Forms :: 11g OLE2 Excel Printing Behind Parameter Form

Apr 4, 2012

When I click on excel report button on the parameter form, the excel runs behind the form instead of in running in fron of it thereby making it partially invinsible. I am having to minimise the form to have a clear view. This is not the case with Forms 10g. Is there an extra code on the OLE2 to send the form to the background so that the excel output can take over the screen.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Printing Heading In Excel Using OLE2 Objects Only

Oct 8, 2011

I am using oracle developer suit(form 10g), Using OLE2 object to initialize excel, On "BEFORE REPORT TRIGGER" i am printing report heading in excel using OLE2 objects only. if i run report from developer suit report builder it give output in excel normally and what expected but when ever i put same report on server and run report from application it gives error :

" Terminated with error : <br> REP-1401 'before report': FATAL pl/sql error occured. ORA-43356; message 43356 not found; Product=RDBMS; facility = ORA."

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Forms :: Create Macro In Excel With OLE2

Apr 15, 2010

URL.... I have one query.Aim of Program: Create Macro in Excel with OLE2 in ORACLE FORM.I mention below codingDeclare

application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
workbooks OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
worksheets OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
worksheet OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
vbproject OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
vbcomponents OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
codemodule OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;

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Forms :: OLE2 Updating Excel File From 6i

Dec 12, 2011

I am using OLE2 to update an excel spreadsheet from Oracle Forms 6i. If the excel spreadsheet is already open, the code runs through fine, and even asks if you want to replace the file when running the lines: OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'Save');

OLE2.INVOKE(workbook, 'Save');

However, the file never gets updated. There is no error that appears. I would like to have the program check if the file is open before running the program;

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Forms :: Export Forms Data Into Excel Sheet - Client-ole2 Not Working?

May 28, 2010

I want to export forms data into Excel sheetfor that i am using Client_Ole2.I have attached Webutil object library and Pl/Sql libraryStill I can not export data from Form to Excel sheet

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Forms :: Best Way To Pass 100+ Parameter In Form A To B?

Dec 18, 2012

If I want to pass lots of informations (100 parameter) from standard HR assignment form to my custom form. I am using fnd_function.execute('called form') to launch new form.

I thinking of creating 100 parameter object but not sure it has limitation of number or not. Another ways I googled are shared PL/SQL library or parameter list which I still doubt.

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Forms :: Reading Data From Excel File And Load Into Form

Oct 25, 2013

I have a Excel File which contains some columns and rows, i need to load that excel into a form and import that form data to Database Table, using DDE Method.

In simple i say; Just to read the excel and load into a form, which can be imported into a table later.

How to achieve this? only dde method.

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Forms :: Create A Form To Store Any Excel / Word Files?

Jul 1, 2011

i m using oracle 10g forms.

i want to create a form where i can store any excel / word etc files.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Form To Report

Feb 23, 2011

I have created a simple form & report based on 2 tables Cust & cntry.I just want to display all customers of region selected in the criteria form. I am uploading the files.

Other than selection criteria report is fine.

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Forms :: Passing Parameter With Form Link

Jan 5, 2011

can we pass parameter in a link. i.e when we open a new form clicking on the link, some values to be passed to the form so that new form get populated with that value.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Report To Form

Jan 23, 2013

How can i pass the parameter from reports to form. means how can i open particular form from my report. means if i write query

select * from emp

this emp table report open now i just want open only emp no 10 form from this report so which parameter i have to pass.

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Forms :: FRM-47023 - No Such Parameter Exists In Custom Form XYZ

Mar 6, 2012

Getting error FRM-47023: No such parameter named CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID exists in our custom form XYZ

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Criteria Form To Report

Dec 21, 2011

have a customer table with following columns.
1 - Cust_ID
2 - Cust_nam
3 - Cntry_id

I have another table country.
1 - Cntry_id
2 - Cntry_nam
3 - Region

Now I want to view report for all customers of a certain region selected by user in criteria form.How can I do this?

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Forms :: Barcode Label Printing - Prevent Label From Printing N/V For Null Values?

Jul 8, 2013

I have set up a label which interacts with our LIMS system. I have set up variables on this label which pull in attribute values from the available tokens. When the attribute value is null, the label is automatically inserting 'N/V' onto the label.

I would prefer for the variable to appear as a blank field on the label when the attribute value is null in the LIMS. can't find anything in the user's manual. Perhaps there is some setting where you can define what to display for null values. I can't seem to find any information on this.

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Forms :: How To Use OLE2

Nov 21, 2010

I need some one provide me with doc, pdf, ppt, notepad anything to understand how to use OLE2

I know you will say search in this forum or google it i already search it and google it but all of them are examples or a questions for specific requirement. No one explain how is this code work even oracle it self check this link


no explanation . i don't want that's much

at least like this

app OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .
docs OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .
doc OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .
selection OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; this for . . . . . .

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Forms :: OLE2 File Format In Reports 11g Not Working

Apr 30, 2012

Im trying to display a word file from a blob column of table in reports 11g . In reports 6i OLE2 file format was available for that, but in 11g it became obsolete.

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Forms :: Ole2 Data From Database To Word Document?

Apr 25, 2007

I am porting data from database to word document.Initially i am creating the table using the following

hSelection := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(hApplication, 'Selection');
hTables := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(hDocument , 'Tables' );
hRange := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(hSelection, 'Range');
OLE2.ADD_ARG_OBJ(args, hRange); --Range
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 26); --NumRows
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 4); --NumColumns
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, wdWord9TableBehavior); --DefaultTableBehavior
OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, wdAutoFitContent); --AutoFitBehavior
hTable := OLE2.INVOKE_OBJ(hTables, 'Add', args);

But i want to change the columnwidth. As you see above i have 4 columns, in that first column should be double than other column.

peice of code to change th ewidth of column in word document.

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Forms :: Slow Performance Using OLE2 Reading Xls File

Oct 10, 2011

I just trying to import some informations from excel to Oracle using OLE2 over Oracle Forms 6i, but It´s very slow when I have import under then 10k lines. anything to optimize that ? Follow the code used...

application OLE2.Obj_Type;
workbooks OLE2.Obj_Type;
workbook OLE2.Obj_Type;


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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: 10g Parameter Form Error?

Sep 26, 2012

While calling a report I am getting the following error.

REP-546: Warning: The value of restricted LOV parameter TOPROFIT is not among the selectable values.

When I call the same report through another PC it displays parameter form.

I am using Report Builder 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: 10g - Parameter Form - Desname

Sep 3, 2010

In the parameter form in my report I want to give user the facility of browsing the location where he/she wants to store the report. how can I accomodate the same?

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Forms :: Printing A Word Document

Feb 9, 2011

I have This Code working on the local form builder after starting the oc4j and run the form. but using OLE2.

but when using the Cleint_ole2 on the application to invoke an object on the client machine.

but nothing happend, while i have tested the webutil configaration and its working fine.

i use this code to print any word document without openning it. and here is the code in when_button_pressed

application CLIENT_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;-- Declare a object OLE
args CLIENT_OLE2.LIST_TYPE; -- Declare List of Parameters to obj. OLE
application := CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_OBJ('WORD.Basic'); -- Start a process WordBasic
args:= CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;-- Create a list of Parameters
-- Add param. file_name with path(x. c: empmy.doc) :blk01 is my block


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Forms :: Barcode Generation And Printing

Dec 14, 2011

We need to generate barcode through oracle forms and print the barcode using Zebra Printer.

How to generate the barcode using oracle forms and which software we should use to generate the barcode as well as how can we print the barcode label with customize information on label with barcode.

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Forms :: Printing Reports Directly?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm developing now in 11g and i have some reports that i want to send directly to the printer. I been having some troubles and as i searched the web, i saw that for 9i and 10g, this was not possible without using orarrp. But i can't find any info about this for 11g. Is this true that i can only let user print direct using this tool? Plus, is this tool available for linux x64? Can i add the printer to the server and would it work now?

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Forms :: 10g Screen Not Printing Through Citrix?

Mar 24, 2010

We access the 10g forms and reports application through citrix and non citrix environments, when we are trying to print the screen from citrix environment the screens are getting shaded but if we print through non citrix environment screens are printing fine.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Select List Of Values From Parameter Form?

Jun 9, 2012

I am trying to select multiple values from a parameter form based on a select statement.

I created the parameter and write the select statement under list-of-value property However what I want is to let users choose multiple values from the select statement not only one value.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Parameter Form In Descriptive Format

Jan 28, 2013

I have developed report in reports9i and executing this report at application server but the parameter form is not displaying as its displayed in report builder.

parameter form isn't in descriptive format like you can check the department field. how to create parameter form in descriptive format or I am doing any mistake?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Changing Lov Font Face To Parameter Form

Apr 11, 2012

I need to change the font face from following lov value for parameter form, How?


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Forms :: Printing Double-Sided Using SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY?

Jun 9, 2010

I support old oracle code and we currently print using the set report object property.

I recently was requested to modify all of our printing to two-sided printing from the current one page per sheet.

I am trying to figure out if there is a parameter I can set, i.e.REPORT_OTHER or something else that would allow me to do this.

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Forms :: Direct Printing On 10g - Errors When Distribute Output

Jul 20, 2012

I have a problem with direct printing on forms 10g, I try to explain all schema...Firstly, this is my code

repid := find_report_object('OPERATOR_BARKOD');
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);

The code works fine if i change the "report_desttype" to FILE or CACHE and give a local path "REPORT_DESNAME" like "/home/ oracle/ desktop/ barcode.pdf"

Secondly, My oracle application server is running on oracle linux 5.0

Thirdly, I defined network printer(model:XeroxPhaser3435) over ipp which path is "ipp://" and name is "P3435" also default printer for oracle user and printer works i can get test page.

I wonder is printer path correct?("ipp://"). I think the problem occurs in this step also is there any extra settings for oracle application server to use network printer...When I look at the reports server jobs it give an error "Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output".

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