in a loop,which will fetch 1st from rown 1 to row 1000,next 1001 to 2000,2000 no 'n' row...

I tried the below query:

select * from dcs_sku where rownum between 1 and 200...This gave me the 1st 200 rows and worked fine.

but the moment I changed the query to :

select * from dcs_sku where rownum between 201 and 300:::No result was coming up.

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Forms :: Search Data On Basis Of Date Range?

Sep 13, 2010

i create form on which 3 window, 3 Canvas, 3 blocks are there.

1)first block contain 3 items from_date and to_date(nondatabase)and find button

2)second block contains 3 items segment1, quantity and payment_terms

when i enter 2 dates and click on find button 2nd window open. segment1 and quantity between this 2 dates comes from base table like

select segment1,quantity
from po_lines_all pll, mtl_system_items mts
and creation_date between :FROM_DATE and :TO_DATE

and payment_terms should enter manually

3)2nd block contains summary button when i click on it, it save segment1, quantity, payment_terms and open new window which contain segment1 ,qty, payment_terms and when i click on summary button data comes from custom table which group clause means


item qty terms
a 2 2days
a 3 2days
b 3 3days

then on third form i shows like this
a 5 2days
b 3 3days

i done all this things but problem is that

suppose once data between 21-aug-2010 and 24-aug-2010 comes on second form , i enter payment_terms and save it. sumaary form also run properly but if another user enter date between 22-aug-2010 and 30-aug-2010 then it will shows data between 21-aug-2010 to 24-aug-2010 from custom table i.e with payment terms as earlier it save and from 25-aug-2010 to 30-aug-2010 it shows data from base table


item qty terms date
a 2 2days 21aug
a 3 2days 22aug
b 3 3days 24aug
c 5 NULL 27aug

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PL/SQL :: Group By Data Based On Start And End Time In Range

Mar 28, 2013

formatting the data.I want to group the below table data based on the Grade column for a header_data with start_time and end_time displayed in range. I was trying with group by, partitions etc but no luck. I use version 10gr2.

create table rel_data_mf (header_data varchar2(10),start_time varchar2(100),end_time varchar2(100),grade varchar2(1));

--table rel_data_mf data as comma separated values
ENG,2013-03-29 00:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 01:00:00-05:00,U
ENG,2013-03-29 01:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 02:00:00-05:00,U


--Required output

ENG,2013-03-29 00:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,U
ENG,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,A
ENG,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 10:00:00-05:00,U
MATH,2013-03-29 00:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,U
MATH,2013-03-29 03:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,B
MATH,2013-03-29 07:00:00-05:00,2013-03-29 13:00:00-05:00,U

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Performance Tuning :: Converted Non-partitioned Table (1 Million Data) Into Range-partition

Mar 28, 2013

As per Article mentioned in Oracle Base,I have converted non-partitioned table (1 million data) into range-partition table,but,I don't see performance improvement in explain .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: String Matching?

Feb 22, 2011

check out following scripts

ids VARCHAR2(500))


how to write --emailid is present in rec.ids THEN this logic in function

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Matching Query

May 15, 2012

i have two table menu_user_d and emp_master , the requirement is i need to match names from both these tables like i want want to match menu_user_d.user_desc to emp_master.emp_name to get the emp_id and update the correct emp_id into menu_user_d.user_emp_id , i have prepared a test case and wrote one query but could'nt succeed in getting all the matching names, is there a way i can do this correct matching and then update it automatically.

SQL> create table menu_user_d (user_id varchar2(12),user_desc varchar2(30),user_emp_id varchar2(12));

Table created.

SQL> insert all
2 into menu_user_d(user_id,user_desc,user_emp_id) values ('ARIF','Mohammed Arif',null)
3 into menu_user_d(user_id,user_desc,user_emp_id) values ('wajahat','Wajahat',null)
4 into menu_user_d(user_id,user_desc,user_emp_id) values ('Imad','Imd',null)
5 select * from dual;

3 rows created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> create table emp_master (emp_id varchar2(12),emp_name varchar2(30));

Table created.

SQL> insert all
2 into emp_master(emp_id,emp_name) values ('7014','Md.Arif')
3 into emp_master(emp_id,emp_name) values ('6777','Wajahat')
4 into emp_master(emp_id,emp_name) values ('1008','Imad El Kane')
5 select * from dual;

3 rows created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.


------------ ------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------------------------
wajahat Wajahat 6777 Wajahat

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Any 200 Matching Records From A Table?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a personname table which contains records of millions Person-names. My application has a requirment to return "any" 200 names that match the given Firstname and lastname entered by user.note the NOT actually "top-n", but "Any-N" , i.e. user wants "any" 200 names and NOT in any "specific order".

which is the best option to make most efficient search --

1) rownum < 201
2) row_num()
3) rank/denserank etc

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Group By Matching Records

Dec 19, 2012

I have one table employee where there are 4 fields ,emp_code,emp_locn,emp_job_code,emp_job_desc the problem is i am trying to prepare a group reports based on location and emp_job_code there is a duplication of data in the emp_job_desc ,

For example there is a job_code E2 Which has two different job_descriptions for two different employees like E2-PAINTER-SPRAY, E2- PAINTER -SPRAY, another example is E1-rigger , E2-RIGGER and so on.Is there a method to match them together as one description.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Exact Matching String

Dec 11, 2012

When I pass the input as 'micky', then i should get the count of records as 4. I tried to use REGEXP_LIKE, but could not get the result.

Test Case:

CREATE TABLE test1( pattern_series VARCHAR2(30));
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ('qa_micky1');
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ('qa_micky2');

-- I should get the output as 4 not 8

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Two Words Matching

Aug 19, 2013

i am in need to find starting two words matching like i have string "my name is person". i want starting two words find "my name". i tried with this

SELECT T.FULL_NAME,SUBSTR(t.full_name,0,INSTR(t.full_name, ' ')-1+INSTR(t.full_name, ' ')-1) AS outpu2
FROM test t

output: it's giving me the out put but not in proper way som where the second word is cut off and some where first word is not coming.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pattern Matching Utility

Jul 2, 2013

I am using version of oracle. I have not worked on regular expressions. During working on sql injection, I got set of below patterns which is feeded to some JAVA regx classes or utilityto restrict selective Request, based on patterns.below patterns and the characters which will be restricted by this pattern matching utility.

Given below are 3- patterns:

(.*?[sd)'])(?:AND|OR)(?=[s-+(']|.?d)(s*[-+(]?s*(?:[^s!<>=]+?|'.*?')[s)]*(?:s*(?:(?:[-+/*(.]||s*|)s*)+(?:[^s!<>=]+?|'.*?')[s)]*)*s*)(?: <s*>|>s*=|<s*=|!s*=|=|>|<)(.*)
(.*?[sd)'])(?:AND|OR)(?=[s-+(']|.?d)(s*[-+(]?s*(?:[^s]+?|'.*?')[s)]*(?:s*(?:(?:[-+/*(.]||s*|)s*)+(?:[^s]+?|'.*?')[ s)]*)*s*)(? <=[s)']|d.?)(?:LIKE|IN|BETWEEN)([s-+('].*)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Matching Dates Using Dual?

Jul 7, 2010

What I'm trying to do is make it so that it returns 'MATCH' when I pass a date that matches a date every two weeks starting Jan 01. Like Jan 01, Jan 15, Jan 29, Feb 12, etc. would return as MATCH Jan 02, Jan 03, etc. would return as NO_MATCH

The part in bold is what I'm having trouble figuring out.

select nvl(
(select 'MATCH'
from dual
where 'date' = '2 week intervals starting Jan 01'
), 'NO_MATCH') from dual

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PL/SQL :: Get A Return Value Of 0 Whenever There Is No Matching Record?

Mar 27, 2013

In PL/SQL, the following sql causes an error when there is no record matching the search criteria:

select pin_number from table1 where id = 1;
error: No Data Available

Is there a way to get a return value of 0 whenever there is no matching record?

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Store Data In CLOD Data Type - How To Create A Unique Index

May 20, 2013

We have been recommended to store data in CLOD data type.

Sample data: 1:2:2000000:20000:4455:000099:444:099999:....etc it will grow to a large number.

We want to create a Unique index, for functional reason. Is it advised to create a unique index on a CLOB datatype?

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