Forms :: Change A Field Font Size On Runtime?

Nov 29, 2011

can we change a field font size on runtime(by something like "SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in").(Independent of "Registry" file.)

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Application Express :: Change Font Size For Item Of Type Display

Jul 13, 2012

how to change the font size for an item of type display only ?

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Application Express :: How To Change Grayed Field Font

Nov 7, 2013

I need to change the grayed field item font ... ie i need to make disabled item value to be bright to achieve this what i have to do.

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Forms :: Change Image In Runtime?

Nov 10, 2011

how can change image through runtime i mean if have 5 pictures first image will showing and second image showing

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Forms :: How To Change Default Runtime Logo In 6i

Feb 5, 2012

How can I change the default runtime logo in forms 6i.

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Forms :: Change Item_type Property At Runtime?

May 9, 2012

Is it possible to change the item_type property of an item at runtime.

I have one text item and i need to lock(Read only) that item. I hope we can change the ENABLED property or by changing the ITEM_TYPE as DISPLAY_ITEM.

How to change the Item_Type to DISPLAY_ITEM from TEXT_ITEM at run time or else is there any other way except ENABLED property to male the field as READONLY.

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Forms :: Change Background Color At Runtime

Nov 25, 2010

I have a text item in the control block and I want to change the background color at runtime..I used set_item_property but it doesn't working.I used WHEN-MOUSE-MOVE TRIGGER at the field level and the code.

SET_ITEM_PROPERTY(':master_blk.department', FOREGROUND_COLOR, 'VISUAL');
'VISUAL' is the visual attribute name and before making the visual attribute I used

but it was also not working..

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Forms :: Dynamic Lov - Change Query At Runtime?

Jun 25, 2010

I have text item and it is assigned with lov namely 'Typelov' and that xlov assigned with 'Rgtype'. When I create the record group i just create with sql


select distinct type from x;

But at runtime i want to change the query

select distinct type from x where col1 = 'XXX';

and now the lov should display the above filtter condition item only.Is there any possible

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Forms :: Change Values (increase / Decrease) In Runtime?

Jan 6, 2012

I having one list field which contains 31 values.

how can i change the values(increase/decrease) in the runtime.

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Forms :: Change Database Data Block Property At Runtime

Apr 4, 2011

I want to change Database Data Block Property at runtime.

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Application Express :: Increase Font Size In Interactive Report

Aug 1, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I have this interactive report and i would like to make the text inside the report bigger and bolder. I have seen different examples of using css but none have worked for me. If you have any other way to do this or can give me a detailed way of using css!

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Forms :: 4.5 - Change Value Of One Of The Field

May 24, 2010

I have been asked to support an application which was developed in Forms 4.5. I have experience in Oracle database but I'm almost zero in any front end development.

As a first task I have been asked to remove a couple of field from one of the screen and then change the value of one of the field.

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Forms :: Detecting Item Field Change

Jul 26, 2011

I have a form that i need to be able to detect when a field is has been updated. I will then do the appropriate update to the table.

I can't use the standard oracle forms data block for handling updates because my data selection is controlled by me via the when-new-block-instance.

The problem is when i select a value from an LOV and place the new data in the field. I don't know how to detect if the field is updated or not. I am currently using a loop to cycle through all the records, I have an if/else in the key_commit trigger that basically determines if there is an update or insert to be done to the table. The problem is that it seems if i select a value for one record that record goes through the INSERT procedure, (which is correct), but all the other records(not touched/changed) are going through the UPDATE procedure.

Is there a way in forms to check the status of a field? I know of system.form_status but that does not work for me.

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XML DB :: Set Field Length At Runtime

Jul 17, 2012

can I control at length of field at tuntime?i want to set the number of the size (length) at runtime.

(no by use "HORIZONTAL ELASTICITY"= variable/expand because I need a specific length)

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Reports & Discoverer :: Change Value Of Text In Runtime?

Jun 2, 2010

how i can change the value of text in the runtime?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Change Database Login At Runtime

Feb 15, 2011

I want to change database login in report at runtime.

For Example. I have created and run a menu by using database login "ABC/xxx" and want to run a report through this menu directly (Without using form) by different data base login i.e "xyz/ddd".

what is the sol. except passing user id at report call i.e rwrun60 parameter.

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Type At Runtime In 4.0

Apr 3, 2013

I´m newbie as Apex developer using Apex 4.0 with OracleXE 11.2, and now my problem is:

I have a tabular form where one of the columns, when calling the form, is a Display Item, so that you cannot change existing values​​.

I want, when adding a new row, that column become a Select List (named LOV) based on a query that exclude existing values ​​in other rows already inserted.

Can I change that Display Item to Select List (named LOV) programmatically at runtime? If not, what other options do I have?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Changes In Report Field At Runtime Using Trigger?

Oct 4, 2011

if the date is 01-09-2011 then we want to show 'off' in place of total hours in Report field.

if date is other than 01-09-2011 then we need to show the total hours.

this we want to see on report in report builder at run time. how we can define in format trigger.

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Forms :: How To Incorporate Unicode Font With 10g

May 12, 2008

I am using 10g Database and 10g forms/reports on Windows.

NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 for both database and forms/reports. I set this from REGEDIT.

I want to use, Arial Unicode Ms or Mangal font to add or view the data in MARATHI (Regional).In the database browser, I can see the ported data properly with these two fonts, but through form if I try to add then it not showing proper characters, it showing squraes instead of typed characters.

I also typed a label in the form, at design time it showing proper word, but at runtime it not showing proper letters. This I observed only for joined characters.If I generates the report in PDF, format then it not showing data properly. but in runtime it showing properly.

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Forms :: Insert The New Indian Rupee Font?

May 6, 2011

I would like to know how to insert the new indian rupee font in forms and report.

I did try doing it myself, but couldnt succeed.

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Forms :: Font Space For Text Item Is Not Working

Mar 9, 2013

I have one text item where i inserted some text . i want to change at run time the text space by using Font_spacing property . This thing is happen by using a push button(trigger when button pressed ). but after clicking the button this is not working.

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Forms :: Oracle Report PDF Output With Persian Font?

Nov 24, 2011

When I run my report , I generate it in pdf format, and some fields in my report have persian characters so

1- I use Tahoma font, and

2- I have change my window registery to america_america.ar8mswin1256 also

3-I have modified UIFONT.ALI (but when I add tahoma font in this file , then I check the font in property menu of pdf file , its type is not change to type3---- I'm not sure about the modfication in this file----)

4- I have added windows/font path in report_path in registry

5- I made sure that there is tahoma.ttF in this path

but after opening PDF file ,those fields which are in Persian language (persian characters) are dipalyed in strange font.

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Security :: Database Field Size

Nov 28, 2012

We have Employee table, there is a field name Employee_no. field size is 6.can we restrict some one not to increase or decrease the field size of Employee_no. even User has admin role.

is there any way to restrict admin user that he should not allow to enter the value of field more or less than 6 characters through Toad or SQL Plus 8.0.
for example

field: employee_no
feild_size: 6
field_type: Varchar2

When we enter Employee no A000001(7 digit) then database not allowed to update because its field size is 6 characters we want to restrict admin user in Toad or SQL Plus 8.0 because he is Toad and SQL Plus user.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement That Returns Field Size?

May 17, 2010

I am using 10g.

I want to do a select statement that will give me the name of the fields in a table. And I also want to know the field type and field size.

Can this be done?

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Server Administration :: How To Alter / Change Size Of Tablespaces

Feb 26, 2013

1-how can i alter/change the size of tablespaces?.

2-is any changing in tablespace size will effect the over all performance?

Tablespace ; Size (MB); Free (MB); % Free; % Used
USERS ; 5; 4; 80; 20
SYSAUX ; 600; 140.875; 23; 77
UNDOTBS1 ; 640; 114.125; 18; 82
SYSTEM ; 700; 28.3125; 4; 96
TEMP ; 64; 0; 0; 100

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Reports & Discoverer :: Dynamically Page Size Change?

Jun 16, 2011

Is it possible to change size of page dynamically , if yes the how ?? How do you dynamically change the page size of D2k Reports

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Forms :: Customize Font Color Of Only Selected Nodes In Hierarchical Tree?

Mar 11, 2010

how to customize the font color of only selected nodes in a hierarchical tree.

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Server Administration :: Change Current Redo Log Size In Oracle Mount Stage

Jun 8, 2012

We have one primary oracle database 10.2 and standby by database with no data guard. Initially we have 2 redo log group in primary and standby database.

We have recently add 2 more redo log and increase the size of log member from 50m to 200m in primary database. We don't have any problem in primary database.but in standby database we face a problem because we cannot open it. It always in mount stage in which . How we change the size of current redo log because we can't run. Alter system switch logfile command in mount stage.

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Application Express :: Recognize A Change Of A Field Value?

Aug 21, 2012

I created a table (software defect details) and an interactive report on it. Users can go to the details form where they can manage many information: STATUS is one of them and they can change it or not.

I would like to send an email when SUBMIT botton is pressed only if field STATUS has changed. How can I detect this? I mean, I wrote a procedure in order to send an email and it works, but it runs always: I cannot set it running only when the content of STATUS_ID has changed.

how to understand if a field value has changed and, if possible what the old values was? I know how to do that by using a trigger (:old.status, :new.status) but I don't when using an APEX procedure.

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Application Express :: Change LOV Based On Another Field Value?

Sep 26, 2012

I have a need to change the LOV of a page item's select list based on the selection in another page item's select list. So in other words, for a page item that is a select list, I need to use one LOV normally, and a different LOV if the value of a different page item is set to X.

A dynamic action would be useful here (on change where Select List 1 = x), but I don't know how to take the action of changing LOVsfor Select List 2 based on that action.

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