Server Administration :: Possible To Write Triggers On Data Dictionary Tables And Views
Sep 30, 2011
Is it possible to create trigger on the various tables and views exists (i.e. dynamic performance views) in data dictionary, when ever any DML operations performs by Oracle it self?
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Aug 20, 2010
I'm having a problem with grouping sets over dictionary views.
10g output:
SQL> select
2 -- 10g results
3 segment_name,
4 round(sum(bytes/1024/1024),2) mb
5 from dba_segments
ERROR at line 10: ORA-03001: unimplemented feature
Elapsed: 00:00:00.12
The query is fine over a non-dictionary table however (My actual code isnt against dual, but this makes it generic, the error is consistent)
11g output
SQL> select
2 -- 11g results
3 segment_name,
4 round(sum(bytes/1024/1024),2) mb
5 from dba_segments
ERROR at line 8: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
Different error and that syntax, as far as I can tell, is sound - error message be damned.
An example of a query working on both versions is
group by grouping sets ((employee_id),null)
Am I missing something? Does grouping sets not work over the dictionary views?
Edit: Added version tags over the code to make it easier to read
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Mar 28, 2011
i just posted another topic where i heard about external table and i had a few questions concerning them. I thought it was best to create a new topic than to continue on the other one...
I noticed that to create an external table the CTL is like this:
CREATE TABLE emp_load (FIELDS description)
1) This creates an external table, but, is it possible to Create a normal table in a CTL file? For physical tables, the table has to exist right?
2) if you create a view linked to 2 external tables and if the CSV files are updated each day, the external tables will be updated automatically, and the view will be updated as well?
3) Can't there be any synchronisation problems?
4) What happens if a select request (or someone requests on the view) while the CSV file is being updated?
5) Is there anyway you can protect the accesses from those tables/views when the CSVs are being updated?
6) Is it possible to create an index on these sort of tables?
7) Is it possible to index a view?
8) Are external tables visible on a tool like sql developper?
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Feb 7, 2013
I am getting unexpected issue while fetching records from dba_ts_quotas & DBA_USERS Views.
where username='DWHODS'
select tablespace_name, username, bytes / 1024 / 1024 "Used MB",
View dba_ts_quotas is giving tablespace name "USERS" where DBA_USERS showing default tablespace name "DWHODS_TBS_DATA".
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Feb 24, 2010
I am unable to understand why row level triggers cant be used in mutating tables.
If you need to update a mutating table, you could bypass these restrictions by using a temporary table, a PL/SQL table, or a package variable. For example, in place of a single AFTER row trigger that updates the original table, resulting in a mutating table error, you might use two triggers--an AFTER row trigger that updates a temporary table, and an AFTER statement trigger that updates the original table with the values from the temporary table.
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Aug 16, 2011
I have a table revenue
create table revenue
person varchar2(23),
month varchar2(3),
rev_amt number
and i have data in a file like below
Person Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dez
i want to load it into the table in the following way.
Person Month Revenue
Schnyder Jan 345
Schnyder Feb 223
Schnyder Mar 122
Schnyder Apr 345
Schnyder Mai 324
Schnyder Jun 244
Schnyder Jul 123
Schnyder Aug 123
Schnyder Sep 345
Schnyder Oct 121
Schnyder Nov 345
Schnyder Dez 197
........ ... ...
How to write control file to load this data into the above revenue table.
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Nov 1, 2011
Question 1) I have read the following statement in a PL/SQL book.
Quote:To check whether an existing procedure is compiled for native execution or not, you can query the following data dictionary views:
However, I when i query the view USER_PLSQL_OBJECTS I get the following error message:
Quote:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Question 2) I have read the PLSQL_WARNING can be set to DEFERRED at the system level. However, I am unable to defer it. tell me how to apply defer caluse to following statement:
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Oct 10, 2013
I'm having trouble with a little assignment.
"Create a view named vuPassFailRate that will show the pass rate and fail rates of each test."
I have a table named Test_ID containing the following columns:
And another table named Test_History containing the following columns:
I'm assuming i have to create an inline view, and to work out the pass/fail rates i need to do something along the lines of (For pass rate) Where SCORE is greater than or equal to PASSING_GRADE, and TEST_ID equals TEST_ID, divide by a count of SCORE and multiply by 100. I just cant work out the nested select statements, and work out the formula using two columns in two tables.
I have been staring at this problem for so long now i cant see the wood for the trees.
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Oct 5, 2012
Going through my first attempt ever to connect to a Oracle database with a .Net application. Using Visual Studio 2012, I have downloaded and installed the latest version of, actually both the 32 and 64bit versions.
Application is targeting the 4.5 Framework, Latest version of Entity Framework installed (but not important I think at this point) Added a reference in my project to the Oracle Data Provider ( tried with both 2.0 and 4.0 )
Created a connection string with EZ Connect, stored in web.config file. I have tried 2 different projects to use EF and one without. Trying to create a edmx or using a datasource adapter brings up the connection wizard or prompts to use the existing one, but no matter what I try, there are no tables, views or procedures listed.
From Server Explorer, I can open the Data Connections and verify that the connection to the Oracle database is Open. During the Connection Wizard, there were no errors, and all the databases available were listed. Yet, connecting to and opening the connection to this specific database or anyone for that matter no tables, views or procedures are listed.
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Oct 10, 2013
I'm having trouble with a little assignment. "Create a view named vuPassFailRate that will show the pass rate and fail rates of each test." I have a table named Test_ID containing the following columns:
And another table named Test_History containing the following columns:
I'm assuming i have to create an inline view, and to work out the pass/fail rates i need to do something along the lines of (For pass rate) Where SCORE is greater than or equal to PASSING_GRADE, and TEST_ID equals TEST_ID, divide by a count of SCORE and multiply by 100. I just cant work out the nested select statements, and work out the formula using two columns in two tables. I have been staring at this problem for so long now i cant see the wood for the trees.
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