Windows :: Set Font Properties Of Arabic Text (OLE2)

Nov 14, 2010

I want to set font properties of Arabic text.

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Windows :: Arabic Text Saved Using Odp In Varchar2 Field Becomes ????

Jan 6, 2011

we have 2 databases with AR8MSWIN1256 characterset (arabic). our client machine has English windows installed. our .NET application, which runs on the client machine, using ODAC and it reads and writes from one db to another db. We have no problems with nvarchar fields containing arabic, but with varchar fields it seems that it reads the data just fine - we can see it in GUI.but when it writes the data to the second db, arabic becomes question marks. We tried to set client NLS_LANG in registry to AR8MSWIN1256 and to WE8MSWIN1252. It doesnt work.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Arabic Font In Discoverer 10g

Oct 1, 2013

we have upgraded our discoverer from 3i to 4i and from 4i to 10g. After that we faced a strange problem related to arabic font

when opening discoverer desktop and open the list of the saved reports. some reports that was saved by an Arabic name are display by name '????'(question marks)

also another issue when opening it . It open normal but some columns that are Arabic are displayed in this way (ßÇÑÊ-ÇíÌíÈÊ Êáì ßÇÑÏ- ÝÆÉ 100 Ìã). so i must change the column font from "tahoma" to "arial" or any other font that support Arabic.

- my NLS_lANG =american_america.ar8mswin1256
- this problem didnot happens on the discoverer 3i

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Forms :: Font Space For Text Item Is Not Working

Mar 9, 2013

I have one text item where i inserted some text . i want to change at run time the text space by using Font_spacing property . This thing is happen by using a push button(trigger when button pressed ). but after clicking the button this is not working.

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Forms :: Why Arabic Comma Reverse Text

Mar 2, 2012

The Text is displayed correctly when there is no "Arabic comma" ، , otherwise the text will be reversed, How can I avoid the issue, why we have such problem only when we add the comma. The screenshot:

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Reports & Discoverer :: Arabic Text Reading

Feb 23, 2012

I have below text stored in a DB table, am querying the same text in SQL Developer and am getting the correct reading order
Correct Data

Arabic : %بوليستر 70%, قطن 30
English : 70% Polyester, 30% Cotton

But in Oracle report am getting the wrong data like below

Wrong Data

Arabic : بوليستر 70%, قطن

English : 30% Polyester 70% Cotton

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Forms :: Enter Arabic In English Text Field

Apr 24, 2013

I have a problem in Oracle Forms 10g. For any field that should be by default right-to-left (arabic), the reading order is changed when entering the field, but the keyboard is not changed to Arabic automatically. The user has to type ALT+ Shift to manually modify the language.

I worked before with Forms 2000 and Forms 6i (in client/server mode only), it was working fine. Is it impossible on Web Forms? Must I use a Java Bean? If yes, is there something existing to perform what I need?

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Forms :: Arabic Support And Rich Text Tool In Report 10g

Dec 16, 2012

I have two requirements that we have an ERP with default language (English US) and now we need :

1) Put Arabic support in our forms and reports
2) Add Rich Text Tool in our forms and reports

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Table Properties

Feb 24, 2013

How to check table properties? (desc only shows if it is null)If I do desc emp, it only shows the Employee description. But Doesnt tell if table is having primary key or not?

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Server Administration :: Trying To Change Tablespace And Datafile Properties On Fly

Aug 21, 2011

This facility has one last 10g database and a very problematic tablespace and last datafile associated with it. The tablespace was set up with INITIAL_ EXTENT of 131,072 (128K) instead of the more 'normal' 4,194,304 (4M) and NEXT_EXTENT of 262,144 (256K) instead of 4,194,304 (4M).

More worryingly, the datafile has INCREMENT_BY set to 1 (8K) instead of 1,280 (10M) or 2,048 (16M).Has anyone ever updated sys.ts$.dflinit and sys.ts$. dflincr to modify the INITIAL_EXTENT and NEXT_EXTENT, and sys.file$.inc to modify the INCREMENT_BY?

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Forms :: Set Properties Of A Visual Attribute Group During Runtime?

Oct 17, 2011

way to set the properties of a visual attribute group during runtime? During our forms 6 to 10 conversion we missed that our visual attributes for mandatory and not-manadatory items were different, so we have font size 8 and 9 in our system now, does not look very nice.

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Pass Variables For UserID And Password To Sqlplus In Windows From Text File?

Jul 23, 2013

I would like to store user-id, password and the TNS-Entry in a small text file and pass them to a script to log in and execute another script on the database from Windows.

Example of the text file samp.txt that stores user info:


main script main.bat is as follows:

--read the samp.txt do not know how to do it

sqlplus -s &username/&password@&db_sid @db_info.sql

db_info.sql contents:

column tm new_value file_time noprint
select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD') tm from dual ;
spool C:\server\DB_Report_&file_time..log
select * from v$instance;
spool off;

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Forms :: How To Use OLE2

Nov 21, 2010

I need some one provide me with doc, pdf, ppt, notepad anything to understand how to use OLE2

I know you will say search in this forum or google it i already search it and google it but all of them are examples or a questions for specific requirement. No one explain how is this code work even oracle it self check this link


no explanation . i don't want that's much

at least like this

app OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .
docs OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .
doc OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .
selection OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .

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Forms :: Create Macro In Excel With OLE2

Apr 15, 2010

URL.... I have one query.Aim of Program: Create Macro in Excel with OLE2 in ORACLE FORM.I mention below codingDeclare

application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
workbooks OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
worksheets OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
worksheet OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
vbproject OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
vbcomponents OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
codemodule OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;

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Forms :: OLE2 Updating Excel File From 6i

Dec 12, 2011

I am using OLE2 to update an excel spreadsheet from Oracle Forms 6i. If the excel spreadsheet is already open, the code runs through fine, and even asks if you want to replace the file when running the lines: OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'Save');

OLE2.INVOKE(workbook, 'Save');

However, the file never gets updated. There is no error that appears. I would like to have the program check if the file is open before running the program;

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Forms :: OLE2 File Format In Reports 11g Not Working

Apr 30, 2012

Im trying to display a word file from a blob column of table in reports 11g . In reports 6i OLE2 file format was available for that, but in 11g it became obsolete.

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Forms :: Ole2 Data From Database To Word Document?

Apr 25, 2007

I am porting data from database to word document.Initially i am creating the table using the following

hSelection := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(hApplication, 'Selection');
hTables := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(hDocument , 'Tables' );
hRange := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(hSelection, 'Range');
OLE2.ADD_ARG_OBJ(args, hRange); --Range
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 26); --NumRows
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 4); --NumColumns
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, wdWord9TableBehavior); --DefaultTableBehavior
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, wdAutoFitContent); --AutoFitBehavior
hTable := OLE2.INVOKE_OBJ(hTables, 'Add', args);

But i want to change the columnwidth. As you see above i have 4 columns, in that first column should be double than other column.

peice of code to change th ewidth of column in word document.

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Forms :: Slow Performance Using OLE2 Reading Xls File

Oct 10, 2011

I just trying to import some informations from excel to Oracle using OLE2 over Oracle Forms 6i, but It´s very slow when I have import under then 10k lines. anything to optimize that ? Follow the code used...

application OLE2.Obj_Type;
workbooks OLE2.Obj_Type;
workbook OLE2.Obj_Type;


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Forms :: 11g OLE2 Excel Printing Behind Parameter Form

Apr 4, 2012

When I click on excel report button on the parameter form, the excel runs behind the form instead of in running in fron of it thereby making it partially invinsible. I am having to minimise the form to have a clear view. This is not the case with Forms 10g. Is there an extra code on the OLE2 to send the form to the background so that the excel output can take over the screen.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Printing Heading In Excel Using OLE2 Objects Only

Oct 8, 2011

I am using oracle developer suit(form 10g), Using OLE2 object to initialize excel, On "BEFORE REPORT TRIGGER" i am printing report heading in excel using OLE2 objects only. if i run report from developer suit report builder it give output in excel normally and what expected but when ever i put same report on server and run report from application it gives error :

" Terminated with error : <br> REP-1401 'before report': FATAL pl/sql error occured. ORA-43356; message 43356 not found; Product=RDBMS; facility = ORA."

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Tamil Font In Database

Sep 9, 2012

how to update tamil font in oracle database.

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Forms :: How To Incorporate Unicode Font With 10g

May 12, 2008

I am using 10g Database and 10g forms/reports on Windows.

NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 for both database and forms/reports. I set this from REGEDIT.

I want to use, Arial Unicode Ms or Mangal font to add or view the data in MARATHI (Regional).In the database browser, I can see the ported data properly with these two fonts, but through form if I try to add then it not showing proper characters, it showing squraes instead of typed characters.

I also typed a label in the form, at design time it showing proper word, but at runtime it not showing proper letters. This I observed only for joined characters.If I generates the report in PDF, format then it not showing data properly. but in runtime it showing properly.

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Forms :: Insert The New Indian Rupee Font?

May 6, 2011

I would like to know how to insert the new indian rupee font in forms and report.

I did try doing it myself, but couldnt succeed.

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Forms :: Oracle Report PDF Output With Persian Font?

Nov 24, 2011

When I run my report , I generate it in pdf format, and some fields in my report have persian characters so

1- I use Tahoma font, and

2- I have change my window registery to america_america.ar8mswin1256 also

3-I have modified UIFONT.ALI (but when I add tahoma font in this file , then I check the font in property menu of pdf file , its type is not change to type3---- I'm not sure about the modfication in this file----)

4- I have added windows/font path in report_path in registry

5- I made sure that there is tahoma.ttF in this path

but after opening PDF file ,those fields which are in Persian language (persian characters) are dipalyed in strange font.

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Forms :: Change A Field Font Size On Runtime?

Nov 29, 2011

can we change a field font size on runtime(by something like "SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in").(Independent of "Registry" file.)

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Application Express :: How To Change Grayed Field Font

Nov 7, 2013

I need to change the grayed field item font ... ie i need to make disabled item value to be bright to achieve this what i have to do.

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Client Tools :: Unable To Set Font For Japanese In Grid Option

Mar 9, 2011

I have TOAD Version, and i want to see the Japanese font, for that i tried changing view->toad options->display->Fonts to "Arial Unicode MS" and selected Script as "Japanese" and click on Apply and OK. But the Script option is automatically changed to "Western" ( not to "Japanese").

set the font script to "japanese"

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error Font Unicode When Report Use &TotalPages?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a report that use &totalpages. output PDF, font unicode is error (Mã) but two last page's font is OK (Mã).

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Reports & Discoverer :: Changing Lov Font Face To Parameter Form

Apr 11, 2012

I need to change the font face from following lov value for parameter form, How?


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Application Express :: Increase Font Size In Interactive Report

Aug 1, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I have this interactive report and i would like to make the text inside the report bigger and bolder. I have seen different examples of using css but none have worked for me. If you have any other way to do this or can give me a detailed way of using css!

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