Server Administration :: Difference Between V_$ And V$ Views

Oct 19, 2005

difference between V$ and V_$ views. It looks same to me. lets take the example of V$LOG and V_$LOG , both views returns same set of columns when described.

SQL> desc V$LOG
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- -----------------

SQL> desc V_$LOG
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- -----------------

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Server Administration :: Graphical Analysis Of Dynamic Performance Views (V$ Views)?

Nov 5, 2012

is there some open source or free tool which can graphical display V$ Views. Can TOAD do that in a good maner?

in UNIX there is the "sar" command, but a Java tool "ksar" for displaying the statistics in user friendly fashion.

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Server Administration :: Materialized Views?

Oct 15, 2013

need to know about materialized views.

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Server Administration :: Use Of Views In Migration

May 6, 2011

Can we use views for real time migration? If yes then will you prefer to perform migration using views?

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Server Administration :: Getting Wrong Information Through Views?

Feb 7, 2013

I am getting unexpected issue while fetching records from dba_ts_quotas & DBA_USERS Views.

where username='DWHODS'
select tablespace_name, username, bytes / 1024 / 1024 "Used MB",


View dba_ts_quotas is giving tablespace name "USERS" where DBA_USERS showing default tablespace name "DWHODS_TBS_DATA".

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Server Administration :: Possible To Write Triggers On Data Dictionary Tables And Views

Sep 30, 2011

Is it possible to create trigger on the various tables and views exists (i.e. dynamic performance views) in data dictionary, when ever any DML operations performs by Oracle it self?

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Server Administration :: Difference Between Partition Compress?

Nov 11, 2010

I am using compress partition for a large table.During the process I have used the below command for compress---


However I found there are different command as below:-


What is the basic difference between these two as the compression is happening for both command.

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Server Administration :: Difference Between ORACLE_HOME And ORACLE_BASE?

Oct 3, 2011

what is


difference between ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE

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Server Administration :: Difference Between Table_owner And Schema?

Sep 14, 2011

a table can have many schema or just 1 schema which is the table owner?

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Server Administration :: Difference Between LRM And Oracle Error

Jun 26, 2011


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Server Administration :: Difference Between Bytes And User_bytes In Dba_data_files

Nov 27, 2012

two columns of dba_data_files (Bytes & user_bytes).

select bytes/1024/1024, maxbytes/1024/1024, user_bytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files;

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Server Administration :: Difference Between A User And Schema On Oracle?

Apr 26, 2010

difference between a user and schema on Oracle.By difference, I do not mean what is a user and what is a schema.

I understand that if we create a user, the schema gets created by default for that user. Does that mean that we cannot create a user/schema alone.

What if I just want to create a user and grant him some read access on an existing schema or just want to create a schema.

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Server Administration :: Difference In SQL Results From Oracle 9i To 11gR2?

Jan 2, 2011

I've migrated from Oracle 9i to Oracle 11gR2, when i'm checking my application on Oracle 11gR2, i found that some of the query result are differed from the previous version of Oracle 9i, which is very illogical to me. I've checked the data for all related tables which are involved in one of the query. I've checked all indexes also. Still i'm not convinced that Oracle is doing anything wrong. I cannot recreate the whole scenario here, because of many tables involved in that query.

One of the sample query code.

select 'ProductMaster' producttype,e.schemecd,e.SCHEMESHORTDESC as SCHEMEDESC,to_char(e.schemefrdate,'dd/MM/yyyy')as schemefrdate, to_char(e.schemetodate,'dd/MM/yyyy') as schemetodate,e.mkid ,e.countrycd,e.statecd,e.districtcd,f.schemetype, a.productcd,a.packsizecd,a.packtypecd,a.sortorder1, a.countrycd,a.statecd,a.districtcd,a.p_uniqueid,a.mrp, (a.productcd ||'-'||b.countryname||'-'||c.statename||'-'||d.districtname|| ' -pkt.prc:'||a.pktprice ||' -mrp:'||a.mrp) as pcode
from wb.wbproductdetails a


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Server Administration :: Find Out Difference Of Data For Some Tables Between Current And Previous Day

May 26, 2011

We want to find out difference of data for some tables between current day & previous day. We can use query with minus operation but it will take lot of time since table size is in range from 200 to 500 GB. We have to do this exercise every day.

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Refresh Materialized Views Based On Remote Views?

Aug 4, 2011

I have a created a materialized view which is based on a view on remote database. Now how do I refresh the view.

Materialized view is created by


I am wondering how the refersh happens or how do I specify the refresh clause.REFRESH FAST option is looking for VIEW LOG on the master table but in this case its a remote view, so I cannot create any object on remote db.

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PL/SQL :: Get List Of Materialized Views / Views Using Column Of Table

Oct 17, 2013

I am removing sal column from table tab_emp; i want to check whether any materialized view or view using this column by  querying using data dictionary :- if i use like condition against query column of all_mviews it is throwing error sicne it is long data type. is there a way to search it without creating any function and use it in a query.

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Server Utilities :: Views Linked To External Tables

Mar 28, 2011

i just posted another topic where i heard about external table and i had a few questions concerning them. I thought it was best to create a new topic than to continue on the other one...

I noticed that to create an external table the CTL is like this:
CREATE TABLE emp_load (FIELDS description)


1) This creates an external table, but, is it possible to Create a normal table in a CTL file? For physical tables, the table has to exist right?

2) if you create a view linked to 2 external tables and if the CSV files are updated each day, the external tables will be updated automatically, and the view will be updated as well?

3) Can't there be any synchronisation problems?

4) What happens if a select request (or someone requests on the view) while the CSV file is being updated?

5) Is there anyway you can protect the accesses from those tables/views when the CSVs are being updated?

6) Is it possible to create an index on these sort of tables?

7) Is it possible to index a view?

8) Are external tables visible on a tool like sql developper?

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Convert Some Existing Materialized Views (fast Refresh) To Partition Materialized Views

Jul 7, 2010

I have to convert some existing materialized views (fast refresh) to partition materialized views.

Database version is oracle I have decided to use on prebuilt table option to do the partitioning as it minimizes the time to transfer from the master site.

1) stop replication
1) create interim tables with similar structure as the materialized views
2) transfer all data from the materialized views to the interim tables
4) script out the materialized views structure and add in on prebuilt table option in the scripts
5) drop the materialized views
6) rename the interim tables with the same name as the materialized views
7) run the scripts to create the materialized views with on prebuilt table option
8) refresh the newly created materialized views -> it should take a short time since I am using on prebuilt table option

But I am facing one major issue. That is if I drop the materialized views, the materialized view logs of the master tables are purged. When the materialized views are refreshed fast, there are some data missing. the data that are purged out when the materialized view are dropped.

Do you happen to know other ways that existing materialized views can be converted to partitioned materialized views? Do you have any workaround to prevent the materialized view logs from being purged?

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Server Utilities :: Export Procedure Views Function And Packages In Database

Sep 29, 2010

How to export the procedure,views,function and packages in a database, by using Export commmand.

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Server Utilities :: Difference In Character Sets Of Server And Client?

Mar 16, 2011

I've a question regarding difference of character sets, while taking a export(logical backup) of database on directly to server(linux RHEL 2.1 AS) and export on a client (windows xp prof machine, where only a oracle 9i client is installed). On server it seems to fine and okay, but on client node i'm getting following error for almost all tables.

EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.

My question is :

[1] Is it creating any sort of problem, if later on i import the data which was taken from client node.

[2] Why there is a difference(marginal) in dump(.dmp) file size.

[3] Is there any way to overcome it, or it is the natural behave of it. Means not a problem.

[4] If i'm using a long or blob as datatype for some of my table,is they have any problem if i persist like above.

Additional Information about character sets On server node :

Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

On client node :

Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set server uses US7ASCII character set (possible charset conversion)

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Server Utilities :: Difference In Size Of Exports

May 7, 2011

Recently i've migrated from Oracle 9i SE( to Oracle 11gR2 EE( Previously i'm taking export of some of my schema and it's file size was around 1g.(with exp utility of Oracle 9i). As per earlier practice now i'm taking export of same schema with same no of objects and same data volume, the size of export file size on Oracle 11gR2 database is significantly gone down , actual size around 825mb(with expdp utility of Oracle 11g).

So i would like to know why there is a difference in file size(.dmp files) of export files between two oracle versions. I have crosschecked objects and rows of data tables. It is perfectly same.

Command line parameter for export on Oracle 9i

exp test/test FILE=test.dmp OWNER=test GRANTS=y ROWS=y COMPRESS=y LOG=test.log

Command line parameter for export on Oracle 11g

expdp test/test DIRECTORY=dpump_dir DUMPFILE=test.dmp LOGFILE

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Difference Between Oracle Database Server And Client?

Jul 22, 2011

Currently I am doing one Oracle installation.But very much confused where to start from. Since I am installing oracle on my personaly Laptop,do I need to install Oracle database server and Oracle client both or only installing database server is sufficient.

What is the exact difference between oracle database server and client.Only knowledge I have is that client is used to access database server remotely.are Oracle database server and client installable to be downloaded separately?

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Server Utilities :: Difference Between Sqlloader And External Tables?

Feb 9, 2011

I would like to know which of the above is faster for the same conditions.

i.e. If I am loading 1 million rows for the same conditions which will perform faster?

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PL/SQL :: Calculate Difference By Which Day Count Of Difference Is Going?

Oct 17, 2012

Detail table will look like below:

Product_id issue_date action_date Force_date
1 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 10/10/2012
2 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 10/10/2012
3 10/10/2012 13/10/2012 15/10/2012

Need the data like

Issue_date count_action_date count_Force_date (diff(action_date,force_date) 1 2 3 4 5 6(days since over)

10/10/2012 3 4 1 4 2 1 0 0

How to get the data like this? automatically how to get 123.... and how to calculate the difference by which day the count of difference is going?

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Server Administration :: Create Tablespace For Administration

Nov 29, 2010

i'm a student currently learning database administration security.

I need to create a tablespace for administration of database but i don't know what datafile settings are best suited for admin usage.

I have attached the schema that was given to me for this assignment.

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Server Administration :: Monitoring Script Required For Oracle On Windows 2000 Server

Apr 8, 2010

My manager is asking to create a SQL scrip, which will provide following information.

Our database is on Windows 2000 Server

-How many records Insert / Update or Delete daily in my Oracle database?

- Check Archive log / Redo Log switching information?

-Check database growth ?

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Server Administration :: Installing Oracle Database On Windows 2003 Server 64bit?

Jan 11, 2011

i am trying to install Oracle on Windows Server 2003 standard x64 Edition Service Pack, but when i try to run the installer or open DVD it gives me below error.

"The image file D: is Valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine."

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Server Administration :: Restoring The Oracle Services In Windows 2008 Server

Jun 27, 2012

I was trying to delete the database in the test server. When i was deleting listener was already stopped, i continued deleting using dbca, it shown me some alert that datafiles cant be deleted because system could't find database, since listner was stopped so only service was deleted(the one showing in the windows administrator toolsservicesOracleServiceTEST).

All the datafile parameter files are still there. How can i delete the datafiles and parameter files belongs to that database or how to create the deleted service, so that i will start the listener and do the complete deleting of the database.

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Server Administration :: How To Migrate Database From Windows 2003 To 2008 Server

Oct 31, 2012

I have to migrate production database version 10gR2 on windows 2003 server to oracle 11gR2 on windows 2008 server . So far i have just installed the oracle software on 64bit windows 2008 server. How to move the data or migrate from old server to new server .

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Server Administration :: Server Installation Gets Abruptly Ended For Client Get TNS Errors

Jan 11, 2011

after a long time,(i never remember when was the last time i installed 9i)i was asked to install 9i.So, whether i install server or cilent i get this error <attachment>

after i ignore it and finished the installation,The server installation gets abruptly ended for the client i get TNS errors.

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