Forms :: Barcode Label Printing - Prevent Label From Printing N/V For Null Values?

Jul 8, 2013

I have set up a label which interacts with our LIMS system. I have set up variables on this label which pull in attribute values from the available tokens. When the attribute value is null, the label is automatically inserting 'N/V' onto the label.

I would prefer for the variable to appear as a blank field on the label when the attribute value is null in the LIMS. can't find anything in the user's manual. Perhaps there is some setting where you can define what to display for null values. I can't seem to find any information on this.

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Application Express :: 4.0 - Label Printing

Jun 4, 2013

I'm using APEX 4.0, and i don't have access to BI Publisher for printing.

That needs to print off customer address labels.
I have a pl/sql query that gets the customer name and address and puts it into mailing address format.
Ex. Mike Smith
555 Oracle Dr
Los Angelas CA 40455

When i try to print from the browser, it prints really bad with the URL, page numbers etc.

These will actually print out on label paper, and they will be cut and used accordingly.

What i tried so far:

Manipulating the print CSS:

This worked slightly in Firefox, but doesn't work at all in Internet Explorer

Tried adding a third party friendly print button to the application. This doesn't work

I would even be ok for these to print to a PDF or RTF format to download then print off, but i don't have BI Publisher.

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Forms :: Barcode Generation And Printing

Dec 14, 2011

We need to generate barcode through oracle forms and print the barcode using Zebra Printer.

How to generate the barcode using oracle forms and which software we should use to generate the barcode as well as how can we print the barcode label with customize information on label with barcode.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Create One Inventory Label Report With Barcode?

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying create one Inventory label report with bar code ,This reports working fine stand alone,Once i am added this report on Oracle Apps concurrent Program ,Output came without bar code.

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Forms :: Possible To Change Default Label

Jan 6, 2012

I want to know about that is it possible to change the default label that i.e. "oracle As form service" after run a form.

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Forms :: Iconic Image With Label In Button

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to put iconic image to the button.

I put the properties to the button
Label : Clear
Iconic: yes
Iconic file name: clear.

after that it is not showing the Label to the Button. It is showing only the iconic image only.

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Forms :: Code To Get Label Of Radio Button

Aug 30, 2006

I am working on forms 10g(version ) with Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release on windows 2000 platform. My requirement is to dynamically get the label of the radio button item in a radio group.I am able to get the label of the radio group as shown below

Item :Radio group
Label : Gender

m_label:=Get_Item_Property(m_Item ,label);

There two Radio buttons inside this radio group which are
item : Radio button
Label : Male

item :Radio button
Label :female

What is the code to get the label of radio button(i.e) male and female ?

How will I get the count of radio buttons in a radio group at runtime?

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Forms :: Giving Label To Push Button In 6i?

Jun 12, 2013

I want to change the color of push button & give a label to it in form 6i..

For that I change the iconic property to yes and then change the color of push button but by this the label get disappeared.

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Forms :: List Item Label Of Current Selection?

May 9, 2012

How to get the label (not value) of current selection in a List Item.

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Forms :: Printing A Word Document

Feb 9, 2011

I have This Code working on the local form builder after starting the oc4j and run the form. but using OLE2.

but when using the Cleint_ole2 on the application to invoke an object on the client machine.

but nothing happend, while i have tested the webutil configaration and its working fine.

i use this code to print any word document without openning it. and here is the code in when_button_pressed

application CLIENT_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;-- Declare a object OLE
args CLIENT_OLE2.LIST_TYPE; -- Declare List of Parameters to obj. OLE
application := CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_OBJ('WORD.Basic'); -- Start a process WordBasic
args:= CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;-- Create a list of Parameters
-- Add param. file_name with path(x. c: empmy.doc) :blk01 is my block


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Forms :: Printing Reports Directly?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm developing now in 11g and i have some reports that i want to send directly to the printer. I been having some troubles and as i searched the web, i saw that for 9i and 10g, this was not possible without using orarrp. But i can't find any info about this for 11g. Is this true that i can only let user print direct using this tool? Plus, is this tool available for linux x64? Can i add the printer to the server and would it work now?

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Forms :: 10g Screen Not Printing Through Citrix?

Mar 24, 2010

We access the 10g forms and reports application through citrix and non citrix environments, when we are trying to print the screen from citrix environment the screens are getting shaded but if we print through non citrix environment screens are printing fine.

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Forms :: Printing Double-Sided Using SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY?

Jun 9, 2010

I support old oracle code and we currently print using the set report object property.

I recently was requested to modify all of our printing to two-sided printing from the current one page per sheet.

I am trying to figure out if there is a parameter I can set, i.e.REPORT_OTHER or something else that would allow me to do this.

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Application Express :: Label Alignment And Size

Apr 15, 2013

i am using the Simple checkBox Plug-in from Plugins Repository. I am having the situation that i need to Display the Label of the checkbox in one line, after the check box symbol.

Up to now, i have managed to display the label, but it have leading space which i do not need and after the label, i am trying to put a Select List control, which i can't display just after it.Here is a picture of what i have achieved up to now: URL....

Here are my settings for the 1st item: URL....
Here are my settings for the 2nd item: URL....

The template for Page is: One Level Tabs - No Sidebar and the template of region is : Form Region / Above Content. The Regions are in Position: Page Template Body (3).I am using APEX and Oracle EE Database under Windows 7 64 bit Pro.

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Application Express :: IR Report With Heading Label

May 15, 2013

i have IR report with 15 column with heading.

The end user can accessing from different department, when the user can see the report shown only their particular department rows only. each department have different column value and Header label .how can display the column header depend on the department user.

e.g. IR report view

Seq# -- Department -- date -- Subject/Customer Message
1                          Communication done with Jony(from HR department)
2                          low sales from East region(from Sales Department)

IN the IR report Table data structure.Heading_code value as LOV in IR form(1.Subject/2.Customer Message/ect...) and Column_value as Text Field.

Seq# -- Dept_name -- Heading_code --  Column_value
1        HR              1           Communication done with Jony
2        Sales           2           low sales from East region

Apex have limitation of one IR report in one page. so i could not create different Report region even i don’t want create another page due to the further functionality issue.

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Application Express :: How To Make A Multiline Label

Jul 19, 2012

how to makea multiline label. I have couple of text fields and would like to have the label divided in two lines for each of them. I tried with new line character etc. however didn't succeed.

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Forms :: Direct Printing On 10g - Errors When Distribute Output

Jul 20, 2012

I have a problem with direct printing on forms 10g, I try to explain all schema...Firstly, this is my code

repid := find_report_object('OPERATOR_BARKOD');
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);

The code works fine if i change the "report_desttype" to FILE or CACHE and give a local path "REPORT_DESNAME" like "/home/ oracle/ desktop/ barcode.pdf"

Secondly, My oracle application server is running on oracle linux 5.0

Thirdly, I defined network printer(model:XeroxPhaser3435) over ipp which path is "ipp://" and name is "P3435" also default printer for oracle user and printer works i can get test page.

I wonder is printer path correct?("ipp://"). I think the problem occurs in this step also is there any extra settings for oracle application server to use network printer...When I look at the reports server jobs it give an error "Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output".

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Forms :: 11g OLE2 Excel Printing Behind Parameter Form

Apr 4, 2012

When I click on excel report button on the parameter form, the excel runs behind the form instead of in running in fron of it thereby making it partially invinsible. I am having to minimise the form to have a clear view. This is not the case with Forms 10g. Is there an extra code on the OLE2 to send the form to the background so that the excel output can take over the screen.

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Application Express :: Extended Analytic Template Label

Mar 15, 2013

I'm trying to create star schema via extended analytic from work space but getting below error

'Invalid Extn Analy templete label. Please provide a valid template label. '

I followed all steps provided on


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Forms :: Record To Be Inserted Into Table As Audit-trail Of Printing

Feb 3, 2010

I am using oracle developer 10g. I want to know the status of the printer where i want to print. If the running report is printing or in queue then a record is to be inserted into a table as audit-trail of printing. Idon't want to do it manually.

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Server Administration :: Does Installation Of Label Security And Data Vault Causes Overhead

Aug 24, 2010

Does installation of oracle label security and data vault causes overhead? How about after installation and then register with database. How much overhead?

Note that I don't want to use it for now. Then what are the reasons for registering with oracle database?

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Application Express :: Change Form Text Field Label Using Javascript

Oct 22, 2013

I have a field that will be providing different info based on document type. I would like to change the field label from javascript in DA. 

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Application Express :: Page Input Item Label Conditional Style At Run Time

Feb 6, 2013

We have an issue after migrating to apex 4.2.1. We have a select list and use another couple of dummy items to be used as its label instead of giving the text value to the LABEL control. Only one of the dummy items is shown as a label for the select list conditionally based on another value. It was working fine with the earlier versions upto 4.1, but with the introduction of grid in 4.2, its now displaying the select list on a new row (ie the lable in one row and the select list on the next row).

However, we really would like to solve this by having a way to display the label of the select list either in "required format style" or as an "optional style". The display style should be determined only at runtime.

Example. Say P100_MY_SELECT_LIST is the select list

The label for this item is "My Select List Label"

I have another dummy item P100_DUMMY

if P100_dummy = 1 then the label "My Select List Label" should be displayed in red and with an * *My Select List LabelOtherwise it should be in black and without * My Select List Label.

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Printing ZPL From DOS?

Sep 16, 2010

I am currently printing from a DOS window to a Zebra printer as follows:

-Start, Run
-ftp to the print server
-enter userid and password
-type in put <filename>.zpl

However, at the supplier site, I am being asked for a simple print command that would send the .zpl file to th printer that would print the label (Open a file, click on print).

Here are the printer details that I am using:

Model: Zebra170XiII
Host: sfezebra
Version: V18.7.1
Serial Number: 716314

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Printing Months Even Having No Data

Feb 26, 2012

I have table data in which we are entering Visitor's information.We need a monthly report with the count .There are some months which dont have data .So Names of month are not coming .Can i Print Month Name with 0 visitor.

Sample Data

Quote:ID Name Visit_date
1 ABC 01/02/2011
2 DEF 03/04/2011

im using query

Quote:SELECT count(ID) Nos ,TO_CHAR(visit_date,'MONTH') Month FROM DELEGATE_DETAILS WHERE visit_date BETWEEN '01/02/2011' AND '01/04/2011'
Quote:Nos Month
1 February
1 April

Desired Output:-
Quote:Nos Month
1 February
0 March
1 April

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Exit After Finish Printing

Nov 21, 2011

I have problem writing condition to exit the for loop..How can I exit after finish printing

PROCEDURE find_stu_age_given_id(s_sid number)
cursor c1 is select * from student where sid=s_sid;
age number;
For i in c1
age :=to_char(SYSDATE -i.dob);
dbms_output.put_line(i.sid ||' age is '|| age/365);
end find_stu_age_given_id;

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Printing In 11g

Sep 25, 2012

I am facing problem while printing from the Oracle Report.. Web.show_document does not print the output of RDF file directly on the printer.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Varchar Not Printing Zero Front Of Number?

Feb 18, 2013

Today we faced one strange issue Varchar doesnot print the zero front of number


SQL> select agent_code from table_name where AGENT_CODE = 0061;

where in my database agent_code columns as value 0061 and 061 for both it shows same value.

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Application Express :: Printing PDF Reports

Jan 12, 2013

I am building an application to edit database data through interactive reports. I would like to add a button to open a pdf file of the report, where the user can save or print it. I tried going to Shared Components>Report Queries and then create. I went through the steps but when I get to the end where it says "Test Report" I get this error:

ORA-20001: The printing engine could not be reached because either the URL specified is incorrect or a proxy URL needs to be specified

What can i do to fix this, or is there an easier way to do this?

I am using APEX

This app will be distributed to other computers if that makes any difference.

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PL/SQL :: Numeric Value In Words (for Cheque Printing)?

Oct 13, 2012

To convert numeric value in words (for Cheque printing), I created two functions in Forms and reports 6i.

1) FUNCTION Spell (val number) RETURN CHAR IS
sp varchar2(100);


2) function SPELLED_AMOUNTFormula return Char is
cents number;
c_str varchar2(80);
val number;


This convert value up to thousands. How to convert the value more than 1 lac.

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