Forms :: Printing Reports Directly?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm developing now in 11g and i have some reports that i want to send directly to the printer. I been having some troubles and as i searched the web, i saw that for 9i and 10g, this was not possible without using orarrp. But i can't find any info about this for 11g. Is this true that i can only let user print direct using this tool? Plus, is this tool available for linux x64? Can i add the printer to the server and would it work now?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Directly PDF File In 6i

Jul 27, 2012

How to create directly pdf file in reports 6i and what type of parameter use and how to use?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Output Directly Into PDF

Mar 19, 2012

i need to open the report directly into .pdf (adobe) format is there any option to do that.

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Forms :: Barcode Label Printing - Prevent Label From Printing N/V For Null Values?

Jul 8, 2013

I have set up a label which interacts with our LIMS system. I have set up variables on this label which pull in attribute values from the available tokens. When the attribute value is null, the label is automatically inserting 'N/V' onto the label.

I would prefer for the variable to appear as a blank field on the label when the attribute value is null in the LIMS. can't find anything in the user's manual. Perhaps there is some setting where you can define what to display for null values. I can't seem to find any information on this.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Printing In 11g

Sep 25, 2012

I am facing problem while printing from the Oracle Report.. Web.show_document does not print the output of RDF file directly on the printer.

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Application Express :: Printing PDF Reports

Jan 12, 2013

I am building an application to edit database data through interactive reports. I would like to add a button to open a pdf file of the report, where the user can save or print it. I tried going to Shared Components>Report Queries and then create. I went through the steps but when I get to the end where it says "Test Report" I get this error:

ORA-20001: The printing engine could not be reached because either the URL specified is incorrect or a proxy URL needs to be specified

What can i do to fix this, or is there an easier way to do this?

I am using APEX

This app will be distributed to other computers if that makes any difference.

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Custom Size Reports For Printing With Linux

Aug 22, 2007

I have developed few reports for ebusiness suite in various sizes as 8.5 * 8.5, 8.5*11 and 8.5 * 12.My OS is Linux Red Hat 8.5 and the printer is Epson LQ 300. All the reports are TEXT and I am facing a printing problem to print in various sizes as we need to print all these reports by using a single printer.I created different print queues with the default paper sizes as above mentioned to print the reports, but the printer never considers any specified paper size and always printing for the default A4 size of 8.5 * 11.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Handle Duplex Printing In XML?

Nov 11, 2010

how to handle Duplex Printing in XML? I have a Oracle XML report (rft and xsl) that needs to be duplex.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Down Cross Printing Direction?

Jul 10, 2013

how to display data in tabular format but the printing direction is down/cross? I managed to change set printing direction but the column header is not showing on the cross section.

I expect:

Header1 Header 2 Header1 Header2
John India Max Singapore

But it displays without header name on the next part.

Header1 Header 2
John India Max Singapore

And also is that possible for matrix query to be printed in down/cross direction like above?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Getting Error While Printing User Name

Apr 6, 2011

following is my code written in formula column

function CF_1FORMULA0006 return Char is
v_user_id number;
u_name varchar2(100);

select user_name into u_name from fnd_user
where user_id =v_user_id;
return u_name;

getting no data found error.

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Application Express :: Printing BI Reports For Charts

Nov 21, 2012

I am using "Function Returning SQL Query" (as query is dynamic) to draw the bar chart (flash).

I am facing some issues while trying creating a BI report for this chart.

Issue is : In Shared Components -> Report Queries : Its only expecting an SQL Query.

Do we have any ways to define a "Function Returning SQL Query" over here ? Note that, If using a static SQL both charts / BI reports are working fine with out any issues.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Disable Printing Option In Oracle 10g

Sep 17, 2012

By setting the parameters in set_report_object_property parameters we can disable the printing option in 11g. Do we have some kind of option , to do the same in 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Control Pages Dynamically Before Printing?

May 23, 2011

I just want to ask that can we code number of pages to be printed before printing the report?

Like if we use report builder software of oracle to print a report, this will ask that how many pages you want to print and no of copies you want to make for this report as normally asked with other software before printing.

Actually, I am stuck with a complex query report where every single page has different query to execute. The problem with my report is that when ever user prints the report, the last page comes empty with the page header, no data in it.

What I want is to code, if possible, to print the report avoiding the last page to print. So that every time I can able to control printing pages. For example if report has 10 pages and definitely has data on 9 pages then it can only print up to 9 pages rather than going to print 10 pages.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Can Viewing And Direct Printing Report Become Same

Jun 14, 2012

Can viewing and direct printing the report become same? I always find some differences not in the data but the layout of the report. the layout of report that is viewed on the monitor through internet explorer is slightly displaced and small fonts compared with the report printed directly to the printer without viewing it on the screen.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Not Printing Complete Line On Second Page

Oct 28, 2010

I am trying to create a report, but for the second page its trying to print the text from the middle of the page, i.e its cutting half line, suppose if the line has description 'HELLO WORLD 123456' I see only 123456, the whole report is cutting the first 15 characters for the second page?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Printing Heading In Excel Using OLE2 Objects Only

Oct 8, 2011

I am using oracle developer suit(form 10g), Using OLE2 object to initialize excel, On "BEFORE REPORT TRIGGER" i am printing report heading in excel using OLE2 objects only. if i run report from developer suit report builder it give output in excel normally and what expected but when ever i put same report on server and run report from application it gives error :

" Terminated with error : <br> REP-1401 'before report': FATAL pl/sql error occured. ORA-43356; message 43356 not found; Product=RDBMS; facility = ORA."

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Reports & Discoverer :: Continuous Pages Not Printing In Exact Pre-printed Area

Nov 29, 2011

I have a Invoice Report, i will give the parameters.


so i will give 10 invoices with dates in the above parameters to generate the report, actually the report prints in a pre-printed sheet, well it prints the first page correctly but the second page and continuous pages not printing in the exact pre-printed area. example see below;

(Preprinted text)INVOICE NO :

how to give spaces between pages actually every pages it should print 3 to 4 inches gap between the first page but it prints just one inch above the preprinted area. how to make it print without gaps. Additional Information: Preprinted sheet Height 17 inches.

Paper Layout Width 8.5
Height 12

Character Mode

Report Width 80
Report Height 72

for header section, main and trailer sections above readings only given.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Multiple Record Printing On Same Line Number In Oracle 10g?

Jun 28, 2013

I want to print two record of emp table in same line number in tabular format report.

For example if i have emp table and I want to print empno,ename,sal columm only,In tabular format report, Two record should print per line. so If emp table have 14 record report should be printed on 7 rows.

so the output in print preview should be like this

------ ---------- ----------------------------------------------
7369 SMITH 800 7499 ALLEN 1600
7521 WARD 1250 7566 JONES 2975
7654 MARTIN 1250 7698 BLAKE 2850

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle 10g Report Printing On Line Matrix Printer?

Apr 15, 2011

1) I am able to view the oracle report in PDF format in my Web Application, but when I tried to print this PDF on Line matrix printer, the characters are not printing rightly.

2) Can I take report output as a text file and and print it through DOS mode printing.

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Reports & Discoverer :: When Printing Each Time User Have To Select File / Page Setup

Oct 21, 2011

I have a requirement while A4 printing..When printing each time user have to select file -> page setup -> size(A4)..THEN printing format become A4 Size. How to achieve this one without user have to go on setting.

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Reports & Discoverer :: 11g Printing Error - Report Generated Successfully But Distribution To Destination Failed

Jul 10, 2010

when I am trying to send report for prints then I received this error.

REP-57054: In-Process Job terminated: The report generated successfully but distribution to destination failed.
REP-50159:The report generated Successfully but distribution to destination failed.
REP-50151: Destination ID Currency failed with error An error occured while sending the file to the printer :HPofficejetpro7700Series- Cannot run program "COrcaleMiddlewareasinst_5Config

create process error=2, The system cannot fine the file specified."

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Forms :: Print A Report To Printer Directly?

May 29, 2013

I want to print a report to the printer directly. The main issue is that I don't want the user to save the report to prevent reprint of legal Order. Below is my code to produce 'PDF' format.

run_report_proc (rep_id report_master.REPORT_ID%type,pl_id ParamList ) IS
rep_name report_master.REPORT_NAME%type;
v_rep varchar2(1000);
rep_status varchar2(20);
rep_acc char(1);


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Forms :: Import CSV Directly Into D2kwutil / Reading From File?

Jan 29, 2008

I know that this topic in not new, but maybe my case is a bit different than common.My form has multi-record block (4 columns) in which i want to upload CSV file.

The form will have "Browse..." button to piont CSV file (on local users disc, not where Forms server resides) after pointing the CSV file, user will press UPLOAD button which will import CSV data into block. After that data is visible in block. But whole form must not be refreshed.

I'm studying about UTL_FILE package, but it seems it allows manipulating files on server not local user's machines. Do Forms have such "Browse... -> UPLOAD" possibility or I need to learn Java and create Java funcionality inside Forms?

Or it is impossible to load data directly into form? (I have to use SQLoader and load data into temp table then into block on form????)

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Forms :: Printing A Word Document

Feb 9, 2011

I have This Code working on the local form builder after starting the oc4j and run the form. but using OLE2.

but when using the Cleint_ole2 on the application to invoke an object on the client machine.

but nothing happend, while i have tested the webutil configaration and its working fine.

i use this code to print any word document without openning it. and here is the code in when_button_pressed

application CLIENT_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;-- Declare a object OLE
args CLIENT_OLE2.LIST_TYPE; -- Declare List of Parameters to obj. OLE
application := CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_OBJ('WORD.Basic'); -- Start a process WordBasic
args:= CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;-- Create a list of Parameters
-- Add param. file_name with path(x. c: empmy.doc) :blk01 is my block


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Forms :: Barcode Generation And Printing

Dec 14, 2011

We need to generate barcode through oracle forms and print the barcode using Zebra Printer.

How to generate the barcode using oracle forms and which software we should use to generate the barcode as well as how can we print the barcode label with customize information on label with barcode.

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Forms :: 10g Screen Not Printing Through Citrix?

Mar 24, 2010

We access the 10g forms and reports application through citrix and non citrix environments, when we are trying to print the screen from citrix environment the screens are getting shaded but if we print through non citrix environment screens are printing fine.

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Forms :: Printing Double-Sided Using SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY?

Jun 9, 2010

I support old oracle code and we currently print using the set report object property.

I recently was requested to modify all of our printing to two-sided printing from the current one page per sheet.

I am trying to figure out if there is a parameter I can set, i.e.REPORT_OTHER or something else that would allow me to do this.

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Forms :: Direct Printing On 10g - Errors When Distribute Output

Jul 20, 2012

I have a problem with direct printing on forms 10g, I try to explain all schema...Firstly, this is my code

repid := find_report_object('OPERATOR_BARKOD');
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);

The code works fine if i change the "report_desttype" to FILE or CACHE and give a local path "REPORT_DESNAME" like "/home/ oracle/ desktop/ barcode.pdf"

Secondly, My oracle application server is running on oracle linux 5.0

Thirdly, I defined network printer(model:XeroxPhaser3435) over ipp which path is "ipp://" and name is "P3435" also default printer for oracle user and printer works i can get test page.

I wonder is printer path correct?("ipp://"). I think the problem occurs in this step also is there any extra settings for oracle application server to use network printer...When I look at the reports server jobs it give an error "Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output".

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Forms :: 11g OLE2 Excel Printing Behind Parameter Form

Apr 4, 2012

When I click on excel report button on the parameter form, the excel runs behind the form instead of in running in fron of it thereby making it partially invinsible. I am having to minimise the form to have a clear view. This is not the case with Forms 10g. Is there an extra code on the OLE2 to send the form to the background so that the excel output can take over the screen.

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Forms :: Insert And Update Directly Into Table From Pre Update Trigger Of Block?

May 14, 2010

I have a base table (Table A) block with multiple records displayed. I need to track audits to this underlying table in the following way:

If user updates a field in the block I want the pre-changed record's audit fields to be set and I need to create a copy of the record with the changed values. Basically any changes will result in the record being logically deleted, and a copy record created with the newly changed values.

Tried to implement in the block's pre-update trigger which will call a package to directly update Table A then Insert into Table A, then requery the block. Is there a clean and efficient way to do this?

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