I have in my database table 2 important date columns: StartDate (Not null) and EndDate(Allowed Null).I want to ensure that all records in the table would always create perfect contiues date ranges with no holes inside.Wor example there may not be records [1-may..1-may, 3-may-...] because there would be a hole [2-may...2-may]. Holes are not allowed.
And overlapping is not allowed, for example [1-may..1-may, 1-may-2may, 3-may-...] is not allowed because overlapping occures on day 1-may. Overlapping and holes are not allowed. But it is allowed that table has no records at all. But all DML manipulations with existing records must ensure that overlapping and holes won't occur.How to write such check? How to ensure that data ranges would stay continous with no holes and no overlaps?
I am having past data in a table say for one year. each row is having a timestamp column. Now i need to calcute avg of data for every time interval betwwen start date and end date.
time interval can be in minute, hours, days or months..in case of hours,days and months , i need to convert to minutes and group based on that interval.
NO VDATE T ---------- --------- - 1245 07-JAN-13 N 1246 07-JAN-13 N 1247 07-JAN-13 R 1248 07-JAN-13 N 1251 08-JAN-13 N 1250 08-JAN-13 R 1253 08-JAN-13 N 1252 09-JAN-13 R 1254 09-JAN-13 N 1255 09-JAN-13 N
On 31-OCT-2011 Process is executed for same day data. Since 1,2-Nov are holidays and 3-nov is Sunday. The process will be executed on 04-Nov-2011 for data between 01-Nov-2011 to 04-Nov-2011. On 05-nov-2011 process will be executed for same day data. Then the process will be executed on 07-nov for 6,7-nov data, because 6-nov was Sunday.
It's like
How to select this LV_START_DATE, LV_END_DATE i.e. MIN & MAX date for a topmost continuous range less than the business date.
I have a table where multiple combination of records are store and i want to display data in range format as below, there is any way to group data as below.
I have dcs_sku table .The record count is 50 thousand in that table.My requirement is to fech every row,create an xml out of it and post the data to some third party.As the count is very huge,I can't select the entire record and do the operation at a time.way which I will run the sql query in a loop,which will fetch 1st from rown 1 to row 1000,next 1001 to 2000,2000 no 'n' row...
I tried the below query:
select * from dcs_sku where rownum between 1 and 200...This gave me the 1st 200 rows and worked fine.
but the moment I changed the query to :
select * from dcs_sku where rownum between 201 and 300:::No result was coming up.
i create form on which 3 window, 3 Canvas, 3 blocks are there.
1)first block contain 3 items from_date and to_date(nondatabase)and find button
2)second block contains 3 items segment1, quantity and payment_terms
when i enter 2 dates and click on find button 2nd window open. segment1 and quantity between this 2 dates comes from base table like
select segment1,quantity from po_lines_all pll, mtl_system_items mts where pll.ITEM_ID=mts.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and creation_date between :FROM_DATE and :TO_DATE
and payment_terms should enter manually
3)2nd block contains summary button when i click on it, it save segment1, quantity, payment_terms and open new window which contain segment1 ,qty, payment_terms and when i click on summary button data comes from custom table which group clause means
item qty terms a 2 2days a 3 2days b 3 3days
then on third form i shows like this a 5 2days b 3 3days
i done all this things but problem is that
suppose once data between 21-aug-2010 and 24-aug-2010 comes on second form , i enter payment_terms and save it. sumaary form also run properly but if another user enter date between 22-aug-2010 and 30-aug-2010 then it will shows data between 21-aug-2010 to 24-aug-2010 from custom table i.e with payment terms as earlier it save and from 25-aug-2010 to 30-aug-2010 it shows data from base table
item qty terms date a 2 2days 21aug a 3 2days 22aug b 3 3days 24aug b 4 NULL(ENTER MANUALLY) 26aug c 5 NULL 27aug
formatting the data.I want to group the below table data based on the Grade column for a header_data with start_time and end_time displayed in range. I was trying with group by, partitions etc but no luck. I use version 10gr2.
partition 1 = < 2011 partition2 = <2012 partition 3 = any other value not staisfying partition 1 and partition 2
i would like to know how to create a partition 3 without specifying the range so that the data which are not coming under the range of other partitions (Partition 1 & 2) will automatically goes to this partition 3.
Also in the above case if i insert data of year 2009 then where will it go , to partition 1 (or) 2 since both of them matches the condition (<2011 and <2012) (or) do i need to use between clause while creating partitions?
As per Article mentioned in Oracle Base,I have converted non-partitioned table (1 million data) into range-partition table,but,I don't see performance improvement in explain .
I have data in a table and another in XML file,I used SQL query to retrive the data placed on the table, and link this query with XML query that retrieves the data stored in the xml file. The data stored in the table and xml file sharing a key field, but the xml contents are less than what in the table.I want to show only the data shared between the two queries, how can I do that?
Table emp:
e_id | e_name | e_sal 023 | John | 6000 143 | Tom | 9000 876 | Chi | 4000 987 | Alen | 7800
I have a table partitioned by Range and subparitioned by hash.
i am issuing the following query .Bcos of security purposes i cannot post the full query.
Select <most of the columns> FROM qosTesthr PARTITION(PARTITION_ON_2011_11_17) WHERE starttime BETWEEN to_date('1111170000', 'yymmddHH24mi') AND to_date('1111172359', 'yymmddHH24mi')
Performance while using the index is very very slow.Is there any way without using the index and just the partition full scan can be forced by using some hint..
I have a table which contains two columns containing the range of some products. These range are alphanumeric and i want to calculate the count of this range by a query. .
I am trying to replace a date range in a query. Don't understand why it's not working, below is the dummy query for the same:
/* v_Employee:= 'select emp_name from employee_table where Join_Year=~Replace1~ and Release_Month <=~Replace2~'; v_Replace1:=2013; v_Replace2:=7; pos := 1; WHILE (INSTR(v_Employee, '~', 1, pos) <> 0) LOOP IF (pos = 1) THEN
Since actual code is like CLOB type, so I have not provided the same. Here after executing this query i found that v_Employee query is getting replaced by v_Replace1 at both of his position i.e "select emp_name from employee_table where Join_Year=2013 and Release_Month <=2013"
But my actual result should: "select emp_name from employee_table where Join_Year=2013 and Release_Month <=7"
select to_date('30-DEC-00','DD-MON-YYYY') from dual
Error starting at line 1 in command:
select to_date('30-DEC-00','DD-MON-YYYY') from dual
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0 01841. 00000 - "(full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0"
*Cause: Illegal year entered *Action: Input year in the specified range
I have a query that seems to repeatedly call an index scan on a table for reasons I'm not sure about. Why it would be doing the index scan on totaldwellingarea in the dimensions table (DIMEN_PID_TDWELLAREA) repeatedly? This only seems to happen when I put on the range clause d.totaldwellingarea between scr.lowvalue and scr.highvalue.
I am using Oracle version
select d.propertyid,d.totaldwellingarea, e.size_, scr.size_ from eqid e, dimensions d, brt_eval.size_code_ranges scr where e.style not in ('1','A','G','L') and e.size_ = '0' and d.propertyid = e.propertyid and e.style = scr.style and d.totaldwellingarea between scr.lowvalue and scr.highvalue;
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'IN','24-APR-13 02:10:43',10); insert into call values(1,9818764535,9898324234,'IN','24-APR-13 05:06:78',10); insert into call values(1,9818764535,9215468734,'IN','24-APR-13 15:06:78',10); insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'OUT','25-APR-13 01:06:78',10); insert into call values(1,9899875643,9899875643,,'OUT','25-APR-13 22:06:78',10);
Query : need to find first and last call of '9818764535' mobile number and of call_date between '24-apr-13' and '25-apr-13';
I actually have a query which gives me the data I need. I try to get the same data with the same logic but with using JOIN so that I can have a proper code.I am pasting you first the bad one which works and then the one that I did which does not work..I am also attaching the file where you can see both of queries easier.
I used select distinct(work_order) to come up with the three different possible scenarios the problem is that i need all this information on a single row
this is a conversion for distance. when i get this to work properly, it will generate reports on thousands of work orders with their converted distance markers.
newish to Oracle from an and am trying to do the following... if mytable.col1 is not blank, then copy mytable.col1 to mytable.col2 BUT, it needs reformatting during the copy. Both columns are varchar2 col1 being 15 wide and col2 being 20 wide. I need to transform from 'PACKAGEabcde001' to 'PACKAGEabcde 00001' so yes, those 5 extra characters are indeed 3 spaces and 2 extra zero's.
I suspect it uses TABLE, CAST and/or MULTISET functions in a query .. but reading the docs on those, I can't seem to piece together how to do it.
When I piece together a sample/test query, I usually do something like this:
WITH data AS ( SELECT 123 id, 'abc' col1 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 234, 'def' FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 345, 'xyz' FROM dual ) SELECT * FROM data -- usually more complex query here
However, I saw somebody do this without using the UNION ALL .. they did something with TABLE ( ... ) ? it seemed "simpler" than the UNION ALL method I've used previously
From 28/AUG/2013 to 30/AUG/2013 records has to be deleted becuase thease records are two weeks old.
From 31/AUG/2013 to 06/SEP/2013 records belongs to one week and from 07/SEP/2013 to 13/SEP/2013 belongs to another week.Today is 12/SEP/2013 so from 06/SEP/2013 to 12/SEP/2013 should be existed in the table.Once date changed to 13/SEP/2013 then from 31/AUG/2013 to 06/SEP/2013 records has to be deleted.
I am posting table and insert scripts.
CREATE TABLE process_data(p_id NUMBER,CREATED_DT DATE); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('28/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('29/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('30/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('31/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('01/SEP/2013','DD/MON/YYYY');
I have got requirement to generate a .XML format of a select query in a particular folder in server. The XML coding of a select query i got through DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML package.
but through forms i am unable to create it!! and the result output should be saved as .xml in a particular folder in server.