List Only Date Columns In Data Dictionary / Views

Sep 6, 2012

Oracle version :

Some DBA_views are huge with lots of columns ; a DESC command's output becomes less readable ; example DESC command's output of V$SESSION view.

Lets say I want to see only the date columns in a DBA_view or V$view ; How can I do that in a DESC like output or similair ?

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Server Administration :: Possible To Write Triggers On Data Dictionary Tables And Views

Sep 30, 2011

Is it possible to create trigger on the various tables and views exists (i.e. dynamic performance views) in data dictionary, when ever any DML operations performs by Oracle it self?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Grouping Sets / Dictionary Views

Aug 20, 2010

I'm having a problem with grouping sets over dictionary views.

10g output:
SQL> select
2 -- 10g results
3 segment_name,
4 round(sum(bytes/1024/1024),2) mb
5 from dba_segments


ERROR at line 10: ORA-03001: unimplemented feature

Elapsed: 00:00:00.12

The query is fine over a non-dictionary table however (My actual code isnt against dual, but this makes it generic, the error is consistent)

11g output
SQL> select
2 -- 11g results
3 segment_name,
4 round(sum(bytes/1024/1024),2) mb
5 from dba_segments


ERROR at line 8: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier

Different error and that syntax, as far as I can tell, is sound - error message be damned.

An example of a query working on both versions is

group by grouping sets ((employee_id),null)

Am I missing something? Does grouping sets not work over the dictionary views?

Edit: Added version tags over the code to make it easier to read

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PL/SQL :: Get List Of Materialized Views / Views Using Column Of Table

Oct 17, 2013

I am removing sal column from table tab_emp; i want to check whether any materialized view or view using this column by  querying using data dictionary :- if i use like condition against query column of all_mviews it is throwing error sicne it is long data type. is there a way to search it without creating any function and use it in a query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query That Will Give List Of Views Using Three Tables?

Aug 16, 2011

I wanted a query that will give me the list of views using three tables

when i fire

select * from dba_views where text like '%SELECT%';

it is giving me error as expected number got long.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Dictionary View Not Available

Nov 1, 2011

Question 1) I have read the following statement in a PL/SQL book.

Quote:To check whether an existing procedure is compiled for native execution or not, you can query the following data dictionary views:


However, I when i query the view USER_PLSQL_OBJECTS I get the following error message:

Quote:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Question 2) I have read the PLSQL_WARNING can be set to DEFERRED at the system level. However, I am unable to defer it. tell me how to apply defer caluse to following statement:


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Modify Oracle Data Dictionary

Feb 6, 2011

can i modify oracle data dictionary

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DML Sentences Role In Data Dictionary?

May 21, 2012

Changing Data dictionary by DML Sentences (e.g Insert, Delete, Update,...), Will be possible? Or just by DDL Sentences?

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Data Dictionary - Find All References Of A Table?

Sep 14, 2011

I wanna to DROP a table called EMPLOYEES, but when I execute the DROP TABLE EMPLOYEES, I get a ERROR saying that I cant do it because this table do reference to another table(s).

I tried to use the DBA_CONS_COLUMNS and DBA_CONSTRAINTS data tables, but its not enough to find it.

How can I find these references?

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PL/SQL :: Data Dictionary To See Foreign And Primary Key Of Table

Feb 17, 2013

which data dictionary should i choose to see the foreign key and primary key of table

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Performance Tuning :: Data Dictionary Cache - Dc_objects

Jul 4, 2011

In order to improve the performance of our live server, I am trying to do an exhaustive comparison with our test environment which is quite quick in spite of the fact that we port the data from Live every month.

There are no obviously slow queries appearing in the the top SQLs of AWR, we have optimised such things already. Right now it is about general uplift rather than SQL based tuning.

I picked up random SQLs and I noticed a marked differences in the execution time. Typically they are 3 to 4 times and there are cases much more than that.

1. I observed that, while the explain plan of the queries are same, trace of the queries give a different picture. I have observed that the recursive calls, consistent gets and sorts(memory) are quite high on Live.
2. I have no solid reasons to say this but my instincts tell me that the recursive calls is the major contributing factor. It is sometimes 2000+ for an SQL.
3. On googling more on that, it finally made me compare the data dictionary on the AWR report of test and Live.

The dc_objects caught my eyes. In that 4 hour AWR, there were about 10 million get requests and the pct miss was ~10. For similar load, the test server had 5 million gets with 0.08 PCT miss for 4 hours.

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Sub Partition By List On Multiple Columns

May 16, 2011

Can i partition by list on multiple columns? i am trying the following code, and it is returning an error. Is there a way round this?


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass List Of Columns From Variable To Execute Immediate

Feb 24, 2012

I am trying to perform a dml operation(insert) to insert data into a table. I created a procedure in which a insert statement is generated. In another procedure I am trying to execute this auto generated statement using execute immediate. For that I created 2 variables . First one contain the insert statement and other one contain the list of columns. I m passing these strings to execute immediate like this

Execute Immediate(v_query) using(v_col_list)

after execution i m getting the following error

ORA-01008: not all variables bound
ORA-06512": at ' db_name.load_data' , line no 217

but when i tried it with list of column into using clause it is working like

Execute Immediate(v_query) using col1,col2,col3

I have more than 150 tables in the schema and i am creating a single procedure to load the data into base tables by using external tables. By passing the table name to procedure it generates the update and insert statements but i am getting error while executing the statements with dynamic sql.

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Server Administration :: Graphical Analysis Of Dynamic Performance Views (V$ Views)?

Nov 5, 2012

is there some open source or free tool which can graphical display V$ Views. Can TOAD do that in a good maner?

in UNIX there is the "sar" command, but a Java tool "ksar" for displaying the statistics in user friendly fashion.

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Refresh Materialized Views Based On Remote Views?

Aug 4, 2011

I have a created a materialized view which is based on a view on remote database. Now how do I refresh the view.

Materialized view is created by


I am wondering how the refersh happens or how do I specify the refresh clause.REFRESH FAST option is looking for VIEW LOG on the master table but in this case its a remote view, so I cannot create any object on remote db.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Is Missing In User_segments Data Dictionary Table

May 20, 2012

In my database I found some anomalies like

2 from user_segments

The countries table is missing in user_segments data dictionary view.But I can queries the countries using select statement.


-- ---------------------------------------- ----------
AR Argentina 2
AU Australia 3
BE Belgium 1
BR Brazil 2

why the country table is missing in user_segments data dictionary table.

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List Count Of Rows Where DATE Field Is Not Null?

Apr 1, 2010

I need to list a count of rows where a DATE field is not null and group those counts by day.

Here's my sql so far...

group by

Because DQ_DISTRBTN_DATE contains time, how do I modify to achieve the desired result?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Max Date Between Columns In A Row?

May 3, 2012

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

See attached file for creation script and data load.Each staff member is required to complete at least one task every three years. The source table contains an EID (aka User ID) and a date column for each task with a date of when the task was completed. If a task has never been started/completed the date value is "NULL".

If a row looks like this:


The the result set would look like this:


The result set will show the EID, date of latest task completed and if the task was completed within the last 3 years from given date (for example June 30, 2012).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sysdate Between Two Date Columns?

Feb 26, 2013

I need to fetch Data from a table X where current date(Sysdate) lies between the datecolumns Active_From and Active_To.

Active_From and Active_To are date columns.

Create table X(
ID number,
Active_From date,
Active_To date

Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-2,sysdate + 3);
Insert into X values (1, sysdate-3,sysdate +3);

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Creating Self-updating Views With Data Selection?

Aug 4, 2011

I've got a Source Data in complex relational formFor reporting purposes, a simpler, less normalized data model is neededThere are two Target views from the Source Data: one of them with full access to all datathe second one with access only to a subset of the data (same columns, but not all the records)For both target groups, a separate schema shall be available, each containing only relevant dataToday, these schemas are physically located on the same DB instance and host as the source dataA daily refresh is sufficientA later relocation of the reporting schemes to other DB instances shall be possible without major changes neededOracle 10g should be used I tried to accomplish this using Materialized Views (Materialized seems better since there will be sometime a need to have all the apropriate data somewhere else, geographically, AND it provides Complete Refresh from the Source), but there is a problem: when creating the MV there is a possibility to type 'SELECT *' - but after execution it changes into real columns names. It is important because later after adding a new column into Source Data it WILL NOT appear in MV after refresh.

I also thought about Data Guard, Streams and RAC, but I think only in the Materialized Views you may choose the data to show (rows, columns).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Locking Views (rows Of Data While Updating)

Nov 10, 2011

I have a set of rows based on a complex view from multiple table.

I will be updating some of its columns from front-end . Is there any possible ways to lock those rows of data while updating and no other users can update it;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invalid Results When Including Date With Null Value In Select List?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm working on a Oracle Database, and I'm gettin incorrect results when including a date field in the select list which is NULL in the table.

This works correctly and returns exactly one row:

SELECT firstField FROM table WHERE firstField = 'value'

while this doesn't and returns no rows:

SELECT firstField, secondField FROM table WHERE firstField = 'value'

Where secondField is of type date and its value is NULL (00-000-00). Note that the only thing that changes is the select list.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Comparison - Two Columns In Database

Jul 27, 2010

I have two columns in database


I want to compare both the columns because of format of columns i am getting problem to compare.

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8i - Read Data From Teradata Using Public Link And Views?

Aug 12, 2011

I am using oracle 8i and need to read data from teradata using public link and views.

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Replication :: MV Views To Snapshot Data Pros And Cons

Nov 4, 2012

I have 3 reporting tables with 2.2 million records each being rebuilt nightly. The data is used online 24/7 by users and thus, snapshot tables are being built from the refreshed reporting tables. The current method to do this:

delete from snapshot table;
insert into snapshot table (select * from report table);
<repeat for other 2 tables>

This seems to me to be resource intense on the system even though the table is defined with nologging option.

Is it better to create a MV (select only with refresh complete on demand)? The query is very simple without joins so it at first seems like overkill. However, I am also seeing that dbms_mview.refresh allows for an atomic option. Thus, if 1 of the 3 MVs fails during refresh all 3 rollback, which is a nice feature.

Are there better ways to replicate a snapshot table that I've missed? Is a delete and insert strategy a bad idea?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Max Date Using Selected Columns - Millions Of Records

Dec 16, 2011

I am having a requirement like below,

Scene 1:

If duplicate records found for SSN,BWE with SAME DATE_CREATED than take the record with HIGHEST DATE_MODIFIED.

Table Structure:
123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014
123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

Output needed:

123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014

Scene 2:

If duplicate records found for SSN,BWE with different DATE_CREATED than take the record with HIGHEST DATE_CREATED.

Table Structure:

123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014
123 01-JAN-2008 04-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

Output needed:

123 01-JAN-2008 04-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

How to achieve this requirement. My source data has 25 million of records like this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Format - Do (ORDER BY) By Concatenating Two Columns?

Jun 26, 2013

I want to do 'ORDER BY' by concatenating the two columns(date +varchar2).But not working and geting the error - ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required

SQL> create table dat2 (
mod_date date,
am_pm varchar2 (10) ) ; 2 3

Table created.
TO_Date( '06/05/2003 12:00:00 AM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), '7:25AM'); 2

1 row created.


ERROR at line 2:
ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required

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Separate Date Format For Specific Columns In A Database

May 25, 2011

As we know that date datatype can store both date part and time part. If I specify the Date format for my database as 'DD-MM-YYYY HH@$:MI:SS' can i ensure i anyways for a particular columns in the database containing date values the format is 'DD-MM-YYYY' i.e without the time part.Can we specify seperate date formats for specific columsn in database during table creation?

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Convert Some Existing Materialized Views (fast Refresh) To Partition Materialized Views

Jul 7, 2010

I have to convert some existing materialized views (fast refresh) to partition materialized views.

Database version is oracle I have decided to use on prebuilt table option to do the partitioning as it minimizes the time to transfer from the master site.

1) stop replication
1) create interim tables with similar structure as the materialized views
2) transfer all data from the materialized views to the interim tables
4) script out the materialized views structure and add in on prebuilt table option in the scripts
5) drop the materialized views
6) rename the interim tables with the same name as the materialized views
7) run the scripts to create the materialized views with on prebuilt table option
8) refresh the newly created materialized views -> it should take a short time since I am using on prebuilt table option

But I am facing one major issue. That is if I drop the materialized views, the materialized view logs of the master tables are purged. When the materialized views are refreshed fast, there are some data missing. the data that are purged out when the materialized view are dropped.

Do you happen to know other ways that existing materialized views can be converted to partitioned materialized views? Do you have any workaround to prevent the materialized view logs from being purged?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Required Data For Month To Date And Year To Date?

Apr 30, 2012

I want to get data for month to date. For example, If I pass today or any day date as parameter then i should get data for that month(month of passing date) up to passing(parameter) date. As well as i have to get year to date.For example, If I pass today or any day date as parameter then i should get data for that financial year(year of passing date) up to passing(parameter) date. how to get month to date and year to date data.

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