Forms :: Oracle Report PDF Output With Persian Font?
Nov 24, 2011
When I run my report , I generate it in pdf format, and some fields in my report have persian characters so
1- I use Tahoma font, and
2- I have change my window registery to america_america.ar8mswin1256 also
3-I have modified UIFONT.ALI (but when I add tahoma font in this file , then I check the font in property menu of pdf file , its type is not change to type3---- I'm not sure about the modfication in this file----)
4- I have added windows/font path in report_path in registry
5- I made sure that there is tahoma.ttF in this path
but after opening PDF file ,those fields which are in Persian language (persian characters) are dipalyed in strange font.
i am generating report from oracle forms using web.show_document .pdf output is coming in seperate url.entire piece of code is working i want to store this pdf out put in client machine whether path will be specified by user.
After running my report I generate into the file by delimited type and then I save as it by XLS extension.The problem is each row of this excel file has header repeatedly!
I am using apex 4.1. I have this interactive report and i would like to make the text inside the report bigger and bolder. I have seen different examples of using css but none have worked for me. If you have any other way to do this or can give me a detailed way of using css!
In Sales Order Form there is a print receipt button. In current situation On Clicking the 'Print Receipt Button' it submits a XML Publisher report(PDF output) to the concurrent manager. Currently to print that report i need to go view--> requests--> view output and then print. According to my new Requirement i need to print that report directly to local printer on one simple Print receipt button click in form.
I am trying to call the printers on server using custom.pll. The report is running successfully but it is not printing output to the local printer. I need to print the report to the local printers based on responsibility. Local printers are available on apps server.
Is it possible to print the document using custom.pll? Is there any other alternative to print the report on simple button click in form.
I searched many forums but i found customizations on form level. I am trying to customize the form using custom.pll. I found many examples like URL..... but i don't think i can use these practices in custom.pll. ADD_PARAMETER & RUN_PRODUCT dont work in custom.pll. I need to complete this requirement immediately.
Environment: Apps, Forms 6i
Here is the code that i am using in my custom.pll.
if (v_form_name = 'OEXOETEL' --and v_block_name = 'LINES_SUMMARY' and name_in('parameter.ACTIONS') = 'PAYMENT_RECEIPT' )THEN l_organization_id := Name_In('PARAMETER.OE_ORGANIZATION_ID'); l_order_header_id := Name_In('ORDER.header_id'); select to_number(oe_sys_parameters.value ('SET_OF_BOOKS_ID')) into l_sob_id from dual; xml_layout := FND_REQUEST.ADD_LAYOUT('XXAFP','XXAFPOEXPMTRCRTF','en','US','PDF'); [code]....
I am using 10g Database and 10g forms/reports on Windows.
NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 for both database and forms/reports. I set this from REGEDIT.
I want to use, Arial Unicode Ms or Mangal font to add or view the data in MARATHI (Regional).In the database browser, I can see the ported data properly with these two fonts, but through form if I try to add then it not showing proper characters, it showing squraes instead of typed characters.
I also typed a label in the form, at design time it showing proper word, but at runtime it not showing proper letters. This I observed only for joined characters.If I generates the report in PDF, format then it not showing data properly. but in runtime it showing properly.
I have one text item where i inserted some text . i want to change at run time the text space by using Font_spacing property . This thing is happen by using a push button(trigger when button pressed ). but after clicking the button this is not working.
i'm using db and forms 10g. i want the output of the form to be embedded within a simple html page. lets say i want the html page to be divided into three frames. the uppermost horizontal frame will hold a banner (say). the left vertical frame will hold some advertisement (say).
(1) now the rest of the page will be covered by the third frame in which the fmx's will run.
(2) i want the login.fmx (startup form) to show up first instead of the servlet. infact the servlet should not show up at all.
I want to build a hierarchy and output it into a sub-report. Since the data in few hierarchy fields exceeds 4000 characters and therefore m getting the ORA-01489 error and the entire report was failing.
So i have used user aggregate function to print the out put. I have also used row_number() to print sequence in query output.
ID Causality -- ------ 3755101 )Blisters (Blister) Causality as per report1: Probable Causality as per report2: Possible Dechallenge : Not Applicable Rechallenge : Not Applicable 2 )Mental status changes (Mental status changes) [code].......
but the expected out put is
ID Causality -- ------ 3755101 )Blisters (Blister) Causality as per report1: Probable Causality as per report2: Possible Dechallenge : Not Applicable Rechallenge : Not Applicable [code]........
but it should be as
1) 2) 3) .. .. .. 10) 11) 12) for the values in the causality field
A report we developed gives correct output when run in the report designer's previewer (paper layout). But when we deploy the report in the web server, give the same inputs and run it it gives the wrong output. I.e. it shows extra rows that should not be there.
Why do you think this is? We are unable to locate the problem source.
I'm calling myreport.rdf from a form using the rwservlet and destype=mail and desformat=pdf. The report file is attached to the email as myreport.pdf. However, I want to have the output file named myfilename.pdf. Is there any way to accomplish this short of using destype=file and then renaming it and sending that file?
XML report for particular period completing in warning, throwing error:
Beginning post-processing of request 60011540 on node TSGSD4901 at 03-JUL-2012 10:55:56.
Post-processing of request 60011540 failed at 03-JUL-2012 10:55:57 with the error message:
One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
Checked OPP logs:
Language: en Territory: US Output type: EXCEL [6/20/12 3:07:01 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [1657868:RT60695905] java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor716.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( [code]........
I created an xml report of output type 'xsl'. When the report output is generated for more than 65,536 rows then the report out put is not opening. generate excel report output with maximum no of rows.
i tried to run the report via oracle froms 10g in BUTTON CLICK. But i got the error like "FRM-41219 : CANNONT FIND REPORT:INVALID ID". I did the Following code.
Here is good code and tips to run Dynamic Report from Oracle Forms 6i This utility uses tables and Views to design dynamic report. Just download zip file and unzip all files in a filder. Create database procedure attached, comile the form and use this.
I installed a printer(HP Laserjet 3390) in UNIX(Solaris).Followed the instructions while installing as to the path it should be present for Reports to read it etc.,Also modified the uiprint.txt file with the desired .hpd file.Logging on to the UNIX machine, I am using the below command report=xyz.rdf userid=XXXX/XXX@xxx paramform=no p_orig_org='0825' desformat=pdf destype=printer desname=xxxx batch=yes This command invokes the printer and ^[%12345X@PJL @PJL SET RESOLUTION=300 @PJL SET PAGEPROTECT=OFF @PJL SET ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL ^[%1A^[E^ @PJL RESET ^[%12345X
is what it prints.Realizing that this is because of the missing parameter,tried to change paramform=yes but I am not sure how to pass the parameter.
i want to ask that is there any way to use the excel formulas on oracle forms, reports and database level. for example if we want to use IRR formula of excel to use in oracle forms, database and report.
i tried to call Report Designer 5.0u Editor (MRD) it is not supported Oracle tools products from form builder Ver6i i try to use RUN_PRODUCT built-in but is not work, how i can call products not supported by oracle like Crystal Reports XI , Report Designer. I located my file in my local PC C: empVD.mrd